Hustlesmarter With Angie Garner | Motivation | Confidence | Leadership | Network Marketing | Health | Marriage | Money | Mlm



#HustleSmarter with Angie Garner is dedicated to teaching you the building blocks of a successful, significant, thriving network marketing organization. Join us twice per month for motivation and training to design your dream life and make a bigger impact with the power of residual income as you develop yourself as a leader.


  • 43: Set your day up to CRUSH IT with this Winning Morning Routine

    21/03/2017 Duración: 21min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:   “The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you can change ANYTHING in your life.”   My mornings are sacred!!    The most successful people I’ve met have a morning routine to start their day with positivity, peace, and excitement for what’s ahead.    On this episode, I share with you my 5-step winning routine for an awesome morning resulting in an EPIC day. Every day ☺    Book mentioned in this show: “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod.   

  • 42: The TRUTH about working from home (and how to do it successfully)

    14/03/2017 Duración: 26min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:    “$1,000,000 in the bank isn't the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.”   Some people love it, some people say they “would never get any work done”.    I’ve never had a 9-5 job in my life. The only office I’ve ever had to go to was the gym and the commute was never longer than 10 minutes. Most of the time I walked. And I very much prefer it this way.    I love calling the shots in my life and my guess is- you do too. On this episode, I break down my routine for major success working from home and how I design my day!   

  • 41: Uncover your Purpose with these Five Questions

    07/03/2017 Duración: 24min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:     “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”   Is purpose a word that leaves you a bit…daunted?    In this episode I walk you through a few questions I asked myself when I was at rock bottom financially, emotionally, physically. I was so disconnected from my purpose and I wasn’t waking up excited for life. Becoming self-aware and pinpointing what truly brings me joy and allows me to make a difference was a game changer!    The book I mention in this show is “Undaunted” by Christine Caine.    Here is a link to LADIES NIGHT happening on March 9th, 2017 in Bellevue, WA:    …It is going to be an incredible, inspirational evening diving into YOUR goals and dreams.    See you champions, there!!   

  • 40: 8 qualities of a GREAT leader

    21/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:    “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”    I have had the privilege to walk in the step of some of the greatest leaders of our generation. I know great leaders in every DISC category. I know extrovert leaders and introvert leaders.    Leadership is not a personality type! It is a calling, and those who step into it, leave a ripple effect.    Join me on this episode as I cover 8 qualities of a GREAT leader. These are all skills that are learned!! Your dreams are available to you.       Make sure to JOIN ME for more free training in the #HustleSmarter Facebook group:  

  • 39: You can do hard things

    14/02/2017 Duración: 18min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:  perish.”   “Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”   To Hustle Smarter towards your dreams and goals- you must stop running from hard things. You can do hard things.    Common ways we try to detour from hard things: quitting, distracting ourselves, “checking out”…   This episode is going to encourage you to commit to the process. Stay the course and go THROUGH the hard things…embrace the growth!    Simply put: champions develop a habit of doing the things losers don’t like to do. Don’t miss this episode for encouragement to stay focused and push through!   

  • 38: 3 Major Ways Successful People Think Differently

    07/02/2017 Duración: 15min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:     “Ignore all the things you could do- in order to do what you SHOULD do.”   Successful people think differently. They have a sense of responsibility and urgency to live out their purpose and make an impact.    Here’s the cool part: ANYone can think this way! Thinking for success does not discriminate- it doesn’t matter how you were raised, your religious background, your skin color, you gender, etc. Each and every one of us can change the way we think in order to create the life we want.    Your thinking is a by-product of who you surround yourself with, what you read, what you watch, who you listen to. Guard your heart. Guard your thinking.  Today I give you 3 very specific ways successful people think. How does your current thinking compare…?    

  • 37: Retire by 30: Design a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From

    31/01/2017 Duración: 30min

    Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:  perish.”   “You don’t need time to retire—you need money!”    Have you ever calculated how much money it would take to actually retire?    What would you do with your time if you never had to worry about how much money was in the bank?    Do you love what you do for a living- but with inflation and dismal social security numbers- may NEVER be able to retire at the rate you are going?    My goal is to not just help you get by- but to make as much money as you want so you can spend time with loved ones and contribute your resources and gifts to the world.    On this episode I cover 4 different avenues for wealth creation- all of which can be done as “side-hustles” in addition to your full-time job. Don’t miss this if you are ready to start building your dream life!    Make sure to JOIN ME for more free training in the #HustleSmarter Facebook group:  

  • 36: Ready To Fly SONG

    20/12/2016 Duración: 03min

    A handful of you have been asking me, “Where can I get the full version of your intro song?!”    “Ready to Fly” was written and performed by Jamesy and I- and produced by my older brother, Shawn Lewis.    You can listen to the full song here- my Christmas give to you!    …I hope it pumps you up, inspires you to move, and puts cheerfulness in your heart!    JOIN ME for transformation in 2017 >>>

  • 35: 9 habits of the super fit

    13/12/2016 Duración: 30min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t make one.”    I was a personal trainer for 10 years. I’ve competed in fitness & figure competitions. I’ve ran half marathons, a marathon, and completed a triathlon…I’ve spent A LOT of time around super fit people and I’ve always been a sponge, listening to what works for them.    Honestly, getting lean is simpler than you think. Not easy- but simple. And on today’s show, I spill all the goods on what you need to know about taking your fitness to the next level by making choices in line with what the elite do and what science has confirmed.     Here are a few topics I cover:  -When, how much, and what to eat for maximum energy and fat loss  -Who is an ideal candidate for supplementing their nutrition   -What workouts offer the best results for the least amount of time  -What time of day is best for working out  -Your very next steps for laying your fitness foundation    I also explain

  • 34: My method for setting and achieving BIG goals

    06/12/2016 Duración: 25min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:  “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”   My Decembers look different than a lot of people…    I don’t get super stressed. I don’t over commit. I get GROUNDED in my goals for the year ahead. ...IT’S MY FAVORITE!!!    I know goal setting can be intimidating…even scary, at times. In this episode, I share with you EXACTLY what I do every year to prepare for increase. I give you four super clear ways to map out your vision and match it with focus and intention.    This is a MUST LISTEN for anyone ready to make 2017 the most fruitful, impactful year of your life!    LINKS mentioned in the episode:    The Lean Life Webinar:    Core Values -  

  • 33: 4 areas vital to success in network marketing

    29/11/2016 Duración: 22min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Success is... knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.”    People often mistakenly think the highest income earners in the company achieved that position because they either  a) Got in on “ground floor”, or  b) Are super-human salespeople   That’s cute ☺    The reality is, the top income earners are willing to work harder on themselves than anything else. They have massive courage, boldness and vision. They are overcomers. The feel called. And they acknowledge and are always working to improve in the four areas I cover on today’s show.   Purpose   Action   Attitude    Influence >> More on influence HERE:   Want more guidance on building your side-hustle? Be sure to sign up to be first in line when my #HustleSmarter Bootcamp opens doors for registration!  

  • 32: The 16 biggest mistakes rookie distributors make

    22/11/2016 Duración: 37min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “An entrepreneur isn’t someone who starts a business- it’s someone who makes things happen.”    Network marketing is not easy. But it is far simpler- and usually faster- as a vehicle for financial freedom…especially if you identify quickly what habits and actions (or inactions!) could be holding you back!    After five years of building a direct selling organization, there are certain things I see over and over again that keep people from success- particularly in the first stages of their business.   1. Not understanding that YOU are the brand.  2. Talking too much.  3. Talking too little.  4. Doing primary communication over text or email.  5. Not staying in communication with your sponsor.  6. Relying on your sponsor for every single decision.  7. Trying to do the business without investing into the product.  8. Taking conferences/events lightly.  9. Not working from a list.  10. Not focusing on income-producing activit

  • 31: 3 things to look for when choosing a network marketing company

    15/11/2016 Duración: 24min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Choose to be among the world class few, rather than the mediocre many.”   There are hundreds of credible companies to align with in network marketing- how do you know which one is right for you?    First off, please understand that trying to build multiple organizations in separate companies is an automatic recipe for failure…the secret to massive success is massive focus!    And, the last thing you want to do is put in years of effort with a company that isn’t a good match, and then jump ship to another company. This is a tough situation to recover from with your network.    On today’s episode I get detailed on the three major areas that need to be looked at in addition to the track record and core values of the company:    Products/services  Compensation plan  The heart of the people   Need personal help deciding on the right opportunity? Sign up for a free Vision Call with me:

  • 30: Is network marketing right for you?

    08/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “To achieve the exceptional you have to ignore the popular.”   I always tell people the two best decisions I’ve ever made in my life were marrying sweet Jamesy- and saying yes to AdvoCare.    The direct selling industry (also called network marketing / multi-level marketing) gives you the opportunity to earn great money and become your truest, best self in the process. I’m committed to teaching people how to take responsibility for their lives, their dreams, their relationships and their finances…so this business model fit perfectly with the mission statement for my life.    But what about you? Are you open to the idea of what this type of side-hustle could do for you, your family, your legacy?    On this episode of The American DayDream I specifically cover the pros and cons of network marketing and who it is ideal for. Be sure to stay tuned this entire month by signing up at as I will be d

  • 29 How to be Debt Free By Age 30

    25/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    How to be debt free by age 30   “Live like none else so later you can live- and give- like none else.”    I’ve paid off huge loads of debt twice in my life: once on my own- majority was business debt but also some leftover from college. The second time was with my husband- as a team.    James and I are both self-employed and have been for the majority of our adult lives. When we kicked off our marriage, neither of us had credit card debt, business debt, or education debt. But neither of us had a strategic plan in place for our taxes, either.    From April 2013-April 2015 we were constantly trying to play catch-up. In addition to getting ahead and proactively saving 30-40% of our income for future taxes, we had an extra $55,000 of back taxes from 2008-2010 from real estate.    If we didn’t set an intention to crush this debt, we would have continued to throw money at interest for many, many more years.   We got intentional. We got focused. Two years after we said “I Do” we had not only paid off that $55k, we g

  • 28 You don’t need time to retire, you need money (+ 3 ideas for additional income streams)

    18/10/2016 Duración: 30min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    You may be one of the rare few born into wealth, found yourself a sugar daddy/mama, or bought Apple stock in the 90s. But if you AREN’T- and you love the idea of living a freedom-based lifestyle earlier than 72 years old- you’ve gotta listen to my message today.    You see, through the school system and the generations before us, we have been taught to follow a predictable pathway for success: get straight As in high school and be the varsity captain, go to a good college and get a respectable career, get married and have babies, go back to school to get a raise and more letters after your name, cross fingers and hope to retire by age 65.    This just never sounded appealing to me. I dreamed of waking up to the birds, not to an alarm clock. I dreamed of never having to check the bank account before making a decision. I dreamed of working 20 hours/week and earning 7 figures.    I knew the traditional route would never get

  • 27 My Formula for Writing a Budget that Works

    11/10/2016 Duración: 24min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “To whom much is given, much is required.”    I never wrote a budget when I was single. Not that I shouldn’t have- it’s just that it was a whole lot simpler when it was just myself making decisions...    I lived in the city, drove a new mini, didn’t blow too much money on weekend trips, fancy dinners or booze. I would pay my regular bills and throw everything extra at debt. And I was able to pay off $40,000 of debt in 9 months with the help of my side hustle.    Things get more complicated with marriage. You merge incomes, spending habits, priorities…    James and I have always been wide-open books with each other when talking about money. It took him a little longer to embrace the value of debt freedom, and it took me awhile to understand the incessant need to upgrade to first class- but beyond that, we’ve always been quite on par with our thinking and long-term vision.    After being married for a year and making virtua

  • 26 How to fund a BIG dream (& how we are traveling the world!)

    04/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “A big dream is beyond your human capability to accomplish.”    When you tell people you are traveling the world their first thought is usually, “Wow. HOW are you doing that?!”    Putting your belongings in storage to go on extended travel is nothing novel…lots of people do it. My husband has dreamed of it for years and years- since he read “Vagabonding” and “The Four Hour Workweek”.    Me? Wasn’t a dire dream of mine but I DO dream of inspiring people to go after the tugs on their heart to be more, experience more, live more. And, hey, I don’t mind the incredible time with my hubs and I sure am getting used to this #laptoplifestyle.    I knew we needed a plan to make it happen. I wanted to see my Jamesy’s big dream come alive.    And I also knew…we aren’t the backpacking, hostel-saying type. I wish I was more down to earth but…just not happening.    So, I started mapping it out. Here is what it looked like:    1. Put lif

  • 25 How to Grow Your GODfidence with Guest Rachel Elizabeth

    27/09/2016 Duración: 43min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.”    My interview with long-time friend, Rachel Elizabeth, is the perfect way to wrap up our month of being Confidently YOU.    I have known Rachel nearly her entire 20s and watched her walk through the process to become the humble woman of God she is now. She is an absolute LIGHT everywhere she goes. She brims with confidence- and humility.    But it wasn’t always this way. She tried to do it all on her own for a long time. She tried to muscle-out her success by striving to achieve and be the best.    It wasn’t until she had a “wake up call” that she committed her life to growth…to walk with faith and boldness. She recognized that nothing and nobody would take her further than her Holy Counselor…God is limitless.    Take the time to listen to her beautiful message and journey as she shares how her definition of success has shifted and has allowed her

  • 24 Pride vs. Humility – How To Be Confident AND Humble

    21/09/2016 Duración: 11min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”     Humility comes when you are secure. It’s attractive. And makes people want to follow.    Pride comes when you are insecure. It’s obnoxious. And causes people to run.    We often misinterpret humility as sign of weakness when it is actually an indication of tremendous inner strength. So, how do you walk with both confidence and humility as an influencer?     Here are 5 ways to increase humility:    1. Help out someone else or do something good. Without having to brag about your good deeds to the world.    2. Reflect inward. Get in tune with your strengths and weaknesses.    3. Seek feedback. Be coachable. Be open about something your life you are ashamed of or want growth in.    4. Discover awe. Take notice of and express gratitude for the world’s beauty and wonder. You’ll realize…you aren’t the center of the universe! I know, shocking ;)  But

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