Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn



Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn.... Politics, Culture and Controversy from Colorado and Beyond


  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - May 12, 2024 - HR 1

    13/05/2024 Duración: 38min

    Opening Monologues. Massive Trump Rally in New Jersey brings 100,000 attendees. Wow MAGA on the move. Vibe shift, Democrat distress. Doctors say they found a "dead worm" in RFK's brain some years ago. RFK states he favors extreme full-term abortion, describes his meeting with Deep State Pompeo. Decoding the RFK OP. Meanwhile, Chris Cuomo now says he takes a daily dose of Ivermectin, after spending years shaming the "dewormer" on CNN. What gives? Trust in media continues to plunge. Animality and the strange fate of humanism. Plus, host still searching for the Northern Lights. Happy Mother's Day. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - May 05, 2024 - HR 2

    06/05/2024 Duración: 38min

    Jordan Peterson Comes to Colorado. Host reviews the sold out event, a truly spectacular evening. We Who Wrestle With God. Describing Peterson’s indispensable advice for navigating the sufferings of the world. Reconnecting with the deep wisdom of the Western Tradition. A hunger for the truth. Meanwhile, latest updates on Trump’s perfect campaign. Massive rallies in Michigan and Wisconsin, pizza deliveries to the New York Fire Department. One NY firefighter asks Trump to “please save us.” Notes on the increasingly unrecognizable London and Paris. Open Borders and bad news Bidenomics. MAGA as a world peace movement. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - May 05, 2024 - HR 1

    06/05/2024 Duración: 39min

    Opening Monologues. Trump opens stunning double-digit leads over Biden. Sweet new Rasmussen Poll. Thus far, the RFK OP draining more from Biden than from Trump. Whoops. The Kristi Noem event gets canceled in Colorado, which is fine with us. Did Noem even read her own book? The dog and the goat. Hollywood types Robert DeNiro & Mark Hamill pitch their cliches on behalf of Joe Biden, but only end up looking uncool. The Force is no longer with Luke Skywalker. Drew Barrymore sends heartwarming hugs to VP "Mamala." With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - May 5, 2024 - HR 3

    06/05/2024 Duración: 39min

    Elites Preparing For Exile. Gallows humor and talk of escape. NYT reports DC dinner parties have become glum forums for discussing getaways to other countries upon Trump’s return. They see the writing on the wall. Enjoying the fruits of guilty conscience? Meanwhile, explaining the comedic “victim psychology” ploy of MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace. Nice try. The perils of resentment. CNN begins to notice the “gag order” might seem a little unfair to Trump. Observing Biden’s special power of draining any last vestiges of “cool” from sundry celebrity endorsers. Noem and the Goat. Trump and the Last Battle. Plus, NYC courtroom artist Christine Cornell gushes over Trump as the “blonde Elvis” and a “good looking guy” on MSNBC. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 28, 2024 - HR 3

    29/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    The Armor of God. Sampling Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Western Elites who despise the peoples of the West. We need to win. Describing the Deep State's diabolical master plan on the presidential "immunity" case now before SCOTUS. The ultimate destruction of democracy. Checking 25 ways they're trying to destroy America. Meanwhile, per Gallup, solid majorities view Trump's presidency as "successful," while viewing Biden's as a "failure." CNN moans about Biden's bad polls. Reviewing the low growth and high inflation of Bidenomics. Stagflation. Flashback to Milton Friedman debating Phil Donahue on Communism in 1979. Reprising the NY construction worker's pointed message for Biden. No Ukraine flags at NYC construction sites. Stalinist show trials. Entertaining the suggestion of a "man sized baby stroller" for the basement dweller. Ephesians 6. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 28, 2024 - HR 2

    29/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    Jerry Seinfeld says the "extreme Left" has killed comedy in America. No laughing allowed in the Leftist Gulag. We explain why nothing is funny for authoritarian fanatics. Too bad, for them! Meanwhile, experts say the daily "shower" has become a "performative" ritual which has no actual health benefits. What? Host describes his sundry performances in the shower, with bootleg recordings of mostly Italian Opera. Tutorials on personal hygiene. Notes on the "cold shower" concept of Wim Hof. Plus, sampling 25 of the ways they're trying to destroy America. Additional Kristi Noem and her dogs. Reprise of the NY construction worker's clear message for Joe Biden. Ouch! Leo Strauss on "Persecution and the Art of Writing." Debating competing versions of "Jumpin' Jack Flash." With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 28, 2024 - HR 1

    29/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Opening Monologues. Trump soars to biggest leads yet over Biden. MAGA rising. Exploring the intellectual indefensibility of being a Democrat these days. Open borders, bad economy, wars all over the world and that loser "Lawfare" strategy. Feeble Biden now has "walkers" to help him get around. Wouldn't gurneys be better? Meanwhile, a Manhattan construction worker has a strong message for Biden. Trump greeted with spontaneous "USA USA" chants at a NYC construction site. Trump Rally soon at Madison Square Garden? New York in play. Saving America. Fusion Ken Dilanian of NBC has a heckler. Kristi Noem and her dogs. Plus, talking Glenn Frey and memories of back when Colorado was cool. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 21, 2024 - HR 3

    22/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    The Controlling Entity. What organizes, spreads and sustains the lies? Larry Sanger on IC corruption of Wikipedia. Chris Rufo explains the situation at NPR under crazy new CEO Katherine Maher. The fate of Uri Berliner. A bit too easy to connect the dots. Let us embrace discomfort. Meanwhile, talking Spiritual Warfare. Why the Communists never stop. Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky on the perils of faith without God. Nothing is not permitted. What fills an empty soul? Demonic energy derived as defense against Nihilism. Sartre and Leftist sterility. Plus, notes on our doomed and preposterous Ukraine misadventure. Amusingly, the Biden cannibalism story keeps on going. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 21, 2024 - HR 2

    22/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing. Our political discourse only wastes our time, when the Deep State is not understood. Tucker Carlson explains the Deep State Coup against Nixon. America now has the ears to hear, making more sense all the time. Amplification from New Ryun and Darren Beattie. Contemplating what Trump has been able to withstand, while only growing more popular along the way. Mollie Hemingway on the great RINO disconnect. Compromised GOP Leaders have suddenly stopped pretending to care about GOP Voters. Helpful to get closer to reality. Explaining global elite fear and hatred of free speech. The damage caused by weak men. Joe Lonsdale observes: “Great men are called upon by history when they see dangerous times ahead; this is one of those times.” With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 21, 2024 - HR 1

    22/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Opening Monologues. At this point, what does our American Flag even mean anymore? After all these years of blatant America Last governance, to what extent does America even exist? House passes more billions for Ukraine, while waving Ukraine flags on the House floor. Uniparty declares Ukraine border infinitely more important than America’s wide open border. How did we get to such a point? We speculate. Fake weak Christian Speaker Johnson. Utterly unresponsive GOP leadership. Meanwhile, Biden finds no supporters at an impromptu gas station visit. Biden claims his “Uncle Bosie” was eaten by cannibals. Weird. MAGA is the only way. Carly Simon on who it was that was “so vain.” Brazilians thank Elon Musk for free speech. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 14, 2024 - HR 3

    15/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Trump’s Perfect Campaign. A perfect primary, and a perfect general so far. People are starting to notice. Newt Gingrich marvels over Trump’s intuitive connection with the American people. We review and applaud Trump’s direction and leadership on the “life” issue, in spite of sabotage from phonies Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham. Making sense of Uniparty manipulations herein. Sampling the massive Trump Rally in Schnecksville, PA. Plus, talking the career and films of Gene Hackman, recently spotted by the New York Post in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Greatest actor of his generation? Also, MSM continues to claim Putin wants Trump to win, even after Putin has already publicly endorsed Biden. What gives? Sen. J.D. Vance pushes back. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 14, 2024 - HR 2

    15/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    As WW3 beckons, host calls for global “Time Out” until November. Politely asking everyone on the world stage to settle down and be calm until the adults get back in charge in America. Meanwhile, talking the Secret Stuff. RINO Speaker Johnson folds on FISA. Sen. Rand Paul takes umbrage. Explaining how things work behind the curtain. The leverage of the unelected and the unaccountable — definitely not much of a “democracy.” Plus, describing the emergence of conservative “Dr. Phil.” A new book, a new show from Phillip McGraw, Ph.D. A welcome voice in the effort to save America? Notes on trail running, exercise and physical activity in odd spare moments. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 14, 2024 - HR 1

    15/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Opening Monologues. Why isn’t Biden polling in single-digits by now? We speculate on what’s keeping America’s Worst President barely afloat, as the disasters keep rolling in via Biden’s foreign and domestic policies. Meanwhile, WSJ reports Trump has more than doubled his polling support with black men. NYT polling shows Americans have a far more favorable view of the Donald Trump Presidency than they do Joe Biden’s. Has the MSM been overcome by the masses? Plus, Elon Musk stands up to draconian censorship in Brazil. Feels like summer. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 3

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Biden's Gag Orders. Leftist oppressors living for the thrill of censorship. Silencing the masses and gagging their political opponents. Donald Trump, however, says he intends to defy the gag order of Lawfare Judge Merchan, and thus "gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela." Let freedom ring! Meanwhile, Elon Musk battles government censors in Brazil. JK Rowling dares Scottish authorities to arrest her for "defiant" speech. Will Scotland become the new Azkaban? The struggling AP pens an essay against "anonymous" patriotic journalists on social media. But hey, hasn't MSM always loved to wield their "anonymous sources" against threats to their Narrative Control? We explain the trick. Plus, SOS Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO. Very bad idea. Atheist Richard Dawkins now sends his regrets to a dechristianized Britain. Major whoops on his life's work. Also, Trump earns billions from Truth Social, after having been banned from Twitter. Now richer than Soros. Some of the coolest karma ever. Sampling Trump talking

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 2

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Grooving the Vibe Shift. Sensing the ending of pretending. Millions awakening to the lies of Leftist leadership. The old weird fake narratives running on fumes. A refreshing revival of Reality. Our take on the joyous "Vibe Shift" essay by Santiago Pliego. The exhilaration of the walls crumbling down, per John Mellencamp. A return to greatness, courage and good conscience. Alan Watts on the psychology of tyranny. Meanwhile, reviewing the startling sacrifices Americans are having to make in the dismal Biden Economy. The Redfin survey. Talking Dr. Phil's intriguing new book. Notes on the "pasties" of the Upper Peninsula. Sampling some Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. Lonely Bull. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 1

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Opening Monologues. Rokken With Dokken. Trump smashes records with a $50.5 million fundraiser last night. More than doubling the paltry take of Biden, Obama, Clinton last week. America clearly ready for MAGA 2024. Meanwhile, speculating that Hunter Biden might be the real puppeteer. Wouldn't things make more sense that way? Talking the RINO politics of Nebraska. Mild earthquake hits New Jersey, epicenter Trump National Golf Club. Ronna Romney denied entry into the Cult of NBC News. Relatedly, Senator Tuberville says "The Democrats are a Satanic cult." Interesting! Plus, host describes the major weekend windstorm in Colorado. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 3

    25/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    The Luckiest Man In Politics. Bill Maher complains that Donald Trump “always lucks out on everything” in overcoming the evil schemes of the Left. Although, some might call it “favor.” As Leftist despair grows, The New York Times has now decided “the Deep State is actually kind of awesome.” So hey it does exist after all? A rather pitiful NYT attempt at bolstering morale. The Ruling Class knows it has lost the people, but apparently it can still find solace in the unelected, unconstitutional Deep State. Meanwhile, adding the new phenomenon of “squatters” into the equation of Biden’s Wide Open Borders. Frank Luntz tells CNN that confiscating Trump’s properties will be a gigantic political backfire for Democrats. Will they try it anyways? Plus, host explains the savvy politics behind the VP trial balloons. Fluffing egos, unifying the GOP. Let us not worry. WEF Irish PM Leo Varadkar resigns. More dinner updates. Three Palm Sunday Baptisms. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy informat

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 2

    25/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Trump Cool, Biden Uncool. Legacy Media losing control of cultural politics, their old tactics of ‘shaming’ no longer effective. More platinum-selling rappers publicly endorsing Donald Trump, without fear. Meanwhile, nobody in America seems to think there’s anything “cool” about Joe Biden. Byron York writes about an immense “enthusiasm gap” as already “wildly enthusiastic” Trump support grows “more intense, more personal, more devoted.” In reference to the billions in profit earned from Truth Social, Bill Maher whines that Trump “always lucks out on everything.” Newt Gingrich describes the backfiring politics of “financial assassination.” Plus, reviewing a proposal that “journalists” should be subsidized by taxpayers, because journalists are obviously far ‘more special’ than taxpayers. With Great Listener Calls and their Dinner Updates.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 1

    25/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Galvanizing for Trump 2024. The motivating spirit never higher in the heartland, after four disastrous years under Biden. The power of the November Deadline to Save America. Watch this play. Meanwhile, as expected, GOP Majority dwindles further in the House with the sudden resignation of Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher. Just another Ken Buck? Host explains the Uniparty imperative to preserve their narratives unto November. If they need to install a Democrat Speaker to do so, so be it. Getting a little blatant here maybe? Corralling the sentiments of GOP Voters. Plus, RINO Ronna Romney McDaniel gains employment at NBC News. Just another saboteur. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 17, 2024 - HR 3

    18/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Thou Shalt Not Laugh. With predictable grimness, the Puritanical Left has decided President Trump’s remarkably gifted sense of humor is actually a form of authoritarianism. Real Stalin kind of stuff, we are told. Or so sayeth Michael Kruse, in Politico. So naturally we have a field day with this one. Leftist fanatics do not like being mocked, nor do they apparently find humor appropriate in the Gulags of their political discourse. Which is really too bad — for them. Synthetic lives, disfigured minds. Meanwhile, talking the Lara Trump takeover of the RNC. Good tidings, key pieces falling into place for 2024. Legacy media not accustomed to losing battles over The Narrative. Plus, notes on how traditional patriotism has become problematic in the Biden Era. How to look at our flags nowadays? Corned Beef and Cabbage. Vignettes on Teddy Roosevelt, chopping wood for real wood fires. RIP tributes to patriot Eric Carmen, former frontman for The Raspberries. With Great Listener Calls.See for pri

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