Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn



Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn.... Politics, Culture and Controversy from Colorado and Beyond


  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December, 16 2023 - HR 1

    17/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    Opening Monologues. Is the GOP Establishment more of a fundraising gimmick than an actual political party? Definite room for questions therein. Observing the "Trump Only" trend amongst GOP Voters. Trump polling dominance only expanding. Callers skeptical of new Speaker Mike Johnson, last seen caving renewing the 702 and hanging out with RINO Paul Ryan. Surveillance State. No caller love for Neocon Nikki Haley, now seeking Pence 2.0 status. Defeating the Deep State. Pandora's Boxes. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting for the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Randy Coproron - December 10, 2023 - HR 3

    14/12/2023 Duración: 41min

         The final hour of Backbone Radio with Randy Corporon sitting in includes great callers, a check-in from The Great American with a depressing story about how Denver Mayor Mike Johnston intends to damage a historic Denver neighborhood at taxpayer expense, and a courageous stance by Twitter (X) owner, Elon Musk.  Free speech may be needing a lifeline, but we have a shot!See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Randy Coproron - December 10, 2023 - HR 2

    14/12/2023 Duración: 41min

         Randy Corporon continues guest-host duties with more clear demonstrations of the idiocy and hypocrisy of Democrats in power, interesting news coming from the RNC about relinquishing control of the disastrous Republican primary debates, and a shout-out to the Great American burrito-maker, Eric from Denver. See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Randy Coproron - December 10, 2023 - HR 1

    14/12/2023 Duración: 41min

         Randy Corporon returns the favor for Dr. Matt Dunn, who has been filling in for Randy a ton over the last 6 months and takes over Sunday night with warnings about the new push coming for more COVID jabs, the hidden collaboration between Fauci and the CIA, and a sad but informative post-vax anecdote from a member of Backbone Country.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 3, 2023 - HR 3

    04/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    Elon Musk plants the flag for Free Speech. Heroic stand against Corporate Fascism. Blank You. Will it be enough? The Multinationals want your money, but also want you silenced. Describing modern forms of slavery. Meanwhile, pastors pray with Trump in Iowa. Big crowds. Excerpts. A great nation once again. Overcoming Tyranny. Blagojevich predicts black voters go MAGA 2024. Flashback to RFK slamming Rush Limbaugh. Host offers impressions of RFK, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne. Preludes to Elvis Presley's Monkey Business. Who ever heard of it? With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 3, 2023 - HR 2

    04/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    The Golden Rule. If Trump wins next year, should his retribution match or exceed the injustices he has endured? Victor Davis Hanson ponders whether President Trump should right the wrongs or turn the other cheek. The Stalinist Left suffering extreme anxiety that the folks they have so abused might soon step out of the Gulag. Describing the unique pangs of conscience they have brought upon themselves. Retribution and the Rule of Law. Meanwhile, Disloyal Paul Ryan turns hard on Disloyal DeSantis. The Never Back Down PAC for Single-Digits DeSantis blows up almost entirely. Host unable to watch DeNiro movies anymore. Doom Metal. Feeling positive in spite of it all. Celebrating the birthday of Ozzy Osbourne. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 03, 2023 - HR 1

    04/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Crunch Time for the Ruling Class. Frontrunner Trump presently on track for easy MAGA victory 2024. We speculate on what egregious stunts the Deep State might soon pull to disrupt the status quo. Let us be prepared, and let us overcome whatever sundry obstacles the fringes may manufacture. We recall last time it was crunch time, there came a virus. Coffee and Green Tea. Echo, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 02, 2023 - HR 3

    04/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    We're from the government, and we're here to help. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona misappropriates Ronald Reagan. Whoops. Elon Musk fights for free speech, says NO to Corporate Fascism. Blank You. Kudos. RIP Henry Kissinger, talking Metternich and the balance of power. Never Nikki. Yet another pratfall in the efforts to get Trump off a state ballot. Tough times for the "our democracy" crowd. Explaining bad news Bidenomics. Celebrating Bruce Lee's birthday. Be like water, my friend. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 02, 2023 - HR 2

    04/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    Trump Dominates. RINO Extremism, MAGA Centrism. Tucker Carlson says he became an active Trump supporter after the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago. The only proper response. No USA Gulag. Disloyal Paul Ryan turns on Disloyal DeSantis. Rod Blagojevich predicts black voters will go big for Trump in 2024. Barbershop updates. Disgraced former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatens Rep. Matt Gaetz. Mean RFK bashes Rush Limbaugh. Ukraine catastrophe kaput, no more flags. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 02, 2023 - HR 1

    04/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    Opening Monologues. GOP Cannibalism. Exploring the Professional Republican culture of losing. Former Speaker McCarthy bags GOP Rep. George Santos. Good move? Majority dwindles. Meanwhile, Democrats Adam "Pencilneck" Schiff and Jamaal "Fire Alarm" Bowman keep on carrying on. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 26, 2023 - HR 3

    27/11/2023 Duración: 41min

    Panic and Projection. Sick MSM knows they're losing. Deep State Goldman uses eliminationist rhetoric against Trump. Morning Joe meltdowns. McCaskill & Mussolini. Doubling down on their MSM Nazism. Dangerous Leftist Rhetoric? WaPo wants better narratives on Bidenomics for the masses, pushing their loaded words over our direct realities. Propaganda tutorials, post-modern language manipulations. Dana White unloads on the "zeroes" that inhabit the media. Trump hero's welcome at the Palmetto Bowl. Napoleon by Alan Schom. Philosopher John Gray's "New Leviathans." With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 26, 2023 - HR 2

    27/11/2023 Duración: 45min

    Make An Example Of Them. Nervous elites make a move on UFC Conor McGregor in Ireland. Hobbesian realities. Morrissey's "National Front Disco." Javier Milei's literal chainsaw rally in Argentina. Mitt Romney shows his true Uniparty colors, praises Biden as "charming." Describing the "illusion of choice" between the political parties in America. DeSantis cash to endorser Bob Vander Plaats. Manipulating the evangelicals of Iowa. The strange fall of Ann Coulter. Unloved globalists can never show their true face, authenticity out of the question for them. Studying the big bold hair of nationalist political leaders Trump, Milei and Geert Wilders. Notice a pattern? Oscar Wilde: "It is only shallow people who don't judge by appearances." With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 26, 2023 - HR 1

    27/11/2023 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Ruling Class on the Ropes. Fear and Control. MAGA 2024 shaping up quite nicely. Trump polling better than ever before, gathers hero's welcome at the Palmetto Bowl in South Carolina. Ireland for the Irish. Leadership from UFC Conor McGregor in the aftermath of migrant stabbings in Dublin. Nationalist Geert Wilders winning big in the Netherlands. Javier Milei poised to Make Argentina Great Again. Vivek offers a flashback to Neocon Nikki Haley's pandering take on George Floyd. Vignettes on trail running in the Colorado snow. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 19, 2023 - HR 3

    20/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    Bad Person Propaganda. Checking the major echo-chambered MSM lies, from Russia to Ukraine to the Laptop to Covid to J6. Be on guard when the media tells you you're a "bad person" if you don't believe. It's how they preserve their own power. Meanwhile, Joe Rogan marvels at length over Trump's grand electric entrance at UFC Madison Square Garden. America First much cooler than Pencilneck Propaganda. Host offers perspective on Jenna Ellis, now back to being a Never Trumper. Flashback to RFK bashing talk radio. Suburban woman caller rips Ron DeSantis. Trump goes to the Texas border, shakes the hand of every member of the Border Patrol. Texas Gov. Abbott endorses Trump. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 19, 2023 - HR 2

    20/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    The Potemkin Pillars of Establishment Power. Populist Javier Milei wins in Argentina. Good omen for 2024. Sampling the indispensable Julie Kelly on the new J6 reality. Sen. Mike Lee calls for a new and improved J6 commission. The dam is breaking on the official narrative, time to go on offense. Listen to those pillars buckling, creaking and groaning. Not easy for MSM to maintain their constructs. Talking Rep. Jamie Raskin, Neocon Nikki Haley and their "national security" canards. The oldest Deep State standby. Cowboy Junkies, Canada and Uruguay. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - November 19, 2023 - HR 1

    20/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    Opening Monologues. Cracking the Establishment. Exploring the new J6 reality. Gentle grandmothers respecting the velvet ropes. Speaker Johnson releases more footage, keeping his promises, burying McCarthy alive. Host thoughts on the unrest in Spain. Attempted socialist takeover? Additional notes on Brazil and Argentina. The tentacles of the Global Deep State. Newsom cleans San Francisco for the Chicoms. It's true, he says. Trump says Biden owned by China. Walls literally closing in on DeSantis. A political career gone wrong. Vignettes on Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders. Speculating on the best bass players in rock music. Tonga v. Togo. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - November 18, 2023 - HR 3

    20/11/2023 Duración: 43min

    MAGA growing stronger by the day. Tougher, more sophisticated. Joe Rogan blown away by the absolutely electric reception of Trump at UFC Madison Square Garden. Talking VP Tucker Carlson, made more likely by Gavin Newsom. Humble notes on host superior instincts. Let us count the ways. Describing political self-esteem. CNN moans over Trump staying on the Colorado ballot. Corporate fascists not big fans of free speech, make their coordinated move on Elon Musk. Dems ever more dependent upon censorship. Flashback to RFK Jr. bashing talk radio. Host offers perspective on Jenna Ellis, back to being a Never Trumper. Saying NO to the Gulag, channeling Solzhenitsyn, With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - November 18, 2023 - HR 2

    20/11/2023 Duración: 43min

    Double Secret Probation for Trump. We go full Animal House on the nervous, super-serious Ruling Class. Documenting the unhinged extremism of the Left, as compared to the sane centrist moderation of America First. No hands for Neocon Nikki, she who wants all your names on social media. The "national security" canard. Deep State control fantasies. Knocking RINO Ken Buck, unsurprising member of the Traitor Eight. Bannon calls for new J6 committee to investigate the old one. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - November 18, 2023 - HR 1

    20/11/2023 Duración: 43min

    Opening Monologues. MAGA Momentum. Exploring the new J6 reality. Speaker Johnson releases hidden footage. The dangerous sauntering of patriotic grandmothers. Official J6 narrative falling further apart. As expected, Trump stays on the ballot in Blue Colorado. A bridge too far for the Left even. Biden unsubtle praise for Newsom. Telegraphing 2024? Rep. Jamie Raskin claims bogus "security risk" for withholding J6 evidence. STP better than Pearl Jam. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - Novemeber 12, 2023 - HR 3

    13/11/2023 Duración: 41min

    Previewing Uniparty 2024 Strategies Against Trump. With zero self-awareness, Jennifer Psaki and WaPo worry about “revenge” and Trump targeting political opponents for prosecution. You mean like what Biden’s been doing to Trump all these years? NYT frets about “sweeping raids, giant camps, mass deportations.” Clearly, MSM set to double-down on the same old extremist propaganda, while also having to apologize for the self-evident Biden disaster. Very weak positioning. Mobilize the bureaucrats! Maybe even call it all off? Meanwhile, knocking the lamentable GOP Establishment for supporting the new FBI HQ. Forever rewarding Deep State spying, sabotage and corruption. Plus, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders endorses Trump. Excerpts from Trump Rallies in FL and NH. Iowa AG Brenna Bird spot on as ever. CNN talks to a Biden voter now working three jobs to survive, and quite unhappy with Biden. Also, new respect for French chef Julia Child upon discovering her admiration for In-N-Out Burger. Who knew? Foreigner, Zeppelin and

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