Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn



Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn.... Politics, Culture and Controversy from Colorado and Beyond


  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 28, 2024 - HR 3

    29/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    The Pretend Politics of Neocon Nikki Haley. Democrat donors, non-Republican voters while losing in New Hampshire. The same olde games. Liz Cheney throws her coveted support behind Nikki. Host criticism for Clay Travis, the two-time Obama voter now inhabiting the Rush Limbaugh time slot. Clay Travesty? An Oklahoma caller decries the open borders efforts of Sen. Lankford. Charles Payne on Biden’s hateful rhetoric against MAGA. Straw man propaganda. Reprise on Democrat delusion from Dean Phillips. Plus, sampling Greg Gutfeld’s response to the phenomenon of MSM downsizing. A distraught WaPo Taylor Lorenz. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 28, 2024 - HR 2

    29/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    Dean Phillips on Democrat Delusion. The sheer friendliness of MAGA. Snoop Dogg describes his “love and respect for Donald Trump.” Polls have Trump leading Biden with Hispanic voters. Something’s happening here. Drone strikes take the lives of three U.S. service members in Jordan. Reviewing the weak foreign policy of Joe Biden. Neocons already bristling for wider forever war. Meanwhile, host praise for the new movie The Boys In The Boat. Refreshing family fare regarding the 1936 Olympics, with a healthy dose of USA patriotism. Reviewing the facts about the E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit against Trump. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 28, 2024 - HR 1

    29/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    Opening Monologues. Destructive Godzilla Billionaires. Distortions of capitalism. America as one big psyop test tube being shaken by mad scientists. And why? Biden goes to SCOTUS to perpetuate Wide Open Borders. Texas Gov. Abbott takes belated action. Red State support for Texas. How does this one play? No trust for Amy Coney Barrett. In-N-Out Burger closes its first restaurant due to crime in Oakland. Harbinger of the end times? A Taylor Swift Super Bowl. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 21, 2024 - HR 3

    22/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Sympathy For The Delusional. Diagnosing our Era of Mass Delusion. Describing how we avoid the neuroses of our neurotic elites, utterly immune. The accidents of screen technology, concentrated billions and the power of censorship. Trump not merely a candidate, but the leader of movement to take power back from the Establishment. WEF elites “panic” over Trump inevitability. Mocking villain Klaus Schwab of Davos. Rebuilding Trust? Farmers v. Globalists. How Disney flops happen. J6 pipe bomb pillar collapsing, thanks to Darren Beattie. Dead Flowers. More on the Fani Willis disaster in Georgia. Large majorities want “deportation” for illegal aliens. Winner issue for Trump. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 21, 2024 - HR 2

    22/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Love In The Room. Let’s call it, the primary is over. GOP unifies around Trump. Now polling in the 70s after Iowa victory, the Trump Endorsements come rolling in by the droves. DeSantis, Vivek, Cruz, Rubio, et al. Meanwhile, New Hampshire looms. Trump double-digit NH leads over the “hologram” known as Neocon Nikki. But how many Dems will crossover? Country star John Rich slow to forgive DeSantis. Jason Meister summarizes the spying and the raiding and the hoaxing wielded by the Beltway against Trump. The Gulag Obstacle for the also-rans. Just do the best you can. Capitaine Louane. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 21, 2024 - HR 1

    22/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Opening Monologues. Vindicated By Reality. Trump chalks up record-smashing victory in Iowa. Ron DeSantis finally drops out, endorses Trump. We conduct a generous autopsy of the doomed DeSantis Campaign. What went wrong? Well, basically everything. But now onward together for America. Notes on Fani Willis and Alec Baldwin. Is Joe Biden the worst President we've ever had? Plus, host offers gentle political perspective on Taylor Swift. Flowers. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 14, 2024 - HR 3

    15/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Deep State Now Admits the Deep State Is Real. That’s how you know they’re big nervous. Reviewing today’s NBC News story about shadowy plans for a military coup against a victorious Trump. Keep an eye out for the name Mary McCord. They see the writing on the wall, but they’ve gone too far to turn back now. No matter. Trillions at stake. Fading Frank Luntz grudgingly admits Trump poised for victory 2024, calls him “a survivor.” Sad, surprised Frank. The greatest political comeback ever? Expectations for VP Dr. Ben Carson. Sampling Pro-Palestinian WH protests that dwarf J6. Do we trust SCOTUS? Don Junior makes the case in Iowa. Quoting Dante’s Inferno with Weezer. Lost In a Wood. Host adds content to the “layering guide” for our subzero Colorado weather. Avoid cotton. Prayer and action with Tennessee Ernie Ford. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 14, 2024 - HR 2

    15/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Snake Vivek Surrrenders to the Regime. Host slams the backstabbing ways of Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis. Weak players seeking benefits from the American Gulag, casting aspersions upon the lion who refuses to surrender as they have. Snowflake DeSantis earns a “participation trophy.” Chris Christie drops out, says Nikki Haley is gonna get "smoked" and is "not up to this." Very amusing banana peel, the donors must have freaked. Meanwhile, sampling Trump speaking in Iowa. Nigel Farage shows up for MAGA. Neocon Nikki supported by globalist money, Uniparty pushing Dems to crossover. They never want a fair fight, always the schemes. Have embarrassed Leftists peeled their Biden bumper stickers off their vehicles? You never see them. Trump brought peace, Biden brings war and chaos. Black voters supporting Trump in big numbers. Federal Judge won’t give Trump time to attend Melania’s mother’s funeral. Plus, host offers an impromptu “layering guide” for all the cold weather. Wool is key. With Great Listener Calls.See

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 14, 2024 - HR 1

    15/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Opening Monologues. Iowa Arrives. Looking good. Trump holds record-setting polling leads in the Des Moines Register. New York City high school kicks out American students to house migrants. Elon Musk says migrants will soon “come for your homes.” Meanwhile, Biden approvals hit record lows. A defensive Jill Biden says people don’t realize how hard Joe works. True that! Senior Living in the Biden WH. Reviewing the outlandish Georgia corruption of DA Fani Willis and companion Nathan Wade. Host describes the current crop of elected RINO Republican leaders as the most duplicitous political coterie in history. Aiding and abetting the demise of America. Host gets a haircut. We come out in praise of our super cold subzero weather. Nice! With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 7, 2024 - HR 3

    08/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Threats to Democracy. The End of Pretending. Black Swan 2024. They’ll sure try, but the Ruling Class feels defeat coming their way. Obama worried about Trump’s political power. Wet streets cause rain, propaganda tactics. Neocon Nikki claims illegals are not criminals. Trump goes to Iowa, says betrayers Nikki and Ron are not to be trusted. Rep. Elise Stefanik on fentanyl poisoning our blood. KJP on Biden, now being helpfully escorted off stages. Sec Def Chaos. Gen. Keith Kellogg praise for Trump decisive leadership. Bannon looks to MAGA victory. A new book from WFB. A Cajun spin from Mary Chapin Carpenter.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 7, 2024 - HR 2

    08/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Biden’s Dementia Fascism. The J6 Pillar Crumbles. Nervous Establishment knows they’re losing this one. We make the case, review the reasons. Dems are nothing without their hoaxes. More J6 Mockery. Trump is ON the ballot in Colorado. SCOTUS soon. Showing the way for 2024. Lifestyles forthcoming. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 7, 2024 - HR 1

    08/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Entrapment Day. The Season for J6 Mockery. Biden plants his desperate flag in the narrow ravine. Chaos in the Biden WH. Sec Def Austin goes missing. Meanwhile, a reflection on political maturity. Where have all the elder statesmen gone? Ignorance abounds in the commentariat. It comes down now to our cohort. Epstein Blackmail. Bad news for Clintons. Father Keating and the Contemplatives. Zen posture lifestyle. Tennessee Stud. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 23, 2023 - HR 3

    24/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    A Bigger Middle Finger From the Masses. Reince Priebus captures the anti-establishment mood of the 2024 electorate. Get ready. Rep. Tim Burchett describes how politicians are blackmailed in the Beltway. Nekked. Tucker Carlson makes the case against himself for Trump VP, but we beg to differ. Tucker has the exact right mindset for this existential moment. Modest, Fearless. Meanwhile, saluting Vivek's strong stand against Colorado Ballot Fascism, even as hapless DeSantis shows himself to be an opportunist skunk of the first order. What Would DeSantis Do? All future political candidates shall henceforth be doing the opposite. Plus, sampling Newt Gingrich torching the Colorado Supreme Court and the "Fascist Democratic Party." Is the Ruling Class purposefully angling for civil unrest? Determined to wreck the place before they'd ever give up their power? Soros Poison. Merry Christmas. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 23, 2023 - HR 2

    24/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    This Colorado Aggression Will Not Stand, Man. The Big Lebowski brings it home on this latest Leftist Backfire. Talk about overreach. Even CNN admits Trump will gather a nice boost from savage Colorado Democrats baring their fangs. They know they cannot beat Trump in a fair election, hence all their undemocratic antics. RFK says the "Colorado Supreme Court ruling makes America look like a Banana Republic." A mom in the Denver suburbs expresses her outrage. Sampled commentary from Sen. Eric Schmitt, Chris Landau, Charlie Hurt, Hans von Spakovsky, Michael Mukasey and Steven Calabresi. Meanwhile, additional details on increasing migrant arrivals in Colorado. Reviewing Neocon Nikki Haley's sweet mansion in South Carolina, purchased by our Military Industrial Complex. Again, zero VP potential here. Plus, host describes how life is so much better when you can quickly and easily see through all forms of devious propaganda. A kind of superpower. Merry Christmas. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio g

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 23, 2023 - HR 1

    24/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    Opening Monologues. Embarrassed to be a Coloradoan. Leftist fascists on the Colorado Supreme Court attempt to throw President Trump off the state primary ballot. We offer our blunt assessment of these cowardly enemies of democracy. Ty Cobb says SCOTUS will quickly overturn. Wondering aloud if America itself should impose sanctions against Colorado, given our recent history of sanctions upon sundry Banana Republics who have thrown political opponents off their ballots. Venezuela, Nicaragua, Belarus, Congo -- and Colorado? Meanwhile, still more migrant buses arriving in Colorado. The Wide Open Borders of Joe Biden and the RINOS. Black Chicagoans plead for Trump to come along and clean up their corrupt city. Plus, host dispels any and all nonsense about Neocon Nikki Haley potentially becoming Trump VP. Not gonna happen. With Great Listener Calls. Merry Christmas. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 17, 2023 - HR 3

    18/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    Boiling It Down to Breathing. Finding the Still Point. The best breathers make the best warriors. Exploring the foundations of decisive action. Surf and Sand. Words, clouds and how to gently break those fruitless circles. Health and discipline through inescapable discomforts. Self-defense against a civilization gone mad. The Meaning of Mindfulness. Hobbes, Hamlet and Zen Buddhism. The full-body prayers of the Early Christians, the wisdom of the Desert Fathers. Meanwhile, talking Marxist faculty lounges. Sellout politicians and the scorn of the masses. Was it really worth it for them? Additional details on the DeSantis campaign collapse. WaPo takes out Jeff Roe. Merry Christmas from Backbone Country. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 17, 2023 - HR 2

    18/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    Checkmate for the Deep State. We are watching these fringe folks get defeated, day after day, in real time. Sure they will have many tricks up their sleeves between now and November, but such are more likely to backfire than not. They've been unmasked along the way. The tide has rolled out on the Ruling Class, and they know it. Roger Stone declares the future of America hangs on the shoulders of one man, Donald Trump, drawing comparisons to George Washington in 1776. And Stone would be right. Dilettante deniers must choose between Trump and Gulags for 2024. What shall it be? Notes on the narcissism of Paul Ryan. Speculating on the mysterious forces behind the many betrayals of Trump. What are they trading for their self-respect? Be a good boy, support the regime, or else. Plus, a healthy J6 tutorial from Vivek Ramaswamy, overcoming the absurd interruptions of CNN. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 17, 2023 - HR 1

    18/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Bedwetters Galore. Deepstater Marc Elias says Trump's master plan is the "overthrow of American democracy." Which of course makes all kinds of sense, as the natural follow-up to Trump's first term of unrivaled peace and prosperity. Yes, we are enjoying the Dictator Hoax. Meanwhile, Jeff Roe finally resigns from Team DeSantis. Didn't quite make it to Iowa. Worst campaign ever. Host explains Trump's gentle, statesmanlike response to the ridiculous RINO push for Nikki Haley as running mate. Not to worry, folks, not gonna happen. Plus, sampling Trump's electric entrance into UFC 296 in Las Vegas and reviewing the latest dominance in all polling data. Who is Mario Lopez? Vignettes on driving in Spain. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 16, 2023 - HR 3

    17/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    Breathe, Pray, Live. Sitting on a beach in Maui. How the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer intersects with Zen Buddhism. Notes on healing from the Desert Fathers to Shunryu Suzuki. Methods of counting to 108. Lessons on the 10,000 Things. Breathing from the bodily core, not the neck. Antidotes to our screen-based, desk-bound civilization. Training in posture, stepping out of our own heads. Physics and mysticism. Host vignettes on family adventures in Hawaii. Snorkeling, surfing and sitting. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Matt Dunn Guest-Hosting for Randy Corporon - December 16, 2023 - HR 2

    17/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    Happy UFC Warriors v. Pencilneck Propaganda. Colby Covington or Adam Schiff? Pick a side. Excerpts from today's Trump Rally in New Hampshire. Huge crowd, and we're still eleven months out! Talking Marxism and self-deception, how the frameworks of political ideology serve as thin cover for pure power. The things the intellectuals tell themselves. The meaning of The Gulag. Stalin, Beria and Solzhenitsyn. Plus, the truth about Epstein Island. Exactly zero interest in Neocon Nikki for Trump VP. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

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