Rusted Culture Podcast



Truth matters and trust in government matters- both of which are lacking today. Well discuss how we go forward from here and of course well take the time to laugh at all of this and more along the way.


  • Episode 40 Trump Resistance ; Terrorism in Egypt; Dynasty Report; US Race For AI Superiority

    29/11/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    More Trump resistance we need to fight against Tax Cuts for the rich and the defecits that lead to cuts in Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare. The typical response to Egypts terrorist act: fire and fury military reponse, pivot to border wall and travel ban, whip up fears in muslims. Dynasty report: what the Trump royals are up to this week.. Artificial Intelligence; this is a battle we need to win and why. Is Trump up to leading America to be the first in the AI race?

  • Episode 39 Net Neutrality and Tax Cuts: Follow The Money

    22/11/2017 Duración: 41min

    We are living inTrump’s world now folks and we don’t have to get used to it! From shrinking National Parks to tacitly siding with the alt-right and supporting Roy Moore, we can resist. Trump wants the Tax Cuts to be his gift for America for Christmas, we will discuss exactly why these cuts are sinister in design and are no gift to America. Follow the money with me to find out why. Net Neutrality- it all makes sense why Republicans want this when you follow the money with this issue as well. Then we have some stories gleaned from the world both skin crawling and some plain hilarious stuff in this weeks list!

  • Episode 38 North Korea Policy Trades Patience With Tolerance; Russian Wikileaks and Don Jr

    14/11/2017 Duración: 27min

    Nothing has changed nor will anything change despite Trump’s hard talk toward North Korea- Trump has simply swapped patience with tolerance. To negotiate with North Korea you need to bring something to the table besides the threat of ‘fire and fury’... Roy Moore the party is over, unless you are Steve Bannon, that is.. November 15 is National.... clean the fridge day? What’s in your fridge by the way? Welcome home Donald Trump, you have had a great conference in Asia with warm weather, great food, fair skies and president Duterte of the Philippines singing love songs to you. Now it’s time to deal with Sessions, Roy Moore and a host of other things I mention!

  • Episode 37 Roy Moore Digs In; Trump Said What?; Finally, A Good Story

    13/11/2017 Duración: 22min

    Episode 37 Roy Moore Digs In; Trump Said What?; Finally, A Good Story by Frank Ebersold

  • Episode 36 Train Of Change; Top 6 Russian Investigation Points

    09/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    Episode 36 Train Of Change; Top 6 Russian Investigation Points by Frank Ebersold

  • Episode 35 Tax Reform For The Rich; Obamacare Zero Premiums?; Shame Game Scott Pruitt

    01/11/2017 Duración: 26min

    Tax Reform for the rich? why bother. In this episode, I will explain why giving the rich a tax cut won't do anything- it's the middle class that is doing the heavy lifting with the economy and why the stock market is at all time highs- help them, not the rich. Obamacare Zero Premiums? No joke, even after Trump's healthcare sabotage.. Scott Pruitt the EPA administrator wins this weeks "Shame Game" award for...

  • Episode 34: Trumps Healthcare Sabotage; Senator Corker’s Truthful Warning

    10/10/2017 Duración: 24min

    So exactly how can Trump Sabotage Obamacare since he cannot repeal it? We'll tell you how. Trump also would like to dispose of the Filibuster Rule, a 211 year old legislative tradition that most other Presidents seem to have been able to work within- except Donald Trump. Lastly, the truthfulness of outgoing Senator Corker is astonishing and why we, as Americans, should really listen close and take heed.. it's a truthful warning about President Trump we really need to think about.

  • Episode 33 Trump Killing The Iran Deal Makes No Sense

    06/10/2017 Duración: 18min

    That's right- the King Of Chaos, Donald Trump is planning on killing the Iran Deal in favor of useless sanctions. Why give up the ability to inspect Iran's nuclear sites today in favor of useless sanctions and no inspections tomorrow? Frank examines this strategy as well as illustrates in three different ways how Russia is helping North Korea overcome sanctions right now. Wouldn't it be great if something Donald did actually made some sense? Let's hope he reconsiders nixing the Iran Deal!

  • Episode 32 Roy Moore Blends Church and State; We Have Lost The Gun Control War

    04/10/2017 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, Frank discusses how Roy Moore ignores (or doesn't care) about the true interpretation of Separation Of Church and State by our forefathers. Listen how Roy tries to describe in his own words his homebrew logic on Separation Of Church and State and why we think it's flawed. We have lost the war on gun control and have the disasters to prove it. Listen how Frank describes that an opportunity exists for Trump to make meaningful change on gun control- what will Trump do? Lastly, cry baby Roger Stone describes his fear of being killed by --Hillary Clinton? How could that be?

  • Episode 31 Trump’s DOJ Argues To Allow Discrimination Against Gays In The Workplace

    01/10/2017 Duración: 20min

    In this Trump Administration, 'Anything Goes'.. from eroding worker's rights to allowing discrimination against gays in the workplace, this administration knows no bounds. In this Episode, Frank discusses how The Department Of Justice- led by Jeff Sessions under Trump- is now arguing a case to permit discrimination against gays in the workplace and is actually arguing against the position of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, another Federal organization. Listen closely as your rights may be next America..

  • Episode 30 MAGA Only Includes The 1%- Not The Middle Class

    29/09/2017 Duración: 17min

    How do Republicans Make America Great again while at the same time prove time and time again that they are a front for the rich 1%, a front for big corporate employers and ultimately could care less about workers rights? Despite what Trump tells you America, it's time to wake up and let me tell you what they are doing now to silently erode and chip away at America's middle class before it's too late! Under Jeff Sessions, the Trump administration has changed sides from the pro-worker stance the National Labor Relations Board once had under the Obama administration to now actually litigating AGAINST and taking an anti-worker/employee stance in cases coming before the US Supreme Court this next week. Listen and understand exactly what is at stake for America's middle class and the systematic approach Trump and Sessions are undertaking today that will have major impacts over workers rights for the next century.. It's time for 'We The People' to take back America!

  • Episode 29 Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Repeal Is Punishment For Big Democratic States

    20/09/2017 Duración: 17min

    In this episode, Republicans have produced new healthcare legislation that not only cuts funding (again) for the poor on Medicaid but also seeks to punish democratic states that have many "sanctuary cities" republicans loathe- needless to say these are states that are not big "trump" fans. Leave it to our good republican Senators Cassidy and Graham for this latest round of bad legislation, we will even confront some quotes today from Senator Cassidy and explain how what he claims is simply "not true". Lastly, we have yet some more weird news that just goes to show that there is a lot of "Rusted Culture" in our society going on each and every day.

  • Episode 28 Equifax Hack Is A Warning; Bernie's Medicare For All; Trump-Bannon Feud

    18/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    In Episode 28, Frank discusses the severity of the Equifax hack and how that hack should serve as a warning to all of us that we must have a tighter grip on internet security- and quickly- before we, as Americans, fall victim to even more damaging hacks that could lead to a stock market panic. Bernie's Medicare for all approach is up next with discussion on the merits and how it is actually a viable healthcare alternative. Lastly, the 'King Of Chaos', Donald Trump himself and Steve Bannon slug it out backing different candidates in the Alabama primary election. What makes Roy Moore a pathetic choice? Listen an find out. As always, if you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe and you'll never be left out!

  • Episode 27 Hurricane Hypocrisy And A Hellbent Baker

    11/09/2017 Duración: 18min

    In this episode, Frank discusses what makes Florida Governor a hypocrite- so caring that no one gets hurt by Hurricane Irma yet because of divisive Republican politics in Florida coupled with a hatred of Obama policies, Governor Rick Scott never expanded Medicaid in Florida which would have helped almost one million Floridians annually end their medical uncertainty and physical suffering. So don't tell me, Governor, that you care about Floridians- if you cared, you would have expanded Medicaid. Last up is the hellbent baker who has a public business yet cannot bake certain people cakes, namely gays and lesbians, because it violates his freedom of religion. It's just another way to discriminate in the name of Jesus, which is so sad. Even Jeff sessions is defending the baker despite what the Department Of Justice has on their website that says you cannot discriminate.. you won't want to miss the episode.

  • Episode 26 The Sad Reality Of The DACA Program

    05/09/2017 Duración: 18min

    What makes the DACA program work? These folks are doing everything right and deserve a path to citizenship, listen to find out why.

  • Episode 25 The Selfishness of Trump

    26/07/2017 Duración: 16min

    Episode 25 The Selfishness of Trump by Frank Ebersold

  • Episode 24 Republican "War On Poverty"

    28/06/2017 Duración: 17min

    Republicans are waging a new "War On Poverty" and it's not what you think...

  • Episode 23 Act Of Desperation-Stand Up For Healthcare

    11/05/2017 Duración: 18min

    Episode 23 Act Of Desperation-Stand Up For Healthcare by Frank Ebersold

  • Episode 22 What Trump Does Behind Closed Doors (and more!)

    20/04/2017 Duración: 22min

    Episode 22 What Trump Does Behind Closed Doors (and more!) by Frank Ebersold

  • Episode 21 Trickle Up Economics & Trump's Fantasy Island

    05/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    Episode 21 Trickle Up Economics & Trump's Fantasy Island by Frank Ebersold

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