Rusted Culture Podcast



Truth matters and trust in government matters- both of which are lacking today. Well discuss how we go forward from here and of course well take the time to laugh at all of this and more along the way.


  • 60; Mueller Wraps Up: What’s Next?.. The ZTE Deal Stinks and Who Benefits?..

    30/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    The Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 60 Mueller Investigation -Latest updates on the “Michael Cohen” treasure trove -The likely scenario of the Meuller Investigation wrap up.. what’s next? -Republican Trey Gowdy disputes Trump’s “Spygate” claims Moving On To.. -The so called deal to save Chinese Telecom ZTE is starting to stink.. -Give me a new plane.. “In the name of Jesus”..

  • 59: Swamp things and Mueller’s wrecking ball swings on..

    13/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    The Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 59 Swamp things and Mueller’s wrecking ball swings on.. The Swamp Things.. Vanity Fair has an interesting article on how “Scott Pruitt Is an Even Bigger Monster Than You Thought”... -this insanity with Scott Pruitt would have ended in a normal administration months ago. -listen to how bad things really are at the EPA The Meuller Wrecking Ball Swings On.. The Washington Post has an interesting article ( ) in my view, how “Mr. Clean” Cohens attempts to “pre-treat” the info gleaned in the FBI raid is doomed to fail.. I will discuss the “Clown Posse”, Mr. Walrus, puffy faced Hannity, Mr. Crinkle face Dobbs and more.. (The intro music clip was performed by the “Beef Seeds” and you can find more of their music on YouTube)

  • 58 Pardon Power and Trump Picks A Fight With The NRA?

    02/03/2018 Duración: 25min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 58 Pardon Power and Trump Picks a Fight With The NRA? How much power is really in the pardon for the Russian Investigation? Https:// Did Donald Trump just pick a fight with the NRA? The NRA.. it’s always about the money, folks.. The NRA is so powerful, they force us to keep gun records in a 1960’s style? Https://

  • 57 The Russian Investigation and Trumps lack of strategy on Russian hacking is a national crisis

    16/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    The goal all along was to give Russia sanctions relief which is what Russia is getting today. We will look at some events that form my hypothesis on how this all came about with Papodopolous and Page as the low level couriers. All six of our nations intelligence directors agree that Russia is hacking daily and the mid term elections are their next target but even so, they all agree that Trump has no strategy to deal with what Russia is doing to hack us and no coordinated strategy from the White House to prevent Russia from influencing future elections and this is a national crisis. Whether democrat or republican, as an American, you should be very concerned.

  • 56: Russian Election Hacks, Kelly Retirement Over Rob Porter Fiasco?

    10/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    The Rusted Culture Podcast 56: Russian Election Hacks, A Rigged System and Kelly Retirement Over Porter Fiasco? Whatever happened to the stock markets ‘candy man’?.. Russians hacked into 21 State election systems and.. there’s not much we can do? Excuse me? Trumps refusal to allow the Democratic rebuttal to Nunes memo is more proof the system is ‘rigged’ folks.. The John Kelly fiasco.. time to retire: —From his hard line immigration stance of splitting mothers and children at the border —And his refusal to fire Rob Porter about what he knew in June of 2017 Why oh why, did Democrats just give up their leverage? Off to the U.K. : Trump’s attempted pile on and Assange is still growing mushrooms Another crazy cake baker.. why do these people start businesses with a business plan to discriminate? A Nazi running for public office, is he a democrat or republican?

  • Episode 55 Russian Investigation- What Will Trump Do?

    05/02/2018 Duración: 35min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 55 Russian Investigation -The Nunes memo: even without the “Steele Dossier” there was enough to gain a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page. -Is Trump suffering from ‘psychological projection’?.. -Lil Donny always gets into the act.. Trump jr calls his Daddy’s Investigation ‘McCarthyism’.. did he forget these things.. including the FBI Investigation into whether Kremlin linked Alexander Torshin May have funneled money into the NRA for his fathers campaign? So long.. another Trump nominee ‘bites the dust’... Trump Administration-just ignore the facts if they don’t fit your narrative, like this ... Trump protests his high taxes at this Florida golf club.. for the fifth time in a row Universal Basic Income? Slackers! Looks like it’s going to be a future reality.. you can expect this to blow the Republicans’ minds!.... -before you laugh, this city is planning to try it..

  • Episode 54 Is Our Democracy Slipping Away?

    01/02/2018 Duración: 28min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 54 Is Our Democracy Is Slipping Away? Russian Investigation -Mueller looking to interview former spokesman Corallo for the Trump legal team -the shortlist for how Trump has rigged the system against us -Nunes memo is further proof that ‘the system is rigged’... -Rush Limbaugh’s reasons for the Nunes memo are ludicrous -The failure of Trump to ignore Congress and not sanction Russia is even more proof the system is rigged folks .. -Rigged: The Treasury Dept. identifies Russia’s richest with a cut-n-paste from Forbes edition from last year instead of using US Intelligence information. EPA director Scott Pruitt solved climate change by simply removing it from the EPA website Oops, we have some more administrative carnage here, ‘watch your step please’

  • Episode 53 Chain Migration Lies, SNAP Program-Truth and Fiction

    29/01/2018 Duración: 36min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 53 Russian Investigation Updates -Devin Nunes memo treats speculation as fact -Trump wanted to fire Mueller and there’s a lot of denial going on.. -Sloppy Steve: next up for interview with Mueller -someone who has seen Trump testify in a deposition and lived to tell about it Surprise! Chain migration isn’t out of control -why chain immigration is not ‘out of control’ today .... USDA chiefs view of food stamp recipients unrealistic and typical -last Wednesday, Sonny Perdue the Trump USDA appointee rants on about how able bodied adults without dependents should ‘get a job’, guess he didn’t know this.. -Oh, and what about the companies that make dependency on government services like Medicaid and food stamps a part of their business plan, “Sonny”, Can you endeavor to help with that? Here’s a study from UC Berkeley.. -California is actually trying to do something about this...

  • Episode 52 Russian Investigation, DACA debacle, Work Requirements For Medicaid

    25/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 52 Russian Investigation update -who is getting pressured this week -the pressure on the FBI likely to continue by Trump Administration until the obstruction of justice case is wrapped up -don’t forget ‘Obama told you so’.. not to hire Mike Flynn, that is -German business magazine raises concern over transactions by Kushner family accounts British Prime Minister Theresa May would like to say something, please Republicans have become ‘conspiracy birthers’ now.. here’s an example Not giving up on DACA kids, what this means The extent to which Sessions will descend to in order spin immigrants as terrorists What’s the worst thing about Trump’s ‘Securing America’s Future Act’ Why are work requirements for Medicaid recipients a bad idea? What worries republicans the most about Trump testifying.. Oh, and let’s not forget the Stormy Daniels update..

  • Episode 51 Did Russian Money Help Trump Win?

    19/01/2018 Duración: 38min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 51 Russian Investigation and Mueller Investigation update -Why do you think Sloppy Steve refused to answer? Here’s an idea.. -More Glenn Simpson testimony was released from his interview with the House Intelligence Committee and if half is true, Trump would not be president. I discuss three points from that testimony and a reference for the testimony is Trump Hotels Refusing Efforts To Leave Panama -Yes, the same hotel mentioned in Glenn’s testimony, are trying to bust the Trump barnacle hold on the Trump branded property -This is the man in the article Trump claims to have never met or known Where has all the money gone? Trumps inauguration fund isn’t sharing that information Republicans are trying to claim that by helping those on Medicaid you are not only hurting them but helping thee opioid epidemic.. Senator Ron Johnson leads this dangerously wrong charge.. Stormy Daniels, the gi

  • Episode 50 Stormy Weather for Trump and Republicans

    14/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 50 show notes -Stormy weather, the story of how Trump attorney paid porn star ‘Stormy Daniels’ to conceal an affair by Trump (from the WSJ) -We are down one nut job that we successfully pawned off as an Ambassador to the Netherlands -Trumps celebrated pastor Paula White would like you to ‘show her the money’... baby needs a new pair of shoes -Senator Grassley takes heat from constituents -How would you like to see what is happening real time with the Russian trolls that spread fake news and disinformation? Well, you can thanks to the Hamilton 68 dashboard.. -Say hello to our nations new 24 year old drug czar.. -The befuddled Trump had a bad week culminating with a sh##hole comment and all the Republicans rush to help Humpty Dumpty, including Rush Limbaugh. Never forget, America, we hold the power, not them! Key terms for this podcast: genuflect: to touch the k

  • Episode 49 Fusion GPS Transcripts and the “Bannon Hedge”

    10/01/2018 Duración: 54min

    Show notes for the Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 49 Fusion GPS Transcripts and the Bannon Hedge -Senator Feinstein has two new Trump administration officials lined up for testimony, one of which was Donald’s former golf caddy *Senator Feinstein releases the Glenn Simpson testimony, all 312 pages -link to Bloomberg article on how TrumpSoHo condo project may have been a place for funds to be parked from a failed Kazakhstan bank named BTA -what concerned Glenn Simpson the most about Trump? -“Still Hacking” McMaster takes the charge on admitting the Russians are still at it with the Catalonia vote and the upcoming Mexican elections..but guess what? -State Of The Union with Jake Tapper last Sunday had a creepy ending -Jared Kushner is prospering with financial ties to Israel -The Bombshell book that brought Bannon down and still eats away at Trump -Here’s how the Bannon Hedge works... -California gets NO love

  • Episode 48 Russian Investigation: Strzok Texts Misconstrued; Still Hacking.. ; US Influence Fading

    03/01/2018 Duración: 37min

    Rusted Culture Show notes The Russian Investigation is always ‘page 1’: Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS speaks out -it’s looking like a follow the money deal here with the Russian Investigation and even Steve Bannon seems to get it The FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texts were misused by conservative media here’s how.. -remember the ‘insurance policy’ text hype, that’s what I am talking about Recap of the three main (Russian) hacks.. The Labor Department’s getting fake comments now on the ‘Fiduciary Rule’ under consideration Trumps disdain for ‘Intel’ May have deep roots Next suggestion from Republicans.. let’s move the Mueller Grand Jury to South Dakota.. Now it’s on to how Trump is affecting our ability to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestinians, and between North and South Korea and ultimately our ability to de-escalate the nuclear tensions..

  • Episode 47 Mueller Investigation Takeaway: Trump Should Thank The FBI

    31/12/2017 Duración: 34min

    Podcast show notes 12/31/2017 Episode 47 The Florida boys, the Florida congressman that have denounced the Mueller Investigation as a hoax may have benefitted from hacked information in their elections and one is now running for Florida Governor.. link to story of the “Florida Boys”.. The “hoax” is no hoax.. the revelation of ‘coffee boy’ George Papadopoulos blabbing to an Australian diplomat over drinks in May of ‘16 that Russia had thousands of emails and that diplomat tipping the FBI is how we now have the Mueller Investigation. Trump should be thankful to the FBI for not saying back then his campaign staffer and campaign was under investigation, don’t you think? Let’s talk about that. The former Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke’s antics have him under scrutiny.. Lindsey Graham on Face The Nation today said this, and at least he is consistent.. Lastly, a timeline of Donald Trump’s creepiness to think about into the New Year..

  • Episode 46 Mueller Investigation- Kremlin Link ; The Koch’s Are Coming..

    28/12/2017 Duración: 33min

    The Mueller Investigation / Russian Investigation Updates -Trump says he didn’t know Flynn lied to the FBI on 1/24 and says he fired Flynn because he lied to Mike Pence but... -Trump’s legal team already bracing for information Flynn may be providing to the Mueller Investigation.. -New: a jailed Russian says he hacked the DNC on Kremlin’s orders? The Koch’s Are Coming! Koch funded Americans For Prosperity says the job isn’t that hard, we just have to convince the American population. -Income Inequality won’t get better under Trump -how about just raising minimum wage instead of a tax cut for the rich.. -minimum wage feeds older workers too in this article

  • Episode 45 Sovereign Debt Is Worse; Mueller Investigation Takeaways; The Jerusalem Christmas Fiasco

    21/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    In Episode 45 Frank talks about how sovereign debt is globally worse now than it ever was and the risks we face in growing our debt through this tax cut. Watch the Republicans circle their wagons around the president and trying to discredit the Mueller Investigation- see how they run. Just in time for Christmas, the Jerusalem fiasco and the predictability with which it was handled by the president.

  • Episode 44 Last Minute Tax Cut Bill Money Grab (and More!)

    18/12/2017 Duración: 13min

    The Tax Bill presented by Republicans will probably be passed by Republicans tomorrow.. there are three aspects of this rushed Bill that we just learned about: -Last minute money grab for real estate investors like Trump.. -Incentives for companies to move jobs overseas -Estate Tax, if you die sooner your beneficiaries reap $2million extra

  • Episode 43 The System IS Rigged; Reject This Tax Cut; Weekly Challenge Is..

    15/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    Divine Intervention in Alabama! Alabama came together to reject the hatred of Roy Moore, we need to do the same across America, challenging Trump every chance we get. The system is rigged folks, it s rigged against the middle class and here’s how.. We The People reject this tax cut for the top 1% and big corporations..

  • Episode 42 Episode 42 Mueller Investigation and Lambchop

    11/12/2017 Duración: 27min

    Episode 42 The Mueller probe looks at the 18 day time frame when Mike Flynn first lied to the FBI and when Flynn was fired on 2/13, will a ‘fall guy’ emerge that Attempts to keep the probe away from Trump? Democrats lose a good Senator, Franken, while Trump and maybe even Roy Moore serve with more ‘baggage’ than Franken.. Dry throat or dentures? Either way we have ‘Lambchop’...

  • Episode 41 This Tax Cut Is Welfare For The Rich

    05/12/2017 Duración: 19min

    Episode 41 This Tax Cut Is Welfare For The Rich by Frank Ebersold

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