Ignorant And Uninformed



American's favorite podcast! Submit a topic. Get a t-shirt. Three regular dudes sit around, draw listener submitted topics out of a bowl, and discuss them for 30 minutes.


  • EpiDose 565- Favorite Sayings

    02/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    St. Jay has us talking about wisdom Max shares a family motto then cheats Ben turns down the suck and turns up the rock Geoff values systems more than results “What’s the air fryer here?” *** Topic - What aphorisms have people shared with you that have struck with you From - St. Jaysopher *** [...]

  • EpiDose 564- What We Are Getting Wrong

    23/02/2023 Duración: 33min

    We know we don’t know everything, so what will we look back on and be amazed at how wrong we were? Geoff goes with electing clowns Ben wonders about the consolidation of power Max thinks social media is the new cigarettes Doctors know that 50% of what they were taught in school is wrong. They [...]

  • EpiDose 563- Advice For New Gamers

    16/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    It's about to get real nerdy. Geoff says - Know the rules/terminology, own your rookie status, ask lots of questions Ben says - Be a team player, be flexible, play a fighter Max says - Like the people you're playing with, don't solo all over the story, bring your sense of humor Love for The [...]

  • EpiDose 562- Supply Side Jesus

    09/02/2023 Duración: 33min

    Jay asks a good question. We do our best. Geoff wants to talk about Trickle down, 21st Century, GOP Jesus. Ben brings up an interesting (and sensible) idea about biblical mistranslations and edits (1st Council of Nicaea).  Max sees parallels between the Holy Trinity and the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone). Florida folks - our [...]

  • EpiDose 561- Can Money Save The Planet

    02/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    Max was very, very wrong! He confused two chapters in Numbers Don’t Lie - Wind turbines don’t have diesel components. They do take a lot of resources to construct, including petroleum byproducts.  - Diesel turbines are our most efficient means of producing electricity.  Green Business Podcast - here!  That Republican state Geoff mentions? Ohio Some [...]

  • EpiDose 560- Delicious Human Flesh

    26/01/2023 Duración: 29min

    Some important questions to consider: How is it sourced? Is it free-range? Does the nutrient density depend on its diet? You think there’ll be any Mad Cow Disease complications?  Oh, and - the arachnophobic horrors of cranberry farming. *** Topic - If tomorrow, science proved cannibals correct - that eating specific parts of deceased humans [...]

  • EpiDose 559- Effecting Mandela

    19/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    Look - there's an easy equation explaining all this that has nothing to do with a sweaty stack of pancakes… Misremembering + absolute certainty = The Mandela Effect Because: - People are terrible spellers and don’t pay close attention to details - You know more “-steins” than you do “-stains”  - You’re confusing the dude [...]

  • EpiDose 558- Value and Worth

    12/01/2023 Duración: 35min

    Is attention the currency of value? Max gets vulnerable about confusing jealousy and love You're having a White Claw sausage party? Sign Geoff up! Ben reflects on his affinity for Superman Ps - there's a slight 12-second glitch at 24:12 where the sound cuts out In case you want a laugh... *** Topic - How [...]

  • EpiDose 557- Lost History and Knowledge

    05/01/2023 Duración: 31min

    First off - thank you for all the topics over all the years. Second - things get weird.  Is the Bermuda Triangle some old Atlantean War Games remnants?  Oh - and real talk - does anyone still actually want more superhero movies? References - Crazy library Max couldn’t remember - The Kardashev Scale, type 1 [...]

  • EpiDose 556- Time Travel

    29/12/2022 Duración: 36min

    Time travels lessons at the feet of Ashton Kutcher Ben’s thought a lot of about this Max’s poor attempt to explain block time Geoff’s got a good question around 25 minutes Can we only comprehend the dimensions beneath us? Two PBS shows on time - here and here *** Topic - If you can change [...]

  • EpiDose 555- Your Next Celebrity President

    22/12/2022 Duración: 29min

    Give Geoff a good GM. Max just wants to know why. Ben has actual predictions. Podcast Max mentions about the election process/selection bias Article about kids picking the president based on looks.  *** Topic - Who, that’s famous now, will end up running for president in the next 10-15 years? From - Mike Hammerling *** [...]

  • EpiDose 554- Origin Stories

    15/12/2022 Duración: 36min

    Ben’s Sliding Doors moment. Geoff finally failed his saving throw. Max took one for the team. Good news - certificates of sainthood are here! *** Topic - Your first, best, TTRPG experience From - Roscoe Tealeaf *** Submit Your Topic -  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

  • EpiDose 553- Leadership Decathlon

    08/12/2022 Duración: 32min

    Screw you, elections. We want to get Olympic.  What 10 events would you want your potential leaders compete in? It’s the Triwizard Tournament (hedge maze and dragon fights), plus some Star Trek: Next Gen (Kobayashi Maru). Oh, did we mention each contestant would compete in a NASCAR inspired uniform, blatantly displaying their sponsors?  Ps - [...]

  • EpiDose 552- Capitalist Dreams

    01/12/2022 Duración: 39min

    Ben’s hostile takeover of Future Educators of ‘Merica  Survivorship bias and never hearing about the hundreds of thousands who don’t make it. Theoretical dollars. Love for Adam Conover. Billionaires and Tech Guru Worship? (Enjoy!) The government, good and bad? (Boom!) A whole bunch of pluralistic ignorance on a host of topics? (You're welcome!) *** Topic [...]

  • EpiDose 551- Graveyard of Empires

    24/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    The Sykes-Picot agreement was the sticky wicket Max mentioned.  (Though it’s not the sticky wicket responsible for this specific situation). Late-stage capitalism - are these, like, cancer-stages we’re talking here? Outsourcing the things that got you to the top isn’t a great long-term strategy. The Buddha must be stopped!  *** Topic - Afghanistan, graveyard of [...]

  • EpiDose 550- Bored Games

    17/11/2022 Duración: 35min

    Lessons learned from board games: Choice is an illusion - Life How to perform surgery - Operation Keep on, keeping on - Shoots & Ladders Diabetes - Candyland The most complicated solution is the best solution - Mousetrap There’s never enough, leftover are for losers - Hungry, Hungry Hippos How to apologize without meaning it [...]

  • EpiDose 549- Stars vs Skies

    10/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    On this week’s castoid we’ve got two hard sciences squaring off.  Astronomy vs meteorology. The impersonal vs the in-person. Enjoy the heavy sarcasm font on the intro! “Look to the stars if the clouds aren’t in your way.” Ps - Mount Chimborazo and the link to the cars on different planets video *** Topic - [...]

  • EpiDose 548- Liberalism

    03/11/2022 Duración: 41min

    Getting old is fun! Arcade entrepreneurship 101. We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. The troubles with binary, black-and-white, heaven-or-hell thinking. Hanlen’s Razor and micro-aggressions. The Cher Party. “What we’re missing now is empathy and grace.” *** Topic - Classical Liberalism from its conceptualization through now. From - Roscoe Tealeaf *** [...]

  • EpiDose 547- Music and Stuff

    27/10/2022 Duración: 31min

    Do a podcast like this for long enough and you’re bound to get a repeat topic or two. Vintage Bowie and the Stones. Prince’s disappearing guitar. John Mayer’s mouth gymnastics. After parties and groupies? Was Mozart the first rockstar? Also - who knows what Ben did to piss off our overlords? PS- It was Nigeria [...]

  • EpiDose 546- Bad Boys Whatcha Gonna Do

    20/10/2022 Duración: 32min

    3 middle-aged white dudes talking about the police. One person’s actions speaking for a whole community/population is dicey.  Qualifications, hiring, retention. The robots get mad at us near the half way mark. (Ben goes autotune!) Was Cops the first reality tv show? *** Topic - Are all cops bad? From - St, Jayospher *** Submit [...]

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