Rich Cleaner Podcast



The Rich Cleaner Podcast keeps Cleaners and Restorers informed of the latest cutting edge equipment, chemicals, and industry standards and shows them how to use excellent marketing to promote these superior skills & assets.The content we deliver here on how to run and grow a successful carpet cleaning and restoration business is better information than what you would normally PAY for...and you can get here for free on the Rich Cleaner Podcast!


  • "Break Through Overwhelm Featuring Joel Cohen, Joe Polish, Tim Paulson, and Kevin Thompson - Rich Cleaner Podcast Episode #22

    15/07/2015 Duración: 26min

    Episode 22: How you can accomplish the important tasks that actually move your business forward....and do it in a fraction of the time! The one thing that can let you succeed despite the "winds of adversity" you may be facing. An easy way to get rid of 5 minutes or less! How planning plays a huge part....and a simple way that you can do this!\ Use your newly found tools of dealing with overwhelm to tackle these two marketing strategies which can bring in a huge cash flow surge! Episode Links: I Miss You Letter: Done-For-You Newsletter to send to your clients:

  • Funnel Hack Your Way To Success - Episode 21 Featuring Joel Cohen and excerpt from Russell Brunson

    24/06/2015 Duración: 17min

    Working hard will only get you so far....unless you work hard at the RIGHT things! How can you tell the REAL difference between owning your business and owning a "JOB". What is Funnel Hacking....and how can you do it to reach your business goals faster! Put forth less effort in your business and get better results - not only is it possible...but we'll show you exactly how to do it! The ONE thing that get's you the lifestyle you want from your business. HINT: It is not a marketing strategy! Episode Links: Russell Brunson's Complete Podcast #131: Complete Funnel Hacks for Carpet Cleaning and Restoration Companies: Rich Cleaner System: Piranha's Elite Cleaners Group:

  • How To Get More Jobs From Your Website - Rich Cleaner Podcast Episode #20

    17/06/2015 Duración: 48min

    Episode 20: The one thing that almost everyone is doing the wrong way...change this and you'll immediately get more leads from your website! Why getting your prospect to take one tiny step toward committing to using your company, can easily lead to them taking the bigger step of choosing you. A simple approach to what used to be a complicated problem of capturing leads from your website. What is the perfect offer you can give to those visiting your website? The exact words to say in the first email your new lead receives from you Episode Links: Details on Why a 'FREE ROOM' works:

  • The Anatomy of 1 Million Dollar Per Year Carpet Cleaning Business - Rich Cleaner Podcast Episode #19

    10/06/2015 Duración: 54min

    Show Notes: *What advice would you want to know from the owners of a $1 Million per year carpet and upholstery cleaning business?'ll get your answers on this episode! *The one offer that runs through 99% of their promotions...without implementing this they swear they'd never have gotten this far! *How you can overcome stagnant growth - and get past a mindset (you likely have) that's stopping you. The rule of reciprocity. Learn exactly how this rule works and you can leverage it to get the amount of referrals, reviews, and repeat business you should be getting. *Why would Joel, who's started and sold two very successful carpet cleaning businesses, scrap everything he learned and do it THIS way instead!? *Find out how to get a free sample of the promotion that has gotten $10 back for every $1 spent...for 10 years straight! Episode Links:

  • A Little Implementation Goes a LONG Way - Episode #018 Featuring Joel Cohen and Special Guest, Tim Copsey

    27/05/2015 Duración: 54min

    Show Notes: How 3 simple strategies increased Tim's business by 150%! What it takes to change your results to E.L.F. Easy, Lucrative, and F___ (tune in to find out!) Find out how to overcome the challenges in putting direct response marketing into place...and why it is SO worth it! A robotic business process that alleviates the mundane routine of answering the same questions from prospects...again and again. An easy way to use good marketing to attract great Employees! What advertisement got Tim $13 back for every $1 he invested? How you can get the strategy he used for FREE! Episode Links: I Miss You - Complete Strategy:  

  • How The 80/20 Rule Makes You More Money...Easier! - With Joel Cohen - Rich Cleaner Podcast Episode #17

    20/05/2015 Duración: 27min

    How the 80/20 rule lets you spend 80% less on advertising...but get way more jobs from it! An easy way to identify and market to your best clients. How to be sure your advertising message gets heard, and cuts through all the marketing "noise" to which your customers are exposed! The best way to find your top clients AND, at the same time, get LOADS of work! What NOT to do on social media. The one thing that our most successful case studies would never give up

  • How to Increase Your Profits During Your Busy Season - Rich Cleaner Podcast Episode #16

    13/05/2015 Duración: 34min

    Discover a 17 point checklist of things you can do to immediately enable higher prices in your business...without price resistance! How to get your job ticket average $100 higher (or more!) without leaving your customers feeling like they got pressured. An easy way to almost guarantee your prospect will leave a message when you cannot answer your phone live. Get the link to an advertising piece that changes your phone prospect's questions from "How much do you charge?" to "I'd like to have you out, when are you available?" A clever way (that actually WORKS) to get clients to refer you more.

  • How a Consumer's Guide Can Get You More (And Better) Customers

    19/03/2015 Duración: 25min

    Show notes: As you listen in today you’ll experience a stellar example of a Consumer's Guide for Truckmounts, as Mike Roden tours you through Sapphire Scientific's manufacturing plant: See their ‘best practice’ that can translate into the way you provide service to your customers. A key component in the quality of the heat exchanger they make that ensures it lasts and lasts…PLUS you’ll see how this quality in their work process should be a technique that you can apply when educating your customers about the quality of certain aspects of your service. Sapphire’s unique selling point that differentiates their machines from all the others on the market.  Do you have a unique selling point for your service? And are you making it obvious so your prospects see the difference when you market your company? Learn how having a consumer’s guide to your service is something that gives you an opportunity to educate and differentiate your service from all competition! Special Bonus…find out how Joel almost got his head bl

  • The "ABC's" of SEO - Get More Customers From Your Website!

    18/02/2015 Duración: 52min

    How to use Search Engine Optimization the right way to drive lots of prospects to your website What you absolutely need on your website to convert visitors to high-paying clients A rock-solid way to determine what terms your prospects are using when they search for your service How to use keywords in the right way on your this wrong, and search engines will ignore your website!  

  • Likes, Fans, and Money from Facebook

    27/01/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    In Episode 13, Joe and Joel interview Amy Porterfield and they discuss: The three reasons why it’s important to have Likes and Fans on Facebook (and how to quickly turn Likes into Leads with a simple 1 minute video) Facebook 101: The key steps to follow when working with your Personal Profile and Fan Pages (and the perfect number of posts you should make per day), The strategy and etiquette to use when ‘friending’ and ‘unfriending’ people, and the biggest concerns and issues you must be aware of when it comes to online privacy and Facebook privacy When you should and shouldn’t have multiple Facebook pages (and a unique way to use Facebook groups to offer exclusivity to your customers) Amy shares her best ‘Facebook Time Management’ advice How to make money with Facebook using Facebook ads (and the three types of ads you should use)

  • Simple Strategy for More Repeat and Referrals

    02/01/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    In episode #12: An in-depth discussion of the one strategy that successful cleaners would NEVER give up Not using this one simple tool will actually cause you to lose repeat and referral business See why this strategy is as important as fueling up your service vehicle, and equally as profitable! Listen to real-life examples of those who are using this strategy to get higher job averages, better repeat business, and way more referrals! Discover how the message of this strategy needs to the target the right audience…and why this makes such a huge difference in response when it’s done correctly How to spend less than 1 hour getting this strategy out every month Uncover one of the biggest the returns on your investment with by using this easy technique!

  • Insights from Industry Icons

    19/12/2014 Duración: 24min

    In episode #11, discover the benefits of: Learn what Mike's real opinion is about Joe Polish Find out the real deal with and just how ethical is it? The one deciding factor to make your business a success What's the craziest thing anyone has ever done with a truck mount? Some of the biggest game-changers in our industry The impact that exercising this one trait can have on your business and life 3 key factors that work today to get more business you might be surprised that they are the same things that worked 30-years ago!  

  • The Power of Digital Direct Mail and EDDM

    12/12/2014 Duración: 52min

    Discover the benefits of: Joe's #1 stealth marketing method that gives you a huge advantage over your competitors  How to potentially double, triple, or even quadruple your business using direct mail  A technology you can use to increase your sales (This "extreme customization" creates tailor-made, engaging messages that fit your prospects and customer almost perfectly) A strategy Joe taught one of his past clients that brought in an additional $3,000,000.00 in revenue and how you can use it today to generate a BIG cash windfall One of the most successful lead generation offers you can use that increases the number of people coming to you asking "When can I pay you to start?" instead of "How much do you charge?" How to get paid higher prices, increase your repeat business, and have more customers and clients referred to you The Power of Personalization: How to increase the relevance of your message in a way where customers and prospects can't ignore you 600% INCREASE IN RESPONSE: A simple change you can make

  • 11 Common Marketing Questions Answered

    04/12/2014 Duración: 01h10min

    GET ANSWERS TO THESE 11 MARKETING CHALLENGES: How you can get more clients and not just more but higher paying clients! How you can make (a lot) more money so you have a bigger cash flow and more profits and cash in the bank! How you can get the financial means to hire employees so you can have more free time & even get off the truck How you can easily charge higher prices to increase revenues instantly without losing business and still compete in the marketplace against low priced companies! How you can break free from property managers these are often low paying and restrict your cash flow But how do you painlessly transition into high end clientele market? How you can get more referrals and more repeat business without spending a fortune on advertising! How you can create a stream of jobs without wasting money on ads that don't work How you can break the cycle of the schedule and keep yourself booked solid all year long! How you can build your business for longevity and value How you can compete with

  • (3 of 3) "Ridiculously Easy Email Strategies"

    28/11/2014 Duración: 59min

    Dean reviews the most important and effective ways to use e-mail marketing The five qualities of “5 Star Prospects and what you should do when you find them The majority of prospects who don't buy from you can surprisingly make you financially free (Dean shares the techniques that make this a reality for you) The type of e-mail you should send to your prospects on a regular basis that your prospects will be thrilled to get from you

  • (2 of 3) How to Email Customers and Prospects and Get Results!

    13/11/2014 Duración: 59min

    Dean shares the most effective way to create engaging relationships with your prospects and customers using e-mail Dean explains what the prospect buying cycle is and Joe reveals how to make money from prospects who don't buy immediately The 4 types of prospects your business will deal with and what you need to say to “5 Star Prospects to get them to buy Joe discusses why psychology is more important than technology and Deans shares how thinking like a chess master can improve your e-mail marketing How to identify people who are ready to buy from you now and make them the right offer

  • Get The Highest Possible Response From Your Emails to Customers and Prospects - #6

    06/11/2014 Duración: 01h06min

    Dean Jackson discusses the psychology of e-mail marketing that will get you better, faster, and more lucrative responses The 9 word e-mail Joe sent to Sir Richard Branson and got a response in an hour (and how YOU can get a response from hard to reach people) Dean Jackson shares his 3 part winning formula for e-mail marketing success Why you must know your e-mail marketing outcome (and how it will make your autoresponders feel like a personal dialogue between you and your prospects)  

  • The Cleaners & Restorers Shortcut to Technical and Marketing Success - #005

    24/10/2014 Duración: 26min

      Where you can find reliable resources for what's cutting edge in the industry (BESIDES Joels story of how reading a certain magazine made his carpet cleaning business go from broke (only making $35K per year) to $125K per year, in just 12 months! What is it about carpet cleaning and restoration that can bring you happiness? HINT:It's not money! What makes the difference between success and failure in cleaning and restoration?...the answer is different than you think!  

  • What Every Cleaner & Restorer Needs to Know About The ICRA's NEW Certification - #004

    16/10/2014 Duración: 21min

    Joe Polish and Joel Cohen talk with ICRA Jim Holland and Barry Costa from the International Cleaning and Restoration Association about a NEW certification program called Performance Assessments. Discover an industry trend that you'll definitely want to be a part of...or you might find yourself left behind! A new - and BETTER - way you can evaluate your own (or your technician's) proficiency as a cleaner. You say your company is the best- Use this to PROVE it! How you can use a new evaluation process to differentiate your company...and how to use good marketing to make sure your prospects and clients know about it!  

  • Legend Brands' Brandon Burton : Using The Latest in Restoration Technology and Standards Can Make You A Rich Cleaner - #003

    26/08/2014 Duración: 48min

    Brandon shares what being a "Rich Cleaner" means to him and why you have the power and ability to improve people's quality of life After 18 years with Legend Brands, being in the industry for 23 years, and working with more than 6,000 cleaning and restoration professionals, Brandon reveals what he's discovered about having a successful, thriving cleaning and restorations business Brandon discusses the latest cutting-edge technology and tools you can use to increase your efficiency and get more business What to look for in Mobile Technology... and...2 needs you MUST satisfy if you want avoid being overwhelmed and have happy clients An easy 24/7 referral system you can implement today with a mobile phone (This works even if you don't understand technology) Brandon tells you what you need to know about Third Party Administrators so you can make informed decisions A look inside Legend Brands new restoration technology that gets a lot more out of a lot less! (This new equipment is much more efficient. In fact, co

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