Wolf & Iron | Virtues, Skills, Manliness!



Wolf & Iron was created to spur men on towards the High Calling of Manful Living through podcasts, videos, and articles which inspire manly thoughts and manly actions. Join us!


  • When You're Raised Poor // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    26/01/2023 Duración: 22min

    Growing up both poor and middle class, I gained a mindset that actually limited me in many ways. I didn't realize how deeply inset certain thoughts patterns were and how they impacted so many areas of my life. In this episode, I talk about the ingrained beliefs we carry with us when we come from limited means.

  • The Good Men Fallacy // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    19/01/2023 Duración: 18min

    There's a common quote which has the best of intentions, but also has a serious error. Some men believe they can be good in their heart and yet never display the actions to back up their belief. Belief is always backed by action. Speaking of action: https://wolfandiron.com/foundry

  • Becoming Fluent in the Language of Violence // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    12/01/2023 Duración: 19min

    While our native tongue should always be Peace, a man needs to be a capable and willing defender of life. In this episode I share some insights from my first 6 months in Krav Maga and the first 2 weeks of concealed carry. If you're thinking about getting started in self-defense and/or firearms training then be sure to subscribe to the podcast and check out the Wolf & Iron YouTube channel. I'll be posting more content out there shortly.

  • Purpose Over Potential // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    22/12/2022 Duración: 17min

    Regardless of how crazy the world seems at times, we truly live in a remarkable time. The world is filled with possibilities and many of them are within reach. But, with all of the paths available to us, we can still only select one or two. The potential we see can often stall us in our takeoff. In this episode I talk about why purpose should be our focus and how as Christians we can trust in God's plan for our lives. p.s. I mention my book, Tending the Fire, in this episode. You can get a signed copy here.

  • Celebrating Seasons of Life // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    15/12/2022 Duración: 17min

    I've noticed something: women have more natural markers for time and the seasons of life. They are the ones who typically bring out the different dishes or clothes, or get together to celebrate a new life entering the world. Men...not so much. But we need to. We need markers on our timeline of life. In this episode I talk about how, as men, we need to take the time to celebrate the seasons of life instead of just letting them all rush by.

  • Accepting the Decisions You Didn't Make // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    08/12/2022 Duración: 22min

    There is a real power in your willingness to acknowledge the decisions that you made when you were not aware you were making them. Perhaps it's because you were a kid at the time, or maybe you went through a traumatic experience that shaped who you are. In this episode, I share some personal details from my own life that has helped me grow as a man and I hope can help you as well.

  • Engage Your Life! // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    01/12/2022 Duración: 19min

    Let's face it, most men are disengaged from the vitality they should have in life. They're asleep at the wheel, content to let life pass them by while they take it easy. It may sound cliché, but life is meant to be lived and lived to the fullest.

  • Stop Saying These Things... // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    24/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    It's far too common for us to use certain phrases that excuse the true work we're not doing to grow. Adding a warrior status to the challenges you face doesn't do any good unless you're truly fighting a battle.

  • Creating a Man Culture // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    17/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    Society is sorely lacking an innate culture of masculinity. There used to be clubs, communities, and social standards for men. I'm not saying all of it was good, but the standards and community it forged was something we're missing today. This episode is more of a question than a solution. What would the elements of a modern day man culture include?

  • Why Fear is Ruling the Day // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    03/11/2022 Duración: 20min

    From anxiety and depression to fear of anything untried and unknown...fear is having its way with people these days. There's a simple reason for it and a solution that we can all employ.

  • FF14. How a Guild Works // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

    28/10/2022 Duración: 22min

    It's official! Guilds have been launched! If you're new to The Foundry or you're just curious as to what a Guild looks like, this one is for you.

  • Culture is Catching up with Us // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    27/10/2022 Duración: 19min

    America hasn't bounced back from the hit we took due to COVID regulations. Employers are having a hard time finding people to work, and the people that are showing up aren't the same quality as the ones who left. We've seen this coming for some time, but it appears that it has finally arrived: Our culture is catching up with us. You and I are seeing the fallout we predicted. The good news is that it's easier than ever before to be a standout star.

  • FF13. Guilds are a GO! // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

    21/10/2022 Duración: 18min

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! After more than a year of planning, testing, and preparing, we have launched Guilds inside The Foundry. I'm looking for more Guild leads and men to band together and take this to the next level!

  • The Perks of a Midlife Crisis // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    20/10/2022 Duración: 20min

    Reaching midlife is a time for celebration and a time for reflection. It's also a good time to own the direction of your life and get real about the man you want to be for your remaining years.

  • The Last Great Age of Humanity? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    29/09/2022 Duración: 23min

    We truly live in an amazing time. We're advancing so quickly that we are living to see our sci-fi dreams come true -- and will likely live to see them become nightmares. Humanity gets the credit for getting us this far. It was us that sailed around the world, visited the moon, built robots for Mars and so on. The list of accomplishments are many and we will continue to be part of our achievements in the future, but we won't get all the credit.

  • The Loss of Sentimentality // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    22/09/2022 Duración: 14min

    Men are sentimental by design. God put within us a heart that connects with the idea of legacy and the meaning of things beyond the superficial. But, our current culture promotes a life of transient pleasures -- a life without attachments or lasting significance. This mindset is making men miserable. We need to get back to thinking long term and appreciate the sentimental nature within us.

  • FF12. Media & Family Connectedness // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

    02/09/2022 Duración: 16min

    Media is severely disrupting out ability to attach to a family the way we should and it's leading to an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Here's what you need to know.

  • Finding Your Mission // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    01/09/2022 Duración: 21min

    "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation..." - Henry David Thoreau It's true. By the time a man reaches his late 20s he often feels missionless. He drifts around, with a lot of things to do but without that sense of deep fulfillment and purpose. In this episode I talk about how our missions change in life and how there is one mission most men should be about.

  • The Best Age to Get Married // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    25/08/2022 Duración: 20min

    Although the true best age to get married is when you find the lady who's right for you, there are some reasons why a man should get married sooner than later. So many people in our culture today are focused on themselves, be really they are only focused on their present self, not their future self. Marriage and family are one of the greatest missions a man can have in his life, and yet the majority put it off for as long as possible.

  • Maj Toure // Making The Hood Great Again

    01/08/2022 Duración: 01h08min

    I started following Maj Toure over a year ago after seeing one of his shirts with a simple, but provocative phrase: Make Politicians Afraid Again. He has a heart to help black Americans understand the rights inherent to all men and declared in our Constitution. He's the founder of Black Guns Matter and the Solutionary Lifestyle and is a firm believer in the independent spirit that was so popular at the start of our nation. And he's not afraid to call out those who vie for our attention while doing little or nothing to actually make a difference.

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