Wolf & Iron | Virtues, Skills, Manliness!



Wolf & Iron was created to spur men on towards the High Calling of Manful Living through podcasts, videos, and articles which inspire manly thoughts and manly actions. Join us!


  • When Nature No Longer Teaches Us // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    28/07/2022 Duración: 18min

    What happens when we remove ourselves from nature for a few generations? How is our thinking about life, death, and reality compromised when we no longer have the foundational teachings of nature? I discuss these things in this episode and hopefully inspire you to spend time in the great out of doors.

  • Brandon Horoho of Montana Knife Company // Marketing American Made

    25/07/2022 Duración: 52min

    I wanted to use a cool title for this one like Cutting Edge Marketing, Honed in Marketing Strategies, or Stabby Marketing Stab Stab, but I know that no one is going to search for that (although that last would have been a winner!) The truth is, marketing has been changing at a rapid pace but there are some strategies that never fail. In this episode I talk to Montana Knife Company Co-Owner and Marketing Director Brandon Horoho. We discuss marketing a USA made knife brand, Montana Knife Company's growth and ethos, and strategies that work when popular advertising platforms don't allow your products.

  • Why Woke Movies Suck! // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    21/07/2022 Duración: 14min

    It's hard to find a movie or TV show these days that isn't pumped full of the woke agenda. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the movie was good, but unfortunately, seeing the world through a woke filter changes how you view relationships and reality, thus making it nearly impossible for woke writers to create a story that really hits home.

  • David Dusek// Connecting to the Hero Within

    18/07/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    Men love movies! We're moved by the epic battles and struggles -- but also by the friendships and the thought of having something to really fight for. David Dusek gets it. His ministry Rough Cut Men helps guys connect through the films we love. To slow things down a bit and help us discover our heart as men. In this conversation, David Dusek and Mike Yarbrough discuss how to connect with a brotherhood in a world that is pushing isolationism.

  • Beginning Krav Maga // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    14/07/2022 Duración: 19min

    My first lesson in Krav Maga began this past Monday and it was a lot of fun! I'll keep you guys posted as a progress until I'm at the Steven Seagal level and then I'll just ghost everyone.

  • Stephen Mansfield // Finding the Fire in our Lives

    11/07/2022 Duración: 53min

    It's painfully obvious that men are lacking the "fire in the belly" that they ought to have. They long for it, but many of them don't have a clear understanding of the spirited drive that a man should have in different areas of his life.

  • My Biggest Challenges Right Now // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    07/07/2022 Duración: 19min

    Regardless of how the internet makes it look, business is never easy. Sure, there are seasons where things are swimming along, but most of the time there are new problems to solve. That's a lot of fun, but for a guy with a lot of irons in the fire, limited time makes it difficult to grow as quickly as I would like.

  • Eric Barker // Plays Well With Others

    04/07/2022 Duración: 59min

    What if what we know about relationships is mostly wrong? What if our expectations for how a relationship should work are way off? That's what 2x podcast guest and author Eric Barker writes about in his new book, Plays Well With Others. We dive into a few topics from the book, I share some personal stories, and we laugh at his wall coverings!

  • The Renewing of Your Mind // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    30/06/2022 Duración: 18min

    Many Christians will be familiar with Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." While we most likely have heard that the "pattern of this world" is the sinful world in which we live, there may be more of a personal pattern that we need to replace with a new, transformed mind.

  • Gun Rights - Closer Than We Think // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    23/06/2022 Duración: 17min

    The recent shootings in Uvalde along with the many tragedies over the last 2 decades should be bringing us closer together when it comes to gun rights, but of course politicians and the media uses it to divide us. However, when these tragedies happen we are all bumping up against the same undeniable conclusion, one that should unite us as Americans rather than divide us.

  • Bert Sorin // Running After Life

    30/05/2022 Duración: 56min

    Most men allow life to come to them, while others run after it, making the most of the time we're granted. Bert Sorin is a man on a mission, and in this episode we talk about building on an American dream, hard work, life at the top, and how to have a legendary life.

  • Graham Tuttle // The Philosophy of Barefoot Running

    23/05/2022 Duración: 01h12min

    I love running barefoot. There was a time when I thought I may never be able to run again without enduring a week of painful walking afterwards. Graham Tuttle gets this and coaches people on how to run, move, and listen to their bodies to become the best advocates for their health.

  • Clint Emerson // Living the Rugged Life

    16/05/2022 Duración: 46min

    Every man wants to be more rugged, resilient, and self-reliant. It's in our bones to be competent providers regardless of the situation. Clint Emerson's new book The Rugged Life is a great resource to learn how to care for yourself and your family whether in the suburbs or the wilderness.

  • FF11. Elon Musk Buys Twitter // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

    13/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    So, Elon has bought Twitter, making Twitter a potentially awesome comeback story. In this Foundry Friday episode I share some thoughts on this and some cautions if you decide to jump back into Twitter now that it's more open to free speech.

  • On Abortion

    12/05/2022 Duración: 15min

    We just ironically celebrated Mother's Day while simultaneuously seeing women protest to have the right to have abortions. It looks like the abortion debate is about to become relevant again with the SCOTUS decision looming. Here are some thoughts to help clarify the issue and cut through the language we've used for so long.

  • Vanagon Adventure // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    28/04/2022 Duración: 22min

    I took a trip out west to pick up a 31 year old vehicle at the height of gas prices. Worth it? Listen to this special episode to find out!  

  • Quick Update: Van, Coffee, Guests, and More

    18/04/2022 Duración: 08min

    Dang, I missed an episode last week! But, we have some good stuff on the way. Here's a quick episode to help you guys stay in the know about my new van (it's awesome), a new line of coffee based on the life and legend of Theodore Roosevelt, upcoming podcast guests, and more.

  • Wants vs Wishes // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    07/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    We all need to learn the difference between something we truly desire vs something we only wish could happen. Otherwise, we'll end up with too many options and a lot of disappointment.

  • The Real Reason You're Not Getting Married // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

    31/03/2022 Duración: 14min

    While you may have told yourself that, "It's just a piece of paper" the real reasons you're not getting married are the very reasons you should.

  • FF10. Social Media & Your Kids // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

    25/03/2022 Duración: 16min

    Social media is absolutely wrecking our kids. In just about every measurable way it is having a negative impact on them. It's harming their ability to connect in the real world, their sleep, their moods (depression/anxiety numbers are soaring), and even their health. And while it's not just our kids who have an issue , it is their generation that doesn't know a life without social media. Parents need to wake up and take this seriously.

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