Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Micaiah


    How do you respond to truth when you encounter it? In this sermon, we see that it's better to be on the side of truth, rather than to try to get the truth on your side. Micaiah's story offers four reactions to truth that teach us important lessons for our lives today.   1 King 22:10-28

  • Abel


    What does it mean to live a life of faith? In this sermon, we discover Abel, a man who lived a God-centered life of faith. Abel's life and death provide us with three portraits of faith that cry out for the justice and the mercy of God.   Genesis 4

  • The Damage of Self-Deception


    The easiest person to deceive is often ourselves. How can we avoid this? In this sermon, we find Jesus offering advice on how to navigate self deception tendencies in our own lives. Three lessons to take away: ask God to search your heart, listen to reproof from others, and read and apply the truth.   Matthew 23:29-32

  • Avoiding Contamination


    Small contaminations can lead to enormous consequences. How do we avoid spiritual contamination? In this passage, Jesus teaches us how to retain our spiritual purity. Three attitudes in our lives lead to moral contamination: we compare of our lives to others, we conform our minds to the world, and we allow cynicism to reign in our hearts.   Matthew 23:27-28

  • Avoiding Contamination


    How do we avoid hypocrisy in our lives? We are prone to put on masks that show other people a false side of ourselves, to the detriment of our faith. Hypocrisy is all about advancing our own causes and interests. Jesus calls us to put away external hypocrisy and focus on our internal spiritual health: value authenticity over respectability, focus on your own shortcomings, and understand the way Christianity works.   Matthew 23:25-28

  • Back to the Basics


    Do you know the basics of your faith? Have you got off track and need to correct course? When we neglect the basics, things can quickly fall apart. As Christians, if we are to be faithful representatives for God in the world, we must not neglect the basics as the Pharisees did. In this sermon, we learn three things that can help us get back on track.   Matthew 23:23-24

  • When Truth Confronts Tradition


    Why do we follow traditions? We all have traditions that we think are the right way of doing things. But sometimes traditions can have negative consequences. In this passage we see three wrongful uses of traditions. Jesus rebukes the traditions of the Pharisees because they were leading to ritualism; and empty rituals can lead people to false religion and away from God. The danger is when religious practices becomes overly intellectual, and loses the underlying meaning and purpose. Don't let empty rituals steal your sense of awe for God.   Matthew 23:16-22

  • The Danger of Exclusivity


    It's human nature to want to be in an exclusive club. But in this passage, we find Jesus describing a new Kingdom mentality where all are welcome. He teaches that we should approach God like a child. If our church is to reflect the heart of Jesus, we need to be a place that welcomes the sinners, like a hospital welcomes the sick.   Luke 18:15-17

  • Follower or Pharisee?


    We tend to take on the mannerisms of the people we hang out with. Their qualities tend to become our own; for example, have you ever been told you're becoming like your parents? Sometimes, our osmosis of others' qualities is a good thing; in other cases, we absorb the worst of others. As we begin this series on studying the seven "woes" Jesus says to the Pharisees, we'll reflect on what negative patterns of behavior may have seeped into our lives. In this passage, we explore three signs that we might be drifting towards becoming like the Pharisees. If the Christianity you've experienced feels like a burden, you haven't experienced what Jesus has to offer you.   Matthew 23:1-12

  • Celebrate the Passover


    There are things in Christianity that seem like paradoxes. At first glance, these things don't quite seem to make sense. In this final sermon in the series, we find Jesus celebrating Passover with the apostles. Jesus' teaching on servanthood turns our human expectations for honor upside down. The economy of God is so very different from the economy of man.   Luke 22

  • Teach at the Temple


    Have you ever had to answer a loaded question? In this passage we find Jesus answering three questions from the Pharisees. His answers teach us three important lessons about our relationship with God.   Mark 12

  • Explain the Fig Tree


    Jesus' ministry is about replacing old, worn out things with something new. In this passage, we see the story of a withered fig tree representing Israel and temple-based Judaism. Jesus teaches us a powerful truth through the visual of the fig tree, foretelling how something new is coming through his life and ministry.   Mark 11:12-25

  • Advancing the Gospel in Cities


    What makes our cities celebrate and rejoice? In this passage, we find the early church scattered following great persecution. Yet even during this time, the church preached the gospel in Judea and Samaria, and it was recorded that there was great joy in those cities. Ultimately we learn that city renewal comes through the preaching of the gospel.   Acts 8:1-8

  • Cleanse the Temple


    First impressions are important. Yet often people's first impression of Jesus is inaccurate. People tend to underestimate Jesus because of personal circumstances in their lives. Do we have an accurate respect for who Jesus is? In this sermon we are reminded that God demands holiness in our worship.   Mark 11 and Matthew 21

  • Palm Sunday


    As we begin our new series on Jesus' final week preceding his death at Calvary, we find Jesus on Sunday entering the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. The story teaches us how Jesus is ultimately in control and worthy of worship.   Matthew 21:1-11  

  • Can I Know God Personally?


    Can we know God personally? In this message, Pastor Eric describes what a relationship with God looks like. We can know God, but perhaps more amazing to consider is that God wants to know us too. God invites us into relationship. And it's all possible because what Jesus did for us.   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is The Bible Reliable?


    Is the Bible full or errors and mistakes? Why do Christians consider the Bible God's word? In this sermon, Dr. Jelinik explore why the Bible is trustworthy and how it compares to other sacred texts.   1 John 2:18   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is Jesus really God?


    Is Jesus really God or was he just a good man? Is God really like Jesus? In this Sunday night sermon Dan Cameron lays out the case for Christ as the Son of God.   Mark 2   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is Christianity Too Narrow?


    Are all religions a viable option to God? In this sermon, Pastor Butler explains God's salvation plan for humanity and why it's the only sufficient path to a relationship with the creator.   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Why Does God Allow Pain And Suffering?


    In this sermon, we critique three wrong answers to the question of why pain and suffering exists: God is not good, God is not all powerful, and God does not know everything completely. One right answer is found in the book of Romans: God uses our suffering, more than any other single purpose, to wean us from the love of this world so that we can find life in Him alone.   Romans 8:28

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