Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Does God Exist?


    Is there proof that God exists? While there is a lot of evidence that supports the existence of God, there's no iron-clad philosophical or scientific "proof" for God. At some point, we all reach a moment where we need to step out in faith on the basis of the evidence we've seen.   More resources on this question are available at:

  • Does Life Have a Purpose?


    Why are we here? What's our purpose? If there is an objective purpose to life, and we don't know what it is, we are wasting our live. In this sermon, we discover that we are created by God and built for a purpose. Knowing this purpose empowers us, gives us resilience, and provides true satisfaction.   Genesis 1:26-27 | Psalm 139   More resources on this question are available at:

  • Triumph In The Face Of Adversity


    Where do we go for encouragement in the face of adversity? Where is our hope found? In this message, we find the ultimate encouragement to face whatever life may throw at us. Psalm 119:92 & Psalm 143:10

  • The Holy Spirit In Our Lives


    Who is the Holy Spirit and what is the believer's relationship to Him? As we look at the Spirit's person and work, we'll better understand Him and how to be His effective vessels.

  • A New Name


    What's the legacy you hope to leave to the next generation? What will people remember you for? We all hope our lives have meaning and impact beyond our death. In the conclusion of the series on the life of Jacob, we see Jacob receiving a new name from God. The story reveals important truths about God's faithfulness to HIs servants. God's faithfulness to us should lead us to faithfulness to Him. Genesis 35

  • Deceit and Disgrace


    The realities of sin are brutal. In one of the most difficult passages in the Old Testament, we see the severe consequences of sin in our world. No sin is private; no sin is excusable; but no sin is unforgivable.   Genesis 34

  • Return Of The Brother


    How do we find reconciliation in difficult relationships? Can we experience forgiveness after long periods of animosity? The greatest conflict we often see through human history is between family members. A similar story plays our here with Jacob and Esau. In this passage, we learn about finding grace in the process of reconciliation.   Genesis 33

  • The Great Wrestling Match


    What's the defining moment of your life? How did that experience chart the course for the rest of your life? In this passage, we see the defining moment of Jacob's life when he physically and spiritually wrestled with God. When we truly meet with God, we are never the same again.   Genesis 32:22-32

  • Shaking in His Sandals


    Life is full of things that bring fear into our lives. If we don't know how to handle fear, it can stop us in our tracks. How should we respond to fear? In this passage, we learn from the life of Jacob how to approach fear.   Genesis 32:1-21

  • Running Away To Home


    Does our security reside in our own schemes or God's wisdom? In this passage, we find Jacob and Laban scheming to outmaneuver each other. The narrative provides an important lesson: our security as people rests in the character of God, not the cleverness of our schemes.   Genesis 30:25-31:55

  • The Un-Ideal Family


    Every family has some level of dysfunction, and Jacob's family was no different. What can we learn from Jacob's family dynamics? In this passage, we see the fulfillment of God's promise for offspring despite the family conflicts. We also learn some important lessons about how God responds to our brokenness: God sees our pain, God knows our plans, and God hears our prayers.   Genesis 29:31-30:24

  • An Old Fashioned Love Story


    Have you ever struggled with God's plan for you life? In this great love story, we see how God is directing the steps of Jacob and Rachel towards one another. We learn that God is faithful to guide those who love and follow after him. Genesis 29:1-30

  • Heaven Came Down


    Have you ever seen something truly amazing? In this passage, Jacob experiences a dream where God shows him an important vision, reaffirming the covenant made with Abraham. We learn from Jacob how to worship God with our devotion.   Genesis 28:10-22

  • The Blessing Thief


    When we do whatever it takes to get what we want, there are often consequences. In this passage, we see Jacob stealing Isaac's blessing from Esau. We learn that we can't let life's disappointments excuse disobedience.   Genesis 27:1-28:9

  • Like Father Like Son


    It's been said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. How is our faith shaped by those closest and most influential to us? In this passage, we see Isaac's faith being tested, and his response is very similar to that of his father, Abraham. The legacy of faith and its blessings is often passed down from one generation to the next.   Genesis 26: 1-35

  • Sibling Rivalry


    What legacy did Abraham leave his sons Isaac and Jacob? And what lessons can we learn from their story that impact our lives today? In this new series, we're looking at how faith is a legacy that is passed down from one generation to the next.  God works in mysterious ways from one generation to the next to write His ultimate story throughout history.   Genesis 25:19-34

  • When Our Fears Test Our Faith


    How should we prepare for the moments in life when our fears test our faith? In this passage, we see the disciples struggling to cross a stormy sea in a boat. When all looks lost, Jesus appears, walking on the water. This story provides a template for us to follow when we find ourselves in the midst of fear.   Matthew 14:22-31

  • The Blind Do Indeed See


    Sometimes its easy to miss God's blessings by being distracted or not looking in the right places. Are we ordering our lives in such a way that we notice when God is near and calling to us? In this passage, we see Jesus healing a blind man. But there's more to the story than meets the eye, and important implications for our relationship with God.   Luke 18:35-43

  • The Attributes of God


    How does God reveal His glory to man? In this passage, we see Jesus raising a dead man to life. The primary purpose of the miracle was that God would be glorified. But it also reveals to us the divine attributes of God that only He possesses.   John 11

  • Christ Our Shepherd


    How does Jesus Christ the Shepherd care for his flock when He is moved by compassion? In this passage about the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, we find Jesus performing seven acts of compassion for his flock. Our response should be complete confidence in Jesus, and to reflect His compassion to others.   Mark 6:30-56

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