Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • The Boy With An Unclean Spirit


    How should we combat evil spirits in our own lives or in the lives of others? In this passage, we see the disciples of Jesus struggling to cast out a demonic spiritual tormenting a child. Jesus arrives and miraculously heals the boy, demonstrating that purposeful prayer is a powerful weapon against evil spirits.   Mark 9:14-29

  • Total Miracle


    Ever felt like something is beyond repair, beyond hope? Sometimes it feels like there’s just no way forward. Then you encounter Jesus and realize that there’s nothing beyond His grasp. In this passage, we explore Jesus’ miraculous healing of a paralyzed man. No matter the issue, Jesus provides a way to touch every aspect of our humanity.   Luke 5:17-26

  • When Kingdoms Collide


    When the Kingdom of Heaven collides with the kingdom of darkness, miraculous things are possible. In this story, we see Jesus' miraculous liberation of a demon possessed man. When all hope seems lost for redemption, Jesus not only frees this man spiritually but also cares for him holistically. The change in circumstances is staggering. How much different would our lives be if we knew the true power of Jesus to redeem?   Mark 5:1-20

  • Blessings Better Than Gold


    How do you model your expectations of miracles? Or do you struggle to believe that God still works miracles? In this passage, Peter miraculously heals a crippled man. But just because we are in the 21st century doesn't mean that miracles are impossible. If we want to see Jesus work miracles in the lives of those around us, we need to take Him at His word and expect amazing things.  If we are driven by the gospel, we'll be instruments that impart healing and joy to the hopeless.   Acts 3

  • A Glimpse of His Glory


    What do miracles show us about God? In this passage, we see Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana. He took six jars of water, representing a human ritual, and turned them into wine, revealing the glory of God. It was more than a miracle, it was a sign of power that can transform lives.   John 2:1-11

  • Diligent Waiting


    Waiting for resolution is often difficult. As Christians, the Bible promises ultimate resolution in Jesus' second coming; but how are we to conduct ourselves as we wait? This passage teaches us that assurance in Jesus' return leads us to action in living out our faith for Him while while we wait.   2 Peter 3:14-18

  • To Be Fulfilled


    Why is Scripture filled with end-times prophecy? Often, these passages generate heated debate. However, the purpose of eschatology (the study of end times) is not for greater debate but for greater devotion in our lives. In this passage, we learn about three responses to the coming King that should be evident in all of our lives.   2 Peter 3

  • Empty Promises


    Has someone ever promised you something they failed to deliver? In this passage, we learn about false teachers within the church who twist the truth and can lead us astray. Appearances can be deceiving: false teaching overpromises and under delivers; but Jesus always keeps His promise and always delivers. Any teaching we follow apart from Jesus ultimately leads to emptiness.   2 Peter 2

  • Promises: Can I Get A Witness?


    How can we be assured that the faith we pursue is not in vain? Christians are not living their lives on unfounded claims. In fact, we have credible witnesses whose claims about the promises of God are trustworthy. In this passage, we are shown three witnesses that give us assurance of our faith: the Apostles who lived with Jesus, God the Father who spoke at Jesus' transfiguration, and the prophets who's words were confirmed throughout history. The result is confidence of our faith in Jesus and His coming kingdom.   2 Peter 1:16-21

  • 20/20 Faith


    How can we see the world as God would have us view it? When problems or difficulties come our way, we have a natural tendency towards spiritual nearsightedness, causing us to focus on what's right in front of us and missing the bigger picture. We must remember and rely upon God's promises for us.   2 Peter 1:1-15

  • The Great Need of the American Church


    What do you believe to be the truly desperate need of the American church? While we often hope for revival, scripture teaches that our churches must first remember the seriousness of sin and seek true repentance. One reason we see so little repentance throughout the world is that the world sees so little repentance in the church. Our weakness as a church brings reproach to our God. But when we repent with truly sorrowful hearts, God promises to restore and revive His people.   Joel 2: 12-17

  • The Preparation of God’s Mission and Missionary


    There comes a time in the life of every Christian when we hear the voice of God calling us to do something. If we are ready, we will respond with obedience, and experience the blessing of God. But what if we run away from God? In this message, Rev. Damara teaches us from the life of Jonah about what happens when we disobey God's calling on our lives.   Jonah 1-4

  • You Will Be My Witnesses


    How do we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses of the gospel? Dr. Root reminds us to be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and using that connection to effectively share Jesus with others.   Acts 1:8

  • Hope in Dark Times


    When times get tough, where do we turn? How should we order our thoughts and actions when darkness arrives? Pastor Reyes reminds us that in the midst of darkness, our hope needs to be rooted in the goodness of what God has done in our lives. God will always redeem us; the Lord is good to those who wait for Him.   Lamentations 3

  • The Great Fall


    Everyone wants their lives to have a happy ending, but often that goal can be derailed by sinful patterns of behavior. In this final passage from our series, we learn important lessons from Samson's life that can help us avoid tragic endings in ours. If we don't choose humility in our lives, God will do it for us.   Judges 16

  • What Drives You


    What motivates you to action? If you find yourself driven by anger or pride, consider a warning from the life of Samson. In this passage, we find Samson acting out of rage, impulse, and arrogance. The consequences are clear for Samson's life: the anger and arrogance of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Don't let the emotions of your life draw you away from God.   Judges 15

  • Slipping Spirituality


    Samson's story is one of wasted potential. What started off so well, quickly drifted into chaos. This drift is a warning for our hearts as well. People don't naturally gravitate towards holiness; we need to guard our hearts lest we slide towards godlessness. In this passage, we learn that if we aren't fighting to go forward in our faith, we are slipping backwards.   Judges 14

  • A Savior Is Born


    Samson was a highly unusual character in the Bible. What made him so different? He was set apart to be specially devoted to God, just as Israel was meant to be set apart for God. As we learn about Samson's life in this passage in Judges, we learn that God is a God of grace, that He is a God of wonder, and that He is a God of power.   Judges 13

  • He Provides For My Home


    Our long road through life is varied and unknown. The great hope is that at the end of the road, we will arrive at a phenomenal home waiting for us. The encouragement from this passage is found in the companionship that the Lord provides us on the road through life, until we reach our final destination in heaven.   Psalm 23

  • He Provides For My Victory


    We've all experienced milestones in our lives, moments that are special due to their achievements from hard work, obstacles that were overcome, or unexpected victories. King David was no stranger to victories, so the way that he builds depth into the image of the Shepherd in this passage is unique. Here, the Shepherd's role shifts from that of a guide to that of a host. We learn of three affirmations that the Shepherd host gives to His flock: the Lord celebrates us, the Lord shields us, and the Lord refreshes us.   Psalm 23

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