Brooke Snow Podcast



Join host Brooke Snow in conversations that will encourage you to look forward with faith. Faith in yourself, faith in God, and faith in living your own divine mission and purpose.


  • If You Want Different Results, Then Do Something Different

    14/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever felt stuck in a pattern or habit that frustrates you? Perhaps you're familiar with the oft quoted phrase stating, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... We humans are creatures of habit. We crave what is familiar, even if it's not good for us. We may want something better, even hope for something better, but until we actually do something in a different way, we aren't going to see the changes that we hope for. Today's episode will help identify what patterns may not be working in our life, why they're there, and what we can do to create something better. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. All In Podcast Ep. 75: Brooke Snow: Christ Is The Breath Of Life The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Cours

  • What's Awesome About This?

    27/03/2020 Duración: 26min

    When life feels dark and burdensome, you may not automatically ask yourself, "What's awesome about this?" Human nature is such that we easily ruminate when we get stuck or face a challenge. But God has commanded us to be grateful in every circumstance and to find the good. We'll talk about why this is a commandment and why it is powerful enough to pull you out of darkness and into the light. It is perhaps one of the very most important skills you can learn, because it holds the key to 100% of your progress and living a meaningful life. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Mans Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

  • Contrast Helps You See

    09/03/2020 Duración: 23min

    Have you ever wished for all your problems to go away? Have you ever wished for perfect health, or that you wouldn't have to work so hard for things, or that money and resources were always available for you? Have you ever wished that all your relationships were peaceful? Wouldn't that be the perfect life? Everyone has moments we tell ourselves that the absence of contrast is what will bring the ideal life. And we'll learn today, contrast is the very element that makes life so meaningful to begin with. When we can use contrast to our benefit, we free ourselves from the burden of being stuck because contrast is the key to change. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :)

  • How To Spiral Up

    22/02/2020 Duración: 24min

    Have you ever experienced a downward spiral? Those moments that knock you off course, and then it's all downhill from there?  We all have our triggers that can set things in motion... what we don't always realize is the spiral can be traveled in two different directions.  In this episode we're going to talk about how to spiral up, and more specifically what things we can do to help us get back on track in the right direction.  SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maude Montgomery Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success by Brian Tracy

  • Something Better

    24/01/2020 Duración: 19min

    When you hear the phrase, "God's will be done", what does that mean for you? Have you ever prayed for something and not received it? Have you ever wondered if these moments mean God's will was for you to not receive and to not be happy? In today's episode we're going to talk about the true nature of God, His abundance, and how His will actually guides us to receive something even better than we can conceive on our own.  SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) The Heavens Are Open by Wendy Nelson Living The Gospel Joyful by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  • See Things As They Really Are

    17/01/2020 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever told yourself a story about what someone thinks of you? How has that turned out for you? Funny how we can so easily fool ourselves into thinking we know what is going on in someone else's head. Yet we do it all the time. We tell stories about our relationships and events in order to make sense of our life. Unfortunately, our stories are usually inaccurate and lead us to misunderstand, miscommunicate, and suffer. In today's episode we're going to find out how we can know if we're telling a story and examine what is really going on so we can live with love and peace and learn to see things as they really are. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Ep. 61 Floors and Ceilings Podcast: Landmark episode here! If you wa

  • Changing Your Identity

    10/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    Did you create your goals for 2020 yet? Have you noticed any of the same resolutions appear on this years list that you may have had on years past? Why do you think we struggle with the same things over and over? I'm excited to share with you in today's episode a major missing piece in goal setting that I believe changes everything. It's the secret to lasting change and making our efforts finally stick. If you want this year to be the year you move forward on that one thing that keeps returning each year, you'll love this episode. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Ep. 61 Floors and Ceilings Podcast: Landmark episode here! If you want to increase consistency with anything in your life this is a must listen! Atomic Habits by J

  • It's Just Data

    13/12/2019 Duración: 21min

    Do you ever get discouraged by your mistakes? What about the times that you don't perform as well as you would hope to? Do you ever look back on your year or your day and get frustrated by the gap of where you are and where you know you could be? Do you ever take all of this personally and get down on yourself? In today's podcast I'm going to share with you my favorite mantra for turning mistakes into growth. My favorite mantra to remind me to not take any of this personally, and instead to use it as loving information to help me grow. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Ep. 61 Floors and Ceilings: Landmark episode here! If you want to increase consistency with anything in your life this is a must listen!

  • Your Heavenly Team

    21/11/2019 Duración: 24min

    What if there was a way that you could instantly boost your influence for good. A way that you could enhance your talents, and your effectiveness. What if there was a way to increase your hope and your help. A way that you could receive support in every challenge you face. We multiply our effectiveness when we have support. And happily, this privilege of support is given to each of us in our own heavenly team. So who is on your heavenly team? Today I’m talking all about angels. And how we each have angels at the ready to support us when we choose to live up to this privilege. I’ll share a few stories and tips on how I am learning to use this precious gift in my life and how you might too. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life

  • Luxury Lists

    15/11/2019 Duración: 23min

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed from deadlines? Responsibilities? Schedules? All the things being asked of you? What do you do to cope? When we start to feel the squeeze of life, the idea of taking a vacation and getting a break from the daily pressures sounds like the most wonderful option... except what if you can't just take a vacation? What if logistics and commitments really do require you to stay right where you're at and to keep pressing forward with the pressure? Today we're talking about one of my favorite little practices that bring the benefits of a vacation into your everyday life. And you don't have to pay anything or book a trip to get it.  Sound good? Let's get started. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Stillness

  • Floors and Ceilings

    31/10/2019 Duración: 25min

    Have you ever had a big goal in your life that you wanted to reach, but gave up before you got there? Have you ever tried to start a new healthy habit, but been unable to sustain it long term? Have you ever wanted to be consistent in something you knew would change your life but discovered that life is always changing and doing something everyday can get a little complicated when your schedule changes, or you're traveling, or you're sick, or something happens that throws things off? Maybe you were doing well for a time and then the holidays, or vacation time, or sick time, throws things out of whack and it's hard to get back on track? If this has ever happened to you, and you've wondered what to do, this episode will feel like a secret of the universe has just been revealed. We'll talk about my favorite life hack that has kept me consistent in all my good habits no matter what happens in my life. And the best part is, it's so easy that every single person can do it. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by

  • Be The Change

    24/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    In the last episode we talked all about how you are an influencer. Today we're going to talk about the #1 most important way you influence others. If you would like to have more power in your leadership in your marriage, in your parenting, in your community, or your work, then it all starts here. With you. We'll talk about what this looks like in the smallest of ways to those that are bigger, and how imperfect effort is enough to bring about amazing influence. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Ep. 24 Holding Space: Podcast episode mentioned in the Review of the Week and my #1 Downloaded Episode!

  • You Are An Influencer

    17/10/2019 Duración: 25min

    Have you ever wondered the extent of your own influence? Have you ever fallen into the trap of judging your own influence off of numbers or social approval or even how well others receive you? Have you wanted to have more influence over those you serve, be it in your family, work, or community? In today's episode we're going to dive into a few tiny paradigms that have massively changed how I view true influence and helped me take heart and have courage to move forward with confidence.  SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Ep. 24 Holding Space: Podcast episode mentioned in the Review of the Week and my #1 Downloaded Episode!

  • Creating Solitude

    10/10/2019 Duración: 24min

    Solitude can mean different things to different people, in this episode we give a few definitions that help clarify what it means to have true solitude...and how you don't have to leave your home and be a hermit in the woods to find it--though ironically, we are going to learn a big lesson from a man named Henry David Thoreau who did just that. If you've ever struggled with anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or many of the other effects of living in a constantly connected world, we're going to learn a few tiny practices that can give you the solitude akin to living in the woods without actually having to miss out on all of the other parts of life to benefit. Win Win! Let's get into it. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Finding Yo

  • The Mind of the World

    03/10/2019 Duración: 22min

    You've likely heard the phrase "Live in the world, but not of the world" several times. What does that mean to you? Today we're going to dive into this topic as it relates to the literal connection we have to the world, in the palm of our hand. Our phones, tablets, and devices. Access to the world has never been easier, or more prevalent than it is today. If you've ever felt the effects of a little too much connection and desired to reassess your relationship to that connection, then you'll love today's episode. I'm sharing with you the paradigm shift that dramatically changed my own experience and made it easier for me to place some healthy boundaries that have made my life so much happier. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your li

  • Treasuring Up Good Words

    26/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    How would you rate yourself on the positivity scale? Do you usually speak loving and encouraging words to yourself and others? Or is this something you'd like to improve more in your life? Our words have immense power to influence the way we feel and the way we grow. And truth be told, we all can do a little better at conditioning ourselves to speaking truth at all times, especially in moments of frustration, irritation or great disappointment. Today's episode I'm going to share with you one of my favorite practices for training our minds towards positivity. You may even fall in love with vacumming and doing the dishes by the end of this, so stay tuned for the magic possibility behind those seemingly mundane tasks to help us treasure up good words. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend

  • There's Always Just One Thing To Do

    19/09/2019 Duración: 21min

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed from your lists? You know... the to-do list, or even that figurative list of "all the things I should or could be doing to improve my life or be more righteous??? yeah that list. How long is it? How far have you gotten on that list? If you're anything like me or anyone else I know, those lists are nearly always on our minds, and often the source of misery or overwhelm or even procrastination. They start out with good intention and can quickly be the reason we get discouraged or even get stuck. Today's episode we're going to learn the truth about how there's always just one thing to do. Truly. There is. Do you feel better already!? ha ha! Excited to get into this encouraging topic! SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you w

  • Afterward: Who Builds Your Identity

    12/09/2019 Duración: 10min

    Welcome to Season 2 of the Brooke Snow podcast. This season is breaking from tradition in an exciting way. After some lovely negotiation, I received permission from my publisher to publish the audio of my book, "Living In Your True Identity: Discover, embrace, and Develop your own divine nature" as podcast episodes. Right now this is a tentative experiment and these episodes may not always be here, so I encourage you to listen while you can! Today you have the Afterward: Who Builds Your Identity? SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :)

  • Ch. 13 Belonging

    05/09/2019 Duración: 25min

    Welcome to Season 2 of the Brooke Snow podcast. This season is breaking from tradition in an exciting way. After some lovely negotiation, I received permission from my publisher to publish the audio of my book, "Living In Your True Identity: Discover, embrace, and Develop your own divine nature" as podcast episodes. Right now this is a tentative experiment and these episodes may not always be here, so I encourage you to listen while you can! Today you have Chapter 13: Belonging SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :)

  • Ch. 12 The True Nature of God

    29/08/2019 Duración: 20min

    Welcome to Season 2 of the Brooke Snow podcast. This season is breaking from tradition in an exciting way. After some lovely negotiation, I received permission from my publisher to publish the audio of my book, "Living In Your True Identity: Discover, embrace, and Develop your own divine nature" as podcast episodes. Right now this is a tentative experiment and these episodes may not always be here, so I encourage you to listen while you can! Today you have Chapter 12: The True Nature of God SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge: Join the challenge today and you get a friend to join you for free! Both of you will change your life :) Life's Test Was Turned Into A Classroom by Kim Giles Living The Gospel Joyful by Dieter F. Uchtdorf Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary s.v. "prove"

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