Franklincovey On Leadership With Scott Miller



A weekly podcast from FranklinCovey to help you become a better leader.


  • Bo Seo: Listen and Be Heard

    01/12/2023 Duración: 37min

    Episode 316 | Effective communication is paramount in various contexts, including leadership, relationships, and personal growth. Former journalist and two-time debating world champion, Bo Seo, demystifies these topics by emphasizing the need for clarity in arguments, the importance of understanding the other person's perspective, and the value of crafting persuasive arguments. Bo shares his personal journey from South Korea to Australia to the US, highlighting the challenges he faced as a non-native English speaker and the impact it had on his communication style. He discusses the importance of being willing to engage in disagreements and the power of debate in fostering understanding and growth. Bo delves into the concept of truth in arguments and the challenges of navigating disagreements in personal relationships, providing practical advice on how to engage in productive debates. Listen Like a Leader: Download our guide to learn how to listen and then pick one or two skills you can start building this wee

  • Dean Graziosi: Mastermind Your Legacy

    28/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    Episode 315 | Life is happening for you, not to you. Bestselling author, coach, speaker, and entrepreneur Dean Graziosi has learned a lot from his time working with Tony Robbins, but he says this concept about life has been most impactful for him. As the co-founder of, Dean discusses the concept of masterminds and their value in professional development and self-education. He explains that a mastermind is a collective gathering of minds with a shared desired outcome, where individuals come together to solve problems, fuel opportunities, and share their knowledge and breakthroughs. Dean emphasizes the importance of learning from others who have already been successful and highlights the power of masterminds in accelerating growth and learning. He also discusses the future of self-education, noting the rise of thought leaders and the need for more niche-focused and entertaining content. Leverage Learning Science for Lasting L&D Impact: Organizations are increasingly investing in learning and

  • Rory Vaden: Take the Stairs

    27/11/2023 Duración: 42min

    Episode 312 | Without a clear vision, you can’t expect to know where you’re going. This may seem obvious to some, but for Rory Vaden it’s a lot more than that. As a NYT bestselling author and co-founder of Brand Builders, Rory discusses the importance of self-discipline, perseverance, and having a clear vision for success. He emphasizes the power of choosing to focus on gratitude rather than worrying about what we don't have. He also highlights the significance of serving others and finding purpose in our lives. Vaden shares insights from his book, "Take the Stairs," which offers principles for achieving true success, explaining that success is not about self-actualization, but about helping others succeed. • Crucial Insights For First-Level Leaders: Develop your people into a high-performing team with these time-tested and proven insights.

  • Lindsay Gibson: Emotionally Immature Parents

    24/11/2023 Duración: 47min

    Episode 314 | How can you be your best self as a parent? Dr. Lindsay Gibson, author of "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents” joins On Leadership to discuss and reflect on modern parenting. Dr. Gibson explains that emotionally immature parents often train their children to prioritize the parent's needs over their own, leading to a lack of self-connection and boundary-setting. She emphasizes the importance of regaining self-connection and setting boundaries to maintain psychological health. Dr. Gibson also advises listeners to reflect on their own upbringing and consider how it may have influenced their current relationships. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: A Brief Guide  - Download our guide for a summary of principles and practices that can help you cope with change in resilient, creative ways.

  • Nedra Glover Tawwab: Drama Free

    21/11/2023 Duración: 37min

    Episode 313 | The holidays are a hot bed of family drama for many people. Prepare your hearts with this engaging interview featuring NYT bestselling author Nedra Glover Tawwab. Nedra discusses the importance of setting boundaries in family relationships and how it can positively impact other areas of life. She shares the challenges of navigating relationships with parents, siblings, and children during the holiday season, providing advice on how to have difficult conversations and handle conflicts in a healthy way. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: A Brief Guide  - Download our guide for a summary of principles and practices that can help you cope with change in resilient, creative ways.

  • Jennifer McCollum: In Her Own Voice

    14/11/2023 Duración: 44min

    Episode 311 | Creating cultures where we are all celebrated rather than tolerated is a passion of Jennifer McCollum, CEO of Linkage and author of In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO. Jennifer explores the challenges and hurdles that women face in their journey to leadership positions, emphasizing the need for organizations to create inclusive cultures where women can thrive. Jennifer encourages everyone, regardless of gender, to be selective in choosing organizations that celebrate and support their growth. • 3 Steps to Build a Culture Where Teams Thrive: To provide lasting support to their people, organizations need to build a winning culture with inclusive, high-trust values that help their people succeed both at work and outside of it. Download and share this guide and help your organization align its culture and values with what’s best for its people.

  • Sal Kahn: The Future is Here

    10/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    Episode 310 | The future of education and learning is up for discussion in this episode of On Leadership. Author and founder of the Khan Academy, Sal Khan, shares his journey of starting Khan Academy and how it has grown to become a platform with over 150 million users worldwide. He emphasizes the importance of traditional skills like reading, writing, and math, as well as soft skills like communication and empathy. Khan predicts that the future of education will involve AI assistants that provide real-time feedback and support to students and teachers. In a corporate setting, Sal also encourages leaders to embrace AI technology and use it to improve productivity and quality. • The Energy of Change—5 Leadership Behaviors to Drive Collective Action in a Fluid Landscape: Help your leaders prepare their teams to move through change and transform your organization’s approach to change by downloading and sharing this guide.

  • Stephen M. R. Covey: Leaders Go First

    07/11/2023 Duración: 47min

    Episode 309 | The work required to build a high trust culture starts with you. New York Times bestselling author Stephen M. R. Covey outlines the importance of extending trust to others and the need for leaders to go first by setting the stage for high-trust engagement. Stephen shares examples of companies that have successfully built trust within their organizations, emphasizing the need for smart trust and good judgment. He also encourages individuals to look inward and ask themselves questions about their own trustworthiness, such as whether they demonstrate integrity, care about others, and continuously improve their competence. • 7 Ways to Build Trust Between You and Your Team: Use our toolkit to build trust necessary to propel your organization forward.

  • Ed Bastian: Leading with a Heart of Service

    03/11/2023 Duración: 30min

    Episode 308 | People-driven and customer-focused is how Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastain intentionally chooses to lead his team of 100,000 global professionals. Ed shares personal stories of Delta employees going above and beyond to assist passengers in difficult situations, highlighting the value of empathy and humanity in customer interactions. He emphasizes the cultural imperative of treating customers with kindness and courtesy, regardless of the circumstances. Ed also discusses the hiring process at Delta, focusing on the importance of finding individuals with a heart for service and a track record of going the extra mile. • Building Exceptional Leaders in Uncertain Times: During uncertain times, people look to their leaders to reassure and realign them toward their most important goals. These four critical behaviors help leaders motivate and focus their people on what really matters, even amid uncertainty, stress, and burnout.

  • Jason Jaggard: Burn Bright Without Burning Out

    31/10/2023 Duración: 36min

    Episode 307 | Learn the secrets world-class coaches use to help the best get better with author and CEO of Novus Global, Jason Jaggard. Jason shares the importance of going beyond high performance and continuously growing and improving as a leader. He emphasizes the need for leaders to have an abundance mindset and to model the behaviors they want to see in their teams. • How Effective Leaders Get Results: 7 Ways to Be More Proactive: Learn how taking initiative in small, specific ways can help you reach your goals—for your team, your career, and your life. • How Praise Became a Consolation Prize - The Atlantic:

  • Sarah Harden: Changing the Narrative

    27/10/2023 Duración: 41min

    Episode 306 | It is more important than ever before to build a culture that attracts and retains world-class executives and fosters collaboration and teamwork. That is one of several values outlined by Sarah Harden, CEO of Hello Sunshine, a media brand that focuses on putting women at the center of every story they create and champion. Sarah emphasizes the importance of curiosity and being in a company that allows you to make things happen. Sarah also discusses the discipline of saying no to good ideas in order to focus on great ideas and shares the systems she has set up to make those decisions. • 6 Ways Your Leaders Can Build Trust and Avoid Breaking It: Building trust and inspiring your teams to meet performance goals—while fostering professional growth, productivity, and commitment—are all part of creating a culture that thrives.

  • Robert Waldinger: Living The Good Life

    24/10/2023 Duración: 31min

    Episode 305 | The factors that contribute to a happy and healthy life are not a mystery—despite how we often feel. Psychiatrist and lead author of the book The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Largest Scientific Study of Happiness, Dr. Bob Waldinger, shares a few key findings from the study that has been ongoing for 85 years. One of the key findings is that the quality of relationships is the strongest predictor of happiness and health, even more so than factors like cholesterol levels or blood pressure. Dr. Waldinger emphasize the importance of fostering warm and connected relationships, both in personal and professional settings. He also discusses the prevalence of loneliness and the need for curiosity and generosity in building relationships. Waldinger advises taking small risks and finding ways to be present in the moment as a means of improving social connections. • 7 Ways to Build Trust Between You and Your Team: Use our toolkit to build trust necessary to propel your organization forward. https:/

  • Sheila Johnson: Walking Through Fire

    20/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    Episode 304 | There’s no such thing as overnight success. It’s a concept brought to life by Sheila Johnson, the co-founder of BET and America's first black female billionaire. Sheila shares the importance of passion and knowing oneself in pursuing a successful career as she reflects back on her own 50-year journey filled with ups and downs. She also talks about the leadership decisions she made that contributed to her success, emphasizing the importance of hiring the right people and listening to their expertise. • 5 Ways to Multiply Your Team's Natural Genius: Download our guide to help your leaders get the most from their team.

  • Martin Moore: No BS Leadership

    17/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    Episode 303 | Leaders today must have a strong sense of identity and focus on getting results through their teams. Wall Street Journal bestselling author, leadership coach, and podcast host Martin Moore wants all leaders to know the importance of these leadership skills as they hone their leadership capability and business acumen. He discusses the concept of grace under pressure and the importance of remaining calm and composed in challenging situations, highlighting what he calls the adversity quotient (AQ) and how leaders can develop resilience and coping mechanisms to handle pressure. • Building Exceptional Leaders in Uncertain Times: During uncertain times, people look to their leaders to reassure and realign them toward their most important goals. These four critical behaviors help leaders motivate and focus their people on what really matters, even amid uncertainty, stress, and burnout.

  • Jacob Morgan: Leading with Vulnerability

    12/10/2023 Duración: 38min

    Episode 302 | You can transform yourself, your team, and your organization by putting Jacob Morgan’s book title to work in your life. Leading With Vulnerability is the name of his recently released book, which dives into the eight attributes of a vulnerable leader. Jacob shares his journey as an entrepreneur and how he became passionate about creating organizations where people want to show up. He advises leaders to climb the “vulnerability mountain” by starting with small steps and gradually taking on bigger challenges over time. • How to Build Trust and Unleash the Potential of Your Direct Reports: Everyone has greatness inside of them. Are your leaders doing enough to unlock it? An exceptional leader's job is to unleash the potential in each of their direct reports.

  • Laura Morton: Harnessing Anxious Energy for Good

    10/10/2023 Duración: 41min

    Episode 301 | Things get vulnerable in this conversation with multiple NYT bestselling author Laura Morton. The co-director of the recently released movie “Anxious Nation” shares her personal experience as a mother of an anxious teenager and discusses the normalization of anxiety in our society. Scott reflects on his own experience with anxiety and the impact it could have on his children. A must listen for any parent, leader, or human, this episode highlights the significance of understanding and managing anxiety in as healthy a way as possible, which starts with important conversations just like this. • 6 Shifts to Develop a Leader's Mindset: Organizations have felt the effects of rapid changes like structure, schedules, and the broad adoption of remote or hybrid environments. This disruption has pushed organizations to adopt new mindsets and policies to set their people up for success. Leaders are no exception when it comes to these changes. To be successful today, leaders need to shift their mindsets and

  • Tova Friedman: A Survivor Story

    06/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    Episode 300 | There are no words to describe this must-listen 300th episode, but we’re going to try. The spotlight here is fully on Tova Friedman, the author of "The Daughter of Auschwitz: My Story of Resilience, Survival, and Hope.” Tova is a survivor of the Holocaust and shares her mission in writing the book, which is to represent the 1.5 million Jewish children who were murdered by the Nazis. She expresses her concern about the fading awareness of the Holocaust among younger generations and emphasizes the importance of knowing both the positive and negative aspects of history. Tova recounts her experiences in Auschwitz, including the horrors she witnessed and the resilience she had to summon to survive. She also discusses her journey of recovery, her commitment to preserving the memory of the Holocaust, and the lessons she has learned about resilience and gratitude. • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: A Brief Guide Download our guide for a summary of principles and practices that can help you cop

  • Ryan Smith: Winning at Everything

    03/10/2023 Duración: 44min

    Episode 299 | The impact a sports franchise can have on its surrounding community can be profound. Join hometown hero Ryan Smith, the franchise owner and governor of the Utah Jazz, as he discusses his passion for making a positive impact on the community and shares stories of how he strives to create special moments for fans and individuals. Ryan emphasizes the importance of reinventing oneself and finding a balance between various roles and responsibilities, which he would know a few things about being that he’s also the co-founder and chairman of the Smith Entertainment Group and the founder and executive chairman of Qualtrics. • 3 Steps to Build a Culture Where Teams Thrive: To provide lasting support to their people, organizations need to build a winning culture with inclusive, high-trust values that help their people succeed both at work and outside of it. Download and share this guide and help your organization align its culture and values with what’s best for its people.

  • Zion Clark: Breaking the Limits of Human Potential

    29/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    Zion Clark is no stranger to overcoming adversity and taking on challenges. The extreme athlete, entrepreneur, and author joins us to share his journey of becoming a renowned wrestler and elite athlete, despite being born without lower limbs. Zion emphasizes the importance of perseverance and working hard even when no one is watching. He shares his perspective on gratitude and encourages listeners to be grateful for every breath and opportunity in life. • Building Exceptional Leaders in Uncertain Times: During uncertain times, people look to their leaders to reassure and realign them toward their most important goals. These four critical behaviors help leaders motivate and focus their people on what really matters, even amid uncertainty, stress, and burnout.

  • Terri Cole: Become a Boundary Boss

    26/09/2023 Duración: 37min

    Episode 297 | Having healthy boundaries is crucial for effective leadership. Check your boundary blindspots in today’s episode featuring psychotherapist and boundary expert Terri Cole, who focuses on the importance of setting and respecting boundaries in personal and professional relationships. Terri explains that having healthy boundaries allows leaders to empower their team members and create a high-trust culture. She provides practical advice on how leaders can improve their boundary-setting skills, such as asking expansive questions and allowing others space to contribute their ideas. • Manage Your Time Like a Pro: 7 Tips for Doing What Matters Most – Hard-working professionals should be spending more time on their long-term goals. We can help.

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