Photography Q&a



Internationally renowned Master photographer Bry Cox answers your questions about shooting great photos, videos and running a successful photography business.


  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #10 Album Design & What Works

    15/10/2015 Duración: 06min

     This week Bry Cox answers a question about album design, talking about what works and what doesn’t. There is a complete walk-through with full tutorials on album design as part of the Adobe Photoshop online course. For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #09 Light Pole, Using & Setting Up

    01/10/2015 Duración: 03min

    This week Bry Cox talks about why he rigged a light pole. To see the parts used to make this pole, use this link. For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #08 Getting Clients

    01/10/2015 Duración: 04min

    This week Bry Cox has special guest Trajan King of on to answer a question about getting new clients. Trajan knows business. He has started over 15 companies, ran a couple multi-million dollar companies, worked on both Wall Street and Silicon Valley – consulted companies like eBay, Adobe, Yahoo!, Oracle, Honda and Cisco. He […]

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #07 Creating That ‘Out of Focus’ Look in the Background with f/stops

    01/10/2015 Duración: 04min

     How do you get that ‘out of focus’ look in the background while keeping your subject in focus? That’s the subject of this week’s question. The trick is understanding f/stops and depth of field, and the effect is exaggerated with lens choice. Use this technique for photography or video, but of course you need […]

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #06 Adobe Character Animator

    01/10/2015 Duración: 02min

    This week Bry Cox talks about Adobe Character Animator, now released as a preview program as part of Adobe After Effects and the video editing suite with CC. You can use it to animate a cartoon character using the web cam on your computer rather than using tons of complicated keyframes. View a preview of […]

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #05 Getting Great Skin Tones

    01/10/2015 Duración: 05min

    This week Bry Cox talks about getting great skin tones right out of the camera. This goes for photography and video. You shouldn’t be editing or running filters to get great skin tones, they should happen perfectly, using the right techniques. Bry goes into white balance, metering, equipment calibration, and the tools he uses to […]

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #04 Lightroom/Photoshop Bundle, Online Training, Live Workshops

    01/10/2015 Duración: 02min

     This week Bry Cox talks about Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop bundle, both in getting it from Adobe and in learning how to use them. To get the Adobe Photography bundle for $9.99, go here For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #03 Adobe Lightroom Catalogs

    01/10/2015 Duración: 03min

    This week Bry Cox talks about Adobe Lightroom Catalogs, how to use individual catalogs, combining them for keyword searching and use with Adobe Lightroom Mobile. For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #02 Sales Tip

    01/10/2015 Duración: 03min

    This week Bry Cox talks portrait sales and shares how he just sold a huge 84″ canvas. More sales tips can be found in Bry’s book or in the business courses on this site. For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.

  • Bry Cox Q&A for Photographers #01 Adobe Stock Released

    01/10/2015 Duración: 02min

    This week Bry Cox talks about the new Adobe Stock, just announced. See and buy images from Adobe Stock at For deeper training and full courses, check out the membership section of this site.