Pure Hope



Janice (Hope) Gorman. Ordained Interfaith Reverend and Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Channeler, and Teacher. The North Shield is your own North Star- As I entered into the silence of a winter's eve in the water of my hot tub, I looked upon the stars and I was whisked away into an ancient temple. There was still crystalline snow falling around me as I was taken to a counsel of elders who spoke to me about personal integrity and personal wisdom. The North shield represents a sacred place where elders are and they sit waiting for all to come. I invite you to come listen to how important it is to sit in the silence of your own wisdom. Many current events are happening now and of course many people want to give you advice. My shows are all about entering into your own wisdom and following your own north star. If you have been wondering or confused about your next part of your journey, this show will help you sit in silence with three important questions for your own soul to answer.Our shows are typically only 60 minutes, just long enough to help you get started on listening to your own inner wisdom.Namaste'Rev. Janice Hope Gorman


  • Rev. Hope's Farewell Episode - The Final Pure Hope Show

    23/05/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Join us in celebrating the final Pure Hope Show with our wonderful host, Rev. Janice "Hope" Gorman! Rev. Will talk about the direction of the center and what her role moving forward will look like.

  • AI with Dave The Mystic Is it Good or Bad?

    11/04/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Dave the Mystic (David Barnett) is an energy medicine practitioner, healer and intuitive with over 35 years' experience in Colorado. He has multiple technical degrees and is truly a rocket scientist. In the early 1980's, Dave had some turning points in his life that led to a passion in discovering and developing his gifts in multiple forms of energy healing. He embarked on a path of training in many modalities and developing conceptual understanding of how the different systems work, complement each other and support spirituality.  Dave has gifts in healing, reading the Akashic Records, energy and entity clearing, changing core beliefs, Karma burning, and discerning spiritual gifts.  Dave continually seeks out new modalities, learns and experiences them from their practitioners and frequently highlights these on his weekly web radio show. Dave is a strong believer in health issues having many potential causes in different energy planes.  Dave works with many spiritual guides and communicates with them freely.

  • How to Connect To Your Inner Wisdom with Diane Haworth

    28/03/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Diane L Haworth is modern mystic who helps others navigate all types of human relationships from the power of Divine Love. She’s a Heart-Centered Success Coach, teacher, author, TV host and founder of the Be Love Principles who combines traditional coaching techniques with deep spiritual truths to help clients connect to their own inner wisdom and become more clear, calm and confident. In May 2018 she had a direct Divine experience where she received a set of four statements she calls the Be Love Principles. Diane is dedicated to spreading the Principles around the world to help others live more peaceful lives, guided by Divine love using this template. A compelling and engaging speaker, Diane has been a popular podcast guest and spoken for many private organizations and public events. She hosted the “Heart-Centered Success with Diane Haworth” TV show for two years in the Washington DC/Northern Virginia market and offered “Practical Spiritual Tools” for four seasons on the Awake TV Network.  Diane holds a B.

  • Becoming One with Mother Earth with Kerri Hummingbird

    07/02/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Kerri discusses her new book, Inner Medicine: Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity shares ancient Earth wisdom that will inspire you to Walk in Beauty, become a Luminous Warrior, and be on the frontier of a whole new humanity: Homo Luminous. In this deeply transformative book, Kerri Hummingbird brings us a wake-up call to go on a great departure from all we have ever known, step into the Mystery on an epic quest for the survival of humanity, and make a bid for power to evolve into homo luminous...the one who dreams the sacred dream of New Earth for our descendants seven generations to come. Kerri Hummingbird is the #1 international best-selling author of The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama (a bestseller internationally for over 178 weeks), Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound, and Awakening To Me: One Woman's Journey to Self Love.

  • Memoirs of a Mystic Misfit with Barbara Korte

    24/01/2023 Duración: 01h20min

    Barbara is an intuitive sound and energy practitioner, psychic, spiritual counselor, teacher and life coach. She is a big component of teaching and activating people to empower themselves and connect to their own souls guidance. Her life has been blessed with many inter-dimensional experiences which has helped her to understand the planet and it’s true history at a far deeper level. Her mission to source has brought her to different places around the world where she has worked with Spirit to clear and encode water and the land to help set the energy for the shift that is getting ready to unfold for humanity and the planet, once the old outdated energies are dismantled. Part of that work was to open up Cities of Light around the globe. Barbara has just released her new book “Memoirs of a Mystic Misfit” ( Healing dysfunction and programming to open our higher potential‘s.) The book takes you and her intimate, memorable and often times humorous journey to heal and transcend her life in ways most people cou

  • Natural Healing & The EE System with Dr. Baker

    20/12/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    Bessheen Baker is a Naturopathic Doctor and founder of the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education in Central Michigan.  The Institute is well respected for teaching a four year Naturopathic Doctor program, Massage, and Doula programs.  The Institute is home to a large herb and supplement store that provides numerous services through a team of Naturopathic Doctors and therapists who serve clients from all over the state of Michigan. Dr. Baker is also the co-founder of the non-profit Naturopathic Community Center and the Embassy of Life Mastery, a nine year self-discovery and mastery embassy.   Bessheen Baker grew up in the country with Christmas trees, animals, bees, and 3 brothers!  She gained her passion for natural health through her mother and love of sustainability through her maternal grandmother.  She has built her own organic, biodynamic, permaculture, and sacred geometry ranch with her sons where they raise Scottish Highland Cattle, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and spices.     Her latest e

  • The Birth of New Realities with Joy Elaine

    10/11/2022 Duración: 01h08min

    Joy Elaine is an author, speaker and one of the foremost experts in the world on the Ashtar Command, as well as “mythical” creatures that are real. Joy has her fingers on the pulse of the evolving Earth and has a profound understanding of the nature of the forty-seven universes and many of the races that inhabit them. Three decades of immersion into esoteric teachings and multiple forms of energy modalities—past life regression, Akashic record reading, shamanism, angelic healing and SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing)—have given Joy the background as well as the tools and techniques to be able to bring forth the information for The Joy Chronicles.

  • Lori Spagna "Animal Communications"

    25/10/2022 Duración: 01h21min

     Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Spiritual Catalyst, Intuitive, Guide, Mentor, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Visionary, Lightworker and Starseed who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and Animal Communication and Telepathy.  Lori provides Transformational Experiences, Sacred Energy Healing, Dormant DNA Activtions and is founder of Lightworker Bootcamp Sacred Mentorship For Spiritual Seekers Who Want To FAST Track Their Spiritual Growth Using Metaphysical Tools And Sacred Energy Healing So That You Can Breakthrough Barriers, Heal And Transform Your Traumas, Live A Soul Inspired, Divinely Aligned Life And Become The You You Were Born To Be.  Get more information and FREE gifts from Lori here: www.LoriSpagna.com.

  • How to Actively Communicate with ET's with Caroline Oceana Ryan

    22/09/2022 Duración: 01h14min

    She currently channels the Divine wisdom and higher energies of the Collective, a group of higher beings that includes the Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, Faery elders, Earth elements, Galactic family members, and other higher guides.  They are here to support us as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life. Caroline is the author of eight books, six of them channeled from the Collective, and one channeled from the spirit of John Lennon. She is a co-host on the BBSRadio.com show, A Night at the Roundtable, and also offers channelings from the Collective on her YouTube channel.  Caroline is also the facilitator of the Abundance Group, a community of Lightworkers who meet regularly online to expand their Abundance vibration and visions for the New Earth.

  • How to Live a Happily Ever After Life with Echo Bodine

    30/08/2022 Duración: 01h13min

    Echo Bodine first discovered she was born with psychic abilities and the gift of healing at the age of 17. Her abilities include clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (sensing), and clairgustance (smell). She took psychic classes for two years and practiced on friends and family for twelve years before beginning her full time practice as a psychic, healer, ghostbuster and teacher in 1979. In 1981, Echo began teaching classes on psychic development and spiritual healing. She has appeared on numerous national television shows including Sally Jesse Raphael, Sightings, Beyond with James Van Praagh, NBC’s The Other Side, Un-explained Mysteries, NBC’s Today Show, A&E, and Encounters. Paranormal Borderline did a feature story on her family, calling them the “world’s most psychic family”. She has also been a guest on numerous radio shows throughout the country including Coast to Coast. Echo hosted her own cable TV show called New Age Perspectives for two years. She had her own radio

  • Pure Hope #1

    27/03/2013 Duración: 30min

    The North Shield is your own North Star- As I entered into the silence of a winter's eve in the water of my hot tub, I looked upon the stars and I was whisked away into an ancient temple. There was still crystalline snow falling around me as I was taken to a counsel of elders who spoke to me about personal integerity and personal wisdom. The North shield represents a sacred place where elders are and they sit waiting for all to come. I invite you to come listen to how important it is to sit in the silence of your own wisdom. Many current events are happening now and of course many people want to give you advise. My shows are all about entering into your own wisdom and following your own north star. If you have been wondering or confused about your next part of your journey. This show will help you sit in silence with three important questions for your own soul to answer. Our shows are only 30 minutes long. Just enough to help you get started on listening to your own inner wisdom. Namaste' Rev. Janice Hope Gor