Exploits For God - Byron Howell Ministries

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 54:20:17
  • Mas informaciones



I pray these messages encourage you to draw closer to God and do the great works He has planned for you. "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32)


  • BHMP - 76 - Praying For Jesus' Return

    06/04/2024 Duración: 40min

    Given current events many people believe the end is near and the rapture may soon occur. While that might be true, we are also seeing the devil exert his influence and power like never before. Christians have been given tremendous authority over the devil and unclean spirits. We must start using it to see Jesus' enemies being made into His footstool, and we must begin praying for Jesus' return accordingly.

  • BHMP - 75 - Victory in Your Healing Journey

    22/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    God's will for you is healing, all the time, every time. But God's healing will is not automatic and often it's not instantaneous in the natural realm. This message will greatly help you understand the availability and flow of God's healing power and how to stand in faith and patience for your full manifestation.

  • BHMP 74 - You Must Defeat Doubt

    08/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    Doubt is one of the greatest enemies you will ever have. Doubt will rob you of God's promises for your life. We must learn to defeat doubt and live without it.

  • BHMP 73 - Succeeding In Difficult Situations

    09/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    BHMP 73 - Succeeding In Difficult Situations by Byron Howell

  • Godly Financial Increase 101

    26/10/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    The Bible is clear about money. God wants you financially blessed so that you can be abundantly supplied and so you can abound to every good work (2 Corinthians 9). In fact, all of God’s people are empowered to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18), and God’s blessing will bring riches without painful toil (Proverbs 10:22). But God doesn’t drop money out of the sky (unfortunately!). We need to learn God’s financial system and start increasing financially God’s way. No matter where you find yourself financially, you can start operating in God’s economic system and start increasing. In this message I go through the basics of God’s financial system and I look very practically at how to start increasing financially with God’s help. The accumulation of wealth, for you and for others, should never be our goal, but it should be a byproduct of our service for the Kingdom of God, as we sow and reap correctly for Him. I know this message will bless you.

  • Seedtime and Harvest for Finances (and everything else)

    18/09/2023 Duración: 51min

    Seedtime and Harvest is the most important financial principle presented in the Bible. In fact, seedtime and harvest should be our primary financial mindset. I know some people think that God wants us poor or that God doesn’t care about our finances, but that’s just not true. 2 Corinthians Chapters 8 and 9 clearly teach that God wants us so blessed that we can regularly be generous and “abound to every good work.” God wants to bless us so that we can bless others, and this brings Him glory and honor. Seedtime and harvest has been widely taught, but it can be complicated and it has been abused. In this podcast episode I take a hard look at some of the scriptures and show you why seedtime and harvest is the most important financial principle in the Bible, and that, in fact, it’s one of the most important principles for every area of our lives.

  • Should a Christian Tithe?

    13/09/2023 Duración: 59min

    If you have spent any time in church you’ve probably heard that you must give 10% of your money to God and that if you don’t (a) you are robbing God and (b) you are cursed. The good news is that neither of those is true (sorry to pastors everywhere who have been teaching that). However, the positive reasons that we should tithe, how it honors God as the King of our lives, and how it invites His protection and provision into our lives, are far better reasons to tithe than fear of His curses and punishments. As my dad likes to say, “if we had any idea, we would run to tithe.” In this podcast episode I examine all of this and show you some tithing truths you have probably never heard before. Thank you for listening!

  • How to Easily Start Living in God's Plans for Your Life

    07/06/2023 Duración: 33min

    The Bible is clear that God has plans for each of our lives. But how do we find these plans and what do they entail? I used to think God would reveal His plans after I reached some peak of spiritual maturity or devotion. But I realize now that starting to live in His specific plans for my life is much easier than I thought. In this message I will show you that, regardless of your level of spiritual maturity or what’s going on in your life, you can easily begin living in His plans for you.

  • God Wants You To Share

    11/04/2023 Duración: 44min

    God has done great things for all of us, and God wants us to share our story with others. We are all called to share about God with our friends and family, and this is one of the most rewarding endeavors that life has to offer. In this message we look at how Jesus turned one man's life around in Mark chapter 5, and then I tell you a little of my testimony. God has a great plan for your life, and a huge part of it is sharing His love with the world.

  • What To Do When You Suffer A Physical Problem

    10/03/2023 Duración: 50min

    This world is filled with opportunities for injury, sickness and disease. Unfortunately, it’s very possible that you will suffer a physical problem at some time. But fortunately God’s Word tells us what to do about it. In this teaching I show you how to approach every kind of physical problem, from the most mild to the most serious, and how you should involve God in every healing journey. No matter what you are going through, God wants you well, and this message will greatly help you focus on God and His promises and begin seeing His healing power flow into your body.

  • GFC Prayer And Healing Class 1 Semester 4 - 2-8-23

    12/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    This is the first message from this semester of our Prayer and Healing group. At Prayer and Healing we focus on some awesome subjects and God’s will for our lives, including spiritual realities, God’s promises like healing, and growing in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. I’ve published this episode on my podcast so people can hear the recording and consider joining us for the class. Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the Grace Family Church Carrollwood campus – 5100 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, FL 33634. Please note that you do not need to be a member of Grace to attend. We hope to see you there!

  • God's Help And God's Best For Your Marriage

    03/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    Marriage is not easy, but God still wants you to have a great marriage. Regardless of how you feel about your spouse today, God can change the way you feel, and God can change the way your spouse feels about you. God wants you and your spouse to do great things in this life, not just individually but also together. In your union you can do more than you can do alone. I hope you enjoy this message where I give you some practical advice and mental frameworks for taking your marriage to the next level.

  • How To Deal With Difficult People

    27/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    Every interaction you have with another person is an opportunity for a God-moment, even your hardest interactions. You are going to have many interactions with difficult people. Handling these in a Godly manner is often very difficult. However, you can turn every interaction into an opportunity for an encounter with God. Your interactions, even in mundane or basic areas of life, can become adventures with God and the most exciting part of your life. In this message I explain how to have the right perspective on yourself and others and I give practical guidance for experiencing God in all your interactions.

  • An Open And Practical Discussion About Obeying God

    20/01/2023 Duración: 35min

    Obeying God can be hard. I’m not saying it’s meant to be hard or should be hard, but it still can be. My own obedience journey has been long and difficult, and I know I still have a ways to go. Fortunately, I’ve learned a lot along the way, and I know some of these Biblical and practical insights will help you on your journey. God has a wonderful plan for your life, and all of His directions will help you get there. Listening to God and obeying His directions is how we start living in His plan for our lives. I know this discussion will help you on your way.

  • Overcoming The Christian's Daily Struggle

    21/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    I have often struggled with the idea that Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. To be honest, many times have I thought that God’s requirements are burdensome. Especially when I consider the world around me, I regularly experience inner conflict when making decisions in virtually every area of my life. Shall I do right or wrong? Shall I follow God’s directions or not? But I believe God has helped me understand these problems and their source. I can experience the easy that Jesus wants for me, the rest for my soul that He promises.

  • Integrating Your Christianity And Secular Personal Growth

    15/12/2022 Duración: 30min

    Many of us listen to podcasts and take in a variety of content, and personal growth content is extremely influential right now, even for Christians. Personally, I read a lot of books, listen to a lot of podcasts and generally consume a lot of content. Some of the secular personal growth content I consume has been very helpful to my life and even my relationship with God. However, it’s important to have the right mental framework for these materials, especially for Christians trying to follow God’s plan for their lives. In this message I discuss some of my personal experiences with secular personal growth content and entertainment, and how I make sure these sources add to my life for God’s Kingdom and don’t pull me in the wrong direction. I know you’ll find this helpful for you own journey, regardless of what content you consume.

  • Easily Understanding Faith That Works

    04/12/2022 Duración: 39min

    As you spend time with God and His Word you learn about His wonderful will for your life. You also read about His amazing promises. But how can we see God’s will, and God’s promises, in our lives? The answer is faith, understanding operational faith that brings God’s will into our lives. In this teaching I explain how you can easily understand and begin using your faith to see God’s best in every area of your life.

  • Quickly Learn How To Hear From God

    30/11/2022 Duración: 27min

    You can easily learn to hear from God, and you can start hearing from Him clearly and regularly. Here is a relatively short message covering all the basics you need to know. Your destiny, the good works God has planned for you to do, can only be found in God’s specific directions for your life. The highest expression of you and your best possible life will only be found in your obedience to Him. Moreover, making the best decision every time is possible, and divine direction for every decision is available, when you start hearing God. God’s voice to us is one of life's greatest treasures, and you will hear Him regularly and clearly when you start tuning in to Him.

  • Looking At What Can't Be Seen

    16/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    There is another realm of reality, the unseen realm or the spiritual realm. If you want to see God's miraculous power manifest God's will in your life, you need to start focusing on what can't be seen, the realities of the spiritual realm. When you learn to focus on the unseen, and ignore opposing circumstances that can be seen, you will strengthen your faith and position yourself for God's supernatural force to produce in your life.

  • How To Start Working With God Financially

    08/11/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    In this podcast we see what the Bible says about God's will for our financial lives, and then we learn how to integrate our spiritual and financial lives. We also discuss practical steps to begin operating in God's financial system. In God's amazing economic system, we increase, bless others, honor God, and draw closer to Him all at the same time!

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