Once More, With Podcast: The Buffy Boards Podcast



The official podcast of Buffy-Boards.com.Hosted by Taake & Athena, you can find us on buffy-boards.com, a community of lovely, like-minded Buffy, Angel & Whedonverse fans!


  • Episode 24: Naughty in the Sheets

    17/06/2018 Duración: 58min

    Welcome back gentle listeners, to the second part of the life of Daniel Osborne. Man of the people. Were of the wolves. Friend of the slayer. Zen of the calm. Turns out, having 4 months in Tibet really helps you settle your demons. If only Spike or Angel had known about this magical place, perhaps we wouldn't have had so much white male privileged vampire angst going on for seven seasons. Anyway, Oz is back for Willow, but Willow's all about Tara. We have her come out to Buffy (which Buffy doesn't take all that well - if the show was made nowadays that would have been handled so much better!). We also discuss the toxic fandom back then, and honestly how if people were real fans they wouldn't be so damn pissy and troll-y just because something happens on a tv show or in a movie that they don’t agree with! We also learn that: Scientist number one really isn't a fan of the How I Met Your Mother finale. But honestly, who is. You set up a show called How I Met Your Mother and then get rid of the mother?! Scientist

  • Episode 23: Sweet in the Streets

    01/06/2018 Duración: 47min

    In the first part of our two-part look at Oz, we delve into Daniel Osborne, specifically the episode where he's Gandalf.... Werewolf…. Ken doll. Huh?! Whatever; he’s a wolfman god dammit! Awooooooo! In other news, if you're a wizard with a long beard, Taake thinks you're foxy. I guess Dumbledore is in with a shot there too. And if you have bad curtains, well maybe don't invite her round. She hates bad curtains. Also, all you have to do to annoy Athena is to mention Veruca. Just writing these show notes is making her cross. Damn you, Veruca! You leave sweet Willow and Oz alone! Bitch! And don't even get her started on "a werewolf in love".... Pass the cheese (not the cheese man!) But seriously, we talk Phases and how chill Aunt Maureen is that her son Jordy is a werewolf; that he's going round biting people. Kid needs some serious discipline. This is one family heirloom Oz didn't want to inherit.  Or maybe he did; he's just so damn cool all the time! Xander & Larry is our new favourite ship. Buffy and Gile

  • Del for Deliver - Once More with Technical Issues!

    16/04/2018 Duración: 07min

    We wanted to put something out there to explain our sudden leave of absence. Athena's cat also has something serious to say about the situation! We have had some serious gremlins going on - we mean the bad kind, not the cute mogwai kind! Our Skype recording software has given up the ghost which means trying to find an alternative that works for us being in different countries. It also means the episode we recorded is almost completely inaudible.  Basically Cordelia pressed Del for Deliver!  And so, we think we've found a solution for our issues after some research and help from other podcasters, so we hope to be back for good really soon!  Follow us on Instagram at @oncemorewithpodcast On Twitter @omwpodcast  And on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/oncemorewithpodcast Find us, and join a great community of like-minded Buffy, Angel and Whedonverse fans, at Buffy-Boards.com. You can also email us with podcast feedback, comments & suggestions to omwpodcast@gmail.com Taake & Athena & Athena's Cat

  • Episode 21: Don't Mess With The Nest Egg

    21/02/2018 Duración: 01h35min

      This fortnight we talk about Smile Time, an episode of Angel we both adore. Puppet Angel is literally the greatest version of Angel ever, even if his nose is made of felt and comes off. Why is Angel so much more comfortable as a puppet than as a soulless vampire human hybrid? I guess once you go felt, it's the hand you're dealt. Nina loves Puppet Angel so much he needs a Gepetto. That is not a euphemism. We're officially the only podcast where "to Illyria" becomes a verb. Have you Illyria'd anyone recently? We don't advise it. Why is Wesley acting like such a douchebag this episode? Fred is clearly automatically into you! We know she wasn't before, but for the purposes of serious plot progression she is now! So stop being an idiot before you lose her for good.... it's almost like it was written as a tragedy on purpose?! We also find out that: Athena really likes wood and has just found out H&M are Swedish. She's weirded out by creepy child actors who can roll their eyes back into their heads. How do cas

  • Episode 20: The Greatest Love of All

    02/02/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    Welcome back to Once More, with Podcast; the nubile podcast which look at Buffy thematically. We've had a brief hiatus but we're now back and ready to take on 2018. So that's Buffy's 21st year. The show can drink in America now. This makes us feel old. Also making us feel old is when you go back to episodes when Giles is our age and we'd actually go out with him as a peer - it's depressing. We really need to start hanging out with some high schoolers. It's the Puppet Show, with our special guest star.... US! And Sid! Athena can't say Plincipar Flurblur's name, so we kept that little gem of a faux-pas in the episode for lols. "Prince-i-pal Flooooot-teeeeee"! And once you go wood, nothing's as good, not even 90s pleather. Taake was the mean girl in high school. She was actual Cool Girl Number 4! And if your skirt is 1mm higher than knee length, Granny Taake will be on to you. And once you go vampire..... that's.....better (tumbleweed) But really, we just wanna talk about Sid. He's creepy, he's pervy and he's fu

  • Episode 19: Stormtrooper Shooters' Academy, Class of 2000

    17/12/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    **Sorry for the weird delay issues. We had some general recording issues with the software we use to record Skype and it seems to inadvertently have caused a 1-ish second delay on one end which makes it sound like we're constantly talking over each other (which granted we do occasionally, but not this much!)! We will be using new software for the next episode!** Also, Buffy's birthday is not 27th January, it's 19th January! Ooops - faux pas! Welcome to the final part of our Faith four-part adventure where we look at the Angel Season 1 episode 'Sanctuary'. It seems like only yesterday we met Faith; she was so deadly, so evil, so into torture.... and now she's so innocent and naive, and under Angel's protection, which doesn't go down well with his friends... y'know, the friends she beat up and tortured? I mean, what is Wesley & Cordelia's issue here? And then Buffy comes back, and what's a girl to do when her ex-boyfriend is seen cuddling her ex-friend? Apparently, don't be yourself. Buffy isn't Buffy in th

  • Episode 18: Rubbish People Skills

    01/12/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    This episode we pull on our backless braless tops and dance with other girls' boyfriends in clubs, as Faith rocks up in Los Angeles and does a rather rubbish job of not standing out like a sore thumb! If only there was an evil law firm to help her earn a quick $15,000?! Turns out, all she needed was a hug in a rainy alley from a vampire with a soul.... Taake's body is still rejecting peas, and she cooks oats like chicken. It's a shame about that anaphylactic shock. Athena makes a pig's ear out of explaining where making a pig's ear out of it comes from. Pig's ear is genuinely also Cockney rhyming slang for beer, as is Richard Gere and King Lear. Why didn't Giles contact us to let us know Faith was in town? When Phantom Dennis is a better security guard than in all of Wolfram and Hart, you know you need to make some changes to your evil legal firm staffing. Follow us on Instagram at @oncemorewithpodcast We're now on Twitter too! @omwpodcast  And on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/oncemorewithpodcast Find

  • Episode 17: The Boner Got In The Way

    15/11/2017 Duración: 01h10min

    Have you ever heard a mix of Jane Austen & The Inbetweeners? Well now you have! This fortnight, Taake as Athena as Faith and Athena as Taake as Buffy are talking about Buffy as Faith and Faith as Buffy in Who Are You?! Pass the crimped possession, we're ready to Freaky Friday this bad boy! There's much love for Sarah Michelle Gellar's performance as Faith; she's clearly having a ball in this episode. But seriously Scoobies.... you've been friends with Buffy for years - HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW BUFFY ISN'T BUFFY?!?! We also discover that: Taake used to have crimped hair that looked like an Afro and the evidence is out there. One million dollars to the person who finds that treasure. And then she starts talking about creepy baths and voodoo dolls. And she's supposed to be the sane one. You should never ask Athena to do a convincing Swedish accent and she freely admits to being an idiot in her youth by not foreseeing Willow & Tara's relationship. She was a very naive teenager who just thought they were very g

  • Episode 16: Cleavagey Slut Bombs

    29/10/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Welcome to part 1 of our epic Faith four-parter! This fortnight, we're talking about This Year's Girl. Yep - we're putting out two episodes a month now for your audible pleasure. We're excited, but we get over it, honestly! We talk about how good looking Eliza Dushku actually is as a coma patient, even surrounded by a dungeon hospital. Damn, girl. You make concrete look good! We have so many questions though. How did Faith know where Giles lives? How did she know where Buffy goes to college and where she'd be at that exact time? How did she get her clothes back? How did she find a woman to beat up that wore exactly the same size clothes as her? Seriously, Faith has got some serious slayer skill-age going on! We also find out that: Athena's dad is D'Hoffryn. Bet no-one expected that revelation! And she noticed the nurse dialling 4521. Clearly that's just someone's credit card PIN and not a telephone number. And yeah, it could be an internal extension, but whatever! Taake adds animal prints and floaty tops to h

  • Episode 15: Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Podcast!

    30/09/2017 Duración: 01h54min

    (aka It's all very great and erotic!) Guys. We really love Firefly! Like, we can't stress enough how much we love it. It's cowboys.... in space! It's so damn good. So we recorded a 15th anniversary show to literally fangirl all over it. And fangirl we did. It's smart, it's funny, it's dark, it's sensual, it makes us laugh and it makes us cry like babies. But enough about the podcast, this is about Firefly dammit! It's literally the best cancelled show in the 'verse and if you've not seen it, do your DVD/Blu-Ray/Streaming collection a favour and just buy it. Buy it and watch it. You won't regret it. We swear by our pretty floral bonnets. In this actually saucier-than-you-might-expect extended episode dedicated to our favourite big damn heroes, we discover that: Taake is on the hunt for hidden bird flipping and still can't find a link to that Livejournal. She would also like to make it clear that she does not have nits, however she is as mad as a box of Taakes. Athena really really loves Alan Tudyk and were she

  • Episode 14: Spike the Faith School Ripper: The Animated Series

    30/08/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    aka A Genuinely Damp Squid! (yeah, you kinda need to listen to get the reference!) In this months podcast, we discuss the mooted spin-offs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith the Vampire Slayer Ripper Spike Slayer School Buffy: The Animated Series and we also chat a little about Fray, and how much we'd both love to see an adaptation of that particular story. In this episode also we learn that: Taake loves emojis of damp squids, but not genuine photos of damp squids, and Athena tags her in special pictures on Facebook, but all is not what it seems..... Athena says genuinely far too much for it to be geninely genuine, and she's officially training to be a slayer. Mugging is also stealing Spoilers within for the comic series Angel and Faith. The apocalypse cometh, because Taake and Athena agree for probably the first time ever. So if this is truly the end of the world, thanks for all the fish and the August download milestones. Thank you to Priceless for your endless Spike knowledge - we salute you! Special menti

  • Episode 13: Some People Stand in the Darkness

    30/07/2017 Duración: 01h21min

    This month, we're having a discussion about the Big Bads of Buffy. We did a poll at Buffy Boards, and the results came in with a clear winner! Sadly, it wasn't The Master, but to honour fruit punch mouth himself, we're making him our cover star on Instagram for the release of this episode. He deserves some love! In this episode, we also discover that: -Athena elaborates with her butt and uses the "I had a friend" line far too many times. But she really did have a friend. It was the friend, okay. THE FRIEND! -Taake is not amused by giant snake demons and has a puffy face during recording. Sadly, no evidence was recieved, but you know it was hilarious. Special shout outs to some glorious Buffy Boards members who contributed to this month's show with their thoughts on who was the best Buffy big bad - Blair, Priceless, sk73, Mr Trick and Smile Time. Your participation cheques are in the post, but we didn't know your addresses, so they'll probably never reach you. There's also a special apperance by Glorificus her

  • Episode 12: Cave People Didn't Have Sandwiches!

    28/06/2017 Duración: 01h24min

    (This is our first live-watch episode, watching Season 4's Beer Bad! So if you want to watch along with us, prep your DVD. We start the episode about 10 minutes in) Coming at you live from Stockholm! This was actually our first time meeting face-to-face, so this show is kind-of a big deal. Like Ron Burgundy. We also have many leather bound books and Taake's apartment smells of rich mahogany. We also drink. Not bad beer, but good wine. Drunken podcasts are usually not advised, however luckily we have no advisors. So, we met up and we recorded a podcast whilst watching Beer Bad and drinking wine. It actually turned out pretty funny, and we're surprisingly proud of this episode. But we digress. We had a great time together (Athena mentions this many times!) and hopefully we'll do it again soon. Just FYI, as this was a completely live recording, there is no editing at all. Everything happens in real time (like an episode of 24) so there is some mild drunken language. Listener discretion is advised. Turns out Beer

  • Episode 11: You Had One Job, Phil!

    30/05/2017 Duración: 01h40min

    In this month's episode, we take on the gargantuan task of redeeming two episodes designated as 'the worst' by the Buffy-Boards members: Gone and Get It Done. Two epic fails of episodes which, like Jurassic Park's Dinosaur Supervisor, should have known better. You had one job, Phil! Can we redeem these episodes? Or should we just Invisibility Ray them out of canon? Sadly, we can't do that, but we do at least try to look at the positives of these heinous episodes. In this slightly fruitier-language-than-normal episode, we discover that: Phil, aka Taake, thinks Spuffy is just fanfiction (don't worry Spuffy fans, Athena puts her straight!) but most importantly, Season 7 should just stop trying to make 'fetch' happen! Thankfully, Norway DID give votes to Sweden at Eurovision - PHEW! Athena's a big fan of the 'Rachel' haircut (it's still in fashion, right?) but an even bigger fan of Spike's abs and she's definitely not The First Evil (just regular ol' human evil!) And we still don't find out where Sunnydale's dock

  • Episode 10: Everyone Here Is a Crazy Person

    30/04/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    Welcome to another aptly named episode of Once More with Podcast, the large and unfrosted Buffy's bathroom window into your soul. This episode we're talking all about the number one in Buffy Boards recent top 144 - Becoming Part 2; but because Becoming Part 1 is rather essential to the story, we stick that in the mix too. Why is Becoming so beloved in the Buffy Boards community? We wanted to discuss and find out! We also learn that: Athena can't pronounce An-jealous, or is it Anj-eluss? She does it both ways basically, and that she thinks Giles is a phantom of knowledge (I think she meant 'fountain') Taake wouldn't say no to being in an Angelus-Spike-sandwich... whatever that means, and she admits that Spike is actually right about wanting the world to be saved (there's a first time for everything!) And that bullets travel faster than humans. Don't say we're not educational! Special appearance by Morgan Freeman. Mr Freeman, we're such big fans, feel free to buy us some milk anytime. Britney, Beyonce & Sha

  • Episode 9: It was acceptable in the 90s

    31/03/2017 Duración: 01h51min

    Happy 20th anniversary Buffy! 20 years ago you were born to this world and we salute you, in the only way we know how: with a total 90s love-in! In this episode of the podcast, we look back on 20 years of Buffy, and we also find out that: Velvet is back in fashion in Sweden Athena dresses like Clarissa and looks forward to playing Sid, no that's not a euphemism Taake & Athena go deep. No, that's also not a euphemism Missteppy missteps are the way to go, but not during Two to Go We also go back in time and talk Saved by the Bell, Sweet Valley High and various other random 90s stalwarts. We also discuss Orphan Black's tenuous link to Buffy, as we discuss BtVS's legacy. Orphan Black seemed like a worthy successor to the Buffy crown. This podcast is sponsored by Miami Sound Machine. Bad bad bad bad boys; they make us feel soooo good! Find us, and join a great community of like-minded Buffy, Angel and Whedonverse fans, at Buffy-Boards.com. You can also email us with podcast feedback, comments & suggestions

  • Episode 8: I'm the one who brings about the thought-pocalypse

    28/02/2017 Duración: 01h30min

        Did we fall asleep? For a little while. Shall we go now? If you'd like. This episode, Taake & Athena have the long-awaited and promised discussion on Dollhouse. A show that's flawed, yet is interesting in its premise and execution. We both like it a lot, but it's safe to say we both have issues too. Just to mention that we do talk a lot of spoilers during this episode, so if you've not seen the show and don't wish to be spoiled, maybe just watch the show first. We'll wait for you to come back. Did you know that 'bingewatchability' is a word? Well it is, and Dollhouse has it. In this episode, we discuss many times just how pretty Eliza Dushku is. I mean seriously, she's so pretty. So pretty! We also establish that Taake feeds her dog carrots (they're good for her teeth apparently!) and also that Athena has been having dream relations with Alan Tudyk. She gets very embarrassed to talk about it. Find us, and join a great community of like-minded Buffy, Angel and Whedonverse fans, at Buffy-Boards.com. You

  • Episode 7: Ein fantastischer Podcast uber Episode-Titel - der deutsche Titel

    31/01/2017 Duración: 01h34min

    The New Year is here, which means a new roster of Once More, with Podcast. Taake and Athena are back after the Christmas break, fully revived and ready to go.... and then Taake got sick! So, unfortunately our planned episode had to be replaced last minute. And so, we discuss our top five Best and Worst Buffy & Angel episode titles. Some of the choices are controversial, some of them are just words out of the dictionary. But, we think we're onto a winner, with the topic suggested by one of our board members, GwenRaiden, where we discover: Athena doesn't understand the phrase "There's no I in team", or is it "There's no me in team"? and Taake really really loves Olaf the Troll, but really hates Harmony. (Olaf, call her!) Special shout out to the Germans, who are as wonderful as they are literal. Anya would be proud! But most importantly of all, it would appear that hell will literally freeze over if Taake and Athena agreed on anything. So, in order to stop the apocalypse, we will try not to for the foreseea

  • Episode 6: 12 Percent Of A Moment

    30/12/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    It's Christmas (ok, well it's sort of not, but Athena hasn't been well over the festive period and therefore we're a bit late getting this out, but it was meant to be out on Christmas Day!) and to celebrate this festive period, and also our podcast 6 month birthday, we wanted to do something bigger than usual. So in our infinite wisdom decided to take on Marvel's The Avengers and (to a lesser degree) Age of Ultron, both written & directed by Joss Whedon and basically have a nice big discussion about them.   Turns out, they takes a while to talk about, so this episode is a slightly extended Christmas & New Year bonanza. Consider it our gift to you fine people, for downloading and listening to us for six whole months - we are very grateful.    We discover that:   -We both love a Hulk with a hairy chest. We're also sharing custody of Loki; one week in England, one week in Sweden for the foreseeable future.   -Don't mess with Norse Gods, it angers Taake quite a bit   -Athena's 5 and a half other pages of

  • Episode 5: Monster Sarcasm Rally

    02/12/2016 Duración: 01h15min

      Buffy as a show has some great one-off characters. Sometimes those characters only need one appearance, or deserve one appearance. So we tasked ourselves with thinking of characters who only appeared once, but deserved to stick around for a little while longer.... Athena chose Sunday, the vampire from The Freshman, who makes a supremely sassy entrance, manages to kick Buffy's ass twice(!!) and then unfortunately is dusted by Buffy. And then Taake cheated and chose Kathy Newman, who was in two episodes (The Freshman and Living Conditions), but we let her have it on a technicality (that, and she really loves Kathy!). Kathy is sadly returned to her demon dimension after attempting to steal Buffy's soul. The fact we chose two sequential Season four episodes was a complete coincidence! We also discover Athena has a rather unfortunate thing for puppets and didn't recognise Oberyn Martell, and Taake's Mum made excellent certificates, but don't ever leave your used chewing gum near her. Also, Paake is not, and neve

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