Transcending Times With Tony Sayers



Welcome one and all to my podcast where I will be delivering information about issues that dont get talked about in the mainstream arena. We are living in such crazy times right now and its so important we get to the bottom of what is really happening and not take the mainstream rhetoric at face value. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to create a better World and this podcast is my ripple in the pond to try and do just that.


  • 17: Interdimensional Influence on Humanity- Tony Sayers Interviewed By Adam Crabb Of Crazz Files

    03/06/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    Here I had the pleasure of talking with Adam Crabb of Crazz files where we delve into a number of topics. We speak about inorganic souls, the chakra deception, artificial intelligence, transhumanism and much more. For more details of my work and books please go to the following link

  • 16: The Destruction Of The Divine Feminine And Sacred Masculine Principles - Tony Sayers Interview

    27/05/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Here I have a chat with the wonderful Francesco Sani about how our innate qualities as both men and women are being destroyed, and how this distortion is affecting the future of our planet. We also touch on Agenda 21, how traveling is now becoming harder each day, and we look at real-life solutions on how to combat this relentless war waged on our rights and freedoms. For more information please visit my website at

  • 15: Chakra Removal And The New Age Deception - Tony Sayers On The Moore Show

    20/05/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    Here I am interviewed by Kevin Moore as we delve deep into the New Age deception and how its keeping people in the mindset of spiritual bypassing their issues. We talk about chakra removal, energy vampires, and the hidden unseen forces controlling humanity. A far-reaching interview where we get into many esoteric issues. For more information on my books please click here

  • 14: Alien Implant/Chakra Removal Q&A

    10/02/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    Live Q&A on my work around chakra removal and alien implant removal. We discuss many other areas also such as entity attachment through sex, psychic attacks and AI manipulations.

  • 13: The New Age Deception

    10/02/2019 Duración: 12min

    People are flocking to the new age spiritual scene like moths to a light. We know that there is a spiritual awakening going on right now but there is also a lot of new age bullshit being thrown in too. The new age deception is the last honey pot before the goldmine, but how can we spot the deceit and where is all this spiritual ego leading us? To purchase my new book ‘The New Age Is The New Cage’ please click on the following link

  • 12: The Hybrid Matrix Subordination and Alien Implants - Tony Sayers Interview

    10/02/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    Here Francesco Sani and I delve really deep down the metaphysical rabbit hole as we explore some of the interference found around the Sovereign Human Matrix. Chakra removal, alien implants, and how the new age movement, in general, won't consider these things. These issues really are at the root cause of the problems we face but because humanity is so stuck in 3D its hard to get them to even look at this kind of information. We live in a multidimensional reality and we exist as multidimensional beings, and the Universe is teeming with other forms of consciousness. So its vital we get our head around this matrix and understand it properly. The chakras, false white light, new age are all hoodwinking people down cul de sacs and this interview seeks to bust open the mid control around these topics.

  • 11: Are You Living Or Just Existing? - Tony Sayers Interview

    10/02/2019 Duración: 01h50min

    Do you ever look around you and just think that this journey is all a little bit crazy? Why is everything laid out for us as soon as we are born to follow a certain path? Does this path even necessarily lead to fulfillment and happiness? Who runs the world and who are the architects of this path and why is there so much corruption at every turn? Why do we always live in a World of Wars, of poverty, yet others seem to thrive? A population obsessed with artificial intelligence and technology yet seemingly disconnected from Nature and what is real. Five years ago I asked the same questions to myself, was I living or just existing? This led me on a journey of deep research and discovery both of the outer World around me, and my own inner World. I realised that a lack of understanding leads to a lack of fulfillment and purpose in life, so this book is an honest assessment of hard-hitting questions about beliefs and traditions we as species have held for eons. I also seek to answer many of the questions behind Wo

  • 10: Fake Spirituality and the New Age - Tony Sayers interviewed by Francesco Cescani

    14/11/2018 Duración: 54min

    Here I have a chat with the wonderful Francesco about the pit falls of the new age movement, as well as delving into taking responsibility for our actions particularly where the military and police are involved.

  • 9: Hidden meanings & Allegories found in Religion - Tony Sayers interviews Dale Penny.

    04/11/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    A fascinating podcast with Dale where we uncover some of the allegorical and occulted meanings found within Religion. How it has been changed and misinterpreted down the centuries to mean different things, and how the stories, by being taken literal, are holding back the rest of human consciousness. Dale also talks about his new website launch Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?' Download at- or Paperback at Website- Connect- Blog- Facebook-

  • 8: Musical Truth - Interview Mark Devlin with Tony Sayers

    14/07/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    Mark Devlin has years of experience within the music industry being a DJ. He has a deep understanding of the mind control techniques at play, and great knowledge about some of the big names within Music that are influncing the minds of the masses. We also talk about his new book 'Musical Truth'.  Find more at

  • 7: Free the Weed! - Tony Sayers interviews Rick Simpson

    13/07/2018 Duración: 01h26min

    Rick Simpson is a retired power engineer who worked for 25 years in the medical system in Canada. After suffering a severe head injury in 1997 he took all the medications that the doctors prescribed, but their side effects did nothing but harm. So in desperation he turned to the use of cannabis extracts, which he produced himself and quickly found that he had discovered the greatest natural medicine on earth. After learning the truth about the amazing healing abilities of these extracts, he then went to everyone in authority to have its use recognised once more, but found that in reality those who control our lives, wanted to keep the truth hidden from public view. Having no where else to turn, he then made this knowledge public and since that time countless individuals world wide have used his information to cure or control illnesses for which our current medical systems have no solution. Rick Simpson was giving the oil away for free, since he was growing plants in his own backyard, while he was still in C

  • 6: Natural Law, the Law of Correspondence, and human behaviour - Tony sayers interviews Nathan Riddett

    12/07/2018 Duración: 07min

    A fascinating insight with the passionate Nathan Riddett into the causal factors of human suffering where we delve deep into Natural Law, the role of parents in these changing times, TV mind control, and the Law of correspondence.  Nathan also talks about his current projects in setting up an ethical Estate Agency business based around Natural Law which is at and his plans to infiltrate the political system through his movement

  • 5: Sustainability and Self Responsibility - Tony Sayers interview Danny Brooks

    11/07/2018 Duración: 57min

    A very passionate interview with Danny who is a living example of how we can all move towards a more sustainable lifestyle if we so choose. A massive part of the solution lies within taking personal responsibility for ourselves, and what better way than to start interacting with Nature and the land in a peaceful way again.

  • 4: The Military is there to Serve the Wealthy - Tony Sayers talks to ex US Navy Dyreka Klaus.

    11/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    One of the most important podcasts I have been part of a very powerful message to all military servants from ex US Navy Dyreka Klaus. Here we touch on many aspects including the mindset of those who go to fight, the group mentality, how we can change their mindsets and join forces with the people against the people raging REAL tyranny on the Planet. A fascinating and extremely important message that everyone involved in the military needs to here. please share far and wide.

  • 3: Unplugging from the Matrix (part 1) - Live presentation in UK

    15/05/2018 Duración: 01h51min

    Tony Sayers' presentation at the Truth And Freedom conference in Swindon, UK on October 1st 2017.

  • 2: Chuck Ochelli interviews Tony Sayers on US radio

    14/05/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    Recent radio show interview I did with Chuck Ochelli over in the States where we break down many of the New Age deceptions, discuss the importance of discernment, realisation of sovereignty and much much more.

  • 1: The Human Potential - A Gathering Of Momentum - Special Guest Tony Sayers with Nate Max

    27/04/2018 Duración: 01h16min

    Hey beautiful people this week we on Nate Max TV "A Gathering Of Momentum" Lifting the veil on our current reality, we had these amazing guests  Tony Sayers Billy Heart-Being Danny Brooks 3 Young gentlemen who are movers and shakers in this awakening truth movement. This was a well-rounded talk which we tapped on a few topics which are pretty controversial including: Chakra System Removal Energy Centres Sustainable living De programming the Matrix The Human Potential Grounding Divine Union