Mighty Casey Media: Healthcare Is Hilarious!



If you're looking for a Mighty Mouth, look no further.In an effort to recover from two decades in Hunter Thompson's "cheap plastic hallway" - network TV news, specifically - I hung out my shingle as a storyteller.No, you won't see me at the local children's library. I throw too many f-bombs to be invited there. I use my skill as a speaker, writer, producer and erstwhile standup comic to drive change in healthcare and healthcare tech.How good am I at talking? I talked my way out of police custody in Saudi Arabia. Not bad for a girl, right?A professional rabble-rouser, I wrote a book about managing medical care, "Cancer for Christmas: Making the Most of a Daunting Gift," that's fierce, funny, and became an Amazon best seller.My purpose in life is to help transform healthcare into the patient-centered wellness machine it wants to be.Let's roll, shall we?


  • ePatient Dave - "Move fast and break things"?? Not good in healthcare, Zuck!

    24/02/2019 Duración: 22min

    This week, I’ve got my conversation with e-Patient Dave deBronkart. Dave became e-Patient Dave back in 2007 when he got a really big surprise - a diagnosis of terminal kidney cancer. Definitely NOT the kind of surprise anyone wants. Spoiler alert - it wasn’t terminal, but it was certainly Stage 4, Grade 4, death sentence style cancer. It wasn’t terminal because his doctor told him to check out a patient community forum for kidney cancer. Dave did, and the rest is literally history. The patient forum tipped him off to a treatment option that saved his life, so he’s in the bonus round for almost 12 years now. For which I am grateful, since he and I have only been buddies for the last 10 years. Full show notes and links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e-patient-dave-24864784

  • Facebook Is An A$$hole + Hazardous to Your Health?

    03/02/2019 Duración: 18min

    This week, it’s all Mighty Mouth, all the time. In other words, no guest, just yours truly. I’m asking you to settle in, grab a cup of coffee - or you might want a big ol’ slug of bourbon for this one? - and listen as I spin a tale of lies, damn lies, statistics, and treachery, with the main bad actor of the piece being that thing that over two billion humans across the globe have become addicted t0: Facebook. Why is a snarky healthcare podcast talking about Facebook? Welp, because the Book of Face has become the place where people facing health challenges go to find peer support, resources, research opportunities, and community while they face everything from cancer to neurological conditions to medical error to joint replacement. By the way, I’m not linking to any groups in the show notes. You’ll figure out why as I go along here. Got your coffee? Your bourbon? Your coffee with bourbon in it? OK, here we go. Full transcript and links here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/facebook-is-hole-24368777 image

  • Dec 13 2018 John Wilbanks - data commons still uncommon, but we're working on it!

    14/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    This week, you’ll hear from John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer at Sage Bionetworks. Yeah, that’s most definitely a Nerdus Maximus title, but John does very cool stuff around making data more accessible and usable by the research community AND he’s down with the idea of data as an economic resource for not just the big-money players, but also the humans who create that data. Full show notes and links here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/john-wilbanks-on-23314230

  • Healthcare Is HILARIOUS! F**k You Pay Me (for my) Data

    18/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    This episode has some slices from a debate I had with Niam Yaraghi about whether or not people should be cut in on the gold being mined from the data all of us create every day in the digital economy. That happens with all parts of our digital lives, from online shopping to getting medical care. Full show notes, including the video of the entire debate and a full transcript, are here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fypmdata-debate-22734144

  • Danny van Leeuwen - Pathologically optimistic as an operating model!

    21/10/2018 Duración: 15min

    This week, we’ve got Danny van Leeuwen, Health Hats himself! We met up at the Patient Centered Clinical Decision Support Learning Network annual meeting (mouthful, but it’s healthcare, and healthcare loves long and complicated), where Danny spoke about the patient perspective on pain management, and life in general, for folks dealing with chronic conditions. Full show notes and links here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/danny-van-my-off-22139401

  • Jane Sarasohn-Kahn - Healthcare Econ Explain Like I'm Five

    14/10/2018 Duración: 21min

    Hear all about health economics from Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, my bestie who keeps me up to date on all the 411 about impact on the consumer - that’s you and me, folks! - of the health policy arguments and health coverage ideas that happen all day, every day, from sea to shining sea. And beyond. Jane keeps it real, and really understandable. Full show notes and links here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/healthcare-econ-21979075

  • Healthcare Is HILARIOUS! August 9 2018 Venture Valkyrie Lisa Suennen

    24/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    This week you’re gonna hear from Lisa Suennen, Venture Valkyrie herself - she shares her thoughts on blockchain in tech (whiz bang buzzword alert!), on price transparency, and how tech continues to transform the healthcare landscape … slowly. The combination of technology and humanity will indeed be the winner. That’s what I’m working toward, and what Lisa Suennen is devoting her time, talent, and treasure to on the daily. If you wanna stay woke on separating shiny objects in healthcare technology from the real tech-human acceleration machines, follow Venture Valkyrie’s “what would Lisa Suennen say?” insight factory, also known as her blog. She’s got a podcast, too - Tech Tonics, which she co-hosts with David Shaywitz. Lisa Suennen on Twitter https://venturevalkyrie.com/ https://twitter.com/VentureValkyrie https://venturevalkyrie.com/ https://venturevalkyrie.com/the-tech-tonics-podcast/ Venture Valkyrie press clips: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/lists/female-health-it-leaders-to-know.html https

  • Healthcare Is HILARIOUS! August 2 2018 Matthew Holt

    07/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    This week’s episode features slices from a recent conversation I had with Matthew Holt, who is, among many other things, the founder of The Health Care Blog, co-founder of the Health 2.0 universe of conferences, now leading SMACK.health, an advisory and consulting network in healthcare and health tech. If you want to know about what’s happening in health IT and technology, ask Matthew. No, really, just ask him - not only does he KNOW, he knows it really fucking WELL. Like, he’s totally OG in WTF is going on in HIT. Fo’ realsies. OECD social spending with bar graph - Financial Times https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2014/11/27/2053392/welfare-spending-across-the-oecd/ US spending since 1960 - Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/184968/us-health-expenditure-as-percent-of-gdp-since-1960/ Healthcare outcomes by country - Commonwealth Fund (2017) https://www.commonwealthfund.org/press-release/2017/new-11-country-study-us-health-care-system-has-widest-gap-between-people-higher BoltyBoy on Twitter https