Leigh Martinuzzi



Hello Gang, here is my short bio. I am passionate about life and try only do things that have purpose- this hasn't always be the case. This is why The Hidden Why exists. It has been created out of inspiration and as I take my own journey into personal transformation I want to share all that I learn with my audience. I hope you can tune in and have a listen to some of my solo shows and episodes in which I interview inspiring guests. Peace, passion and purpose.


  • 688 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Dr. Alison Eyring - Growth

    18/10/2018 Duración: 27min

    Growth Today's featured guest is Dr Alison Eyring. The topic is "Growth." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Dr Alison Eyring is a global thought leader on building organizational capacity for growth. Founder and CEO of Organisation Solutions, Alison, an endurance athlete and trained organizational psychologist, has 25 years of experience in large-scale organization design and change, and executive development. She works closely with top global and regional executives from Fortune/FTSE 500 and some of the world’s most innovative high-growth companies on leadership and growth. Alison is also Adjunct Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore Business School. Her book, Pacing for Growth: Why Intelligent Restraint Drives Long-term Success was released in 2017 . Dr Alison's Twitter handle here @DrAlisonEyring

  • 684 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Kevin Murphy - Awareness

    16/10/2018 Duración: 32min

    Awareness Today's featured guest is Kevin Murphy. The topic is "Awareness." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Kevin Murphy is a former Wall Street managing director for Citigroup, high school and collegiate wrestling champion, community activist, speaker, coach, and author of the book The Three Rooms. These experiences have given Kevin a unique and eclectic mix of understanding human nature. He noticed that our happiness and unhappiness in life is always the result of our thoughts – whether observations of the present, memories from the past, or projected fears about the future. Combining this theory with the deep personal insights he attained along his own 20+ year spiritual journey, Kevin stepped away from the corporate world to write the book The Three Rooms, in which he explains how observing which room your thoughts are in, can change your experience of life. The Three Rooms invites you to start the process of better monitoring your thoughts—while providing you with the keys to transform your life by

  • 680 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Jordan Ring - Momentum

    16/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    Momentum Today's featured guest is Jordan Ring. The topic is "Momentum." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Jordan Ring might seem like an intergalactic task-ninja, but he’s an authorpreneur at heart. As good as he is with words, his primary goal is to help people live a life of less talk and more action. When he isn’t busy writing, blogging, or podcasting, Jordan is also the book marketing and launch guru for clients over at his second home, Archangel Ink. And that’s not all; he’s also a freelance copywriter, writing coach, consultant—and anything else he can do to keep the lights on and coffee comin’. His hobbies include playing on Trello boards, watching Marvel movies, drinking iced coffee, and hanging out with his amazing wife, Miranda. Together, they run a podcast called Freedom-Cast: Leaving Normal Behind. You can see what all he’s up to on his site at www.jmring.com.

  • 678 Lee Cockerell (replay) - Service Excellence, Trust, Lifestyle & Leadership Advice

    15/10/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Service Excellence, Trust, Lifestyle & Leadership Advice In this interview, I speak with Lee Cockerell about his book years of Leadership as the Executive Vice President of Operations for the Walt Disney World Resort. Lee Cockerell is the former Executive Vice President of Operations for the Walt Disney World Resort. As the Senior Operating Executive for ten years Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, a shopping & entertainment village and the ESPN sports and recreation complex in addition to the ancillary operations which supported the number one vacation destination in the world. Leadership and life lessons from someone who has been there and done that. We discuss the many virtues of leadership including discipline, organisational skills, building trust and creating buy-in, micro-managment and effective delegation. I hope you enjoy this replay. I would love to hear your thought so please comment below or reach o

  • 676 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Thane Marcus - Discipline

    12/10/2018 Duración: 31min

    Discipline Today's featured guest is Thane Marcus. The topic is "Discipline." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Thane Marcus Ringler is a former pro golfer turned writer, speaker, collaborator, and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, CA. After competing for nearly 4-years as a professional, he transitioned out of the world of golf into his new pursuit. In his current work, Thane is coming alongside other individuals and entrepreneurs to help them by taking the professional athlete’s mindset to everyday people in everyday life. He is passionate about speaking to the journey from the journey and wants to empower this generation to take ownership of their lives and never settle for less than they are capable of.

  • 682 Michele Gelfand - The Hidden Forces of Tight & Loose Cultures: Rule Makers, Rule Breakers

    11/10/2018 Duración: 59min

    Rule Makers & Rule Breakers A fascinating interview with Michele Gelfand about her new book, Rule Makers, Rule Breakers, and the exploration of the powerful forces tight and loose cultures play in wiring the world. Michele Gelfand is a celebrated cultural psychologist having spent two decades of research within this field. Michele takes us on an epic journey through human cultures, offering a startling new view of the world and ourselves. It's not often that we think of how cultures determine our behaviours however with many great examples Michele delivers some surprising discoveries. She explains why and how much of the diversity in the way that we think and act, derives from a key difference—how tightly or loosely we adhere to social norms. Enjoy!

  • 674 Steve Taylor - Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World

    10/10/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    Waking Up - The Spiritual Science Steve Taylor PhD is the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality and is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. In this episode, I discuss Steve's work in the fields of psychology and spirituality and explore why spirituality is necessary for making sense of the world. Are we experiencing a global shift in consciousness? We discuss his two most recent books, Spiritual Science and The Leap. It's a fascinating conversation that left me asking some deeper questions about my level of wakefulness and the journey I'm on. The conversation also challenges the ideals of the secular paradigm and the logic of science in which the world operates and how now we are indeed seeing a shift back towards spirituality. Enjoy!

  • 661 My Top Recommended Reads of 2018

    09/10/2018 Duración: 10min

    661 My Top Recommended Reads of 2018 by

  • 671 Habit vs. Skill and The 10,000 Hour Rule by Leigh Martinuzzi

    07/10/2018 Duración: 11min

    Habit vs. Skill and The 10,000 Hour Rule It was bought to my attention in an interview I did with Zach Schonbrun, author of The Performance Cortex, that habit and skill are two very different matters. Popularised by Malcolm Gladwell, the 10,000-hour rule suggests that by doing any activity repetitively one will master it. According to Andres Ericsson who has spent a lifetime studying the psychology behind expertise and human performance and the source of Gladwell's research he states that the “10,000-hour rule” is actually not a rule at all. In this episode, I explore my understanding of habit and skill and what was really discovered by Andres Ericsson in regards to the 10,000-hour rule. Enjoy!

  • 675 Fostering Creativity by Leigh Martinuzzi

    07/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    Fostering Creativity By Leigh Martinuzzi Creativity is a gift given to everyone. I genuinely believe that having a creative outlet is an essential part of life. It's a perfect method of personal expression. Necessary to feel more, enjoy a more and to discover a greater state of meaning and happiness. For some people, creativity appears to flow abundantly like a dam bursting its banks. For others, they either do not realise their creative potential or do not spend enough energy and time in creative practice. In this solo rant, I share a few ideas on how one can foster greater levels of creativity. Enjoy!

  • 666 Tom O'Bryan - Fix Your Brain and Improve Your Autoimmune Health

    28/09/2018 Duración: 56min

    You Can Fix Your Brain with Tom O'Bryan Dr Tom O'Bryan is the author of The Autoimmune Fix, that book outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify our disease process years before the symptoms are obvious. His new book, You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You've Ever Had, is a guide to prevention and treatment of brain ailments. I initially thought that 1 hour a week was a pretty bold claim but all he is suggesting is that if we can invest just 1 hour a week educating ourselves into the fields of health we may just reverse and prevent some of the chronic and less severe conditions that are crippling global health. Dr Tom sure does share some fascinating insight that will be sure to open your mind and even motivate you to make some small changes. Who doesn't want better cognitive function, sleep, productivity and health? Guest Bio Dr Thomas O’Bryan is an internationally recognized and sought-after spea

  • 662 Miles Neale: Gradual Awakening

    28/09/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Gradual Awakening with Miles Neale The world may be on the verge of global crisis. The economic, political, ecological and environmental landscapes are at the tipping point. Humanity appears confused and unaware in search of answers. As western culture embraces traditional practices favoured by many religious pursuits people jump on the trends of the likes of meditation and mindfulness yet equally sceptical of spiritual paths. In this conversation with Miles Neale, author of Gradual Awakening, we go beyond the surface and typical mindfulness talk into a deeper look at the current state of humanity. We explore the opportunities for humanity to experience an awakening - understanding mindfulness, wisdom and virtue as we attempt to overthrow of the nihilism, hedonism, and materialism that are threatening our planet. Enjoy! Guest Bio Dr Miles Neale is among the leading voices of the current generation of Buddhist teachers and a forerunner in the emerging field of contemplative psychotherapy. He is a licens

  • 667 Developing Creativity by Leigh Martinuzzi

    27/09/2018 Duración: 06min

    Developing Creativity Creativity is often seen as a novel pursuit, one that is characterised by a false reality combined with some degree of realism. Some might argue that creativity is of little value. There to entertain an individual or group or people with dreams and story. To transport us to a world lacking logic or rationality and therefore usually an activity without any actual purpose. Is creativity a wasted pursuit? Does it solely exist to bring joy to the creator? Does it lack any tangible reward? Is creativity purposeful to our survival and human progression? Please allow me to explain my thoughts in this week's solo rant.

  • 663 Leadership: A Life-Skill by Leigh Martinuzzi

    27/09/2018 Duración: 09min

    Leadership: A Life-Skill Leadership is a skill not only favoured to those who manage large teams or coach at the local football club. I’d consider leadership a life-skill. We should teach it to school children along with several other important life-skills essential for living a successful and happy life. Why? Because at some point in time, we will be required to lead others whether on a large or small scale. More importantly, we are at all times entirely responsible for the leadership of our life. You might be thinking, “well, if I am not in a position of such responsibilities then why do I need to develop my leadership skills?” Listen in and allow me to explain.

  • 672 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Lance Essihos - Inspire

    27/09/2018 Duración: 32min

    Inspire Today's featured guest is Lance Essihos. The topic is "Inspire." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Lance Essihos is a former high-level hockey player that got knocked off his course and forced to make a change. He moved from Canada to Australia in pursuit of something more and instead it lead him to a life of drinking and partying that he hated. In the course of two years, he lost his brother and his father and he realized he needed to change. Although he managed a top bar in Australia, he spent 2017 not drinking himself. Now, Lance is on a journey to inspire the best way he can, by sharing stories of his experiences, struggles and most importantly what he has learned along the way and how others can learn from it. He is on a new journey in business that has led him to a surprising spiritual journey.

  • 677 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson

    25/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson Written by Leigh Martinuzzi This is a book that will inspire and even transform its readers both in the way they perceive humanity and even in how they think and act in the chaotic order of the world. Bold claim? Wait until you read on some of Petersons' viewpoints. Peterson’s words provide encouragement and empowerment. The rules provide the building blocks of solid character and may even assist in taking back what is fundamentally our human nature. Broad in opinion, tradition, and scientific research Peterson has attempted to formulate 12 rules to battle the confusion and disorder of modern day society. Enjoy this weeks book review here @ The Hidden Why.

  • 673 Book Reflection: The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli

    25/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli Written by Leigh Martinuzzi In this book, the author takes us on a journey into the exploration of time. Asking questions about time that physicists, scientists and philosophers alike continue to struggle to understand. Rovelli disrupts the assumptions and beliefs we have about time. Our lives revolve around the order of time however as revealed in this book, time is not as ordered as we may think it to be. Do we exist in time or does time exist within us? Born in Italy, Carlo Rovelli is involved in the philosophy of science and theoretical physics. He has written several books including Quantum Gravity, Anaximander and Seven Brief Lessons on Physics. Enjoy this week's book reflection @ The Hidden Why

  • 669 Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Alborn

    25/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Alborn Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Slow down. Stop. Think. What is life all about? What is the meaning of life? Does this truly matter? Tuesday’s with Morrie is a collection of one dying man’s lessons on how to live a truly meaningful life. In this book, Mitch Alborn shares his stores of the times he spent with an old college professor, Morrie Swartz, every Tuesday on this man’s final moments in life. Morrie’s gift to the world, lasting and timeless lessons on how to live. A book that I feel we could all benefit from reading now and again. Enjoy this week's book reflection @ The Hidden Why

  • 665 Insight Hour Podcast with Joseph Goldstein

    25/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    Insight Hour Podcast with Joseph Goldstein Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Whether you are new to Buddhism, love it or just curious to explore religion from a modern perspective than this podcast with Joseph Goldstein is sure to please. Personally, I didn’t have an idea who Joseph was until I started hearing many other podcasters and mentors refer to him, particularly in reference to mindfulness and meditation practices. Don’t expect a hyped up delve into the world of Buddhism. Expect down to earth, humble teachings from a man who shares many wonderful personal stories and experiences combined with his knowledge and wisdom of the enlightened path of Buddha. Remarkably insightful, calm and inspirational these are essential teachings that can be applied to real life situations regardless of your preconditioned beliefs. Please enjoy this month's podcast reflection @ the hidden why.

  • 668 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Heather Monahan - Confidence

    25/09/2018 Duración: 31min

    Confidence Today's featured guest is Heather Monahan. The topic is "Confidence." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, keynote speaker with the Harry Walker Agency, entrepreneur and founder of Boss In Heels. Having successfully climbed the corporate ladder for nearly 20 years, Heather Monahan is one of the few women to break the glass ceiling and claim her spot in the C-suite. As a Chief Revenue Officer in Media, Heather Monahan is a Glass Ceiling Award winner, named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017 and Thrive Global named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018. Heather’s new book Confidence Creator shot to #1 on Amazon’s Business Biographies and Business Motivation lists the first week it debuted on Amazon. Heather is a confidence expert and is currently working with Fortune 500 companies and professional sports to develop confidence in the workplace and on the court. She’s also a member of Florida International University’s Advisory Council t

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