Christ Community Sunday - Downtown Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Downtown Campus.


  • The King’s Departure [Behold your King 09]

    26/02/2023 Duración: 53min

    John 16:1-15 // Gabe CoyleChristians around the world join the prayer of faithful followers recorded in Scripture, “Come, Lord Jesus!” And yet, Jesus, himself, declares that it was for our advantage that he leave. Why? Why does Jesus think it’s better for him to go than to stay?Join us as we explore the beauty and nuance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Jesus' followers as unpacked in John’s astounding, personal Gospel account of Jesus.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Witnesses [Behold your King 08]

    19/02/2023 Duración: 41min

    John 15:18-27 // Nydiaris Hernandez-SantosSermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The King’s Friends [Behold your King 07]

    12/02/2023 Duración: 41min

    John 15:1-17 // Caleb JenkinsWhenever we face challenges or suffering in our lives, we wonder “Is there someone who will be there for me in this?” In our passage, Jesus’ disciples are facing the same question in their last night with Jesus before he is arrested. Jesus responds with a call to greater intimacy through the image of him as the true vine and their true friend.Join us as we continue walking through the Gospel of John to encounter Jesus’ invitation to deeper intimacy with him. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The King’s Counselor [Behold your King 06]

    05/02/2023 Duración: 46min

    One of the most important questions to ask is not just “what is God” or “who is God?” but “Where is God?” Interestingly enough, Jesus makes it clear that to answer that question we must also ask “Where am I?”Join us as we continue walking through the Gospel of John to explore where God longs to live most. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Father [Behold your King 05]

    29/01/2023 Duración: 41min

    Jesus says that if we ask anything in his name, he’ll do it. Does “anything” really mean “anything?” And what if the real secret to knowing Jesus’ answer has less to do with what we want and more to do with where it is found?Join us as we continue walking the Gospel of John to find our heart’s deepest and truest desires and how it shapes our everyday prayers.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Love [Behold your King 04]

    22/01/2023 Duración: 46min

    The key marker for Jesus’ followers is love, but this love is not a squishy, abstract feeling. It is raw feet-washing, humiliating love. This may be one of the easiest teachings of Jesus to mentally grasp, and yet one of the hardest to genuinely live into. Join us as we continue walking the Gospel of John to discover how we serve like Jesus and why anyone would try. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests: 23.01.22

  • The King’s Word [Behold your King 03]

    15/01/2023 Duración: 39min

    In a world when the word of country leaders and authority figures cannot always be believed let alone trusted, would you believe the word of King Jesus? His desire is that we believe His message of salvation for all people and enjoy fellowship with Him today and for all eternity. But that requires us to be good stewards of Jesus’ message and respond to it in repentance. In other words, Jesus’ message demands obedience from those who believe it. Although obedience is often costly, the hope of spending eternity with Jesus gives us the courage to follow Him no matter the cost. Would you believe Jesus’ message of salvation? Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King's Fruit [Behold Your King 02]

    08/01/2023 Duración: 43min

    Do you want to see Jesus? Not see as in only look from afar, but you want to meet him and to know him, and experience life in him that is full of peace, joy, purpose, and fulfillment.  Even if you are skeptical or wrestling with who Jesus is for you, there is something compelling about Jesus that you want to see and find out for yourself.But Jesus tells us that the only way for us to truly see and know him is to come to him as our crucified king, the one who died for us. So today as we go through this passage we are going to consider three ways we are to behold our crucified king. We must see how he had to die, how he wanted to die, and how we are to follow him in his death.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Burial [Behold your King 01]

    01/01/2023 Duración: 39min

    A common cliche today is “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but when we come with the posture of faith we say, “I believe it, so I see it.” This is because the Truth is a person to trust, not an argument to defend. Jesus is our King, and he needs no defending.  Join us as allow our hearts to begin to soften by the faith-building narrative of Christ’s final week on earth, and to truly see our King for who he is. As we do this, we’ll come to learn together that, when it comes to the crucified Christ, you have to believe him to truly Behold Your King. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Praise the King [Advent 05]

    25/12/2022 Duración: 20min

    It’s one thing to ponder gift ideas for people we love. It’s a totally audacious task to wonder what God wants for Christmas. Or is it?  Join us this Christmas as we look at what God wants from us and for us as we celebrate the birth of our King and Savior Jesus Christ!Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Victory [Advent 04]

    18/12/2022 Duración: 45min

    Everybody experiences the Christmas season a little differently. Whether you are surrounded by family or not this Christmas, pain and loneliness can knock the jingle bells right out of us.  When the greatest joys and deepest sadness coexist covered in mistletoe, how are we to anticipate King Jesus meeting us here? Join us for the comfort that comes in an overlooked Christmas song: Psalm 22. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Rescue [Advent 03]

    11/12/2022 Duración: 42min

    It can be so easy to let the good news of Christmas and God’s rescue of us become routine, old news. But when that happens, we are forgetting all that God has done for us and the gospel’s transformative power doesn’t change us. Join us as Psalm 103 challenges us to truly remember our King’s Rescue. We will see what kind of rescue we’ve experienced, what this rescue tells us about our rescuer, and what remembering leads us to do.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Character [Advent 02]

    04/12/2022 Duración: 46min

    Christmas always comes with its fair share of surprises, but advent is meant to cultivate anticipation. Throughout the history of the church, Advent has been a time to return to practices of anticipating our promised King’s return. But the question remains: what kind of king should we expect in Jesus? Join us as we explore the unchanging character of our promised King in Psalm 72 and so bolster our confidence in who it is that is coming for us. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The Promised King [Advent 01]

    27/11/2022 Duración: 37min

    The Christmas season is about God’s King, come to earth to rescue his people and redeem his creation. It’s a story that is foretold, among other places, in Israel’s prayer book: the Psalms. Woven throughout this prayer book is the story of the coming King, the Messiah, whom God has appointed over against the kings of this earth. Join us as we begin this advent season by encountering the coming King in the Psalm 2, and in responding in worship to the one who will set all things right.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Armor of God [Reconstructing Faith 14]

    20/11/2022 Duración: 37min

    Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Bondservants of Christ [Reconstructing Faith 13]

    13/11/2022 Duración: 51min

    There are few texts in our bibles that have such a sordid history like Paul’s words to slaves and masters. How is the thoughtful Christian to understand what Paul is being led by the Spirit to write in Ephesians and how that impacts today?  Join us as we begin to clear the rubble of deconstruction and reconstruct a faith of biblical truth and communal hope. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • This Mystery is Profound [Reconstructing Faith 11]

    30/10/2022 Duración: 54min

    Marriage. Some people want it. Some people have baggage with it. Some want to avoid it. Others have gone through seasons of deconstruction due to the shrapnel of a broken marriage. What does Jesus make marriage about?  What if marriage isn’t just about marriage?  Join us as we continue reconstructing faith through Ephesians learning what marriage could be for all of us whether you get married or not. Sermon Notes:

  • Cultivator [The Story of the Spirit 06]

    23/10/2022 Duración: 37min

    It’s the heartbeat of the age, how do we be free? Strategies for freedom abound, but real freedom seems allusive, even for many Christians.  Join us as we continue the story of the Spirit across the Biblical narrative. The Spirit is essential to our freedom, but what His freedom looks like may surprise you.  21.09.19

  • Honest Work [Reconstructing Faith 09]

    16/10/2022 Duración: 35min

    Chances are good the majority of people don’t think they are engaged in “dishonest” work on a daily basis, but are you so sure? What if the problem has less to do with what you consider “dishonest” or more about a robust framework of “honest” work?  Join us as we continue our journey in Ephesians of reconstructing a faith that actually blossoms into honest work, and therefore generates a more meaningful life. Sermon Notes:

  • The New Self [Reconstructing Faith 08]

    09/10/2022 Duración: 36min

    Who are you? How do you know? What does that mean for your life? These questions dominate our modern lives, and each of us seeking to answer these questions on our own is exhausting and isolating.Join us as we see that as believers, our truest identity is our new identity that we’ve received from Christ, and that identity builds others up in love. After we see why that is true, we will see three things about the true you, that it builds with words, is good at anger, and radically forgives.Sermon Notes:

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