This Is Life With Pejman Ghadimi



Modern day conversations about life, and its true meaning. Based on the best selling book Third Circle Theory and its principles of living a great life filled with purpose and passion. Presented by Pejman Ghadimi, serial entrepreneur and Author of Third Circle Theory.


  • Ep 10: Control Your Environment – Or Let It Control You

    26/09/2016 Duración: 27min

    Are you looking for an investor? Do you have a plan of action once you are granted the funds to invest in your business or venture? To complicate things further, what are you willing to compensate to the investor in return or the much-needed funding? All of these questions and more are subjects you should be considering before even deciding to explore investor options to take your business venture to the next level. You host, Pejman Ghadimi, is joined by David who is an entrepreneur in the automotive sales industry. Today, Pejman gives some critical advice in the field of – but not limited to – automotive sales and flipping cars on understanding and deciding how to establish business goals based on long-term growth and playing it smart when agreeing to accept an investment or partner into your business plan. As a bonus, Pejman Ghadimi gives us some great insight on why your environment is never the reason why you do or do not do something unless you are not in control of it. Are you the one making your decisi

  • Ep 9: Love and War - Entrepreneurships and Relationships

    16/09/2016 Duración: 32min

    We all struggle at some point in our lives with relationships, but what's more difficult than finding "the one"? Trying to find "the one" while being an aspiring entrepreneur. Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he is joined by the "Timeshare Queen" herself, Becky. Becky asks Pejman what the right moves and decisions are to turn your talents into a prospering business based on your track record and how to do it without risking too much before the business idea has validated itself. However, it's all fun and games with business until you decide to add love to the mix! Pejman advises the mindsets to keep while looking for love and how to attract the RIGHT person for you without holding your expectations too high and driving away any possibilities too soon. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 8: Entrepreneurs with Day Jobs: Don't Dive Head First into Shallow Pools

    13/09/2016 Duración: 28min

    Business operations, processes and goal setting are some of the topics your host, Pejman Ghadimi, covers in today's podcast. Join Pejman as small business owner and entrepreneur, Dominik, asks him to advise on the process of determining when it is time to drop your day job making someone else rich and go all in on your business. It is incredibly easy to make mistakes during this process. Don't set yourself up for short or long-term failure. Pejman Ghadimi gives some great advice on how to position your business and YOURSELF for success when making these transitions. You don't want to run back to your day job with your tail between your legs. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 7: Idea, Validate, LAUNCH! And Establish Your Brand

    09/09/2016 Duración: 27min

    Do you have a business idea you're not sure will be successful? Are you unsure how to safely launch a new product or service without going all in and risking too much? Your host, Pejman Ghadimi, covers all of this and more as he is joined by Dorian who is a young agency owner from overseas. Dorian asks Pejman to share with him some of the best ways to ensure you're not risking too much and setting yourself up for failure when first launching a new product or service. As a bonus, Pejman Ghadimi also shares how to establish brand attributes for your company or business and how to provide value to ensure your brand image stays strong. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 6: Sacrifice Today for Greater Benefits Tomorrow

    05/09/2016 Duración: 27min

    Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he is joined by a student and business owner from Australia, Tyler. Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. We have all heard this before, but do you actually live by this? According to Pejman Ghadimi, most obstacles can be easily overcome by early preparation. Understanding where to focus your goals, the importance of time management, and the incredibly underestimated benefits of self-education. Leveraging knowledge and experience is something we all do day after day. Making the right choices and sacrifices TODAY can make – or break -  your success in the future. Pejman shares how. As a bonus, Pejman discusses his take on mentorship, college, and even goes into detail on his own sacrifices being the family bread-winner beginning at only 14 years old and the decisions he made to be able to live life to its fullest potential. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 5: Establishing Successful Goal-Setting Techniques for the Young Entrepreneur

    02/09/2016 Duración: 30min

    Your host, Pejman Ghadimi, goes over a few very critical stages of understanding how to establish the RIGHT type of goals to grow your business. Join Pejman as young entrepreneur and small business owner, Sean, asks his advice about adjusting to more appropriate long term goals, the importance of building a financial cushion, and creating more sources of income through betting on yourself, diversification, and auxiliary means. As a bonus, Pejman also advises on how to deal with outside objectives and distractions and how to balance your personal and business life. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 4: Overcoming Obstacles of Scaling a Family Business

    31/08/2016 Duración: 29min

    When it comes to ensuring that your business succeeds now and through the next generation the old adage, ‘when you fail to plan, you plan to fail’, comes to mind. Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he provides solutions to some very common obstacles in family businesses as asked by Carlos. Today, Pejman discusses how to take an already established multi-generational company to the next level by examining your business processes, client base, vision projection and the best way to handle family business leaders who may be against changing from the old ways. As a bonus, Pejman provides insight on how to scale a business using vertical income leveraging and goes over the best strategy to planning when and how to adjust your public lifestyle image. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 3: The Many Factors of Obtaining Mentorship

    29/08/2016 Duración: 30min

    There are many types of mentoring relationships –  defining and establishing that relationship is critical. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, covers the very diverse topic on mentorship. Interviewing him from Australia is Tyler to ask some of the most essential questions covering mentorship criteria, how to approach a potential mentor, the importance of identifying the relationship you want as a mentee and what you will need to bring to the table. Pejman even provides some insider information into his own experience on how he learned from others, as he covered in his best-selling book, Third Circle Theory. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 2: To Be, Or Not to Be an Entrepreneur

    26/08/2016 Duración: 29min

    Jumping into the world of entrepreneurship is risky business, do you know what is necessary to prepare yourself for this journey? Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he explores some very important and frequently asked questions by social media, marketing and advertising expert, Andrew. In this episode, they talk about what defines an entrepreneur, some great ways to prepare yourself – physically and mentally – on taking the leap into entrepreneurship, college degrees in the entrepreneurial world and the hidden factor between choices and outcomes. As a bonus, Pejman even provides some very valuable self-accountability challenges to help you establish the right mindset for success! Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 1: The Problem With Millennials and Mindsets

    20/08/2016 Duración: 35min

    Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he answers another important question this week by JT Martin. With Generation Millennial developing the labels of entitled and lazy, is there still hope that this generation can get down to business and still become successful? Pejman and JT discuss the problems with Millennial mindsets, lack of aspirations, indecision on life goals, and the serious issue with the "work equals reward" concept. Buy Third Circle Theory:

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