Podcasts from the website excellent care in and around the resus room, concentrating on critical appraisal, evidenced based medicine and international guidelines.
August 2021; papers of the month
01/08/2021 Duración: 28minWelcome to August 2021’s papers podcast! Three more great papers for you this month which have challenged and informed our practice. First up we look Impact of ambulance deceleration with patients lying flat vs 30 degrees head up on intracranial pressure in patients with a head injury. Next, is a patient with a refractory VF arrest more likely to have a positive finding on coronary angiography than one with non-refractory VF? And finally, in patients with blunt chest wall injury, does the presence of a flail chest indicate a worse morbidity and mortality compared to rib fractures alone? And what do the findings mean for our clinical examination focus? Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. We're giving you all a summer break from us and we'll be back again with our Papers of the Month and Roadside to Resus episodes in September. Enjoy! Simon and Rob
Pre Alert; Roadside to Resus
19/07/2021 Duración: 01h03minSo welcome back to another Roadside to Resus episode! Pre alerts are a key part of the interface between pre hospital and in hospital care of the critically unwell patient, when made and received in an effective manner they can really benefit the patient and the system. But too often we hear of friction associated with pre alerts and recent discussions on social media has really highlighted this. In this episode we explore the pre alert, the guidance that exists already on the topic, the challenges of both making and receiving those pre alerts and our four major questions; why we pre alert, what we should pre alert, how to pre alert and when to pre alert. Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
July 2021; papers of the month
01/07/2021 Duración: 28minAnother month and 3 more papers! First up we have a look at a paper that has grabbed a lot of recent headlines in the form of TTM2. So we now seem to have the answer to whether comatose patients following out of hospital cardiac arrest benefit from therapeutic hypothermia over maintenance of normothermia. Next up we take a look at a paper which adds some real value to our assessments of maxillofacial injuries and can help inform our assessment of the likelihood of fracture and need for imaging. Lastly we take a look at the whether iv vs io access in cardiac arrest might make a difference to outcomes when it comes to the use of adrenaline. Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Enjoy! Simon and Rob
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage; Roadside to Resus
16/06/2021 Duración: 52minSo this time we're going to be talking about subarachnoid haemorrhage. So this is going to be a short and punchy look at a really important and interesting topic in subarachnoid haemorrhage. We run through the approach to headache and then focus on the specific features and findings that we should be looking for with regards subarachnoid haemorrhage. We then consider who we should be investigating further, what value a CT head brings and the sticky subject of who should be going on to have a lumbar puncture. Finally we consider the the management once the diagnosis of SAH is reached and how we can ensure the best outcomes for our patients. At the time of recording NICE has published its draft version of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Caused by a Ruptured Aneurysm; diagnosis and management, which will be a great resource once finalised. Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
June 2021; papers of the month
01/06/2021 Duración: 34minThis month we've got three papers that have challenged our practice both from an in-hospital and pre-hospital perspective. Firstly we consider a paper that looks at admission saturations for patients with exacerbations of COPD and compare this to the BTS guidance on oxygen therapy, regarding altering oxygen saturations for those proven not to be hypercapnoeic. Should we be aiming for 88-92% or 94-98%? Next we look at a paper from the team at KSS looking at dispatch to older trauma victims and consider whether current triggers for HEMS dispatch are set at the appropriate level to catch those in this cohort that may benefit from critical care interventions. Lastly we look at a paper evaluating the QRS width in PEA cardiac arrests and consider firstly whether a broad QRS complex is predictive of hyperkalaemia and secondly whether we would treat patients based off this finding? Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Enjoy! Simon and Rob
Resuscitation Guidelines 2021; Roadside to Resus
05/05/2021 Duración: 44minSo the Resuscitation Council UK have today published new guidelines on resuscitation based on the European Resuscitation Council 2021 Guidelines and recommendations from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. We were lucky enough to catch up with two key members of both ERC and RCUK, Gavin Perkins and Jasmeet Soar, gaining their valuable insights into the new guidelines. As well as this Simon, Rob and James pick out some other key points from the guidelines and discuss how these may translate into systems and practice. Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
May 2021; papers of the month
01/05/2021 Duración: 35minWelcome back to May's Papers of the Month Podcast! Three more papers for you on three varied topics. We start off with the use of end tidal carbon dioxide in the content of prehospital head injuries.Taking a look at a paper delving a bit deeper into the utility of end tidal CO2 when compared with arterial CO2 measurements on arrival in ED, in patients having received a prehospital anaesthetic; how accurate is end tidal and what level should we be aiming for? Next we consider the importance of frailty in the outcomes of our older trauma patients and the ability of three different screening tools in identification of this cohort of high risk patients presenting to our hospitals. Finally we take a look at a treatment which some prehospital services have already employed and others are considering; the use of CPAP for patients presenting with acute respiratory distress. Does the evidence support its use? Once again we'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Simo
Newborn Life Support; Roadside to Resus
15/04/2021 Duración: 01h38minSo last month we considered Maternal Emergencies and the approach and interventions we can make in order to minimise complications during pregnancy and during childbirth. As promised this month we're looking at the next step along the process and focussing on Newborn Life Support. Dealing with newborns has the potential to be really stressful but hopefully by concentrating on the fundamentals and guidelines we'll all be able to approach the situation with greater confidence. Let us know any thought and comments you have on the podcast. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
April 2021; papers of the month
01/04/2021 Duración: 29minWell if last month was based on cardiac arrest, this month takes a deeper look at airways! First up we take a look at a paper that benchmarks the use of video laryngoscopy, specifically with the C-MAC and gives some really useful information from a Swiss HEMS service on first-pass success, the relevance of operator experience on success and factors that alter intubation success. Next up we're looking at blood in the airway with epistaxis...okay it's a tenuous link, but it pretty much works! The NOPAC study looks at the use of TXA in atraumatic epistaxis and compare it to placebo use, will TXA come up trumps in this setting? Finally we take a look at the use of scalpel cricothyroidotomy within the London HEMS service over a 20 year period, with a number of things we can learn from this experience. Once again we'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Simon & Rob
Maternal Emergencies; Roadside to Resus
15/03/2021 Duración: 01h43minSo this is the first of a pregnancy related double-header, with the focus being firmly set on the mother this month and next month we’ll focus in on NLS. This month though we’re going to be discussing maternal emergencies. Now many conditions that could fall into this category but, as much as we love a good yarn, we really can’t be here all day, so we’ve decided to focus on are the conditions that we are more likely to come across in either prehospital or EM practice. Those conditions in which we can make a really big difference to either the mum or the baby. We’re talking antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage, cord prolapse, breech presentation and shoulder dystocia, all after we've set the scene on assisting with an uncomplicated delivery. So what would be really good is if we could find someone to bring in some prehospital maternal experience too. Ideally, someone qualified as a midwidfe and paramedic…and we're incredibly lucky to have just that in Aimee Yarrington, who has joined us for the podca
March 2021; papers of the month
01/03/2021 Duración: 37minSo this month we've got a cardiac-arrest-fest for you! With 3 papers centered on the management of cardiac arrest, with some key points that will help inform and improve our practice. First up we have a think about where patients with a presumed cardiac cause of their arrest should be transported to. Trauma networks in the UK have changed destinations for patients, but is there a patient benefit transporting this patients to a cardiac arrest centre and if so how much? Next we look at the potential benefit to nurse-led cardiac arrests with a study that might change some thoughts on how we best run and collaborate our cardiac arrests. Finally we take a look at an open access paper from SJTREM, looking at the use of serum markers to help us prognosticate in hypothermic cardiac arrest and in these really challenging cases there is some great stuff to take from the paper. Once again we'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom. Simon & Rob
Diabetic Ketoacidosis; Roadside to Resus
15/02/2021 Duración: 58minWelcome back to the podcast and our next Roadside to Resus episode, this time we’re taking a look at Diabetic Ketoacidosis, DKA. In this episode we’ll be getting our heads around the pathophysiology that underpins DKA, consider the clinical picture and severity of patients that present and look at both the in-hospital and pre-hospital management of these patients including topics such at fluid choice, insulin boluses and nasal ETCO2 for diagnosis of DKA. Let us know any thought and comments you have. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
February 2021; papers of the month
01/02/2021 Duración: 36minSo three very different papers for you this month... We start off having a look at a paper on the HINTS examination. This exam came to prominence a few years ago as a way to distinguish between central and peripheral causes of vertigo with a pretty amazing sensitivity and specificity. Since then many EM clinicians have brought it onto their practice and this paper seeks to assess how good the test is at the bedside in real life practice. Next up we take a look at a paper assessing the injury patterns in trapped patients and consider the prevalence of injuries both with regard to spinal and other injury patterns and then consider the impact that this holds with respect to extrication. Finally we have a look at a paper focussing on the inhospitable management of hypertension; the treatment strategies and the outcomes comparing those being treated during their inpatient stay versus this left untreated with some surprising outcomes... Once again we'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or
Supraglottic Airways; Roadside to Resus
18/01/2021 Duración: 01h07minSo in this episode we’re going to have a deeper think about advanced airway management and specifically supraglottic use in the prehospital and ED environment. Many prehospital service have seen the removal of intubation from their scope of practice, and that’s understandably been received with mixed thoughts. But this isn’t the end of ‘expert advanced airway care for all; in fact far, far from it… we’ve all heard people talking about ‘whacking in an i-gel’, but really utilising a supraglottic device to its maximal potential can make a huge difference to our critically unwell patients. We'll be running through an overview of supraglottic devices, the evidence surrounding their use, patient selection, patient positioning and size selection, placing a supraglottic device, troubleshooting and finally ongoing ventilation with a supraglottic device. We'd love to hear any comments or feedback you have and make sure to take a look at the references and resources below. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James
January 2021; papers of the month
01/01/2021 Duración: 31minHappy New Year! Well 2020 certainly wasn't what we were all expecting, so here's hoping for a phenomenally better 2021. We've got some really exciting episodes for you this year including Supraglottic Airways, Neonatal Resuscitation, Diabetic Emergencies, New Resuscitation guidelines and much much more! We're kicking off the podcast year with three really interesting papers! First up we consider the importance of first pass success of both supraglottic airways and endotracheal intubation in the context of cardiac arrest; a lot of attention has been shone recently on question of which approach we should consider after bag valve mask ventilation, but how important is the first pass of either of the approaches to the outcomes of our patients? Next up we have a look at a paper that challenges the use of TXA in our patients with a severe traumatic brain injury after the publication of CRASH 3. Finally we have another look at the mantra of 'GCS 8-intubate' with a systematic review which draws together all of the ev
Contrast Induced Nephropathy
14/12/2020 Duración: 25minSo for decades people have talked about Contrast Induced Nephropathy…or Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury, depending on the decade and location of discussion. The theory being that diuresis, increased urine viscosity and changes in vasoconstriction and vasodilation leads to a worsening of renal function following iv contrast administration. It seems to come from the 1950’s where some patients were seen to develop acute kidney injuries following iv contrast. Now times have changed and treatments and contrasts evolved but the discussion around contrast induced nephropathy continues. At times these discussion can mean that some patients wait for scans in the Emergency Department whilst waiting for blood tests to come back first. But is this the right thing to do? In this episode we take a look at the origins of contrast induced nephropathy, consider some recent publications on the topic and see how this translates to practice and applications of the most recent guidelines. Reading around the topic has been hu
December 2020; papers of the month
01/12/2020 Duración: 37minWelcome back to December's Papers of The Month Podcast! Three more papers for you which will challenge and inform you practice. First up we have a look at a systematic review and meta-analysis which considers the fluid choice in resuscitating those patients with suspected traumatic brain injury in the prehospital setting; should we be reaching for the hypertonic solutions, or is an isotonic fluid such as normal saline adequate? Next we take a look at a paper that has received a lot of online discussion which looks at the two approaches of antibiotics or surgery for an appendicitis. This is a randomised control trial that looks to answer a question that the literature has dipped into over the last few years, but this RCT goes that bit further and will help give patients a good idea of the pro's and con's of each approach. Finally we take a look at the UK national approach to oxygenation strategies in those patients receiving a prehospital emergency anaesthetic. How many clinicians provide PEEP, how commonly im
Anaphylaxis; Roadside to Resus
16/11/2020 Duración: 01h10sWelcome back to the podcast! In this episode of Roadside to Resus we're going to take a look Anaphylaxis, which has been highlighted on a national level of concern as NICE state ‘many people do not receive optimal management following their acute anaphylactic reaction’. Much of the problem lies within a lack of understanding of what actually constitutes an anaphylactic reaction and the knock on effect this has to the treatment provided. In this episode we'll explore the definition of anaphylaxis and the significant differences that can be seen in the presentation. We have a a think about the pathophysiology and reasons behind the variance in presentations and how this affects the importance of treatments available and their relative importance. Anaphylaxis is known to have a a number of patients who have a biphasic reaction, it predicates the need to convey patients to hospital and a period of observation; however the frequency and severity of these biphasic reactions can help to inform this further and for t
November 2020; papers of the month
01/11/2020 Duración: 31minWelcome to November’s papers of the month podcast! This month we kick things off looking at TXA in trauma and consider in complex scenes and resource limited environments if TXA could be administered effectively in an IM rather than IV route? We also get an authors inside view from Professor Ian Roberts. Next up; does the anatomical location of a head injury affect the risk of an intracerebral bleed and could this affect those patients that can go without a scan? And finally we have a look at the importance of a chest X-ray in COVID-19 and consider how accurate the X-ray is at both picking up and ruling out the infection. Enjoy! Simon & Rob
Poisoning; Roadside to Resus
15/10/2020 Duración: 01h58sSo in our Toxidrome Roadside to Resus episode we covered the initial management of a poisoned patient, some of the constellation of features to look out for and the specific management. But what about specific agents and circumstances that require particular knowledge and management both in the prehospital environment and in ED? Well in this episode we’ll cover these by running through; Paracetamol poisoning and treatment Calcium channel blocker overdose Beta blocker overdose High dose insulin euglycaemic therapy Activated charcoal Intralipid therapy Cardiac arrest due to toxicology We'd love to hear any comments or feedback you have and make sure to take a look at the references and resources below. Enjoy! Simon, Rob & James