Radio Free Sarawak

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 471:29:08
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Radio Free Sarawak is the independent radio station that brings you the news you want to hear, not what others want you to hear. No one controls us, except you, the listeners of Sarawak . So tune in and enjoy the news, interviews, reports and comment that you will never get to hear on any of the other government-controlled radio stations in Sarawak. There will be plenty of our best music too, all presented to you in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!


  • 21 July 2022

    21/07/2022 Duración: 23min

    He is blaming everyone else as usual but today Malaysians have been repeatedly reminded of the bills they have to pay owing to his corruption - The 1MDB debt STILL stands at almost RM 40 BILLION which could have built new lives for all the people of Sarawak. And Sabah stands to lose two major oil fields thanks to negligence he blames on others. Meanwhile, the courts have thrown out Najib's latest delaying tactic for his sentence, which the Federal Court is due to pronounce: Najib menyalahkan orang lain seperti biasa tetapi hari ini rakyat Malaysia telah berulang kali diingatkan tentang bil yang mereka perlu bayar kerana rasuahnya - Hutang 1MDB MASIH berjumlah hampir RM 40 BILION yang boleh membina kehidupan baru untuk semua rakyat Sarawak. Dan Sabah akan menghilang dua aset Petronas kerana kecuaian yang dia salahkan kepada orang lain. Sementara itu, mahkamah telah menolak taktik penangguhan terbaharu Najib untuk hukumannya, yang akan diumumkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan

  • 20 July 2022

    20/07/2022 Duración: 43min

    Kami membincangkan penyertaan yang mengejut terhadap Kerajaan dan Peguam Negara dalam rancangan untuk menggugurkan pertuduhan terhadap Jho Low sebagai balasan kepada wang tunai. Peguam DAP Ramkarpal Singh dan Kee Hui Yee dari Majlis Peguam memberikan jawapan mereka. Dan ancaman kenaikan harga yang semakin meningkat untuk rakyat biasa di Sarawak. Dengar isu dari Konvensyen PKR dan apa maknanya untuk masa depan pergerakan pembangkang. We discuss the shocking participation of the Government and Attorney General's office in the plot to drop charges against Jho Low in return for cash. DAP lawyer Ramkarpal Singh and the Bar Council's Kee Hui Yee give their responses. And the growing threat of rocketing prices for ordinary people in Sarawak. Listen to the issues and a round up of the PKR Convention and what it means for the future of the opposition movement.

  • 15 July 2022

    15/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    Reaching out to the youth vote. As PKR finally launches its much delayed National Congress opposition supporters know that all hangs on a re-boot for the party and policies that engage young voters. We report from the scene. But what about enabling those voters to make their choice? We discuss the problems facing young people working away from home, many do not even know they are automatically registered but even so the lack of postal and proxy voting will exclude hundreds of thousands from the opportunity to exercise their rights. Also, give us access to EIA reports! Indigenous rights campaigner Thomas Jalong highlights the ongoing failure of the Sarawak government to release public information about the impacts of mining, logging and plantation concessions, along with other major projects on the communities that are affected. Mencapai undi belia. Ketika PKR akhirnya melancarkan Kongres Nasional yang tertangguh, penyokong pembangkang tahu bahawa semua bergantung pada kebangkitan semula parti dan dasar-dasar

  • 14 July 2022

    14/07/2022 Duración: 45min

    Today Focus: > Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist from Sarawak 1-Maybank and Gov need to explain to the public abt NFC case 2-Sulu case-Need competent ppl to negotiate, not don't know anything to make decisions > Ann Teo, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0 Sarawak – Every votes has Value > Stephen Epay, PKR Selangau – Longhouse Community gradually awake while find out Gov deceive people on land issue Fokus Hari iniL > Iswardy Morni, Aktivis Peguam dari Sarawak 1)Maybank dan Kerajaan perlu menjelaskan kepada orang awam tentang kes NFC 2)Kes Sulu-Perlu orang yang cekap untuk berunding > Ann Teo, Pengerusi Bersih 2.0 Sarawak – Setiap undi ada Nilai > Stephen Epay, PKR Selangau – Komuniti Rumah Panjang Bersedar apabila mengetahui Kerajaan menipu atas isu tanah

  • 13 July 202

    13/07/2022 Duración: 37min

    Blockades by Dayak communities > Komeok Joe, Social and Environmental Activist – Baram Penan lodges police report against land encroachment and plan to blockade again > Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram – set up blockade before logging company trespass > Special Randau by Stanley Rentap – Penan of Murum plan to set up blockade while after 10 years gov still not fulfil Beberapa Sekatan Jalan oleh Masyarakat Dayak > Komeok Joe, Sosial dan Alam Sekitar Aktivis – Penan dari membuat laporan polis terhadap pencerobohan tanah dan merancang untuk sekatan jalan lagi > Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Baram – sediakan sekatan jalan sebelum pencerobohan oleh syarikat pembalakan > Randau Khas oleh Stanley Rentap – Penan dari Murum merancang untuk mengadakan sekatan jalan selepas 10 tahun kerajaan masih tidak menunaikan janji-janji

  • 12 July 2022

    12/07/2022 Duración: 27min

    Today focus: - Iswardy Morni,Lawyer Activist from Sarawak: PH can win if Anwar give clear direction - Baru Bian, MP of Selangau: Government need implement the original MA63 that still have 13 promises not yet fulfill - Bannard from Long Karangan: Orang Ulu anxious about inflation Fokus hari ini: - Iswardy Morni,Peguam Aktivis dari Sarawak: PH boleh menang jika Anwar memberi hala tuju yang jelas - Baru Bian, MP Selangau: Kerajaan perlu laksana MA63 asal yang masih ada 13 janji belum ditunaikan - Bannar dari Long Karangan: Orang Ulu bimbang tentang inflasi

  • 11 July 2022

    11/07/2022 Duración: 35min

    double standard of justice A poor mother named Suhaini Mohd, 43, was sentenced to 14 months in jail by the Marang Terengganu magistrate's court for stealing 2 packets of Milo Drink. Suhaini a poor mother and drug addict had to steal to feed her 4 children. He stole last May 25, was found guilty and is currently serving a 14 -month prison sentence. But it is different for former prime minister Najib Razak who has been convicted of misappropriating RM42 million -SRC international funds. He is still free and his 12 -year prison sentence and a fine of 210 million are still pending until the appeal process in federal court is completed. Not only that- even 2 days ago, an MPV with registration number VBH11 toyota Velfire that was used by Najib was accompanied by police escorts in a crowded atmosphere of many road users back to the village for the aidiladaha celebration. Yb Steven Sim (PH), Member of Parliament for Bukit Mertajam. Criticized the escort police service that is still given by the government to Najib.

  • 8 July 2022

    08/07/2022 Duración: 43min

    Najib's Tactics - All To Put Off The Day of Reckoning: Even Najib's senior colleagues are saying that if he is guilty he must accept that ALL are equal before the law, but it seems his every move is designed to put off his day of judgement to try to avoid just penalties. We discuss the latest delaying tactic, which is to bring in a UK QC to fight his case with Bar Council member Kee Hui Yee. Also, Malaysia's floods are a man made disaster: we talk to an expert on the consequences of botched deforestation and plantations and to folk who remember how nature's balance used to protect communities : Taktik Najib – semuanya untuk menangguhkan proses rayuan akhir: Malah rakan-rakan kanan Najib berkata bahawa jika dia bersalah dia mesti menerima bahawa SEMUA adalah sama rata di sisi undang-undang, tetapi nampaknya setiap langkahnya direka untuk menangguhkan hari penghakimannya untuk cuba mengelak hukuman yang adil. Kami membincangkan dengan Peguam Kee Hui Yee tentang taktik penangguhan terkini, iaitu membawa masuk Q

  • 7 July 2022

    07/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    Nonsense! Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen slams the Chief Minister's latest fantasy RM10 billion train project when ordinary folk are struggling to live. Meanwhile, when it's not train tracks it's canals: Abang Jo's other hair brained scheme during this economic crisis is to turn flood prone Sibu into a 'new Amsterdam". Could the source of all these plans be China's 'Chequebook Colonialism' (and where will the money really end up)? Chong wants to see the details for these 'castles in the air'. Tidak Masuk Akal! Pemimpin DAP Sarawak Chong Chieng Jen membidas projek gerabak kereta api (VTS) terbaru oleh Ketua Menteri yang kos RM10 bilion apabila rakyat sedang bergelut untuk hidup. Sedangkan, apabila ia bukan landasan kereta api, tapi terusan: Skim lain yang tidak masuk akal oleh Abang Jo adalah menjadikan Sibu yang dilanda banjir kepada 'Amsterdam baharu" semasa krisis ekonomi. Mungkinkah punca semua rancangan ini adalah 'Kolonialisme Buku Cek' China? Chong mahu melihat butiran projek ini yang tidak reali

  • 6 July 2022

    06/07/2022 Duración: 29min

    Rushed Election on the Cards? It all depends on the battle within UMNO says Sarawak opposition campaigner Iswardy Morni. Also, we talk to Bersih's Thomas Fann about the mysterious refusal of the Sarawak government - as usual abusing autonomous border controls - to allow him and the clean election group to come to the state to train and monitor election observers. Do they want to be able to cheat with ease? Pilihan Raya dengan Tergesa-gesa? Semuanya bergantung kepada pertempuran dalam UMNO kata aktivis pembangkang Sarawak Iswardy Morni. Selain itu, kami bercakap dengan Thomas Fann dari Bersih tentang penolakan misteri oleh kerajaan Sarawak - seperti biasa menyalahgunakan kawalan sempadan autonomi - untuk menghalang beliau dan kumpulan Bersih masuk ke Sarawak bagi melatih dan memantau pemerhati pilihan raya.

  • 5 July 2022

    05/07/2022 Duración: 34min

    The Cause Is Corruption: We analyse how Malaysia, a top palm oil and petroleum producing country, is failing to find the finances to protect the most vulnerable citizens from the rocketing food and fuel prices created by global uncertainties. PKR's Wong Chen says that the lack of cash boils down to Malaysia's UMNO/BN plague of corruption. Puncanya Adalah Rasuah: Kami menganalisis bagaimana Malaysia, sebuah negara pengeluar minyak sawit dan petroleum terkemuka, gagal mencari kewangan untuk melindungi rakyat yang paling menderita daripada kenaikan harga makanan dan minyak makanan yang disebabkan oleh ketidaktentuan global. Wong Chen dari PKR berkata Rasuah yang disebabkan oleh UMNO/BN menyebabkan Malaysia kekurangan dana untuk membantu rakyat.

  • 4 July 2022

    04/07/2022 Duración: 25min

    On the show: Price Explosion! We ask how come Palm Oil now costs more in Malaysia the world's biggest producer than in Singapore? And why are prices three times higher for the poor folk in Sarawak's interior who lost so much of their land to palm oil plantations? Even GPS ministers are complaining something fishy is going on, so where are all the subsidies suddenly disappearing to as people suffer? Also, banking fraud has hammered thousands of poor Malaysians yet there is no effort to help. Does anyone care? This and more on Radio Free Sarawak now Topik Pada malam ini: Harga yang melampau-lampau! Kami bertanya bagaimana harga Minyak Sawit kini lebih mahal di Malaysia yang sebagai pengeluar terbesar di dunia berbanding dengan Singapore? Dan kenapa harga tiga kali ganda lebih tinggi bagi penduduk miskin di pedalaman Sarawak yang kehilangan sebahagian besar tanah mereka kepada minyak sawit? Menteri-menteri GPS pun mengadu sesuatu yang mencurigakan sedang berlaku, ke mana semua subsidi tiba-tiba hilang apabila r

  • 12 May 2022

    12/05/2022 Duración: 25min

    On Tonight's Show: Don't Be Deceived by Najib's Propaganda! We dig deeper into the inside story of Najib's corruption as more news of his deals come to light this week. What is GPS Stance on Anti-Hopping Law? ROSE Chairperson Ann Teo demands the Sarawak government take a stance on anti-hopping measures, calling on Abang Jo to clarify the party's position ahead of the next sitting. First Time Voter! We speak with Ms Lia from Marudi who will be voting for the first time in the upcoming GE15. She says she wants a new government that defends the people. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Jangan Terpedaya Dengan Propaganda Najib! Kami menyelidiki lebih mendalam kisah rasuah Najib apabila lebih banyak berita mengenai perjanjiannya didedahkan minggu ini. Apakah Pendirian GPS mengenai Undang-undang Anti-Lompak Parti? Pengerusi ROSE Ann Teo menuntut kerajaan Sarawak mengambil sikap terhadap anti-lompat, menyeru Abang Jo untuk menjelaskan pendirian parti menjelang persidangan akan datang. Pengundi Kali Pe

  • 11 May 2022

    11/05/2022 Duración: 23min

    On Tonight's Show: PKR's priority is an independent judiciary! As the corruption cases of Malaysia's top political dogs drag on, PKR's Fahmi Fadzil says justice must be upheld in Malaysia without fear of repercussions and intervention. Forest Certification Must Enforce Conditions for Timber Licences! JOAS' Thomas Jalong says too often loggers ignore legal conditions like stakeholder consent and encourages the industry to take responsibility for these companies and the loopholes they abuse. Water Crisis in Saratok! RFS listener Mr Ibil explains Saratok long-suffering residents only have two water treatment plants which cannot support three constituencies. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Keutamaan PKR ialah badan kehakiman yang bebas! Ketika kes rasuah politik utama di Malaysia tangguh, Fahmi Fadzil dari PKR berkata keadilan mesti ditegakkan di Malaysia tanpa rasa takut akan kesan dan campur tangan. Pensijilan Hutan Mesti Menguatkuasakan Syarat untuk Lesen Kayu!Joas' Thomas Jalong berkata terla

  • 10 May 2022

    10/05/2022 Duración: 24min

    On Tonight's Show: Anti-hopping law—select committee's interest groups revealed. Is Renewable Energy Strategy an Excuse For More Dams? Environmental expert Adrian Barnie Lasimbang questions GPS' understanding of sustainability, saying renewable energy is better than extractive industry, but blasting claims that Sarawak's megadam hydropower is sustainable to begin with! "How Many More Floods Can People Bear?" Environmental activist John Bara slams GPS for not investigating the cause of Sarawak's year of floods, saying the logging industry is driving land erosion in Baram. He calls on the gov to halt all logging immediately. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Rang Undang Undang (RUU) Akta Anti Lompat Parti — Tujuh soalan pada pihak berkepentingan didedah. Adakah Strategi Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui Adalah Alasan Untuk Lebih Banyak Empangan? Pakar alam sekitar Adrian Barnie Lasimbang mempersoalkan pemahaman GPS tentang Kelestarian, berkata tenaga boleh diperbaharui lebih baik daripada industri ekstr

  • 5 May 2022

    05/05/2022 Duración: 23min

    On Tonight's Show: Natives Should Be Consulted On Land Code Amendments! NCR lawyer Harrison Ngau says YBs should be in contact with Dayaks and other groups who are victimised by the current land code to establish what changes need to be made. We Need More Info About Green Hydrogen Project! Activist Thomas Jalong says the government hasn't released enough details about how the new green hydrogen project will impact the environment or the community. MUDA: Opposition must Cooperate! Jeffery Ngui, Chairperson of MUDA Sarawak, says the youth party wants to see real collaboration amongst the opposition and less talk about seat allocation! This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Orang Asal Harus Dirujuk Mengenai Pindaan Kanun Tanah! Peguam NCR Harrison Ngau berkata YB harus berhubung dengan Dayak dan kumpulan lain yang menjadi mangsa kanun tanah semasa untuk menentukan perubahan yang perlu dibuat. Kami Perlukan Maklumat Lanjut Mengenai Projek Hidrogen Hijau! Aktivis Thomas Jalong berkata kerajaan belum meng

  • 4 May 2022

    04/05/2022 Duración: 22min

    Malay Dalam Program Malam Ini: Pindaan Kanun Tanah tak Berkesan selagi Tiada Pengiktirafan Hak NCR di Sarawak! DJ RFS dan calon PKR Wing Miku membidas ketidakadilan sebenar yang terbina dalam kanun tanah Sarawak. Mengapa GPS memajukan projek Hidrogen Hijau ? Alexander Lehan dari Belaga mempersoalkan "pelan tenaga hijau" Abang Jo apabila tenaga elektrik sedia ada yang dihasilkan di Sarawak oleh empangan itu tidak dapat digunakan buat masa ini. Bukan semua orang boleh guna ‘Online Banking’. Pendengar RFS, Encik Bennett dari Miri berkata, terdapat lebih banyak masalah perbankan yang mendesak seperti beratur panjang di ATM atau orang langsung tak mempunyai bank akaun. English On Tonight's Show: No Land Code Amendment Effective as long as No Recognition of NCRR Rights in Sarawak! RFS DJ and PKR candidate Wing Miku blasts the true injustices built into Sarawak's land code. Why Is GPS Investing in Green Hydrogen When Existing Energy Can't Be Used? Alexander Lehan from Belaga questions Abang Jo's "green energ

  • 3 May 2022

    03/05/2022 Duración: 25min

    On Tonight's Show: Keep Scanning MYSJ, says YB Lee Boon Chye. The former Malaysian deputy health minister says as long as the WHO hasn't announced the endemic stage of COVID-19, we are still at risk of variants and need to monitor citizen's movements. Gov Should Protect Future Pensioners! PKR's YB Lee Chean Chung introduces Retirement Protection Network policy which aims to protect and serve and aging population, especially after people were forced to withdraw from their EPF10k during COVID... PCR Tests From Indonesia "Invalid"? RFS listener Mr Jimmy says he was charged an extra RM100 for a new test when travelling from Indonesia to KLIA airport because his PCR test from Jakarta was deemed invalid. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Jangan Henti Mengimbas MYSJ, kata YB Lee Boon Chye, Bekas timbalan menteri kesihatan Malaysia. Beliau berkata selagi WHO belum mengumumkan tahap endemik COVID-19, kita masih menghadapi risiko variasi dan perlu memantau pergerakan rakyat. Kerajaan Harus Lindungi Pesa

  • 28 April 2022

    28/04/2022 Duración: 32min

    On Tonight’s Show: Enact Anti-Hopping Law Before GE15! Bersih's Thomas Fann says the law should not be classified under OSA, and explains the organisation is pushing for recall elections for any MP/DUN who resigns from a party. No “Forever Friends” in Politics! DAP Sarawak Secretary Alan Ling hits back at concerns over the party’s new alliance with PSB, claiming there are no forever friends or enemies in politics, pointing to Malaysia’s history of changing political partnerships. Gov Encroachment of Kpg Kelaik Land Pollutes Water! Suresh Kumar from PSM says the organisation is helping the community appeal to federal court after an injunction was thrown out on the grounds the companies accused of encroaching on their land are agents of the government! SFC and State Gov Must Take Full Responsibility For Mulu Bridge Collapse! PKR’s Roland Engan says it is responsibility of SFC to ensure safety of national parks and demands the government investigate the accident fully. This and more from 6pm… Topik Pada Malam I

  • 27 April 2022

    27/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    On Tonight's Show: MACC Must Follow Procedure to Investigate Judges! Lawyer Kee Hui Yee explains how the MACC violated procedure in the recent Naszlan case and stresses the need to separate the powers of executive, legislative and judiciary. Abolish Archaic Sedition Act! Suaram exec director Sevan Doraisamy explains the history of the act and how it's been used to stop people speaking out against the government, with 20 cases already this year! Youth Demand Gov Punishes Illegal Loggers! Izet Zamri,Program Associate of UNDI 18, reveals the Youth Aspiration Manifesto Survey report which reveals three quarters of respondents are concerned about climate change and want greater punishment for illegal loggers. This and more from 6pm.... Topik Pada Malam Ini: SPRM Mesti Ikut Prosedur untuk Menyiasat Hakim! Peguam Kee Hui Yee menerangkan bagaimana SPRM melanggar prosedur dalam kes Naszlan baru-baru ini dan menekankan keperluan untuk memisahkan kuasa eksekutif, perundangan dan kehakiman. Mansuhkan Akta Hasutan! Pen

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