Radio Free Sarawak



Radio Free Sarawak is the independent radio station that brings you the news you want to hear, not what others want you to hear. No one controls us, except you, the listeners of Sarawak . So tune in and enjoy the news, interviews, reports and comment that you will never get to hear on any of the other government-controlled radio stations in Sarawak. There will be plenty of our best music too, all presented to you in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!


  • 2022_02_23

    23/02/2022 Duración: 50min

    On Tonight's Show: PEJUANG "Going Solo" in Johor, Blames Fractured Opposition! Dr Nurul Ashikin of PEJUANG says the party plans on winning Johor's upcoming election despite warning against the dangers of a split opposition. She also categorically denies any relationship between PEJUANG and MUDA. "Let Justice Prevail Once and For All!" Sarawak Plaintiff in Originating Summons, Adlyn, blasts government for appealing High Court ruling on children's citizenship. Government Doing Nothing to Solve Swine Flu! RFS listener Mr Apek from Niah slams GPS for doing nothing to prevent the epidemic spreading further through Sarawak, calling on government to halt pork sales for the sake of people's health. This and more from 6pm... Tajuk Pada Malam ini: PEJUANG akan "Going Solo" di Johor, Menyalahkan Pembangkang Berpecah! Dr Nurul Ashikin dari PEJUANG berkata parti itu merancang untuk memenangi PRN Johor yang akan datang walaupun diberi amaran terhadap bahaya perpecahan pembangkang. Dia juga menafikan sebarang hubungan anta

  • 22 February 2022

    22/02/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    On Tonight's Show: Dayak National Congress Demands Land Titles Be Given to Landowners! President of DNC Paul Raja Anyie details the resolutions passed at last weekend's GMC, including a solution to the terrible NCR abuses in Sarawak, a call for the state government to handle citizenship, and religious freedom in Sarawak. Is Sago & Nipah Development Another Land Grab?! Former President of JOAS, Thomas Jalong, blasts 'Compulsory Acquisition' section of new development Bill which allows gov to take land from landowners who refuse, saying YBs should be speaking out against this. GPS Forgetting Sarawak After Election AGAIN! RFS listeners from Miri blast the ruling party for the state of hospitals, schools and the economy, saying the election campaign was nothing more than another set of empty promises for which Sarawak is now paying the price. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Kongres Kebangsaan Dayak (DNC) Telah menuntut hak milik tanah diberikan Kepada Pemilik Tanah! Presiden DNC Paul Raja Anyie

  • 17 February 2022

    17/02/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    On Tonight's Show: Johor Polls Stepping Stone for UMNO Power-Grabbing Court Cluster! Political commentator Iswardy Morni blasts Umno's strategy which he says will see their corrupt and convicted leaders released from court prosecution, and calls on Johor to vote for the opposition to keep kleptocrats out! He also slams Abang Jo's switch from CM to Premier as "shallow". Will Sarawak's Rubber Development Be Fair For Sarawakians? Baram activist Thomas Jalong warns against potential land disputes, saying more transparency is needed over whether these rubber licences will be given to farmers or huge enterprises. "I Fear Orang Asal are Losing Their Rights!" RFS listener Apai Mei explains why he disagrees that Non-Orang Asal be listed as indigenous. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Johor Batu Loncatan untuk Kluster Mahkamah UMNO Meraih Kuasa! Pengulas politik Iswardy Morni membidas strategi Umno yang katanya akan menyaksikan pemimpin yang korup dan menyabitkan kesalahan dibebaskan daripada pendakwaan

  • 16 Febraury 2022

    16/02/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    On Tonight's Show: Sabah Carbon Fiasco Proves Sabah Gov is Weak! DAP's Barnie Lasimbang explains the latest developments with Sabah's AG back-tracking on the "invalid" deal, as key players double down on its legitimacy. He says the scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. Penans Cut Off After Murum Dam Landslide! We speak to RFS listener Surang Laing who is stuck in the Penan settlement about the logging and development which is causing more severe and frequent landslides. Surang also details GPS' broken promises which have left the Penan without aid, schools and clinics. Keep Your Eyes On GPS After Switch to "Premier"! Kamarul, MUDA's Director of Policy, asks how the name change helps Sarawak citizens, and warns for everyone to pay attention to what GPS will do next... Topik Pada Malam ini: Kegagalan Karbon Sabah Buktikan Kerajaan Sabah Lemah! Barnie Lasimbang dari DAP menjelaskan perkembangan terkini dengan AG Sabah menjejaki perjanjian "tidak sah", apabila pihak utama menegaskan kesahihannya. Dia berkata

  • 15 February 2022

    15/02/2022 Duración: 01h40s

    On Tonight's Show: SUHAKAM must do more for indigenous rights! President of Tering Miri Community Association Dennis Along details the Tering community's fight for basic rights and SUHAKAM's previous failures to act. And, New Premier title means nothing! President of PBDSB Bobby Williams asks what good Abang Jo's new title will do for Sarawak? This and more from 6pm... Topic Pada Malam Ini: SUHAKAM mesti melakukan lebih banyak untuk hak orang asal! Presiden Persatuan Masyarakat Tering Miri Dennis Along memperincikan perjuangan masyarakat Tering untuk hak asasi dan kegagalan SUHAKAM bertindak sebelum ini. Dan, gelaran Perdana Menteri tidak bermakna! Presiden PBDSB Bobby Williams bertanya apakah kebaikan menukar gelaran baharu Abang Jo untuk Sarawak? Lebih banyak program pada jam 6 petang…

  • 10 February 2022

    10/02/2022 Duración: 59min

    On Tonight's show: CARBON DEALS "NEVER BENEFIT" LOCAL COMMUNITIES: Nithi Nesadurai, President of EPSM, says carbon schemes like Sabah make big bucks for the middlemen and brokers and leave indigenous communities with nothing, not even protected land rights. For carbon schemes to work, there must be more transparency and citizen participation, he says. "DISBAND NRC IF GOV WILL IGNORE COUNCIL": DAP's Teo Nie Ching says if the council's recommendations are not heeded, then it can be dissolved and Muhyiddin fired, and taxpayers can stop funding his fat salary, driver and expenses. SHOULD WE OPEN THE BORDERS? PKR's Abdul Jalil thinks not as numbers increase. But can Malaysia survive? This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam ini: PERNIAGAAN KARBON “TIDAK MEMANFAATKAN” KOMUNITI TEMPATAN: Nithi Nesadurai, Presiden EPSM kata skim karbon Sabah membenarkan orang tengah dan broker mengaut keuntungan besar dan tiada kebaikan untuk orang asli bahkan hak tanah. Untuk skim karbon berjaya, ia mesti tulus dan melibatkan ra

  • 9 February 2022

    09/02/2022 Duración: 01h18min

    On Tonight's Show: "Carbon Deals Will Not Solve Climate Change!" President of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Meenakshi Raman, blasts Abang Jo's latest plans to follow in Sabah's carbon footprints and reveals there are reports of indigenous people being evicted from their own lands in other countries because of the carbon credit market! More flooding in Selangor directly linked to logging! Ecologist Lim Teck Wyn demands a joint study with federal government to understand the impact of bad development in Sarawak. And, The Government Must Do More! RFS listeners discuss inflation and the sorry state of education in Sarawak. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Perniagaan Karbon Tidak Akan Menyelesaikan Perubahan Iklim!" Presiden Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Meenakshi Raman, membidas rancangan terbaru Abang Jo untuk mengikuti jejak karbon Sabah dan mendedahkan terdapat laporan mengenai orang asli diusir dari tanah mereka sendiri di negara lain kerana pasaran kredit karbon! Banyak banjir di Selangor berkait secara

  • 8 February 2022

    08/02/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    On Tonight's Show: Protected Ulu Trusan Forest is for GPS Cronies! PKR candidate Martin Labo blasts the gov's plan to gazette 120,855 hectares of land in Lawas, which he says will be passed on to minister cronies. "Sue me, Kittingan!" DAP's Barnie Lasimbang challenges Jeffrey Kittingan over dodgy carbon credit deal which Lasimbang had to file a court order over to see the documents which locked Sabahans into a 100 year deal without their knowledge. "End economic inequality!" DAP's Alan Ling says the government must do more to close the gap between rich and poor in Malaysia! This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Hutan Dilindungi Ulu Trusan adalah untuk Kroni GPS! Calon PKR Martin Labo membidas cadangan kerajaan untuk isytihar 120,855 hektar tanah di Lawas, yang katakan akan diserah kepada kroni menteri. "Saman saya, Kittingan!" Barnie Lasimbang dari DAP mencabar Jeffrey Kittingan berhubung perjanjian perdagangan karbon sehingga Lasimbang memfailkan perintah mahkamah untuk mendapat dokumen yang mengu

  • 3 February 2022

    03/02/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    On Tonight's Show: Opposition Needs Unity to Ward Off Return of Najib! Political commentator Iswardy analyses the opposition's fractured set up in Johor, and says Najib and Zahid are both vying to be PM to protect themselves. He says the public keep a close eye on UMNO. Penan Children Can't Attend School because of MyKad! Headman Kala Kone asks what is really the problem behind NRD's reluctance to give the Penans ICs Dayaks Must Preserve Their Culture! RFS listener Dato Paduka Anthony Nait calls for maintaining traditional culture to achieve political unity amongst the Dayaks. Topik Pada Malam Ini: Pembangkang Perlu Bersatu untuk Menghalang Kepulangan Najib! Pengulas politik Iswardy menganalisis perpecahan pembangkang yang diberlaku di Johor, dan berkata Najib dan Zahid sama-sama bersaing untuk menjadi PM untuk melindungi diri mereka. Beliau berkata rakyat sentiasa memerhati tingkah laku UMNO. Anak Penan Tak Dapat Ke Sekolah Kerana MyKad! Ketua Kampung Kala Kone bertanya apakah sebenarnya masalah di sebalik

  • 2 February 2022

    02/02/2022 Duración: 55min

    On Tonight's Show: "Responsible Governments Should Solve the Problems They Produce!" Peter Kallang of Save Rivers say the government must pay for the fall-out of yet more flooding in Baram by reinvesting land profits into the people, stopping mining and logging, and implementing reforestation policies immediately. Illegal logging arrests in Tamin Selangu "a farce"! RFS listener Stephen Epay says illegal logging is common in Sarawak, and reveals NCR land land was confiscated by timber companies in recent months. Abang Jo's constituency has no Electricity or Water! Abang Jo wants to make Sarawak a leader in the digital economy? Well his Satok citizens still live without basic necessities, says Mohammed Afiq of MUDA. Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Kerajaan Yang Bertanggungjawab Adalah Kerajaan Yang Seharusnya Menyelesaikan Masalah Yang Mereka Timbulkan!" Peter Kallang dari Save Rivers berkata kerajaan mesti membayar untuk segala bentuk kemusnahanyang berlaku termasuk kejadian banjir yang kini semakin kerap berlaku di

  • 1 February 2022

    01/02/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    On Tonight's Show: Abang Jo Unaware of Reality in Sarawak! He claims Sarawak will lead the digital economy when children in his own district cannot access online education! Uncontrolled Logging is Destroying Baram! Environmental Activist Komeok Joe says the "uncontrollable" situation putting entire villages at risk is due to climate change and logging. When will the government step in to help? GPS-Marudi Assembyman Never Visited Constituents Hit by Floods! RFS listener blames Samling for the flooding and says GPS has never reviewed the situation. Bersih: Hold Community Leaders Election for Longhouse Chiefs! Ann Teo says this is the only way to avoid threats made by YBs. This and more from 6pm... Rancangan Pada Malam Ini: Abang Jo Tidak Sedar Realiti di Sarawak! Beliau mengatakan Sarawak akan menerajui ekonomi digital apabila budak-budak sekolah di daerahnya tidak dapat mengakses pendidikan secara dalam talian! Pembalakan Tidak Terkawal Memusnahkan Baram! Aktivis Alam Sekitar Komeok Joe berkata situasi y

  • 28 January 2022

    28/01/2022 Duración: 01h09min

    On Tonight's Show: GPS LOGGING POLICIES DRIVING WILDLIFE TO EXTINCTION! Jok Jau Ivong, Sahabat Alam Malaysia Coordinator, blasts the Minister of Plantations for claiming orang utans are violent when rapid deforestation is threatening many animals native to Sarawak. And, LOGGING UPSTREAM FROM BUDUK NUR FLASH FLOOD! PKR's Martin Samuel warns affected people cannot expect much in government aid. "I'VE NEVER RECEIVED GOVERNMENT AID!" RFS listener says it wouldn't help much now anyway with inflation driving up food prices. Finally, PKR STILL FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE! We speak to new state women chief Zulhaidah Suboh about the party's future. This and more from 6pm.. Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang pasal: ATUR GPS TI BERIMBA KAMPUNG NYA NGELUUSKA JELU SIGA! Kaban Sahabat Alam Malaysia Jok Jau Ivong, manah penemu Menteri ti nguasa ladang sawit ti madahka jelu mayas nalat garang lalu ngamuk mensia laban kampung ti nyau deka abis diperimba, nya ti munaska jelu siga di Sarawak. KAMPUNG KAYU

  • 27 January 2022

    27/01/2022 Duración: 01h08min

    On Tonight's Show: Land-grabbing government violated land code! Chong Chieng Jen details the appalling case of a Kuching man whose land was stolen by the government with no warning or compensation. And, Tell us where you spent billions on pandemic, GPS! Oscar Ling demands transparency on the 5.3 billion used to fight COVID19, asking whether it was used inappropriately. Also, Kanowit Headmen Suffering by Refusing to be GPS Puppets! Ranan Longhouse Chief, Jimmy Slan, says headmen need to wake up in future elections. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang pasal: Perintah ngerampas tanah rayat laku ngelanggar undang-undang tanah! Chong Chieng Jen bisi nusui pasal orang siku di Kuching ti bempu tanah ti dichuri perintah lalu nadai dibayar pampas. Padahka bakani duit bemillion ringgit dikena ka belanja maya penyakit Covid! Oscar Ling minta penerang bakani ku perintah ngena duit 5.3 billion ringgit ti dikena deka munaska Covid 19. Bala Tuai Rumah di Kanowit enda ibu

  • 26 January 2022

    26/01/2022 Duración: 01h39min

    On Tonight's Show: Is 'Invest Sarawak' Another Vehicle for Land Grabs?! Dominique Ng questions GPS' new initiative, stating most companies from the mainland and abroad have done nothing to help Sarawakians. And, Gov Incorrectly Claiming Plantation Land as Forest! PEKA VP Damien Thanam reveals forest is only 20% of Malaysia's land mass, NOT the 50% claimed by the government! Also, Many Dayak Headmen Not Qualified to Represent Community! PBDSB President Bobby Williams says Headmen bought by politicians are ruining the integrity of Dayak longhouses. Also, Essential Development Delayed in Sarawak as Bait for Future Elections! RFS listener Tedwin Beti slams GPS ancient tactics which deny Sarawakians basic needs to buy votes. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai ngenang pasal:Kati Sarawak ti beranakka puku nya sebengkah akal dikena ngerampas tanah bansa asal?! Dominique Ng madahka GPS ti baru berengkah nudukka kompini dagang di menua tu enggau di menua luar tang nadai nguntungk

  • 25 January 2022

    25/01/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    On Tonight's Show: Johor Snap Polls More of Umno's Dirty Tricks to Return to Power and Get Their Criminal Cases Cancelled! PKR's Tian Chua rails against Umno corruption and trickery in Johor which is forcing a "weak" PM to hold the GE as soon as possible! And, NCR court should be independent! Abun Sui says native courts must be free from state influence as courts sometimes used to punish those who complain about land encroachment. Also, Baki case proof we need more reform! Activist YB Maria Chin says people have every right to protest under the federal constitution and demands for reforms throughout Malaysia. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang pasal: Bepilih kaban Council Negeri baru di Johor nya penyai atur UMNO ti amu kuasa lalu mejalka Menteri Besai ti lembut ngatur bepilih baru di Johor ngambika ulih ngelipakka kaban UMNO ti udah ngereja penyalah lepas ari ukum nitihka undang-undang! Kaban PKR Tian Chua mantah kaban UMNO ti enchuri duit rayat lalu ngena

  • 24 January 2022

    24/01/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    On Tonight's Show: Johor "Unnecessary" Snap Polls Wasting RM150 Million of Taxpayer's Money! Bersih's Thomas Fann blasts UMNO for wasting funds which could be used to help the poor and needy on gaining a few more seats. Also, Police Extreme Reaction to Baki Protest—while PM stays silent! Thomas Fann calls for independent investigation into roots of corruption, and asked why the police took such harsh action against the protestors. And, GPS threatens PH longhouses! Headmen and PKR speak out against "undemocratic" statement to exploit headmen's salaries. And should teachers be in politics? This and more from 6pm... Dalama progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngena pasal: Counci Negeri Johor enda patut bepilih baru, nya semina masau duit rayat RM150 million! Kaban Bersih Thomas Fann besalah UMNO ti masau duit dikena ngatur bepilih nya, duit nya manah agi dikena nulung orang ti seranta, enti enda dikena UMNO nambahka kerusi Council Negeri iya. Polis kelalu ngena atur ti kasar dikena ngenakutka rayat ti

  • 21 January 2022

    21/01/2022 Duración: 01h21min

    On Tonight's Show: Selangor and PM weren't ready for floods—and it's cost us billions! PKR's Fahmi Fadzil blasts the government's slow reaction to the flooding in Selangor and praises Anwar's new policy that YBs who don't help will not be renominated. And, The Forgotten Penans Without MyKads. Elia Bit of The Penan Empowerment Networking Association explains the excruciating process Penans go through to get their Mykads and papers—despite being indigenous to Sarawak. Also, How many Sarawak votes were bought? Bersih's Ann Teo says the rural vote increased in the last election and asks how and why, given the footage of GPS candidates buying votes. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai ngenang pasal: Menteri Besai ti nadai kiruhka baah - lalu ngerugi rayat bebillion ringgit! Kaban PKR Fahmi Fazdil besalah perintah ti laun ibuhka penusah rayat laban baah di Selangor, iya muji polisi Anwar ti madahka sebarang YB ti nadai nulung rayat ti tasah laban baah enda diasuh bediri maya b

  • 20 January 2022

    20/01/2022 Duración: 01h22min

    On Tonight's Show: MUDA is pro-opposition! We speak with Luqman Long, MUDA party information chief, in response to comments that MDUA may split opposition votes. He says the opposition must formally unite under one umbrella like PH, or through another method. Also, Penan asked for DNA test to prove they are Malaysian! Activist Komeok Joe blasts IC policies and state gov failures. Also, Will Malaysia's corruption only get worse? Citizens speak out against the MACC case. Finally, Blame the gov for flooding! Mr Sain Datok says it is gov's projects which disturb the environment, causing terrible flooding in Sarawak. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang pasal: MUDA nyukung parti penyakal! Kami bisi berandau enggau Luqman ti kaban parti MUDA ti nerangka parti iya ukai deka mechahka penyukung parti penyakal. Iya madahka semua parti penyakal mesti begempung sebaka enggau Parikatan Harapan, tauka ngena atur bukai. Bansa Penan minta perintah meresa DNA sida dikena nent

  • 19 January 2022

    19/01/2022 Duración: 01h19min

    On Tonight's Show: Authorities should take action against Azam Baki! As Baki is cleared by preliminary investigation, PKR's Nik Nazmi blasts him for refusing to step aside during the investigation and demands the authorities take appropriate action. And, The Government failed to handle Baki case! Human rights activist Mandeep Singh calls for reform to take SPRM out of PM's hands and into Parliament. Also, The people have the right to sue the government for negligence! As Selangor citizens prepare for class action lawsuit against federal government for negligence over recent floods, lawyer Kee Hui Yee encourages other citizens to take action with the law against similar cases elsewhere. And, Sarawak has over 900 cases of statelessness! SADIA chairman Bill Jugah says weakness on Home Ministry's part to process applications for birth certificates and IC cards has a terrible impact on generations in Sarawak who cannot access aid or education. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu ki

  • 18 January 2022

    18/01/2022 Duración: 01h15min

    On Tonight's Show: There is no integrity in Malaysian politics! A UVM study found that 95% of Malaysians think reform is necessary to combat the selfish political culture that has taken over Malaysian politics. We speak to Professor Shakila Yacob about her findings. Also, MUDA won't help PH! Political commentator Iswardi Morni states the nenw coalition of MUDA, PEJUANG and WARISAN will only decrease votes for PH, allowing UMNO/BN to win big at the next GE. And, Where's our promised aid?! Sarawak business owner Daisy Higang says the meagre aid given last year was not enough to help her homestay business through the pandemic. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang: Nadai pemanah politik Malaysia! Kira 95% rayat madahka politik di Malaysia mesti dibungkah dikena munaska penemu politik ti jai ngelamatu.Professor Shakila Yacob bisi nerangka gaya politik ti dipansik iya. MUDA enggai nulung PH! Penerang ari Iswardi Morni madahka MUDA, PEJUANG enggau WARISAN deka begul

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