Radio Free Sarawak

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  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 471:29:08
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Radio Free Sarawak is the independent radio station that brings you the news you want to hear, not what others want you to hear. No one controls us, except you, the listeners of Sarawak . So tune in and enjoy the news, interviews, reports and comment that you will never get to hear on any of the other government-controlled radio stations in Sarawak. There will be plenty of our best music too, all presented to you in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!


  • 26 April 2022

    26/04/2022 Duración: 20min

    On Tonight's Show: "Clear Attempts to Intimidate Judges to Prevent Najib's Conviction!" Lawyer Lim Wei Jiet, Malaysia's representative to the International Bar Association-Young Lawyer's Committee, slams perceived attempts to manipulate the judiciary system in Najib's favour, and calls upon Malaysians to hold a rally to protest against executive manipulation, and protect the justice system. Orang Asli Villagers Will Appeal to Federal Court Over Gua Musang Land Encroachment! Ahak Uda, JOAS Gua Musang, says the Orang Asli will take their case to the federal court after a judge dismissed their appeal for an interim injunction against the Kelantan government and 13 companies including mining, logging and plantation over encroachment of their ancestral land. "I don't trust PSB!" RFS listener Jimmy from Miri says he fears PSB will not work with PH at the upcoming GE15, slamming the party leader as a "crony", and encourages DAP to stay within PH instead. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Percubaan

  • 14 April 2022

    14/04/2022 Duración: 29min

    On Tonight's Show: "Najib Avoiding Anwar Debate!" PKR's Fahmi Fadzil slams the "fickle" attitude of ex-PM, saying Najib is using Ramadan as an excuse to not go head-to-head with opposition leader. Jetty Fiasco: "People's Trust in Government at Rock Bottom!" After Sarawak's embarassing jetty fiasco, PKR's Chang Lih Kang warns that the mounting anger against the government could disrupt public order. Youths: We Support Anti-Hopping Law! We speak with youth activist Mahirah Marzuki about the anti-hopping law debate and how to protect both MP's freedoms and voters confidence. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Najib Mengelak Berdebat Dengan Anwar!" Fahmi Fadzil dari PKR menyelar bekas PM bersikap " berdolak-dalik ", berkata Najib menggunakan Ramadan sebagai alasan untuk tidak bersemuka debat dengan ketua pembangkang. Jeti Yang Gagal: "Kepercayaan Rakyat dalam Kerajaan di Paras Terendah!" Selepas kegagalan jeti Sarawak yang memalukan, Chang Lih Kang dari PKR memberi amaran bahawa kemarahan yang se

  • 13 April 2022

    13/04/2022 Duración: 28min

    On Tonight's Show: There Are Still Decent Politicians in Malaysia! Political cartoonist Zunar warns against the hysterical reaction to the Sultan's monkey MP painting, saying faith in politics is already dropping and we must champion the few MPs who still have integrity and act in the public interest. "50K Jetty is Crony Project!" We speak with Mr Nixion, a contractor from Beneku, who explains the real cost of the jetty would have been HALF the price! PH Must Stop In-Fighting! Mahirah Marzuki, program coordinator for Undi Sabah, says collaboration amongst the opposition is important, but voters are getting fed up. Topik Pada Malam Ini: Masih Ada Ahli Politik yang berintegriti di Malaysia! Kartunis politik Zunar memberi pandangan terhadap reaksi histeria terhadap lukisan Ahli Parlimen monyet yang dibeli oleh Sultan Selangor, berkata kepercayaan terhadap politik sudah menurun dan kita mesti memperjuangkan beberapa ahli parlimen yang masih berintegriti dan bertindak demi kepentingan awam. "Jeti 50K ialah Projek

  • 12 April 2022

    12/04/2022 Duración: 28min

    On Tonight's Show: Free MACC from Minister's Control! Commentator Iswardy Morni blasts plans to introduce anti-hopping law, saying solution lies in enacting existing anti-corruption laws! Investigate Sarawak's Over-Priced Jetty! DAP's Alan Ling calls for MACC to examine the "embarassing" RM50k jetty, saying the problem is there is no accountability in government. More Floods, More Inaction! Activist Thomas Jalong blasts GPS' failure to help Baram citizens as floods worsen along the Apoh -Tutoh rivers. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: SPRM Harus Dibebaskan Daripada Penguasaan Menteri! Pengulas Iswardy Morni berkata akta/undang anti lompat parti bukan penyelesaian,penyelesaian terletak pada penggubalan undang-undang anti-rasuah sedia ada! Siasat Harga Jeti yang tidak munasabah di Sarawak! Alan Ling dari DAP menggesa SPRM meneliti jeti RM50k yang "memalukan" itu, berkata masalahnya ialah tiada akauntabiliti dalam kerajaan. Lebih Banjir, Lebih Tidak Bertindak! Aktivis Thomas Jalong mengecam keg

  • 7 April 2022

    07/04/2022 Duración: 23min

    On Tonight's Show: Sarawak DAP: "We Seek Cooperation with All Opposition Parties!" Sarawak DAP Chairman Chong Chen Jen says the party has set up a committee to study how the opposition can cooperate in Sarawak. B40 Students Need Laptops! After a viral video of a university student being scolded for using a phone to take an online class, former Deputy Minister for Education Teo Nie Ching slams government's funding policy saying students must be provided laptops. How Can YBs Represent the People If They Don't Go To Parliament! RFS listener Elias Lippie blasts YBs for missing parliamentary sessions and not speaking out on behalf of their constituents, saying many YBs are often absent. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: DAP Sarawak: “Kami Usaha Kerjasama Dengan Semua Parti Pembangkang Di Sarawak!”Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Chong Chen Jen berkata parti itu telah menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa untuk mengkaji bagaimana pembangkang Sarawak boleh bekerjasama. Pelajar B40 Perlu Komputer Riba! Selepas video tula

  • 6 April 2022

    06/04/2022 Duración: 28min

    On Tonight’s Show: MP’s “Baseless” Statement Not Reality For Sarawak Farmers! Activist Romual Siew says farmers are running out of land to farm on due to plantations, and can’t afford skyrocketing fertilisers and greenhouses. He demands subsidies to protect vegetable growers. Orang Asli Protest Neggiri Dam! Dendi of Kpg Sempor Kelantan says this mega project will affect graveyards, hunting grounds and historical sites—and that no prior informed consent was sought. “Opposition Must Include PKR!” Abun Sui calls on DAP to work with PKR on seat allocations. This and more from 6pm… Topik Pada Malam Ini: Kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Tidak Berasas dan Bukan Realiti Untuk Petani Sarawa. Aktivis Romual Siew berkata petani tiada lagi tanah untuk diusahakan kerana ladang besar-besaran, dan tidak mampu membeli baja dan rumah hijau yang melambung tinggi. Beliau menuntut subsidi untuk melindungi penanam sayur. Protes Orang Asli Empangan Neggiri! Dendi dari Kpg Sempor Kelantan berkata projek mega ini akan menjejaskan tanah pe

  • 5 April 2022

    05/04/2022 Duración: 29min

    On Tonight's Show: Don't Let Gov Sell MYSJ to Private Sector! Ex-deputy health minister YB Lee Boon Chye asks Malaysians to oppose the government's plan to sell the health app onto a private company, saying the sensitive data must be managed by the ministry of health. 'Postal Voters Also Need Electronic Voting!' After the postal vote turnout in Johor, Bersih says the gov must implement electronic voting for those overseas to extend the campaign period. Farmers Squeezed by Plantation Companies! RFS listener Mr Jembu from Bintulu berates YB Martin Ben's statement that farmers can earn up to 6k per month, saying plantation companies have taken over so much land there isn't enough space for rice and vegetable farmers. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Jangan Biarkan Kerajaan Jual MYSJ kepada Sektor Swasta! Bekas timbalan menteri kesihatan YB Lee Boon Chye meminta rakyat Malaysia menentang rancangan kerajaan untuk menjual aplikasi kesihatan itu kepada syarikat swasta, dengan berkata data sensiti

  • 31 March 2022

    31/03/2022 Duración: 01h10min

    On Tonight's Show: Sarawak Housing Ordinance Favours Developers Over Buyers! DAP's Chong Chen Jen demands immediate amendments to protect the rights of buyers and the poor in Sarawak, slamming GPS' Michael Ting as supporting capitalist policies. MUDA Demands Answers Over ART Development! Sarawak MUDA Party Chairman Jeffery Ngui says GPS are not sticking to their manifesto points, claiming some urban developments have had their budgets slashed and plans changed since the election. MUDA says this money could be spent on rural development. Table the Anti-Hopping Bill! Bersih Chairman Thomas Fann blasts gov for repeatedly delaying the crucial bill which is part of the MOU deal signed between PH and the government. Ban Child Marriage! PKR's Meneng Biris calls on the government to act after the rate of child marriages increased during the pandemic. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Ordinan Perumahan Sarawak Mengutamakan Pemaju Berbanding Pembeli! Chong Chen Jen dari DAP menuntut pindaan segera untuk

  • 30 March 2022

    30/03/2022 Duración: 58min

    On Tonight's Show: Malaysians Data At Risk With MySejahtera Sale! PKR's Fahmi Fadzil blasts government for making the deal without explaining how they will protect users' data, and calls upon the company to sell it back to the gov for RM1! He also demands more transparency on 5DNB, saying the deal raises serious security questions! Loggers Using Forest Plantation Scheme To Take Pahang's Timber? PKR's Lee Chean Chung says that of the 73,000 hectares of forest approved for logging and replanting, 95% has been cleared WITHOUT replanting! Investigate Custody Deaths Independently! PKR's Maria Chin calls for an external enquiry into why one prisoner per month is dying in Malaysian prisons. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Data Rakyat Malaysia Berisiko Dengan Jualan MySejahtera! Fahmi Fadzil dari PKR membidas kerajaan kerana membuat perjanjian tanpa menjelaskan bagaimana mereka akan melindungi data pengguna, dan menyeru syarikat itu untuk menjualnya kembali kepada kerajaan dengan harga RM1! Dia jug

  • 29 March 2022

    29/03/2022 Duración: 49min

    On Tonight's Show: Investigate 5NDB! As one MP calls for a probe into the DNB-Ericsson 5G deal, we explain the background of the case which has onlookers worrying will be a repeat of 1MDB... Explain Why MySejahtera Sold to Private Company! DAP's Oscar Ling blasts the "staggering" RM338.6 million deal and demands the Ministry of Health explain the cost—and risk—to taxpayers. Don't Retable SOSMA Vote! PKR's Maria Chin, who was victim of SOSMA in 2018, says retabling the defeated vote undermines democracy! This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Siasat 5NDB! Ketika seorang ahli parlimen menggesa siasatan terhadap projek 5G DNB-Ericsson, kami menjelaskan latar belakang kes itu yang pendengar akan bimbang berulangnya 1MDB ... Terangkan Mengapa MySejahtera Dijual kepada Syarikat Swasta! Oscar Ling dari DAP membidas perjanjian RM338.6 juta yang "mengejutkan" dan menuntut Kementerian Kesihatan menjelaskan kos dan risiko kepada pembayar cukai. Jangan Usul Semula Undi SOSMA! Maria Chin dari PKR, mangsa SOSMA p

  • 24 March 2022

    24/03/2022 Duración: 53min

    On Tonight's Show: Government Failed To Manage COVID Crisis! Former deputy health minister Dr Lee Boon Chye says the current gov is more interested in winning elections than fighting COVID, pointing out that Malaysia has failed to handle the pandemic compared to its neighbours. Loopholes Allow Developers To Log Forest Reserves and Confuse Public! SAM researcher Meor Razak explains these tactics and calls on government to reform how projects are reported and approved in the EIA. "We're Running Out of Rare Trees Because of Loggers!" RFS listener Pelaki Leliwa says logging companies are building roads and bridges to justify accessing rural villagers and their trees. RM1500 Still Not Enough! PKR's Nik Nazmi blasts Umno's announcement, reminding the gov that Malaysia's Central Banks says average living cost is RM2700! This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Kerajaan Gagal Mengurus Krisis COVID! Bekas timbalan menteri kesihatan Dr Lee Boon Chye berkata kerajaan sekarang lebih berminat untuk memenangi pili

  • 23 March 2022

    23/03/2022 Duración: 50min

    On Tonight's Show: "Malaysians are less confident in our democracy!" We speak with newly-elected DAP National Youth Chief, Kelvin Yii, about the challenges facing the opposition as Lim Kit Siang retires from the party. Regazette Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve! Greenpeace's Nur Sakeenah slams government's delay to regazette the controversial KLNFR which was saved from development by huge protests and outcry from the Orang Asli. Problem of Sarawak Citizenship Must End! PBDSB President Bobby Williams blasts the ongoing MyKAD problems facing native communities who are denied healthcare, education and finances. We also speak to another RFS listener who's struggled through life without a MyKAD, "living like a foreigner". This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Rakyat Malaysia kurang yakin dengan demokrasi kita!" Kami bercakap dengan Ketua Pemuda DAP (DAPSY) yang baru dilantik, Kelvin Yii, mengenai cabaran yang dihadapi pembangkang apabila Lim Kit Siang bersara daripada parti itu. Warta Semula Hutan Sim

  • 22 March 2022

    22/03/2022 Duración: 57min

    On Tonight's Show: "Rafizi Will Unify PKR!" Political commentator Iswardi Morni says Rafizi will energise the tired party, giving fresh hope to opposition activists and a strategic edge to Anwar's diplomacy! Environment Minister Should Know Better! Meor Razak, a SAM researcher, says the WWF findings are "credible and true", despite environment minister's rebuttal, and blasts forest agency for defining plantations as forested areas. "You Can't Develop Sarawak Without Solving NCR Problems!" RFS listener Stephen Epay slams Abang Jo comments, saying we can't expect people to want to progress if their rights are being taken away! This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Rafizi Akan Menyatukan PKR!" Pengulas politik Iswardi Morni berkata Rafizi akan memberi tenaga kepada parti yang letih, memberi harapan baru kepada aktivis pembangkang dan kelebihan strategik kepada diplomasi Anwar! Menteri Alam Sekitar Patut Lebih Tahu! Meor Razak, seorang penyelidik SAM, berkata penemuan WWF adalah "boleh dipercayai dan

  • 17 March 2022

    17/03/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    On Tonight's Show: Will Rafizi Inject New Life Into PKR? - Political analyst Wong Chin Huat says Rafizi's messaging speaks to a population who is tired of politics and old ideas—even UMNO/BN supporters failed to turn out in droves at the recent Johor and Melaka elections. Professor Wong thinks Rafizi could be the leader of a new political wave in Malaysia. Gov Sues PEKA President For Protesting Deforestation! - "There was no warning, no letter, and no eviction notice." Mr Sach, lawyer of Seri Shariffa Sabrina, describes the "serious" prosecution against the President of the Environmental Protection Organisation, blasting the allegation of illegal occupation of government land as "not true at all". Mr Sach says this case proves the immediate need to reform the state land act. Disasters, Logjams and Sluggish GPS - RFS listener Lek from Belaga demands GPS stop issuing logging licences which are impacting wildlife and indigenous people's food sources. Why is the government so slow to act? This and more from 6pm.

  • 16 March 2022

    16/03/2022 Duración: 42min

    On Tonight's Show: Najib Lies and Will Continue To Lie! - DAP's Tony Pua demands an explanation from Najib for the 3.2 billion that went into his personal account, reminding Malaysians we will be paying off the 1MDB debt until 2039—the reason why the government can't afford to help citizens during the pandemic! Sarawak Can't Rely On Government Aid! - RFS Listener Mr Runi explains he has to take the 10K withdrawal from EPF after 3 years of no income and no help. "My Life Without MyKad" - GPS has had 60 years to fix the IC problem, but Dayaks are still living like stateless people, denied access to education, healthcare and work. We speak with Madam Muni from Tinjar Baram who spent decades struggling without an identity. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Najib Berbohong dan Akan Terus Berbohong! - Tony Pua dari DAP menuntut penjelasan daripada Najib untuk 3.2 bilion yang masuk ke akaun peribadinya, mengingatkan rakyat Malaysia bahawa kita akan membayar hutang 1MDB sehingga 2039—sebab mengapa ke

  • 15 March 2022

    15/03/2022 Duración: 55min

    On Tonight's Show: Why did BN win in Johor? By Funding Opposition Parties to Split the Vote, claims Iswardy! The Sarawak activist also warns against opposition coalitions ahead of GE15, claiming the parties should reshuffle and prioritise strategy and new members. NGOs Request UN Investigate Sabah Carbon Deal! DAP's Barnie Lasimbang continues the fight against Sabah's "dodgy" $80 billion carbon credit scheme, asking the UN to clarify if the deal is illegal under international law. Dayak Land Should Not Be Surveyed Under Section 6! PKR's Abun Sui blasts "unfair" treatment of Dayak landowners who are denied having their land surveyed under Section 18, meaning they don't get any compensation from the government. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Mengapa BN menang di Johor? Dengan Membiayai Parti Pembangkang untuk Memecahkan Undi, dakwa Iswardy! Aktivis Sarawak juga memberi amaran terhadap pakatan pembangkang menjelang PRU15, mendakwa parti itu perlu merombak dan mengutamakan strategi dan ahli bah

  • 10 March 2022

    10/03/2022 Duración: 56min

    On Tonight’s Show: Sarawak’s ‘Premier’ Title Has No Additional Constitutional Power! Lawyer Andrew Khoo explains the powers to make the Borneo states an equal partner are in MA63–but weak and reckless GPS have a history of succumbing to Putrajaya. The Forest is Our Last Défense Against Flooding! Nadia Dzulfakar, founder of Klima Action Malaysia, demands the government do more to protect Malaysia’s forest resources to battle climate change and the destruction it causes. She also says carbon trading is not to be trusted… And RFS listener Mr Allen says the flooding is the worst he’s ever seen and blasts the government’s logging and plantation policies which cause such destruction in Sarawak

  • 9 March 2022

    09/03/2022 Duración: 52min

    On Tonight's Show: More Development Plans Show Abang Jo Has No Idea How To Solve Land Ownership Problem in Sarawak! Activist Dennis Along blasts the state and federal governments for failing to deal with NCR cases, saying the people of Sarawak want land rights and the right to develop—but the land cases must be solved first before GPS plough on with more plans! Strengthen Native Court of Sabah to Protect Land Rights! After the bizarre high court ruling in Kinabulu which removed the claimant's NCR rights, DAP's Barnie Lasimbang calls for courts to pass these cases onto Native Courts which understand the law! Will Proposed Kpg Trombol University Give Fair Access to All? President of PBDSM Bobby William slams plans to build a public university in the small town when residents of cities like Miri and Limbang also need more access to education. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Semakin Banyak Rancangan Pembangunan, Menunjukkan Abang Jo Tiada Idea Menyelesaikan Masalah Pemilikan Tanah di Sarawak! A

  • 8 March 2022

    08/03/2022 Duración: 48min

    On Tonight's Show: Najib's Lies Are Catching Up With Him! PKR's Fahmi Fadzil blasts the disgraced ex-PM for making misleading statements in parliament about the 1MDB scandal. He warns Johor voters to reject Najib's lies at the polls, fearing UMNO/BN are aiming to win GE15 purely to free their corrupt leader, Najib. Will Federal Drafting of Carbon Law See Putrajaya Take Control of More Resources in Sabah and Sarawak? DAP's Barnie Lasimbang warns Sarawak's jurisdiction of its own resources is once again under threat through the federal drafting of a carbon law—as the public carbon feud in Sabah rages on. "We Don't Care About "Premier" Title—What Are GPS' Manifesto Promises?!" RFS listener Romual Siew slams GPS leaders as "crazy" and self-interested as the economy crumbles in Sarawak and they debate over their titles and ranks. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Pembohongan Najib Mengejar Dia! Fahmi Fadzil dari PKR mengecam bekas PM yang memalukan kerana membuat kenyataan mengelirukan di parlimen m

  • 3 March 2022

    03/03/2022 Duración: 47min

    On Tonight's Show: MACC losing credibility in public's eyes! As Sabah's Deputy Director is ordered to pay a RM30 million fine, meaning the case will be closed without a trial, the public demands to know question the MACC avoids: How can he afford RM30 million? Najib's Lies to Parliament! Disgraced ex-PM swore not a single cent of public funds was used to pay off the 1MDB debt—until the finance minister proved otherwise. Thomas Fann of Bersih calls on Johor public to report incidents of bribery and vote-buying by the disgraced, corrupt official. "Sarawak is internationally notorious for being ruled by a corrupt leader!" Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA, laments Taib's third term as TYT, urging the public to vote wisely next time to be better seen in the eyes of the international community. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: SPRM hilang kredibiliti di depan Masyarakat! Timbalan Pengarah Air Sabah diarah membayar denda RM30 juta, bermakna kes itu akan ditutup tanpa perbicaraan, orang

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