Mama Says Namaste Podcast



Looking for input to shift your family from chaos and reaction to a life with intention? Ashley's audio blog series is theme-focused with binge-worthy content on how to create the family and lifestyle you love to come home to. She's a location independent, unschooling mama of three, focused on authenticity, awareness, personality styles and embracing love in the present moment.


  • 3 Ways to Replace Tech Time with Together Time

    10/08/2022 Duración: 27min

    Have you gotten stuck in a rut of the same old thing every night with your family? Have screens taken over so it seems like that's everyone's "go-to" for down time? Maybe it's time to look for other opportunities to connect as a family vs. a side-by-side family movie night.  We share 3 ways we replace tech time with together time in our home, and I'd love to hear what you do in yours! 

  • Are You a Parent? Step into the Spotlight!

    03/08/2022 Duración: 39min

    Are your children following your advice...or your example? How are you processing things mentally, physically and emotionally in your own life? How are your children learning to navigate life like you do? Are you okay with them copying your actions, opinions, habits and values? Maybe it's time to check yourself.

  • Get Used to Disappointment

    27/07/2022 Duración: 32min

    Life has a lot of variables, and disappointment is par for the course. Have you struggled with disappointing your kids? Is that cringe-worthy moment something you want to desperately avoid at all costs, or do you see it as a valuable part of living life together?  Nathan and I have no issues with navigating disappointment with our kids, and can attest to the benefit of emotional resilience as one of the most powerful things you can foster in a child's life "toolkit". We'll share how we do it in this week's episode. 

  • Your Children Aren't The Center Of The Universe

    20/07/2022 Duración: 43min

    Sometimes in our desire to support our children, we let the world revolve around them. And then, at some point, they have to recognize their impact. This week we're building on the conversation about expectations last week and setting clear boundaries in your home. As Dr. Henry Cloud says, "you get what you tolerate." We talk about oceans, rebellion, and how to course-correct.  We want our children to feel safe and secure. That also means trusting that you as the parent will call them out on the behaviors that will push others away. What is the ripple effect coming out of your home?

  • Experts, Expectations and Getting What You Want

    13/07/2022 Duración: 46min

    Do you have high expectations and end up disappointed when things don't go your way? Are you disillusioned by the "experts" who aren't really helping you and don't really have it all together?  We all have expectations - yet a simple reframing of what we hold onto and how we communicate it can make a drastic shift in your joy and accomplishment.  What do you expect? Start with no expectation. Listen in. And then tell me what you've learned. 

  • Our PSA for the USA

    06/07/2022 Duración: 35min

    In a country of "united" states, it seems there is division everywhere. It's hard to know what to do, and getting even harder to simply stay silent. So this week, Nathan and I have a raw and unfiltered conversation about what we're seeing and experiencing here in the US - and our first focus on what we're doing to make a difference.  There are so many ways to make an impact - and this is the first step for every single one of them. 

  • Who is the Author of your Story?

    29/06/2022 Duración: 46min

    Who is truly writing your story? Are you proactively creating it, or is the author the pains of your past, your dreams of the future, or someone else's voice entirely?  As we address the past, present and future, we look for how to move forward regardless of the trauma we've experienced. In a time where trauma seems to be the word of the moment, we discuss the impact of it and the seeds of hope you have already within you. These are the raw parts of who we are, and it's time to handle them with the care and respect they deserve. 

  • Do I Get My Kid A Smartphone?

    22/06/2022 Duración: 33min

    Are smartphones the enemy? Are your kids begging, and you're not sure what to do about it? This week we add our 12-year-old daughter, Elle, to the mix to share about how she went from begging for a smartphone to being a-okay without one. What is the reality around smartphone usage? What have we learned? And what can you do about it in your home? Listen in. 

  • Snakes, Unschooling, and Fear of the Unknown (GUEST EPISODE 255)

    15/06/2022 Duración: 26min

    I was that mother who said I'd "never" have a snake in my home. And here we are, five snakes in, and I'm singing a different tune. What are your children interested in that has warranted an immediate shutdown from you? Is it based on a true fear, or simply what is unknown? This week Nathan and I invited our 15-year-old daughter, Clara, to join us and educate us a bit on snakes and moving past our fears to continue learning throughout our lives. 

  • The Honest Truth About Secrets

    08/06/2022 Duración: 27min

    Are you keeping things from your children in order to "protect" them? We have a "no secrets" policy, yet still believe keeping children's innocence. It can be dicey to navigate, yet in our information-overload world, our kids are being bombarded with the same news we are. We can't just hope they don't notice. 

  • Holding Space for Grief

    01/06/2022 Duración: 11min

    Our world seems to be reeling from so much right now, and it's heavy on our hearts. Join us for 11 minutes - of reflecting and holding space for those who are grieving loss in so many ways. 

  • When Kids Act Out (And What To Do About It)

    25/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    Struggling with what to do when your child acts out, or why they are? This guest interview with Kimball Lewis is truly eye-opening. Learn why our kids act out, how to course correct, and how to keep it from happening to begin with. 

  • Four Styles of Childhood Learning

    17/05/2022 Duración: 47min

    What type of learning style is your child? There are four styles of childhood learning, and knowing all four is key in unlocking the best way to connect. Your child doesn't fit into a perfect mold; yet these tips are powerful for better understanding on how to motivate in a way that works for your unique child. 

  • Four Types Of Parenting: How Do You React?

    11/05/2022 Duración: 34min

    How do you react to your children as a parent? Are you aware of how you are in full-on reaction mode? Check out these four types of parents, and pay attention to how you're creating synergy in your home vs. competing agendas. 

  • I'm not a teacher, I'm a parent!

    04/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    I'm a parent, not a teacher! Well, actually, you're both. The instant you become a parent, you are teaching and influencing your child more than anyone else. We all "homeschool" in some ways. Yes you are credible, and no, you're not just a teacher. You're an awakener. Check out how to awaken more within your child and yourself in this episode.

  • How Do I Get My Kid To Think Like An Unschooler?

    27/04/2022 Duración: 41min

    How do you get your kid to "think like an unschooler"? How can you motivate your kids and spark their curiosity, regardless of where they go to school? How in the world do you navigate boredom and lack of drive? This week, 9-year-old Juliette joins us to discuss this topic, and I have to say, I was pretty impressed with her perspective on boredom - I'd love to hear what you think!

  • 4 Tips for Curious Kids

    20/04/2022 Duración: 30min

    I was inspired by a video shared in our unschooling community all about igniting curiousity in our kids. I loved Ruth's approach for reframing our communication with our kids, and share her 4 points for motivating kids through curiosity in this episode and blog post. Additionally, Nathan and I dig in yet again to screen issues and how to navigate them in your home! Remember there is a full blog post to go along with each Mama Says Namaste Episode!

  • Deschooling and the Myths of Education

    13/04/2022 Duración: 33min

    Regardless of where your child is attending "school", our concept of education is in serious need of revamping. In this episode and blog post, we lay out some of the key components kids truly need to learn, why creativity is important, and the one constant in life you absolutely MUST help your children learn to navigate.

  • Can Your Child Talk to Adults?

    06/04/2022 Duración: 33min

    Can your child easily interact and talk with people of all ages and perspectives? As we talk about how to build a thriving family, it's important that we address how our children are interacting with the rest of the world...beyond just their small bubble of understanding. 

  • Juliette's Mindful Minute: Growth, Struggle and Change

    01/04/2022 Duración: 08min

    Join 9-year-old Juliette for a short musing on navigating change, embracing the struggle, and learning through it.   Get all her mindful minutes at  

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