Mama Says Namaste Podcast



Looking for input to shift your family from chaos and reaction to a life with intention? Ashley's audio blog series is theme-focused with binge-worthy content on how to create the family and lifestyle you love to come home to. She's a location independent, unschooling mama of three, focused on authenticity, awareness, personality styles and embracing love in the present moment.


  • Travel is Education (even outside your door)

    16/03/2022 Duración: 31min

    This week 9-year-old Juliette joins us on the podcast to share about the impact travel has had in her life - she's known the nomad life since age four, and we loved having her join us! Travel isn't just a reward where you turn your brain off. It's opening up to new ways of living, thinking and perceiving the world. When was the last time you opened up to a culture or perspective that was unlike your own, and learned about something new? 

  • Tiny Living for Families

    09/03/2022 Duración: 30min

    Maybe it's living in an RV. Maybe it's downsizing to a smaller home. Maybe it's a family trip where routines are off and you're more on top of each other. How do you keep the peace when everyone is on top of each other? Tune in to this episode, and check out the complementary blog at Mama Says Namaste! 

  • The Truth About Travel

    02/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    Spring break is upon us, people want vacation, and yet we have a lot of volatility in the world. Travel is limited for many. With finances, heavy workloads, stress overload and more, how can you even think vacation? Yet we feel it's important, and it's not as "frivolous" as you might think. You might be surprised where you will find your "vacation" after this episode.

  • Financial Intimacy...Say What?

    23/02/2022 Duración: 36min

    You may not think about intimacy with finances, yet in our last week of our month-long focus on our most important intimate relationship, this is the biggie. Finances play a huge factor in marital discord and stress, and the more separte you are as a couple in this arena, the more shaky your whole foundation stands.  We share how to create, calculate and communicate to build the relationship and life where you both are working together to create the world you thrive in.   

  • 6 Pillars of Intimacy with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo

    16/02/2022 Duración: 44min

    We have the pleasure of sitting down this week with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo of the One Extraordinary Marriage show for a beautiful conversation about love and intimacy. We talk about how their podcast impacted our marriage, and what these six pillars of intimacy are that are so critical to having an extraordinary marriage. Get this in video form and the bonus blog post at

  • A Meditation on Love

    14/02/2022 Duración: 11min

    In celebration of Valentine's day, our 9-year-old daughter Juliette has put together a 12-minute guided meditation on love. So gather your family around and soak in the goodness of a moment to breathe deeply, and remember you are loved. 

  • Navigating Conflict in Marriage

    09/02/2022 Duración: 41min

    There are many tension points that cause couples to argue. Yet you can disagree without conflict, fighting and discord. The first step is taking personal responsibility, and recognizing you are on the same team. Here are some tips to keep conflict to a minimum, and see disagreements for the growth opportunities they can be. 

  • Your Most Intimate Relationship: Redefining the Tribe

    02/02/2022 Duración: 56min

    Marriage looks quite a bit different than ages past, and it can be more complex than ever. This week, we break down what marriage is today, and what you can do now to move forward. Like every other relationship, it's nuanced and individual. We don't have the one right way for everyone, yet we know some essential components that will get you on the same page to start with! We dig into how "tribes" and our concept of marriage has changed over the years, and some essential components to create a powerful intimate relationship.

  • Time Management Hacks for Parents

    26/01/2022 Duración: 42min

    Instead of the perfect schedule, try a few hacks that give you a breather and also allow for some grace along the way. This isn't your big fat easy button; it's a realistic way to not just survive parenthood, but enjoy it along the way. Get the podcast and the complementary blog at

  • Get Out of Survival Mode - Guest Interview

    19/01/2022 Duración: 33min

    Get yourself out of survival mode as you listen to this incredible interview where Elyssa Smith breaks down what truly is "survival mode" and how to hack it. We address what is so often the core of overwhelm and stress, 3 steps to step out of survival mode, and the science behind our processing that allows us to move shame out of the way and awareness and action take precedence. Check it out on audio, video, AND a full blog at

  • A Different Take on Goals

    12/01/2022 Duración: 48min

    Goals, intentions, words of the year...there is a lot of pressure around it all and declaring how we have our act together and what all we'll accomplish at the first of every year.  And yet, there is a different way to look at goal-setting that goes deeper with your why, your desires...and allows grace for growth. Remember to hop over to the website for the blog post that goes along with this episode! 

  • What You Paid Attention To, Part 2

    05/01/2022 Duración: 42min

    We've been going through the top ten podcast episodes listened to of all time, since our beginning in 2017. This week we hit on the top five most listened to episodes (and hot topics) you listeners have been paying attention to.  I also share about the new book that is my next pivotal game-changer as far as rocking my world, and our perspectives now, looking back at when I first launched Mama Says Namaste as a business, and as a podcast. Check it out, and be sure to fill out our survey to get access to Juliette's 12-minute guided meditation on gratitude!

  • What You Wanted Most, Part 1

    29/12/2021 Duración: 51min

    Over the next two weeks, Nathan and I go through our top ten podcast episodes, sharing the cliff's notes version and our current take on it all. Not only that, you'll hear a piece from our daughter Juliet with an extra special gift for you!

  • Christmas Chats with Juliet

    21/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    This week I sit down with 9-year-old Juliet again to share all about what Christmas means for us, how we navigate any stress/anxiety, and our hopes for the new year. Enjoy with your family, and then share your own answers together! 

  • Have you forgotten?

    15/12/2021 Duración: 36min

    What do we really want our children to learn in school? What do we truly want them to learn in life? Well...who is teaching that? As we looked at comments from teachers, we had to ask...have parents forgotten their role? Not as provider, chauffeur, or chef...but as a parent?  We're seeing a serious breakdown of trust in humanity in our world, and, while we might not be able to make a global impact immediately, we can start right in our own homes. 

  • Holiday Stress and Obligation - Yay!

    08/12/2021 Duración: 33min

    Are you covered over in holiday stress and obligation? Did you realize you can be a rockstar by actually doing less? Pull back - remember what you're doing all of this for. What is your real goal here? Can you give yourself a break and allow others to shine as well? Get the full show notes, including links to our favorite book about Santa and some real stories on when letting go was truly magical here:

  • Taboo Topics in your home?

    01/12/2021 Duración: 59min

    How to you have meaningful conversations in your home? In light of the past two years, especially, there has been plenty of opportunity for heavy topics that can be a bit overwhelming or intimidating to navigate with your children.  This week, Ashley talked with Bright Littles founder, Tara Miko, about the incredible conversation cards she created to help her navigate these tough conversations with her four-year-old. We hit on the hard topics and how to address them in a way that can work for everyone. 

  • I Don't Want To Escape

    24/11/2021 Duración: 36min

    Seth Godin has a beautiful quote that says, "Instead of wondering when your next vacation will be, why not create a life you don't want to escape from?" In this episode, Nathan and Ashley lay out how they created their own story they thrive in, and how you can stop waiting for vacations and create some beautiful life shifts even without lifting a finger. It sounds too good to be true, and the reason is in the mindset. If you want a new perspective, listen in.

  • Slow Your Roll...and let me PROCESS!

    17/11/2021 Duración: 43min

    This is part 3 in our "DISCovering You" series - moving from basic communication to true connection with yourself and others. As we highlight all that is our new course by the same name, we're sharing highlights on understanding all the different behavioral reactions we can have in life.  First, we addressed differing perspectives on episode 223. Then, we dealt with those high energy styles in 224. This week, we address the high-processing personality styles that may tend to be lower in energy, yet that doesn't mean they can't get so much accomplished!  Learn about the majority of the population this week, with tips and insights to better understand and truly connect with them. Be sure to hop over to the website for the bonus blog post that goes along with this week's episode!

  • Can I Get A Chill Pill?

    10/11/2021 Duración: 42min

    Are you surrounded by high energy personalities that are wearing you down? Or do you feel like you're dragging others along? As we dive into understanding who you are and how you tick, we want to address all the varieties of approaches toward life.  This week, we're looking at high energy styles, and how to harness it in a way that brings forth your best self...or helps you better navigate those around you.

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