"earn That Body" With Kim Eagle



Podcast by Kim Eagle


  • #242 How I Plan, Prep & Schedule My Meals Each Week

    29/08/2021 Duración: 33min

    Does Meal Planning OVERWHELM you? It definitely stresses me out! So, over the years I have created a 4 Step System to help me Plan, Prep and Schedule my meals for the week ahead. In this podcast episode I tell you exactly what I do to plan each week ahead ,and how to simplify the process.

  • #241 Travel Tips To Avoid Weight Gain!

    22/08/2021 Duración: 35min

    Are you tired of coming back from a work trip or vacation with those extra pounds? Want some of my tips/tricks that I personally do when I travel? Check out this encore episode that is sure to help you the next time you go on vacation! FREE DOWNLOAD TRAVEL TIPS: www.earnthatbody.com/travel

  • #240 Foods You Should Never Order

    15/08/2021 Duración: 34min

    This encore episode has so many EYE OPENING bits of information in regard to what you should NEVER order in a restaurant. Things that you likely never realized and could truly help you shed the pounds and help you stay healthy.

  • #239 How Much Exercise Do We Need?

    08/08/2021 Duración: 33min

    An encore episode back to help remind you how much exercise the body truly needs! Perhaps you know you need to workout more? Or maybe you are starting to workout too much? This episode is going to give you some guidance that will not only help your weight loss (if that is the goal), but also benefit your health.

  • #238 How To Stop Boredom Eating

    01/08/2021 Duración: 39min

    Boredom Eating! We have all been there. But it ultimately will impact your weight loss and overall health if you continue to eat that bag of chips in front of the television or the kettle corn while bored at work. Find out 5 Nutrition & 2 Mental Tips to get you through and past the boredom eating.

  • #237 Which Milk Is Best?

    25/07/2021 Duración: 32min

    Do you feel overwhelmed when you see all the options these days for MILK? Cows Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Hemp Milk and more! Well it's time to break these down to see which has the most nutrition and which might just be a waste of calories! All of that in this week's podcast episode.

  • #236 Working Out In The Heat!

    18/07/2021 Duración: 39min

    Can the heat really impact your workout and more importantly your health? The answer is a big fat YES! And it's good to be aware of some of the symptoms of heat related illnesses so that you can make sure to stay safe. In this important podcast episode we discuss the symptoms of heat related illness when working out in the heat, precautions you can take to stay safe and how the heat impacts your performance.

  • #235 The Protein In Those Veggies!

    11/07/2021 Duración: 42min

    Do you want to improve the quality of your nutrition by adding more veggies to your diet? Or perhaps you want to do even better by picking the vegetables with the MOST protein? Well, in this podcast episode you will find out which vegetables have the most protein and if that is truly enough to sustain your nutritional needs.

  • #234 Which Fruit Has SO Much Sugar?

    27/06/2021 Duración: 35min

    There is nothing better than an amazing piece of fruit! I used to tell my son that fruit is earth's organic candy. However, we can't eat fruit in unlimited quantities because it can be very high in sugar. In this week's podcast episode I'm going to tell you the top HIGH sugar fruits and LOW sugar fruits so that you can make the best choice possible the next time you want to enjoy that organic candy! And I will tell you how much fruit you should be eating each day and why your body needs it.

  • #233 Tea! Is It All Good?

    20/06/2021 Duración: 40min

    You might think coffee is KING! But for many...that king is TEA! Whether you enjoy it hot or cold, you might be interested in knowing if tea is actually good for you, types of herbal teas and what they benefit and if Valerian Root is really all that! Find out everything you need to know in this week's podcast episode.

  • #232 If I Knew Then What I Know Now

    13/06/2021 Duración: 36min

    If I Knew Then What I Know Now.....I would have saved myself a whole lot of angst when it comes to weight loss and being fit! I look back at the things I used to do to be fit & healthy, and now know that those things were doing me so much more harm than good. Perhaps these things might help you too! Check out this week's podcast episode to find out.

  • #231: Bone Density & Osteoporosis

    06/06/2021 Duración: 35min

    At what age should you worry about Bone Density Scans & Osteoporosis? Find out everything you need to know, and what you can do to prevent or manage osteopenia & osteoporosis. You might be amazed at what your bones are doing for you daily and how you can help them keep up the good work!

  • #230 Don't Want To Gain Summer Weight?

    23/05/2021 Duración: 34min

    Let’s face it...Summer gets a little crazy and our schedule is usually way off track when it comes to workouts and nutrition. But do you really want to be up 5-10 pounds by Fall? If you follow these 5 tips, I think it will make all the difference! And then I will tell you how to NOT gain weight on that summer vacation!

  • #229 Heart Rate and Polarized Training

    16/05/2021 Duración: 38min

    Have you ever heard about Heart Rate Training or perhaps Polarized Training? These can seem confusing because there is a lot of information out there on the internet! But they actually can be pretty effective ways of working out (especially if you are a runner). Check out this week’s podcast episode to understand how these might benefit you in your workout routine.

  • #228 Ask Me Anything

    09/05/2021 Duración: 41min

    It’s that time again when my clients and followers ASK ME ANYTHING! In this episode you will find out everything from my favorite dessert (or do I even eat dessert), if I workout on vacations, if all my clients listen to me and more! An episode you will not want to miss.

  • #227 Caffeine and Your Health

    02/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Let’s talk about CAFFEINE! It’s NOT just in coffee. It’s in your ice tea, hot tea, soda and even energy drinks. Is it good for you? Bad for you? Pros? Cons? Find out all about it in this week’s podcast episode.

  • #226 Is It Safe To Go Back To The Gym?

    25/04/2021 Duración: 37min

    Are you ready to hit the gym? But worried it might not be safe due to COVID? Well, before you head back, I want you to make the most informed decision possible! In this episode I will discuss all the things your gym should be doing to maximize protection.

  • #225 Weight Loss Is A Science...BUT

    18/04/2021 Duración: 42min

    Do you ever feel like you log every bite, workout perfectly and yet the scale won’t budge? As a coach I believe weight loss is a science….BUT...guess what? There are some things that will impact weight loss even when you are doing everything right. So, let’s figure out if these 5 things can be addressed for you so your weight loss can get going again.

  • #224 Body Mass Index! What You Need To Know.

    11/04/2021 Duración: 30min

    Has your doctor ever told you that your BMI is in the ‘obese’ level? Or maybe that you are ‘underweight” according to your BMI? Well this can be shocking to hear! But is it possible this information is not all that accurate in assessing if you are healthy? Find out in this week’s podcast episode.

  • #223 How To Pick The Healthiest Eggs?

    04/04/2021 Duración: 22min

    Have you seen how many types of eggs are in the supermarket? Natural, Cage Free, Organic, Grade AA, A or B, Hormone Free, Antibiotic Free, Humane and the list goes on! Well, there are a few things I researched and found out in terms of picking the healthiest egg, and I discuss it all in this week's podcast.

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