"earn That Body" With Kim Eagle



Podcast by Kim Eagle


  • #221 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness! DOMS.

    21/03/2021 Duración: 31min

    Why do you feel sore 24-48 hours after that workout? Is it normal? Can you stop it from happening? Does it mean you worked hard and should always feel it? Find out everything you need to know about DOMS in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.

  • #220 10 Reasons Your Sleep SUCKS!

    07/03/2021 Duración: 30min

    You can’t fall asleep! You can’t stay asleep! You keep waking up! You don’t feel like you are ever in a deep sleep! It’s a terrible feeling and likely is impacting your health and potentially your weight loss. Check out this week’s episode to see if any of these 10 things are impacting your sleep!

  • #219 15 Workout Myths Debunked!

    27/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    It’s amazing how many workout myths are out there! Many of which I’m sure you have heard and maybe some new ones too! In this week’s podcast episode I’m going to debunk 15 workout myths! Some of these might even change the way you do some of your workouts if you are looking to maximize weight loss.

  • #218 Fat Burning Zone

    21/02/2021 Duración: 28min

    We have all heard about that magical fat burning zone! It sounds like when we are in this zone, all the fat must just melt away. But is there really a zone like this? Should we train this way daily? Is this truly the magic zone for weight loss? Find out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.

  • #217 Healthiest Way To Cook Vegetables

    07/02/2021 Duración: 32min

    We all know that vegetables are an important part of our diet. But did you know that your cooking method might be altering the nutritional value of these foods? Sometimes for the better, but often not. Find out in this week’s episode the best ways to cook your vegetables for maximal nutrition.

  • #216 To Stretch Or To Foam Roll?

    31/01/2021 Duración: 31min

    Did you ever wonder if you should stretch or foam roll? Is one better than the other? Is one better before a workout vs. after? Well, I looked hard to get the research for you! Join me in this episode to find out what pre and post workout techniques you should use when it comes to stretching and rolling.

  • #215 Does Your Weight Consume You?

    24/01/2021 Duración: 27min

    Do you get on the scale each morning and then have a GOOD day or a BAD day based on that number you see? Do you think about your weight during the day? Does your weight and your body consume your thoughts? Find out if this might be you and some things you can do to adjust the situation. Life is too short to let a number determine your mood daily.

  • #214 Ask Me Anything!

    16/01/2021 Duración: 33min

    A favorite episode when clients and followers ASK ME ANYTHING! In this week’s episode I tell you about my personal workout routine, favorite healthy sweet treats, strength training for your bone density and more!

  • #213 Healthy Foods That Are Toxic!

    10/01/2021 Duración: 36min

    A few of these you might already know are toxic, but do you know how much to eat or not to eat? The rest might shock you. I definitely learned a lot about some of these healthy foods and which ones we might need to avoid, eat in moderation or not worry about.

  • #212 3 Things You Need For Your Health in 2021!

    03/01/2021 Duración: 36min

    See ya 2020! We are all ready for a New Year! But in order to make this the year you truly deserve, you need to do these 3 things. These are things I personally work on each and every year. They not only change my health...but also my sanity and my overall life!

  • #211 #1 Episode of 2020!

    13/12/2020 Duración: 42min

    You might have heard this episode earlier this year..or maybe it will be your first time! It was the #1 episode of the year for the Earn That Body Podcast! And it might just help you fine tune your nutrition over the holidays! Which episode was it? Find out in this week’s final episode of 2020!

  • #210 Get Health Prepped for 2021!

    06/12/2020 Duración: 33min

    I’m not a big fan of the New Year’s Resolutions. But I am a fan of looking back at your year to determine what went well or not so well, and what you want to take control of for the year to come. Check out these 10 questions to help you assess where you are at and where you want to be for 2021!

  • #209 How to Detox Without the Detox!

    29/11/2020 Duración: 29min

    Whether you ate too much over Thanksgiving Weekend or are just coming back from a vacation...you might feel the need to go on a DETOX! But guess what, there are no detox programs that actually lead to sustainable weight loss. They are just programs that make you starve your body of essential calories & nutrients and make you want to cry all day! Instead of falling for another fad diet, just follow these 10 Tips to feel your best again!

  • #208 10 Tips To A Healthy Thanksgiving

    22/11/2020 Duración: 22min

    Are you tired of feeling terrible after that Thanksgiving Dinner? Tired of being up 5 pounds on the scale the next day? Well, I have 10 Tips To a Healthy Thanksgiving that I personally put into play each year! Even if you follow half of these tips, I bet it will make a difference in how you feel the next day!

  • #207 A Craving or True Hunger?

    15/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    Are you always hungry? Or just always craving sweets? Did you know there is a real difference between hunger and cravings? Often when you understand the difference and notice the signs & symptoms of each, you can make a more rational decision about what you put in your body. This week’s episode will go into detail on hunger, cravings and give you some tools to help you with both!

  • #206 Body Fat Scales! Worth It?

    08/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    You think a body fat scale might be the key in your weight loss success? Or maybe you think it would just be important to know when you weigh yourself? Find out in this week’s podcast if buying these fancy scales are worth it, are accurate and are necessary. And a great Eagle’s Eye on Health to help you face the truth in how you are handling these stressful times.

  • #205 Why You Keep Quitting That Diet.

    01/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    We start our Monday with solid intentions to crush a diet. By Friday, we throw in the towel and eat horribly all weekend. Just to start a new diet on Monday again. Why do you keep failing your diet? Or why does your diet keep failing you? Find out in this week’s podcast episode. These factors might be just what you need to hear to make true progress on your true weight loss journey.

  • #204 Uggg! Constipation!

    25/10/2020 Duración: 39min

    We don’t like to talk about it and we definitely don’t like to have it! But yet we have all been constipated at one time or another! Find out why we get constipated, who is at risk and the best REAL foods to alleviate this awful problem.

  • #203 What is Water Retention?

    18/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    If you missed episode #202 about Overnight Weight Gain, you might check it out before this part 2! In this podcast, I talk about what is actually happening in your body when you have water retention, what causes it and how to avoid it as best you can!

  • #202 Did You Gain Weight Overnight?

    04/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Did you ever wonder how it was possible that you gained 3 pounds overnight? Your nutrition and workouts were on track and yet your weight is UP! Not only is it frustrating but it can be why so many people GIVE UP their weight loss strategy too soon. Before you do that, find out 13 reasons why that weight gain might not be so relevant.

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