Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden



Each week, Breakthrough PT Marketing Podcast with Chad Madden brings you no-nonsense marketing strategies that deliver you patients and profits.Author of "Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PTs" and Owner of Madden Physical Therapy, Chad grew his practice 600% in the last five years using direct response marketing strategies. He sees more than 200 new patients each month in his single location Private Practice. Now he's teaching over 400 Practice Owners to do the same.


  • Media - How PTs Fail With Media Selection

    09/08/2018 Duración: 11min

    Discernment is vital to understanding which media outlet is best for your practice Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PTs: How to Thrive in the New Healthcare Economy - chapter 11 written by Carl Mattiola discusses how to better use single question email Ask your target market what media they use, for example "What have you purchased in the last 30 days for your back pain" How does your target market use their media preference (iPad/tablet, mobile phone, laptop or computer) Use the results of your research to better target your audience

  • Using Lay Language

    01/08/2018 Duración: 08min

    Using Lay Language by Chad Madden, Co-Founder of Breakthrough

  • Message - Using Patient's Testimonials

    01/08/2018 Duración: 14min

    Message - Using Patient's Testimonials by Chad Madden, Co-Founder of Breakthrough

  • Selecting A Market - How To Influence Your Payer Mix

    22/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    Selecting A Market - How To Influence Your Payer Mix by Chad Madden, Co-Founder of Breakthrough

  • Selecting A Market - Geography

    08/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    Selecting A Market - Geography by Chad Madden, Co-Founder of Breakthrough

  • Selecting A Market

    24/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    The right target market specific to your private practice. Not just anyone or everyone! Figure out how to avoid basic barriers in selecting the accurate audience.

  • Day With Dan - The PT Story

    12/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    Want to learn how to control your new patient flow? Become the PT expert in your area? Key takeaways: High quality of care doesn't equal private practice success. Do you resent the university or school you went to? Resent yourself? Resent the marketing of your practice itself? We as PT's need to be more aware of how we are treating our marketing. Listen in for the next series on scientific marketing for your practice.

  • Case Study - Cathy And Joe Scarpito

    05/03/2018 Duración: 29min

    Selling your practice is the dream for many owners... As of September of this year, Cathy & Joe Scarpitto were finally able to realize this dream... Key Takeaways: They went from 300 patients/week to seeing 475 patient visits/week in less than one year. They dropped their workload from 70 hours/week to 40 hours/week. Better yet, they're in the process of building their dream vacation home. Now their quality of life is better, they're not wearing all the hats in their practice and they have the peace of mind knowing that they can put their kids through college. Want to know how Cathy & Joe did this through my Killer Marketing training?

  • How to Payoff Student Debt

    01/06/2017 Duración: 27min

    At the last boot camp in San Diego, there was a young man, a private practice owner from the Greater Chicago area, his name is Samir. He pulled me aside and told me a really good story. He said, “You know, you are not really reaching out (meaning me) to the new grad, people that are coming out of school with their DPT. They want to own their own practice. They want to pay off their student debts. They want to have some time and financial freedom but they don’t know how to do it.” So Samir started learning from me when he was a DPT student and he had a dream of owning his own practice. He said, “If it wouldn’t be for your program, Killer Marketing, I wouldn’t be where I'm at today. When I started with you, I was living with my Mom. Now I have a growing staff.” I believe he is opening another location. Things are going great. He is doing will. He said, “I didn’t know what I didn’t know at the time. But now my Mom actually works for me. I was able to move out. I'm paying off my student loans, my

  • Rising From The Ashes - Arlan's Unbelievable Success Story

    04/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    What would you do...? In 2010, Arlan suffered a terrible tragedy (one that I would never hope to happen to any owner) His practice burned to the ground... His years of effort were destroyed and turned into ashes… He was distraught and on the brink of giving up and closing it all down. I know most of you have high aspirations and lofty goals that you want to achieve in private practice. And most of those goals are easily achievable with the right strategy in place. But for just one second, imagine what you would do in Arlan’s situation…. Would you just give up and throw in the towel? Or would you persevere through it all? Luckily, Arlan chose the latter. For more visit:

  • How John Got 22 New Patients In One Hour By Doing Just "One Thing" Really Well

    29/03/2017 Duración: 15min

    Have you tried everything you can think of to get more Direct Access patients? Not sure where to go next? Have you turned to stalking BPTM like our friend John once did? In this video, John tells us about: The changes private practice physical therapy has seen over the last 17 years How implementing workshops has completely changed the game for his practice How HOPTS and POPTS are becoming less and less of a threat with his consistently increasing stream of Direct Access patients

  • How Kim Nartker Converts More Than 80% of Her Workshop Attendees

    21/03/2017 Duración: 11min

    Each week, Breakthrough PT Marketing Podcast with Chad Madden brings you no-nonsense marketing strategies that deliver you patients and profits. Author of "Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PTs" and Owner of Madden Physical Therapy, Chad grew his practice 600% in the last five years using direct response marketing strategies. He sees more than 200 new patients each month in his single location Private Practice. Now he's teaching over 400 Practice Owners to do the same.

  • BPTM Practice Owner of the Year (Pooty) Reveals His Secrets

    07/03/2017 Duración: 15min

    Each week, Breakthrough PT Marketing Podcast with Chad Madden brings you no-nonsense marketing strategies that deliver you patients and profits. Author of "Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PTs" and Owner of Madden Physical Therapy, Chad grew his practice 600% in the last five years using direct response marketing strategies. He sees more than 200 new patients each month in his single location Private Practice. Now he's teaching over 400 Practice Owners to do the same.

  • 15 New Patients For $400! Why I Was Initially Disappointed...

    02/02/2017 Duración: 09min

    You may be looking at that title and screaming...why in the world would I be disappointed with a 3650% ROI when getting new patients? WARNING: I discuss a lot of direct response marketing concepts in this post that you might not be familiar with if you are new to my blog. If you are new, I encourage you to read it to get a grasp of what is possible in your practice. If you are advanced, then enjoy :) To be clear, I'm not disappointed anymore. However, I was initially when I was looking at it with the wrong mindset... Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of having a “long term” perspective versus a “snapshot” perspective on your marketing campaigns. By the end of this post you’ll learn: The danger of having a snapshot perspective and why it may be costing you money How to convert unconverted leads into customers through automated follow up. And an idea on how to get free traffic down your sale and marketing funnel. For more visit:

  • The One Simple Strategy To Differentiate Your Practice From Others

    25/01/2017 Duración: 08min

    "What Exactly Do You Do?" As a Private Practice physical therapy owner this is a question I get a lot. It's a question if you don't know how to answer, can stop you from getting new patients. Today we're going to talk about a really cool strategy I've found to overcome this. In this post, you'll learn how to make yourself stand out from other private practice PTs, how to motivate patients to complete their plan of care, and how to market yourself better so you get higher conversions. "Why should I choose your physical therapy practice and services versus going down the street to your competitor?" For those who know anything about Business Strategy, you'll know this as customers basically asking, "What's your USP?" The usual answer Private Practice PTs come up with are the boring ones, the ones that all other owners say, We have high quality care... You get to see the same Physical Therapist every time... We do one on one... You get manual therapy every time that you're in... For more visit: http://br

  • The 5 Steps For Empowering Physical Therapy Staff To Help Scale Your Practice

    25/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Are you tired of your Therapists & Staff Not Following Your Systems? Today we’re going to talk about how to get your staff to follow through on your systems. Why? Because the key to having an effective business, the kind you can scale up, is by having SYSTEMS. But your systems are worthless if your staff don’t follow through on them. In this post you’ll learn how to make your staff become intrinsically motivated to use your systems, how to hold them accountable and how to start seeing results improve in your business. A system does two things. 1.) It increases your EFFICIENCY 2.) It's REPEATABLE The goal of a system is to do the same thing over and over which improves your business, whether it's you executing it or somebody else. For more visit:

  • How The 'Killer Marketing System' Will Make Your Practice EXPLODE With New Patients

    12/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Over here at BPTM we've developed something we like to call the "Killer Marketing System". It's a system that's gone through several revisions, has been iterated over time and honed to near perfection. Today it is an effective system to help get Private Practice PT Owners more patients. Wouldn't it be great if you knew you had a SYSTEM that was guaranteed to bring you in new patients...if you followed it to the letter? During our Bootcamps, our owners usually walk in feeling overwhelmed. We throw a lot of information at them and it can seem like too much. But one of my favorite parts is when we get through the events, owners tell me "Now everything makes sense." Here's the thing about the Killer Marketing System, you have to use ALL of it. You can't just pick and choose the shiniest object. You have to use all the different parts, in the right order, and with the right strategy, in order to get outstanding results. So without further ado, let's go through the Killer Marketing System. The Killer Marketin

  • How To Grow Your Practice And Still Maintain The Same Quality of Care [Part 3]

    05/01/2017 Duración: 11min

    This is the final part in a 3 part series on how you as a private practice owner can successfully scale and grow your business while still providing expert care. Here we are, finally the 3rd part of this series. In part 1 you found out about the number one limiting belief that's holding you back from working yourself out of your practice. In part 2 you found out how the different levels of private practice PT owners handle growing and scaling their business. We also talked about listing out your responsibilities and how to work yourself out of a job. Remember: The goal is to work yourself out of a job. To create LESS work for yourself, not more, while increasing your income. Today we're going to give some examples and stories to illustrate the power of handing off responsibilities in your business. Turning over responsibilities can be powerful. It not only frees up your plate, but it can also allow you to discover untapped assets in your business. Remember in part 2 how we talked about the difference

  • How To Grow Your Practice And Still Maintain The Same Quality of Care [Part 2]

    29/12/2016 Duración: 11min

    This is the 2nd of a 3 part series on how you as a private practice owner can successfully scale and grow your business while still providing expert care. Last week we talked about the simple mindset that can be sabotaging your business. The mental script that’s stopping you from scaling up your business. Today we’re going to go one step further. We’re going to show you how to start taking action to scale up your business. The problem is simple. You want to scale up your business, but without any drop in quality. The Four Levels of Private Practice PT Minor Leaguer This is the private practice PT owner that just got started. They are in charge of seeing all their patients. They don’t have a lot of money. Major Leaguer This is where most private practice owners that I’ve talked to tend to get stuck. They have maybe a dozen staff, yet are still integral to their business. Major Leaguers do well financially but don’t have a lot of time. All-Star The All-Star has solved the problem of little money AND l

  • How To Grow Your Practice And Still Maintain The Same Quality Of Care

    22/12/2016 Duración: 07min

    This will be the first of a 3 part series on how you as a private practice owner can successfully scale and grow your business while still providing expert care. As a private practice owner you might be facing a thorny problem. A problem that might get you into a lot of trouble. It's something I had to work through, and I've heard from a lot of other private practice owners who are struggling with this as well. The problem is this: How Can I Scale My Business, or Grow My Business, But Yet Keep The Same Level of Expert Care? Or in other words, how can I grow without having a decline in quality? How Many Balls Can You Juggle? Just think about how many different roles you have to take on as a private practice owner. Let's look at a few: Internal Marketing (marketing to your past patient base) External Marketing (marketing to people who've never heard worked with you before) HR & Personnel Finance & Billing Legal Policies & Procedures Logistics Goal Setting & Planning Management The list

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