Marketer Of The Day With Robert Plank: Get Daily Insights From The Top Internet Marketers & Entrepreneurs Around The World

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 606:42:18
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Marketing, entrepreneurship, membership sites, webinars, and traffic


  • 065: Get Your Business Noticed on the Internet: Course, Blog, Podcast, Book, DVD

    28/11/2015 Duración: 52min

    Are you annoyed that an Internet marketer is marketing to you? Instead of looking at other marketers as people who are "serving" you as a consumer, why don't you look at what successful things they repeatedly do, like consistent products, blogging, and webinars? And model what they do! Marketer of the Week: Dennis Becker Dennis wrote the book from 5BucksADay and has the membership site Earn1kaday. Like me, actually leaves his money-making websites online. What a concept.   If a site makes me money, I'll keep maintaining and promoting it. He has lots of irons in the fire such as a new product and new Kindle book every month. Complaints of the Week I'm at your sales letter. Where do I go to login to your membership site? I bought the "lite" version and I login. Where can I go to upgrade? Marketers delight, 5 site license to unlimited license. What about an in-your-face upsell or interstitial ad? I want something else you're selling. You're supposed to "sell the click" in emails but what the heck am

  • 064: Short and To the Point Landing Pages: Where’s the Dang Buy Button? A Confused Mind Never Buys, So Sell What You Sell!

    22/11/2015 Duración: 50min

    Internet marketer of the week: Ray Edwards. Creator of the Rapid Writing Method. He absorbs what Brendon Burchard, Michael Hyatt, Dave Ramsey all do very well -- branding and unification. A huge breakthrough I got out of his "Writing Riches" book was that just taught straightforward copywriting. Not a lot of silly stories or parables mixed in like others teach you "should" have in a book. What a concept! Common Cop Outs (That We Just Solved in Today's Show)   My niche is people with money! Who wouldn't want it? My niche is young people because they're smart, or old people because they have all the money Split test it! I'm going to provide value and give everything away for free I'm still learning I have an idea but it's already been done before I have an idea but I'm waiting on someone else to do the work I'm "waiting" for the right time A Confused Mind Never Buys! Delayed buy button and I can't buy, or I can't buy on an iPad I optin and I can't buy right away, I have to wait for

  • 063: Website Remote: Get Out More, Grow Your Internet Business, Make More Money, Have More Fun, and Increase Your Productivity Without Burning Out or Creating a New “Job” For Yourself

    14/11/2015 Duración: 44min

    We recently launched our Website Remote service. It allows you to centrally manage and update your WordPress sites. We created it because there was no good way to manage all our WordPress sites from one location. The other solutions that "tried" to do it, sucked! Solve a real problem. It doesn't matter if "a" solution already exists. It probably sucks. Yours will be better. When we put Website Remote together, and had our new affiliates sell and market our existing Backup Creator plugin, I had a few realizations... Realization #1: Get Out More You don't have to confine yourself to little sites like the Warrior Forum. You can use other peoples' land to build a list, but don't live there. This is true when it comes not just to pricing and positioning your products, but also what advice or training you listen to. Your business is your business. You're free to charge whatever price you want, limit the number of sales, email as often as you want. Update your blog or submit podcasts as frequently as you feel l

  • 062: How Is Your Online Business (And Your Personal Life) Doing, on a Scale From One to Ten?

    07/11/2015 Duración: 20min

    Are you scared? What if you became more aware of what made you anxious, scared, or nervous? Could you dissect those into smaller pieces? If you did, you'd be able to change and improve those small, manageable pieces... What if I asked you to write down a page of words to describe a "bad mood" such as: flustered, dejected, beat-down? What if I asked you to then write a list of words describing a "good mood" such as: happy, energized, bubbly? My guess is, that list of "bad mood" words would be longer than the "good mood" list. Let's change that for you. To become more successful in both our personal lives and our businesses, we need to become more detailed about the positive things and less detailed about the negative. Whatever you apply more detail to is where your mind will focus. What's the "trick" for overcoming that fear and thinking more positively and effectively? Answer on a 1 to 10 Scale When you go to the store, the clerk asks, "How are you?" Both of you are expecting your response to be a mono-syl

  • 061: Supercharge Your Inner Game: How to Stop, Avoid, Destroy & Overcome the Negative Thinking Patterns in Your Life (and Become Happier Without Losing Your Edge)

    30/10/2015 Duración: 39min

    I'm going in for surgery on the ankle today (Friday) and it has me thinking a lot about being negative (or rather, avoiding or "fixing" that negativity that creeps up), being honest and owning up to things like procrastinating without labeling and feeling sorry for yourself, so you can actually make progress on yourself -- because no one else will do it for you. As internet marketers, we need to motivate ourselves. Let's be real... sometimes stuff just happens. You have to find the good in situations, get some perspective, and be honest without feeling sorry for yourself and labeling your situations or the emotions. Then, you are better able to look at things in a positive light. Be Honest With Yourself This is probably the most important thing we're going to talk about today. Just think about how you would answer these questions and we're going to talk about some solutions afterwards. Do you find yourself filtering out the positive things that happen to you? Or, do you minimize all the good things while

  • Making Money in Bed: Ten Quick Pieces of Internet Marketing Advice from a Guy with a Broken Ankle

    23/10/2015 Duración: 21min

    I broke my ankle in two places this past Saturday evening. I was dancing at a wedding and walked over a wet spot on an already shiny, slippery, coated cement floor. There was water (or maybe wine) spilled in a little spot that I didn't see, and I slipped and landed on it with all my weight. The technical term is a "fibular and medial malleolar fracture" and they had to reset (or I guess "reconfigure") the bones (very painful) and I'll be hopping around on crutches for a few weeks and keeping it elevated in bed. What I found interesting is that the orthopedist, emergency room doctor, nurse, etc. kept asking me... what do you do for a living? Is this going to affect your work? Luckily I've "worked" from home for 6 1/2 years and I'm glad I don't have to worry about that kind of thing. In fact, the last couple of days have been hugely productive in my business. I've been making leaps and bounds in productivity, getting my upcoming "Website Remote" wordpress tool ready for our November 11 launch date, even from

  • 060: Graphic Dashboard Case Study: How to Make Money Selling Your Systems, Checklists, Notes, Templates and Tools

    16/10/2015 Duración: 55min

    Find a new product idea, build a course and implement a repeatable system for a constant revenue stream.When you're creating a product, you need to have WWHW in place. WWHW is your "system." You need to have a system in place so you stay on point, lay out each point you promised in your sales letter, and know when you've gotten to the finish line. What-these are the steps you're going to take. For example, you're going to show how to log in to a site, you're going to show how to install a plug-in. Why-this is why the customer wants to use it. For example, to make money. How To-this is your media component. For example, a video on how to use WordPress. You will be showing your customers from beginning to end what the process looks like. What If-this is the challenger at the end. When you're making your membership site, you want to lay it out in modules. Four modules are ideal, at about an hour each. Each module is a milestone in the process. You want to be 100% clear what the end goal is going to be in

  • 059: A Tale of Two Traffic Sources: Solo Ads vs. Affiliate Networks

    10/10/2015 Duración: 53min

    The good, the bad and the ugly about solo ads vs. affiliate networking... There are many ways to get traffic. Some of the older ones include fads such as: Joint Venture Giveaways: someone would sign up and have access to multiple giveaways that they could then send to their list. Everyone in the network would be cross-mailing their own lists, offering these giveaways, to attract traffic to their site. Viral Reports: you have a special report (i.e. how to set up a basic WordPress site) and mail it to your list and the link back to your site is included in the report. For each of your subscribers that passes it on and gets a new subscriber to sign up, you could pay them a $1 per new subscriber. Traffic Exchanges: this operates similarly to the JVG above where there's multiple people in the network. You would join it and then everyone is rotating through viewing multiple sites and each one you view gets you a credit. With these credits, you could then buy banner ads, etc. to drive people back to your sit

  • 058: The Three-Day Window for Enhanced, Increased, and Amazing Productivity

    03/10/2015 Duración: 29min

    It's very easy when you first start your internet business, working from home, to fall back into those habits that you have from working for an employer, where you have to fill up 8 hour days one after the other and no "project" really ever has to be done for you to make income. Or, some of those very things that led you to develop an internet-based business, such as wanting to dream ‘big', form your own partnerships, etc., but all of those ideas will not make any money if you do not implement them. It's easy to get pulled into "Scope Creep", where you continue to add more and more features or additional webpages, upsells and bonuses, etc., instead of just focusing on ONE thing and pushing it out there. These are all productivity killers. Instead, you want to think in "Three Day Window" terms. Principles of the Three-Day Window What is it? The 3 day window is the time period from "idea" to "implementation." You have 3 days to get it to a stopping point that if you had to sell it right then you could. It's

  • 057: 10-7-4: The Best “Mind-Hack” to Generate Unlimited Ideas and Master Your Content Creation

    25/09/2015 Duración: 46min

    One of the best ways to make money online is to create content that solves problems but a lot of us struggle with writer's block. The answer to that "blank page" is to have a system. Don't be afraid that using a system or a template will result in something that is bland and not unique. It's quite the opposite. The best thing about using a system is that you get the thing DONE. Three Elements of A System The system component-you can think of it as your approach, the actual "1-2-3" of getting words on paper. For example, if you're creating a 400-word article, don't say 400! That sounds huge. Instead, break it down into: Title, Intro, 3 points, Summary, and a Call to Action. Now, what if each of these sections was 50 words? Sounds a lot better, right? You can make things even easier by turning everything into a question. This is a really easy way to do it. Act like you're having a conversation with someone about your subject and think what they would ask about your subject. The answers become your text. Exa

  • 056: Seven Web Pages You Need to Create for a Successful Product Launch, and Re-Launch, and Consistent Residual Passive Income (Plus 7 Additional Bonus Pages At No Extra Charge)

    19/09/2015 Duración: 46min

    Setup Your Site the "Right Way" Namecheap: Get your domain name at HostGator: This is for web hosting. After you buy your domain name, your site has to "live" somewhere. This is web hosting and fou can get this at AWeber: This is an autoresponder, your essential tool for building a list and keeping in contact with your customers. Get this at WordPress: This is a free tool that you "place" at the front door of your site. It lets you edit your site and pages without having to know how to write or edit HTML code. You can just click around and create any extra webpages that you like using plugin's and tools that WordPress uses. Once you get webhosting via, there's a special button where you can install WordPress on the front door of your site. Its' going to make creating all the pages we talk about today super simple. Robert has a WordPress plugin called Paper Template that makes everything look like a

  • Podcasting Secret Training: What I’ve Discovered from Three Years of iTunes Podcasting (Using LibSyn and PowerPress) to Increase Sales and Traffic (And What You Can Do Too)

    13/09/2015 Duración: 37min

    Just like anything in life, it's a good idea to know WHY you're doing something, as opposed to only "going through the motions"… And if you're only dabbling, if this "internet marketing" thing is only a hobby to you, then it's likely you haven't found very much success because you rarely finish the things you start. If you actually want to make money, it's time to stop dabbling and actually create something. Don't "start" to create something. Actually make that single membership site, add that affiliate program to it, and get some traffic… You need to go all-in. The first problem I see with people going all-in is that they keep changing what they're going "all-in" for, which really isn't going "all-in." You probably know what I'm talking about. Changing to a new niche every month. Only focusing on Pinterest marketing one month because "everyone's" talking about it. Only focusing on Kindle comic books the next month because "everyone's" talking about it… Let's separate the forest from the trees: the only thi

  • 055: Time Management Hacks: Install These Quick Computer Programs Today to Get Yourself Over the Hump, Complete All Your Projects, and Have More Fun

    11/09/2015 Duración: 45min

    When we run our own businesses and don't have a "boss" to answer to, it can be easy to fall back into old habits of goofing off. It's easy to fall back into the habit of filling up time because when you worked at your "day job", the objective was to fill up 8 hours a day. Today, we're going to talk about getting all that clutter that we're used to from a day job out of the way. Quick Computer Programs Everyone Can Use to Improve Their Productivity Online Stopwatch: Use this to time yourself doing a task so that you truly commit to getting it done in a certain amount of time, i.e. knock out a blog post in 10 minutes instead of thinking about it for an hour. Camtasia: This software can record everything you're doing online. This is excellent software for recording tutorials, software walk-through demo's, etc. You can simultaneously record your processes as well as your spoken audio. We'll talk more in depth regarding Camtasia a little later in the episode. Google Calendar: This is free and you already have i

  • 054: How to Sell on Webinars

    04/09/2015 Duración: 58min

    Webinars are the best use of your time and the best way to make money. You've probably wondered out of all the things that you do, can you outsource some of that? Can you just be the creative person and do the few things that make the most amount of money? When we're talking about webinars, we're not talking about a Google HangOut or a YouTube video or a Periscope broadcast or anything "fancy." We're just talking about showing what's on your screen and saying what you're going to say in just 1 hour. It's that simple! What if you could turn whatever you're selling into a mini-launch event for a week? You could say, "On this Wednesday I am going to open the doors to my new course." Or, it could be your service, such as a package for consulting services on how to run your own business (i.e. set up sales funnels, etc.). You can put the description of your product/service that you're selling on your sales page. That's great if people read the entire thing but many of them won't and for some people, it can jus

  • 053: Journaling & Documenting: The Amazing (And Almost Too Simple) Shortcut to Killer Productivity, Multiplied Results and Increased Sales

    28/08/2015 Duración: 50min

    Most problems in Robert's business are not fixed by a crazy solution or a fancy piece of software. It's so easy to think that the reasons that you're not doing well or that you're not happy with your business is because you don't have one-click upsell, or because your website is not mobile-responsive, or your prices don't end in some magic number. It's tempting to think that everything that has been ailing us and our business can be fixed with a magic wand. But, usually it's something really simple. Usually when you get tripped up or stalled/delayed, etc., it's typically because of these reasons: Scope creep: you plan on something simple and the more you think about it, the bigger and more exciting it gets and before you know it, it's a huge beast of an undertaking and way more than what you intended. All of a sudden, you've gone from something that would take you one week to implement to an entire year. Procrastination: there are a small number of activities that WILL make us money and an unlimited amo

  • 052: Three Activities That Don’t Make Money vs. Three Activities That Make Money

    21/08/2015 Duración: 40min

    At one of the earliest internet marketing events Robert ever attended, he went to one of the Q&A panels. Usually, in these panels, people will have these really vague, generalized questions and in turn the speakers will have really "big", generalized responses, answers that don't really give any specific, overly helpful answers. During one of these, an attendee asked "Where can I get graphics made?" Join Graphic Dashboard to Claim Your Training, Templates, Affiliate Banner Ads & More Most speakers will answer with something like, "You can go to any one of these 10 sites", which isn't very helpful. At this particular one, a speaker, Ross Goldberg said: "You need to get graphics made. Is anyone in the audience a freelance graphics designer? Okay, during the break, go talk to each other. " Sometimes it really can be that easy. Ever since that moment, every time Robert listens to a podcast or reads a blog post, he looks for that one solution, pursues it and gleans from it what he needs instead of going down

  • 051: Rise Above Being a Geek: Use This One Little Trick to Shortcut Years of Trial and Error in Your Internet Marketing Business

    14/08/2015 Duración: 37min

    Whatever project you have going on, what would it take for you to complete, round out or get to the next milestone of that project today? Turn that project into a product. A project is something that you're just always tinkering away at, an ongoing venture that is never going to be completed. You need to complete it. Robert comes across so many people who have websites that aren't done and the reason why is usually pretty silly... "I need to have one-click upsell in place", or "I need to have this special thing in my member's area." Ask yourself: Is that really going to make a difference? Is the missing element really going to double your income? Is it worth delaying your income for X number of weeks? Or worse, is it ruining the potential to make income on that product at all? You can round-out what you have in the next 24 hours. What if you have an e-book that you planned to be 100 pages but you only had 10 pages completed? What if you just put that out there at this moment? Just about anything you put

  • 050: Fifty Game-Changing Internet Marketing & Online Business Breakthroughs from 37 Mentors Including Mike Filsaime, Armand Morin, Jim Edwards, Stu McLaren & Others

    09/08/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    An action-packed 50th Episode Anniversary Special with 50 Game Changing Internet Marketing and Online Business Breakthroughs from 37 Mentors... Four Daily Tasks You need to be completing 4 Daily Tasks. Before he realized this, Robert would have days where he'd knock out 20 or 30 tasks and then weeks would go by where he was burnt out and couldn't get the motivation to get anything done. As soon as he realized the 4 Daily Tasks Principle, things really changed for him. Today, of all the things you need to do, think about the 4 most important: Send out emails Run pitch webinars Set up sales letters Set up "buy buttons" Contact affiliates to promote our products Of all of those things, what is going to move you along the path of making money TODAY? That's where you should be concentrating. On a weekday, you want to do (3) 45-minute tasks and (1) 15-minute task. On a weekend, do (4) 5-minute tasks. For more info, check out Robert's book called Four Daily Tasks. List, Traffic and Offers Everything

  • 049: Continuity Membership Sites (How to Get That $97/Month Passive Income Site Off the Ground and Making Money)

    01/08/2015 Duración: 43min

    Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook Having a membership site is the best option for recurring revenue on your products. Say that you have something for sale, usually a course, and you want to know how to get the best "bang for your buck" on monetizing that product. Join Our Webinar Crusher Program Today You could write a report or an e-book but there's a few problems with that. A Kindle book might only get you revenues of 99 cents each copy sold. A regular book might sell for $10 but after publishing and other costs, you will only net approximately a $1 on each copy. If you're lucky, you will make that wonderful $10K but ONLY ONCE and in the meantime, you had to wait for 2 years of making no money on it and the information could be ‘dated' by the time of release. Besides, who wants to read a book on how to get a podcast or book published or how to get site traffic, etc.? People want answers NOW. Wouldn't it be more helpful if you showed someone on video how to do it? If you record a series of videos on

  • 048: Email Marketing: Are You Building a Buyer’s List? (Or Any Kind of Email List At All?) and the “Why Didn’t You Buy” Email

    26/07/2015 Duración: 35min

    Remember this: Your customers get trained to open your emails. Your customers get trained to buy from you. Your customers get trained to attend your webinars. Whoever has the biggest email list wins. Facebook and Twitter followers are not that list. Think about that for a second. You can post all day but who has the biggest list in the world? Facebook. When you're on Facebook, don't you receive emails from them AT LEAST weekly? Even if a customer opens your website or followers check out your Facebook page, all of the most popular sites (Amazon, eBay, Netflix, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram) use email lists too. "It worked so well, I stopped doing it." In other words, don't neglect your list. When we first start out doing something, sometimes it goes so well that we get lazy and we backslide. Then, we start losing income and we have to work twice as hard to get to where we were. Numbers, Numbers, Numbers A lot of people are shooting for the wrong kind of numbers... It's not a big achievement to sa

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