Marketer Of The Day With Robert Plank: Get Daily Insights From The Top Internet Marketers & Entrepreneurs Around The World



Marketing, entrepreneurship, membership sites, webinars, and traffic


  • 014: Generate Unlimited Content, Blog Posts, Articles, Sales Letters, Books, Reports and More, That Make You Money Forever

    23/03/2013 Duración: 01h01min

    If you've ever had "writer's block", struggled to create that quick 3-minute video, 400-word article, or even a sales letter, print book, or quick email, then you need to tune into today's podcast where I reveal my BEST content creation formulas -- many of them only available (up till now) in my paid products! "How to Generate Unlimited Content" FREE Report Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook Topics covered: How to go into a content creation frenzy any time you want and never deal with "writer's block" ever again How to generate a flood of good ideas, unlock your creativity, and create a store (or "pool") of renewable content anytime you need it How to achieve absolute focus and crank out as much content as you want, as quickly as you want My exact content creation formulas for book chapters (W.W.H.W.), email marketing (P.A.I.N.T.), blogging (R.A.T.G.U.M.), and sales letters (A.I.D.A.) Finding your hook (this is the most important part of content creation

  • 013: Create and Sell Software on the Internet

    09/03/2013 Duración: 01h16min

    If you've ever thought about creating and selling software in your niche but don't know a single line of code... or, if you've been wondering how to gain an advantage over your competitors (authors, speakers, coaches, and information marketer) then look no further to creating your own simple software. "How to Create and Sell Software" FREE Report Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook It's a lot easier, faster, and cheaper than you might think, and I want to tell you all about it in today's EXTENDED LENGTH edition of the Robert Plank Show. Topics covered: The secrets of creating a "simpleware" 1-button solution to vaccinate your sales against your competition Why you'll sell a lot more copies of your software product (hint: this works in any niche) compared to selling information (it's all about the live demo) The four types of software ideas including: a better solution to an existing problem (webinar service that uses S3, Twilio transcription service), simplif

  • 012: Setup an Affiliate Program with Clickbank, Rapid Action Profits, WarriorPlus, and JVZoo

    16/02/2013 Duración: 33min

    If you like massive viral traffic, building a huge following that you can't turn off or slow down even if you wanted to, multiply your sales and build your list faster than you ever thought possible, then you need to check out the easy steps involved with setting up an affiliate program in today's podcast. "How to Setup an Affiliate Program" FREE Report Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook Topics include... The easiest way to get your affiliate program without a monthly or yearly fee How to give away 100% of your product sales and still make money How to sell your products on multiple storefronts Making your affiliate go viral in just a few words How to take your business to the next level and change it forever using a secret strategy almost no one else uses Check out the button below to listen to the podcast now, and you know the deal... if you can leave at least 10 comments under this blog post, I'll also post the transcript! Leave 50 comments and the c

  • 011: Create Physical Information Products with Kunaki, CreateSpace, Kinkos & Lulu

    01/02/2013 Duración: 32min

    Discover how to branch out into the real world and sell your information products as physical, high-ticket items! "How to Create Physical Infoproducts" FREE Report Topics covered: How to publish short reports on the fly with How to upload a simple Word document to Amazon CreateSpace to become a published author How to print workbooks and manuals on demand using Lulu Instantly sell physical audio CDs or video DVDs using Kunaki and a few ultra low cost tools And more! You know how this works... get 10 comments on this post and you'll get the transcript in return. Click Here to Join Podcast Crusher Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • 010: Setup a WordPress Blog, Write Content, and Become an Instant Celebrity

    13/01/2013 Duración: 25min

    The latest podcast is below and it's all about setting up your blog and using it to build up your authority and social proof... "How to Setup a WordPress Blog" FREE Report Topics covered: The real reason to setup a blog (it's not what you think!) Why it's so important for you to register "" and what to do if it's taken How to install WordPress The 60-second theme rule that's saved me tons of time designing my WP blog The top 10 plugins to use The 10 comment rule And more! Click Here to Join Podcast Crusher Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • 009: Setup Your Own Podcast and Get Your Radio Show Published on iTunes

    31/12/2012 Duración: 27min

    I have a quick question. What if you could pick up a telephone and in just a few minutes broadcast your message to thousands of people or more? What if you could partner with Apple iTunes and publish your very own Internet radio show or podcast 100 percent for free? "How to Setup Your Own Podcast" FREE Report Pay close attention right now to discover how to create your own podcast and make more money in the process. Close down all windows and turn your speakers up for today's exciting installment of the Robert Plank Show. Topics covered: Why you need to be everywhere and how you can get everywhere on the internet (mostly for free) Why trying to get rich selling $7 e-books is a surefire recipe for failure (and what to do instead) The exact strategy of using "iTunes SEO" to multiply your traffic How to sell without selling on a podcast ID3 tags, PowerPress, iTunes, LibSyn, WordPress How using Facebook plus a one-time $10 purchase keep your podcasting traffic growing steadily Click Here to Join Po

  • 008: Get into the Entrepreneur Mindset and Become Productive Anytime You Want

    22/12/2012 Duración: 34min

    Topics covered: Inner & outer game Problem with most self-help, personal development, and mindset training (plus what to do instead) The one simple rule to life by when it comes to streamlining your business How to stay productive every single day, enjoy everything you do AND finish everything you start How to achieve (and maintain) instant focus using a simple piece of software If I can get at least 10 comments on this blog post, post the transcript of this week's podcast as well! Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed "How to Get into the Entrepreneur Mindset" FREE Report Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • 007: Run a Webinar to Multiply Your Income and Profits

    08/12/2012 Duración: 32min

    This is going to be the LAST episode of the Robert Plank Show unless I can get 10 people to comment on the post below responding to this week's episode. Topics covered: The exact webinar service to use, and why you need to run it live, not pre-recorded Why you REALLY want to run webinars this very week, if not sooner (and it's not the typical answer you think) The danger of "no pitch" events and the real reason people allow them to hurt their business How to pitch and close on webinars (this is much simpler and easier than what most others teach) The simple 4-step formula to planning out any 1-hour webinar in just a few minutes And much more! Click on the links below to subscribe, listen, check out the transcript, comment, and enjoy... Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed "How to Run a Webinar to Multiply Your Income" FREE Report Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • I Lost My Internet Connection! (What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong)

    29/11/2012 Duración: 07min

    Chances are you've heard of at least one of the following things... Murphy's Law: anything that could possibly go wrong, at the worst possible moment, will probably happen Hope for the best and plan for the worst There are some things you can control, and other things you can't, so you need to be smart enough to know the difference I've run plenty of live webinars where the internet connection died part-way through. Pitches where the website simply wasn't working. Software demonstrations where the software simply didn't work in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. What if you woke up one day and your PayPal or merchant account was shut down, and all the money you had inside was frozen? What if one day your website was down? Or your computer didn't start up and everything on the hard drive was lost? Internet Connection = DOWN! I was in trouble. I was set to run a 1-hour pitch webinar the next day (to an audience of hundreds of attendees) and my internet connection died. It wasn't the first time. Th

  • 006: Setup a Membership Site Today for Recurring Passive Income

    24/11/2012 Duración: 23min

    Topics covered... How to turn the specialized knowledge that you take for granted into a special "system" that others will pay big money for, over and over again, on autopilot How to avoid the common mistake of creating a "tips, tricks, and articles" membership site and instead create a 4-part course that gets people from "point A" to "point B" The REAL breakthrough when it comes to membership sites (big hint: you probably shouldn't charge your customers forever) And more! Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed "How to Setup a Membership Site Today" FREE Report Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • 005: Write an Article in 6 Minutes

    11/11/2012 Duración: 01h01min

    Topics covered in today's episode... How to make a lot of money on automatic pilot by publishing digital e-books and letting your information products bring in traffic and sales for you Re-write your brain to justify your prices, and charge what you're worth! The easiest way to get links (backlinks) to your site How to get into the article writing mindset so you'll actually have fun creating content Why "conventional" article marketing hasn't worked for years (and what to do about it) The exact formula I use to create articles in 6 minutes and some as fast as 90 seconds Subscribe on iTunes - RSS Podcast Feed "How to Write an Article in 6 Minutes" FREE Report Like the Robert Plank Show on Facebook

  • 004: Build an Email List of 1000 Subscribers or More in 7 Days

    27/10/2012 Duración: 01h03min

    "How to Build an Email List of 1000 Subscribers" FREE Report Topics covered... How "real" money is made on the internet How to create an "Aweber" autoresponder Double opt-in vs. Single opt-in RESOURCES OF THE DAY: ProvideSupport Beating "chicken and the egg" syndrome Subscribers, sublists, broadcasts, followups Optin page: headline + 3 bullet points + call to action + form Ethical bribes and how they're the fastest way to build a list Traffic (Facebook, social media, articles, YouTube videos, affiliates) THOUGHT OF THE DAY: are you emailing every single day? Please let me know what you think of today's episode. This week's listener shout-outs go to: Bryan Reid Bliss, A.j. Slivinski, Josef Mack, Oliver Ledinski, Tom Trush, Michael Cannon, Trevor Baret, Patt McGee, Annett Bone, Matthew Lee, Elvie Fandida Mones, Rakesh Singh, Simon Aktas, Jerold Johnson, Grigor Nalbandian, Les Martin, Kyle McGuigan, Christopher Duncan, Rocky Johnson, Masroor Tahreem, William Anzai, Joey Malit, Dustin Joel

  • Armand Morin from Big Seminar, Success Leaves Traces, and AM2 Talks Internet Marketing, Offline Seminars, Software, Online Memberships and Masterminds

    24/10/2012 Duración: 32min

    Robert: Right now we are talking to Armand Morin who I would think is probably the most successful internet marketer that I have ever met, or that I have ever heard of. He used to run the big seminar which was the biggest and longest running seminar in the United States. He makes $20 million dollars a year. He has made over $100,000 million dollars online in sales. He's a great trainer, he does software, he does a MasterMind, he speaks on the stage. He has spoken from a 90 minute presentation and made $995,000 dollars in sales. We are going to talk to him today about how he got started, what he's doing and what he's doing right that you can apply in your own business today. What's up Armand? Armand: Hey Robert, thank you very much for having me. Robert: Glad to have you. On top of what I have already told everyone about you, what would you say that you do, pretty much? Armand: I would say, really my business is divided into two different things. Number one is teaching people how to market their businesses

  • 003: How to Create an Information Product in 48 Hours and Sell 1000 Copies

    13/10/2012 Duración: 01h07min

    If you'd like to explain something once (in a few minutes to an hour) and get paid over and over again, have fun doing it, stop trading your time for dollars and start trading your brain for dollars, then you need to create an information product. You need to use your information business to either function as its own passive autopilot income or to build up your service-based active income. "How to Create an Information Product" FREE Report Topics covered: What's a typical day or week like for me? PRODUCTIVITY TIP OF THE DAY: do it because you WANT to The "WWHW formula" for instant product creation (Why, What, How, What-If) How you'll always win finding a common need plus a hungry crowd The "1 product 1 solution" strategy that never fails How to create a PDF report, how-to videos, a live webinar class, or membership site using simple repeatable systems THOUGHT OF THE DAY: are you leaking content out your ears yet? Click Here to Subscribe to "The Robert Plank Show" on iTunes RSS Podcast Feed Ri

  • 002: Sell Anything Using the Magic of Copywriting

    29/09/2012 Duración: 01h01min

    You're going to want to listen to this podcast right away because it explains everything you need to know about saying (and doing) the right things to make money right away and start making money immediately... it's ok to be a sales person and there's a way easier approach to what you're doing now how to use "speed copy" to crank out any sales letter in minutes how to craft an irresistible offer PRODUCTIVITY TIP OF THE DAY: 4 daily tasks Contact me at to be on the show (or have me on your show) The "newbie crusher" system to get your business online right away The "100 articles in a day" system enjoy creating unlimited content What to sell and what to give away? AIDA (the everything formula) The secret to killer headlines that get people tripping over themselves to buy How to craft an irresistible offer THOUGHT OF THE DAY: who are you talking to? Please listen to it right now, subscribe on iTunes and 5-star rate it and of course let me know what you think. Su

  • 001: Start an Internet Business on Autopilot

    15/09/2012 Duración: 01h40s

    I'm starting my own podcast (which means an online radio show) and the first episode is called "How to Start an Internet Business on Autopilot." Topics covered: why internet marketing? webinars & membership sites how to build a real business you can be proud of how wake up to a pile of money every morning return of podcasting & blogging THOUGHT OF THE DAY: why slow down? programming & systems (100 articles) interview me on your show, be a guest on my show, or just ask a question strategies vs tactics niche, optin page, sequence, sales letter, membership site, blog Click Here to Subscribe to "The Robert Plank Show" on iTunes RSS Podcast Feed

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