Marketer Of The Day With Robert Plank: Get Daily Insights From The Top Internet Marketers & Entrepreneurs Around The World



Marketing, entrepreneurship, membership sites, webinars, and traffic


  • 1129: Pitch Perfect: Turn Technical Topics into Memorable Stories with Renowned Pitch Alchemist Donna Griffit

    27/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Do you struggle to come up with appealing tales and messaging for your startup? Discover the power of storytelling! Frequently, entrepreneurs prioritize technicalities over the emotional connection required to create significant outcomes. But with a simple structure, you could transform your dull risk assessments or sales figures into captivating storytelling that kept investors on the edge of their seats.  Introducing Donna Griffit, a renowned corporate storyteller and pitch alchemist with over 20 years of experience working with Fortune 500 organizations, startups, and investors in 30 countries. Donna specializes in helping entrepreneurs and businesses create effective presentations, pitches, and marketing materials that foster meaningful conversations and accomplish desired objectives. Donna will talk on the value of storytelling in business, including its ability to connect people and explain complicated ideas. She will also discuss taking cautious risks and controlling controllable elements. Stay tune

  • 1128: Tree of Life Legacies: Explore Core Values and Personal Life Stories with Storytelling Expert April Bell

    26/06/2024 Duración: 29min

    Podcasting is magic because it takes personal interest and makes it interesting to other people. Enthusiastic hosts make content that connects with their listeners, which helps them become loyal fans. But to keep the excitement going, they have to really care about their topic and stay true to the purpose and goals of their podcast. April Bell is a storytelling expert and founder of Tree of Life Legacies, a project based in the San Francisco Bay Area that focuses on storytelling and wisdom keeping. She has also developed an iOS app called StoryCatcher, which helps individuals tell and preserve their personal stories. April is passionate about values-based storytelling and helps people explore their core values through their origin stories. Today, April shares insights on the importance of personal storytelling, the elements of a good story, and how to effectively share stories in both personal and professional settings. Listen to learn more! Resources April Bell's W

  • 1127: Metranomic: Account-Based Marketing, Maximizing ROI, and Organizational Growth with Founder James Sandberg

    15/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Are you having trouble getting good leads using traditional digital marketing methods? Many people are frustrated because they feel like they are wasting their marketing budget with little to show for it. By focusing on broad, untargeted campaigns, companies are missing out on building strong relationships with their ideal customers. So instead, by concentrating on the right accounts that are ready to make a purchase, you can change your marketing strategy completely. Find out how to improve your sales and marketing performance. Meet James Sandberg, an award-winning B2B marketing expert and founder of Metranomic. He offers a fresh perspective on digital marketing, challenging traditional methods and providing new solutions. His ideas could transform your marketing strategy. Today, James talked about the difficulties of staying consistent and avoiding new marketing tools. He also suggests improving outbound marketing by segmenting, personalizing, and empathizing with B2B d

  • 1126: Master Controlling Your Emotions, Be Responsible For Your Happiness, And Love Yourself with Transformative Coach Matt Traverso

    14/06/2024 Duración: 40min

    Ever feel like life's throwing punches, and your emotions are just along for the ride? You might be tired, stressed, anxious – the whole package. And on top of that, maybe you feel you're falling short of your potential. But here's the surprising truth: the source of that stress, frustration, and unhappiness often lies not in what's happening around us but in how we think about it. The good news? We have the power to change the narrative. By taking control of our thoughts and perspectives, we can shape our emotional experiences. Take responsibility for your happiness, and be true to yourself. This is where the real transformation begins. Meet Matt Traverso, a transformative coach with over 25 years of experience, who challenges traditional ideas about emotional health. He dismantles the myths of "self-control" and victim mentality, asserting that we can shape our emotional experiences by mastering our thoughts and perspectives. Today, Matt discusses the importance of emoti

  • 1125: Speaking Truth to Power: One Woman’s Battle Against a Broken System with Olive From S.H.O.R.E.: The Ultimate Descent

    13/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    Taking a stance against injustice and corruption in a corporate environment involves courageously speaking out against unethical conduct, even when it means confronting potential risks. Advocating for fairness and equality in the workplace is a vital step toward fostering a culture of integrity and accountability. Despite the challenges, individuals who stand up for ethical principles contribute to creating a more just and equitable work environment for everyone. Olive is the protagonist of Asma Jan Muhammad’s novel, S.H.O.R.E.: The Ultimate Descent. Today, she shares her story of facing discrimination, skepticism and hostility as a woman in a male-dominated industry. Yet through resilience and integrity, she chose to speak up against the corruption and greed eating away at her company. How far must one go to stand up for what's right, even when the odds are stacked against you? With the support of allies across gender lines, could one person truly make a difference in such a system? Stay tuned to find out

  • 1124: Foster a Culture of Innovation, Accountability, and Excellence in Organization with CEO of Innovation Junkie Dr. Jeff Standridge

    12/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Leadership, strategic growth, and innovation - these are the keys to success for any organization. Effective leadership isn't just about telling people what to do, it's about guiding your team towards their goals and creating an environment where innovation and growth are encouraged. As for growth, we're not just talking about getting bigger, but strategic growth that's planned and sustainable with the innovation of products that can boost efficiency, effectiveness, and overall value. Dr. Jeff Standridge is a recognized business leader, educator, author, and Founder of Innovation Junkie, a consultancy focused on strategic growth and innovation. With experience in corporate, academic, and entrepreneurial settings, he has authored best-selling books like "The Innovator's Field Guide" and "Creating Startup Junkies." Dr. Standridge emphasizes strong leadership, accountability, and a balanced focus on people and processes to drive sustainable growth. Today, Jeff talks about the

  • 1123: Ultimate Sales Guide: Overcome Anxiety, Increase Closing Rates, and Leverage Referrals with Sales Expert Eric Lofholm

    07/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    What is the ultimate sales guide? Sales is all about connecting with people and solving their problems. It’s a journey of understanding customer needs and offering solutions that create value. It’s not just about transactions, but building relationships and trust. In essence, sales is the bridge that connects a product’s potential with the customer’s needs. Eric Lofholm, a master sales trainer and expert, has been teaching sales since 1999 and has shared his sales systems with thousands of professionals in the U.S. and worldwide for over 20 years. He is the author of 15 books on sales and success, reflecting his passion for simplifying the sales process to help people increase their sales. Today, Eric shares insights on demystifying the sales process, using content to attract prospects, the importance of self-control, and prospecting strategies using social media. He also shares how he got into sales training, how someone can become more confident, and how to overcome call reluctance. Stay tuned to learn m

  • 1122: Manifest Success and Reach Full Potential through Quality Work, Consistent Marketing, and Mindset Shifts with Certified Manifestation Coach Jason Taylor

    06/06/2024 Duración: 31min

    It's frustrating to feel stuck and see little progress despite trying new strategies for business growth. This could be a sign that it's time to reassess your approach and perhaps seek outside expertise. Sometimes, focusing on refining a few proven strategies and staying consistent can be more effective than constantly shifting gears. Jason Taylor is a certified manifestation coach and expert in rearranging your mindset to attract abundance. Through his coaching, Jason helps entrepreneurs break through plateaus by shifting their internal frequency to receive higher-level ideas. With over 10 years of personal development experience and thousands of clients coached, he has a proven track record of helping people exponentially grow their businesses. Today, Jason talks about manifestation, overcoming mental barriers to attracting abundance, and how manifestation coaching can help people achieve bold financial goals through mindset shifts and consistent action steps. Stay tuned

  • 1121: Boost Your Dental Practice: Strategies to Convert Leads into Loyal Patients with New Patients Flow Founder Benjamin Suggs

    05/06/2024 Duración: 31min

    Are you struggling to attract new patients to your dental practice? Despite your marketing efforts, do you find your patient base stagnant? These are common challenges that many dental practices face. The key to overcoming these obstacles lies in a comprehensive plan that prioritizes patient satisfaction. By implementing robust call tracking, training an excellent front desk staff, and establishing a consistent follow-up system, you can turn missed opportunities into loyal, satisfied patients who advocate for your services. Meet Benjamin Suggs, founder of Flow New Patient Marketing, a marketing company based in Atlanta that provides strategic marketing plans for dental and medical practices. Through effective and affordable marketing, he has helped hundreds of doctors acquire new patients and grow their practices. In this episode, Benjamin discussed the importance of staying informed and up-to-date in the dental industry, emphasizing the need for continuous

  • 1120: Online Business Strategies for Professional Services and Course Creators with Business Coach and Marketing Strategist Suzanne Reilley

    04/06/2024 Duración: 24min

    Ever thought about how knowing your audience's feelings could change your marketing? It's like seeing the world from your customers' viewpoint and making messages that really connect with them. This not only builds trust and loyalty but also leads to stronger engagement over time. By showing that you value and understand their feelings, your customers are more likely to become advocates for your brand, further boosting your reputation and reach. Suzanne Reilley is a business coach, marketing strategist, and copy advisor who helps professional service businesses and online course creators. Through voice-of-customer research, she helps businesses understand their ideal customers and use that language to address specific needs and goals in marketing materials. Today, she discusses marketing strategies, the importance of customer empathy, and overcoming challenges in business growth. Stay tuned! Resources Suzanne Reilley's Website Suzanne Reilley's on LinkedIn

  • 1119: Achieve Success Through Leadership, Mental Toughness, Overcoming Personal Adversity, and Helping Others Reach Their Full Potential with Former Army Ranger and High-Performance Coach Jeramiah Solven

    03/06/2024 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever thought about what it takes to really do well in life? Not just in your job, but also in becoming the best person you can be? Leadership is the ability to influence and guide others, whether in a business, military, or any other setting. True leaders are not just born; they are made through experiences, challenges, and a constant desire to improve. Success, mental toughness, and leadership are all interconnected ideas that are very important for reaching personal and professional goals. Meet Jeramiah Solven, a former Army Ranger and high-performance coach at Conquer Academy. He was an officer who led dangerous combat missions in Afghanistan. He has coached hundreds of people to success through his mentorship and leadership training. In this episode, Jeramiah Solven shared his personal story of overcoming obstacles, dealing with PTSD, and achieving success through personal excellence. Tune in to learn more! Resources Conquer Academy Website Conquer A

  • 1118: Stop Avoiding and Start Completing: Proven Strategies for Beating Procrastination with Pat Sanaghan

    30/05/2024 Duración: 27min

    Are you struggling to stay motivated? Procrastination often sneaks up on us, turning simple tasks into daunting challenges the longer we delay them. It's frustrating to watch time slip away, knowing we could have been productive. The cycle of putting things off can create a lot of stress and anxiety. Reflecting on why we procrastinate can be a crucial step in breaking this habit and reclaiming our time Dr. Patrick Sanaghan is an author and the president of The Sanaghan Group, an organizational consulting firm that focuses on leadership development, executive coaching, strategic planning, and leadership transitions. With 30 years of experience, he has worked with over 250 campuses and numerous organizations in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. Today, he discusses procrastination and offers a toolbox of strategies to help manage emotions and stay on track. Stay tuned! Resources The Sanaghan Group Website Pat Sanaghan on Facebook Pat Sanaghan on LinkedIn How To Be A Better Procrastinat

  • 1117: The Power of Forgiveness: Free Yourself From Anger and Grief with Author and Peace Activist Azim Khamisa

    29/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    In a society plagued by youth violence and trauma, how can we stop the cycle of harm and help young people make better choices? Through empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, we can address youth violence.  We can’t fight violence for violence, as it will not solve things. However, doing good can help us overcome resentment, forgive others and ourselves, and ultimately find fulfillment and peace even amid life's greatest challenges. Meet Azim Khamisa, author and peace activist in San Diego, California. In 1995, his 20-year-old son Tariq was murdered by a 14-year-old gang member. This tragic event prompted Khamisa to establish the Tariq Khamisa Foundation to promote nonviolence and prevent youth violence. In this episode, Azim Khamisa shared his personal story of loss and grief, emphasizing the transformative power of forgiveness in healing and empowerment. Tune in to learn more! Resources Tariq Khamisa Foundation Website Azim Khamisa on Facebook Azim Khamisa on LinkedIn Azim Khamisa's Books

  • 1116: Accelerate Business Growth and Drive Leads: Unique Value Propositions, Consistent Follow-Up, and Optimized Website Workflow with Peak Performance Coach Michael Pedersen

    22/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    In today's competitive market, businesses succeed by tailoring unique value propositions to customer needs, driving effective marketing strategies prioritizing value delivery. Follow-up strategies sustain momentum, propelling growth with productivity enhancements, community support, website optimization, and impactful video marketing. Success relies on proactive action, embracing accountability, and taking personal responsibility for business success.  Michael Pedersen is a seasoned business growth strategist with over 40 years of entrepreneurial experience. As a business coach, he helps owners differentiate their companies and boost revenues through unique value propositions that meet customer needs. Today, Mike dives into topics like refreshing your forgotten website, crafting compelling video marketing, and leveraging accountability communities. Most importantly, he emphasizes consistent follow-through on small actions each day. Stay tuned! Resources Michael Pedersen Website Michael Pedersen o

  • 1115: Affordable and Transformative Education for Young Heroes through Mentorship with Lifelong Educator and Co-Founder of Apogee Strong Matt Beaudreau

    21/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Do you ever feel like traditional education systems aren't serving your true potential? Many people are realizing that the old ways of learning may not be the best fit for everyone. In a world where we're taught to conform and memorize rather than to think and innovate, it can be hard to find your path. This is where alternative education systems come into play. There's a global community built around these shared values, providing a roadmap and network for those seeking self-improvement. Matt Beaudreau is the Co-Founder of Apogee Strong. He advocates for alternative education models that empower young individuals to define and pursue their unique paths to success. Matt focuses on mentorship, personal sovereignty, and community building. With his help, many young people have been inspired to challenge conventional schooling norms and embrace self-directed learning. Today, Matt discusses the importance of critical thinking, the failures of traditional education systems, innovative teaching methods, building

  • 1114: Help From Heaven: The Extraordinary Story of Cancer, Dolphins, and Divine Forgiveness with Cancer Survivor Carlos Vivas

    20/05/2024 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever wondered about the life-changing lessons we can scoop up from surviving edge-of-your-seat, heart-pounding situations like being swept away by a mighty sea current, gasping for breath, or wrestling with a severe illness? Near-death experiences (NDEs), typically occurring when we're grappling with intense illness or distress, have always intrigued us all, haven't they? These deeply moving experiences often flip our perspective on life on its head, leading to a heightened sense of purpose, a renewed love for life, and a more profound connection with spirituality. Carlos Vivas, a cancer survivor and humanitarian, is a beacon of resilience. With his experience surviving leukemia, a near-drowning incident, and his dedication to aiding the homeless, he talks about the value of forgiveness and gratitude. Today, Carlos discusses the importance of forgiving one's past, acknowledging your inner child, thanking those who've impacted your life, and much more so stay tuned! Resources Carlos Vivas We

  • 1113: Bridging Cultural Divides to Expand Your Business Globally with Founder of We As One Eugene Kwaku

    19/05/2024 Duración: 53min

    Expanding your business globally can be challenging due to communication barriers that hinder effective collaboration and understanding. Overcoming language differences and cultural nuances requires patience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace diverse perspectives. By investing in language training, cultural competency, and leveraging technology for seamless communication, businesses can bridge these barriers and thrive in international markets.  Eugene Kwaku is an intercultural marketing expert helping companies overcome global communication barriers. Born in Ghana and raised in Japan, Eugene understands bridging cultural divides better than most. As a founder of We As One, a non-profit aiding Japanese outreach, Eugene has successfully launched international initiatives for clients. His unique background and problem-solving mindset equip him to globalize clients' untapped innovations. Today, Alec discusses the importance of simplifying complex plans and leveraging partnerships, not just content cr

  • 1112: Level 9 Virtual: Outsourcing Virtual Assistants, Proper Task Delegation, and Achieving Business Freedom with Founder Joe Rare

    18/05/2024 Duración: 37min

    Are you tired of being stuck in the daily grind, working long hours to keep your business afloat? Many entrepreneurs start the journey without knowing what hard work they need to put in. But did you know that in business, you can have the freedom to spend time with your loved ones? Through outsourcing, proper delegation, and leveraging technology, you can create a roadmap to scale your business in a way that creates time rather than steals it. Break free from the daily grind and achieve a balanced lifestyle now! Joe Rare is an entrepreneur, outsourcing expert, and founder of Level 9 Virtual, providing outsourcing and virtual assistant services to companies looking to scale leveraged. In this episode, you will learn how to build systems and processes that create leverage, assemble a virtual team, identify task importance, and more! Resources Level 9 Virtual Website Joe Rare on Facebook Joe Rare on LinkedIn Outsource Nation Podcast

  • 1111: Let’s Meet Blockchain: Explore Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency, and Reclaiming Your Privacy with Blockchain Expert Sylvain Metz

    17/05/2024 Duración: 37min

     Have you heard terms such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and decentralization? Do you want to understand more about these emerging new technologies? Most people are intimidated to learn this technology because of its complexity. If you are one of those people, rejoice, as there’s a way to finally understand these powerful ideas in a way that's engaging, accessible, and shows real-world applications. Meet Sylvain Metz, an award-winning former newspaper journalist and author. He aims to demonstrate and explain blockchain and related concepts like cryptocurrency and NFTs in an accessible way. In this episode, he will discuss the evolution of money and the potential of blockchain technology to decentralize power and create new opportunities for privacy and security. Tune in to know more! Resources Let's Meet Blockchain: Technology Changing for Working, Creating, and Playing by Sylvain Metz on Amazon Sylvain Metz on LinkedIn

  • 1110: How to Legally Safeguard Your Startup: Key Legal and Strategic Insights with Business Law Attorney Mitch Beinhaker

    16/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    Starting a business is tough. It's not just about knowing how to run a business but also understanding laws, planning ahead, and knowing the market. Small business owners often have to do many jobs at once - from running the day-to-day to handling the finances - all while trying to build a business that lasts. Often, they don't pay enough attention to getting ready for legal issues and planning for the future of the business, even though these are really important for keeping the business stable and helping it grow over time. Mitch Beinhaker is a proven leader with over 30 years of experience specializing in developing people-oriented, results-driven leadership and engaged teams. He has also worked for over four decades with one of the largest corporations in the world, the U.S. military, and the federal government. Today, Mitch talks about business planning, documentation, and building a sustainable business. Stay tuned for more! Resources Mitch Bein

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