Like A Mother



Candid convo on what smart moms care about : Money, business, career, parenting, feminism, dating and sex. Emma Johnson features celebrities like Arianna Huffington, Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger to Gigolo's Vin Armani, sharing amazing stories from national experts, girl bosses and regular people, too. A U.S. News "Top 15 Personal Finance Podcasts," this twice-weekly podcast makes inspiration hilarious. Catch Emmas blog at


  • PODCAST: Don't turn your OKCupid deactivation into a game of chicken

    02/09/2014 Duración: 55min

    I just started dating someone I really like -- and made kind of a big deal out of who turned off their online dating profile (where we met) off first. Because it is a big deal! More on this new dating custom and how to navigate it.  Caller Molly worries she's a stage mom (becasue she kind of is). I help her navigate this tricky situation in which her brilliant and beautiful tween daughters could likely hit super-stardom, but are not inclined to go that route. How much should this Type A, overachieving woman (and mom) push her talented girls? 

  • Say no to the golden uterus. Stop elevating your mom status to that of saint

    02/09/2014 Duración: 53min

    In this episode I share a recent experience that humbled me as a mom: My kids went to Europe with their dad for 2.5 weeks - our longest time apart by far. They didn't ask to call me once. Ouch. Yet brough to light how there is so much pressure for moms to to be a giant, constant and all-encompassing force in our kids' lives. That just isn't realistic -- or healthy. Kids need less of us, and more freedom and time with other loving adults.   Caller Shelley has four kids - just one, age 14 is still at home. The oldest just had twin daughters -- in another state. Shelley is compelled to spend tons of time with her new grandkids but worries about her obligation to her teen son. I help her understand how her own feelings of abandonment by her parents when SHE became a new mom have been stirred up, as well as tools she can use to set priorities and make sure her grown and almost-grown kids are all in her orbit. 

  • Stop separating your dating and family life because you are afraid of being vulnerable with a man

    18/07/2014 Duración: 55min

      In this episode I elaborate on my mantra that you should not be ashamed to be a mom and date at the same time -- and there is nothing wrong with your kids meeting a date or love interest, even if it's a first date or early in a relationship. I share a recent experience in which for three consecutive weekends my kids and I happened to hang out with straight men. Two of them are platonic friends, the third a lover. When the latter -- who I had only recently met -- suggested we hang out with the kids I had a mini panic attack. Wow, he seemed serious! But my real fear was that he would be awesome with my kids - and I would have feelings for him and be at risk of getting hurt. The caller, Kelley, called my story a cliffhanger! Listen in to hear how it played out -- and hear how I help Kelley navigate a gambling addict (aka "day trader") husband who is bankrupting the family.    More at

  • Do you run when a guy is too needy? Are YOU too needy in relationships? Here's what to do.

    15/07/2014 Duración: 55min

      Nothing makes me run for the hills when a guy acts too needy, too early on in a relationship. Hounding me all day with texts? Next! Asking on a first date if I am in a "place in my life for a serious relationship" (true story)? Buh-bye.  This episode's guest is my bud Marc, a single dad who -- like me -- dates a lot. I am often STUNNED by his stories of women who plan vacations with her family after a first date, and get upset to learn that he is still on OKCupid after they share a phone call.  That said, I certainly feel vulnerable in relationships all the time. Listen in as Marc shares how he bought Pearl Jam tickets IN LONDON after a few weeks of courtship, and I suffered an exessential crisis because one beau took half a day to confirm a date.  I also offer some tips on how to manager your own dating insecurity -- because we all have it! 

  • NPR On The Money interview

    08/07/2014 Duración: 10min

    Steve Pomeranz interviews me re: sudden wealth and divorce, plus differentiating yourself in the marketplace! 

  • Embarrassed about your mom body? Don't let it keep you from dating!

    03/07/2014 Duración: 55min

    I hear it all the time: "I'd love to date, but feel so gross." "I need to lose 20 lbs before I even think about dating."  "My C-section scar/stretch marks/tear will gross out any guy!" I have plenty of hangups about my post-baby body, too -- but after lots of field research have found that a) guys don't care. Seriously, they don't. b) Beauty is really idendependent of our bodies. c) Guys have their own stuff they're insecure about! 

  • New technology make you afraid to date? Don't let online dating and social media keep you from love

    18/06/2014 Duración: 55min

    I hear from single moms all the time that they are afraid to get back into the dating scene because the world has changed so much since the last time around. Indeed, online dating, texting, sexting, social media and more do influence the world in which we live -- but it's not all bad! I share some my own digital mistakes during my first fores onto dating after divorce, and provide some tips on how to make the online world work FOR you in finding fun, dates and love.    

  • Single mom? Don't make your kids your boyfriend

    03/06/2014 Duración: 55min

      If you don't have a romantic partner but are a parent, it can be tempting to hug your kids too much, share too many details about your life -- essentially turning your kid into an adult partner. This is understandable -- I've stepped on that slippery slope -- but very dangerous for your family and yourself. It also underscores the importance of recognizing your need to date. Single moms need to date -- and you kids need you to date. 

  • Newly single? Do not stop having sex

    14/05/2014 Duración: 55min

    If you don't use it, you lose it. I'm talking your sex life. Sex is an integral part of being a woman, yet so many single moms don't have a regular routine (and yes, this can include with yourself!).  In this show I talk about why it is so critical to maintain your sexuality, especially for single moms. I help listeners get over their Madonna-whore complex (you can be wonderful mother AND a sexy, adult woman!). I give tips for how to make that happen (including having sex for sex's sake -- not every partner has to be marriage potential). And I give sexy advice to my callers: Robin Is ready to get her groove on with her wonderful new boyfriend, but as a sole-custody parent with no local family support, she has childcare challenges. I help her get over this hurdle by digging into her real fears about intimacy.  Chantel Has questions about sharing your own trials and failures as teaching lessons for your children. I offer tips on using what is the most powerful teaching tool to help our kids make good decisions

  • Do you over-explain? Why you must stop and how

    15/04/2014 Duración: 55min

    Do you over-explain? If so, it's bad: it undermines your objective, whether it is negotiating in business, love or friendships. Over-explaining is a sign of insecurity and self-sabbotage and you gotta knock it off! I share examples of how I've fallen victim to my own urge to explain away my success, and give tips on how to curb your habit, once and for all. Caller Niki asks the age-old question: When is the right time to introduce your boyfriend to the kids (and meet his kids). I help her think through her hesitation (hint: it ends well). 

  • Episode 13: Risk! Gotta take it if you want to get anywhere -- that includes work, love and kids

    01/04/2014 Duración: 53min

      I won't bore you with a financial lesson, but what Wall Street billionaires know can help you create the life of your dreams: You cannot grow if you do not take risk. In fact, not taking ANY risk is the greatest risk of all! In this show I talk about how I am transitioning out of a successful freelance writing business into an information product model. It is scary as  hell. But you know what is even more scary? Sticking to what I know. Why? A) The market for freelance writing is in the toilet. Not branching out is pretty much guranteed recipe for poverty. B) If I don't take a risk and develop my ideas, I will regret that forever. That is the scariest of all: A life of regret.  So take that risk. Take a measured risk. A small one. See how it feels. Maybe it didn't work out as you'd hoped. Maybe it worked out better! Either case, do it again. And again. Make measured risk a part of your everyday life.  In this episode I help: Crystal She's overwhelemd wondering whether she should take her 12 year-old son out

  • Episode 12: I avoid making photo albums because I don't want to deal with the state of my family

    20/03/2014 Duración: 55min

    In this episode I explore procrastination -- the thing you avoid most is usually the same thing you need to address most. For me this includes all kinds of things, including the mess of digital photos of my family I have never organized. Why? I worry if I see my kids' lives laid out in a picture album I will see clearly the summary of our lives -- and that what I see will not be enough.  I had a poignant conversation with caller Dawn. She is a successful business owner and mom of young kids going through a divorce. She first asked how to manage her time, but we quickly realized she needed support in dealing with her feelings. "Everyone sees that I have it all together, so they never ask me how I am," she said. I so identify with her! But we all are human, vulnerable. She needs to unravel and deal with the grief and stress around her relationship ending. She agreed, tearfully, that she will call her dad, who she describes as "a great guy" but with whom she is not particularly close. This could be the beginning

  • Episode 11: Acceptance, rejection and why you can't connect with a drunk man

    07/03/2014 Duración: 55min

    You're taught that good people accept everyone. That doesn't work! Otherwise we'd all be a bunch of Burning Man-going, Kumbaya singing bisexuals. I share my experience dating a wonderful man whose drinking seemed excessive. In the past I would have tried to save him, change him and -- ultimately -- not accept him for how he was (buzzed). By truly accepting him for who he is I was able to also accept who I am, what I need and the boundries I need to draw. We broke up, and I was able to be at peace with that. In this episode I also help these callers: Maureen is stressed out leaving her young daughter with a nanny. I help her accept that she is really just feeling guilty for being a working mom. Time to let that go, Maureen!  Phyllis doesn't smoke or drink, but got that special feeling when meeting a man who drinks -- and in fact was drunk on thier single encounter! Phyills! That's not going to work! But it is useful to accept that those feelings are a fanatastic tool for resurrecting feelings that may have bee

  • Episode 10: The sexual mom is the better mom

    25/02/2014 Duración: 55min

    The minute women become mothers they often shut down sexually. It's no wonder - women are expected to be EITHER the Madonna or the whore. There are few (if any?) examples of sexually fulfilled mothers. I happened to find myself single at the same time I became a mother, so I was free to explore my sexuality in a surprising time of my life -- and have had an amazing experiences and learned so much about myself. I beleive all the physical, emotional and social changes that come with motherhood make us primed for sexual awakenings. I urge you to embrace your feminity and sexual life to be the best, whole woman and mother.  On Episode 10 I help these women get their GROOVES on:  Kadama wants to know how to rekindle her sex life with her husband now that they have kids (um, you don't have to leave the house and hire a sitter to get laid! You're married to the kids' dad!!). Carrie is a newly single mom who embraces her sexuality (yay Carrie!) but is feeling a little squemish about her new, awesome boyfriend staying

  • Episode 9: Want to change your life? Be open to others' Judgements!

    17/01/2014 Duración: 54min

    The law of the land is that it is wrong to judge. BUT EVERYONE JUDGES EVERYONE ALL THE TIME. Not only must you accept that judging is natural and healthy - doing so helps people know how to behave, or challenge social norms. But there is no better way to grow, heal and get what you want in the world than openly embracing others' judgments.   I share my own experience listening to a man I dated share his observations of me on a date. It stung, but showed me I wasn’t really ready for a relationship. A mom friend assessed my parenting and her judgments hurt – but showed me things I needed to see. I help Robyn face the realities of her weight problem. Danielle learned she should listen to her married friends’ criticisms about her dating (and go out with the choker again). Jennifer showed ME a thing or two about delivering judgments to others.  

  • Episode 8: Say no to resolutions! Get what you want in 2014 by letting go of old habits and beliefs!

    03/01/2014 Duración: 53min

    Just like you, I want 2014 to be awesome. I want my kids to thrive, I want more money and a big, meaningful, romantic love! But to get new things from the world, I have to let go of old ideas. In this episode, I share my quest to change my love and professional lives. I also help Helen become a Broadway star, Angela come to terms with her son's autism, and Megan get over her working-mom guilt and pursue dreams of being an interior designer!

  • Episode 7: Women need to stop lying about their age and weight for themselves and FEMINISM

    09/12/2013 Duración: 54min

    I have been shocked recently to learn that women in their 30s are still lying about their age! But being misleading for the sake of career or romantic advantage is alive and well -- and I understand the pressure (kinda), as I explain in my tale of meeting a hot guy online, then getting psyched out when I found pics of his gorgeous -- and skinny -- ex-wife. I debate with my illustrious guests who lie about their ages! Susan Silver -- aged "between 50 and death" -- is a former staff writer for "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "The Bob Newhart Show," and "Maude." She currently hosts "Susan Says" on, an NPR affiliate. Marilyn Russell has reduced her age by a decade for the past 10 years for the sake of professional advancement and snagging younger men. She is the morning show host for 95.7 Ben FM in Philadelphia.

  • Episode 6: Stop making excuses and launch that dream project -- your family will thank you

    25/11/2013 Duración: 56min

    Women everywhere tell me about their awesome idea for a new business or ways they can excel their careers. But they do nothing. In this show you'll learn why you're stuck and tips on how to invigorate your idea -- NOW. Otherwise you will be resentful, your family life will suffer and the world will miss out on your greatness. Guests: Deborah Jackson, founder of, a marketplace and crowdfunding platform for female entrepreneurs. Miki Agrawal, serial mellenial entrepreneur, founder of WILD restaurant in Manhattan, Thinx - a stain-resistant and beautiful panty, and author of Do Cool Shit (HarperCollins).

  • Episode 5: Why you need a man who can handle you earning more, but also pays on the first date

    12/11/2013 Duración: 55min

    When I was married I always worked, but my husband always earned more. My career skyrocketed when I was divorced. Like so many women, I realize now I unconsciously held myself back professionally for the sake of my marriage. We figure out why even feminists like me do this – and why we should still expect guys to pay on the first date. Guest: Traci Bild, entrepreneur, founder of Bild & Company and creator of Get your Girl Back.

  • Episode 3: When should your teen start dating? Whenever THEY're ready!

    08/11/2013 Duración: 55min

    When you forbid your kids from dating you send them a negative message about relationships that affects rest of lives. Instead, build a trusting relationship with your kids, encourage them to trust their instincts and help them create positive first-relationship experiences.

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