Beyond The Wall



Hispanic take on politics, history and culture


  • Beyond the Wall Episode 17 Latin America's Low Level Chaos

    30/03/2017 Duración: 01h56min

    Welcome Goyim to another installment of the broken english hour, where we try(and fail hilariously) to communicate with other gringos and you get a laugh at our expense. Enjoy!All joking aside, we had the pleasure of having a friendly chat with Raiden were he shared his experiences of living in Latin America and having to adapt to the low level chaos that is Chilean society(and for that matter, all of LA), were he also meet our dear friend Waylon, Stay tune, we have surprises in the end!!!In the taco stand we have: Caver, Tercio, Tremo and Paul. Special Guest: Raiden.Bon Appétit Goys!!!

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 16: Whats The Deal With Spain?

    23/03/2017 Duración: 02h11min

    Hello Goyim and welcome to the broken english hour, were we´ll delight your senses with the most well spoken english in the history of the human kind... ever.On a more serious note, in this new installment of Beyond the Wall we had the pleasure of talking with two goyim from, Da Grappla y Simonow from Spain and we touch on various subject ranging from the economic and social collapse of Spain from being the colonial super power of his time in Europe, to the Francoist Spain and Spain in the current year with his modern malaise. The Reconquista Christian movement and much, much more.Buen Provecho Goys!In the taco stand we have: Alex Tremo, Cavernario, Tercio and Paul. Special Guest: Da Grappla and Simonow from can also find the Spaniard goys in twitter, @GuerrillaJuniorYou can also find them at

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 15: Alex McNabb in third world bamberlands

    16/03/2017 Duración: 02h31min

    Hello goyim and welcome to another installment of Beyond the Wall were we summon the one that cannot be doxxed, Alex McNabb. We talked about "medicine" and Beto puts to task McNabbs preconceived notions about medicine in third world, and in turns to be much, much worse than he thought.In the taco stand we have: Beto, Cavernario and Tercio. Special Guest: Alex McNabb.Bon Appetit goys!

  • Beyond The Wall Episode 14 With Waylon And The Sweet Spot Of Whiteness

    09/03/2017 Duración: 02h12min

    Hello goys and welcome to this new installment of Beyond the Wall were we had the pleasure of talking to Waylon. He currently resides in Chile, and he tells us about his experiences being a foreigner and how thats working for him on the southern part of the continent... all is good and fine until we shitpost like we have never shitposted before.In the taco stand we have for this episode: Cavernario, Tercio and Paul, Special Guest, Waylon.P.D. Sorry for the low quality audio, but Waylon´s internet connection wasn´t the best.

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 13: A very Spoal episode

    27/02/2017 Duración: 02h28min

    Hi and welcome to this new, two-part installment of Beyond the Wall. In the first half we had the pleasure of having the most distinguish, the one and only, Jonathan Nugent. We had a hearth to hearth where he told us about all his regrets, the biggest one being the abomination that was Spoal, a creation of his. We also talked about mexican politics and other shit thats not really important.On the second half Tercio joins the rest of the taco goys, minus Paul because he had to leave early because apparently he´s gay. Because Paul is writing this and he wasn´t present for the conversation, I don´t know what the fuck they talked about so you´re going to have to find out yourselves.In the taco stand for the first half of the show we have: Alex Tremo, Cavernario and Paul, Special guest: Jonathan NugentFor the second half of the show we have: Alex Tremo, Cavernario and Tercio.Bon Appetit Goys!

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 12 with Celia Nieves

    20/02/2017 Duración: 01h57min

    Welcome to another installment of Beyond the Wall. In this episode we had the pleasure of talking with Celia Nieves, a Cuban refugee that came to the US in the late 70´s at a very young age and she tells us about her and hers family experience coming to the US, their view of mexicans and other more recent latinamerican immigrants to the US on how that shape her view of the world, race politics and her european identity. She also told us about why they had to come to the US in the first place and it basically comes down to that they became political enemies of the Castro regime because they refuse to get with the program and the devastating results that communism has done to the island and its demographics(Cuba is now 80% black) and how communism seems to be inherent to the spirit of the lower races of man kind like mestizos, indios and blacks and the deleterious effects it has on whites wherever it´s implemented.In the taco stand we have with us today: Alex Tremo, Cavernario, Tercio, Paul and special guest Ce

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 11 with Curt Doolittle

    15/02/2017 Duración: 01h37min

    Hello goys and welcome to another installment of Beyond the Wall. Today with us we have the pleasure of enjoying the company of Curt Doolittle from the Propertarian Institute and with it the great opportunity of picking his brain on several subjects ranging from his philosophical work to strategies to bring to whole goddamn system down, all the way to ADHD being so over diagnose in order to make it easier on women to control young men and with, manage society. As you might gather from all of this, very interesting stuff as one can always expect when you speak to a mind of that caliber.For this episode we have in taco stand: Beto, Cavernario, Tercio, Intern: Alex Tremo and special guest: Curt DootlittleHope you enjoy this episode as much as we did making it.Bon Appetit Goys!.Be sure to visit Curt´s page at: can also find him in YT at:

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 9 with Matthew Heimbach/Free Range Meth

    30/01/2017 Duración: 02h55min

    Interview with Matthew Heimbach from Traditionalist Workers Party and Traditionalist Youth Network.01:56 - What’s up with Chávez?02:50 - Political nationalism sympathises withall strategic enemies of Globalism.04:09 - At least he did some stuff that pissedthe kikes off.04:55 - But he was no real nationalist, justanother nose thumper. And handed Venezuela to the kikes. Whites were estrangedfrom the Venezuelan identity after Chávez, since there was not much left toidentify with.08:33 - Achtung! Maduro is a kike!10:13 - In the grand scheme of things, Chávezcaused more harm than good to the nationalist cause.11:08 — Nationalists should engage in civicdialogue.11:10 - We fight against the most evilenemy in history, so we must be ready to associate with unlikely partners.11:50 - Anti-Imperial American ’nationalist’Marxists are controlled opposition on steroids. No recognition of the value ofwork, but rather victim mentality and tactical scapegoating.— 00:13:00 — Marxist-influenced victimmindsets— 00:15:00 — Nation

  • Beyond the Wailing Wall Episode 8 with Arthur Wellsley from the Godcast/(((Cavernario))) Doxes himself

    23/01/2017 Duración: 02h25min

    In this episode of Beyond the Wall we have the pleasure of having with us Arthur Wellsley from the Godcast, a christian podcast of multiple denominations aimed at right wing shitlords. We Christpost(and shitpost of course!) for a while regarding Arthur´s podcast, why christianity and specifically catholicism is so cucked and also we had the unfortunate event where Cavernario came out of the closet as one of the chosenites. We´re not JDL or ADL we promise, no bully plox!In the taco stand we have: Cavernario and Paul, Special Guest: Arthur aka "Arturo" Wellsley.Bond Appetit Goys![Link to the Arthur´s podcast, The Godcast]( song: [La Union - Hombre Lobo en Paris]( song: [King Plague - Ave Plague (BLVCK CEILING RMX)]( to the blog La Derecha Alternativa: to the FB page:

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 7: Interview with Zev, the Gringo Pancho Villa

    16/01/2017 Duración: 02h19min

    In this episode we Interview Zev(you might know him from the paranormies episode where they talked about wendigos and skinwalkers an american with spaniard heritage living in the southwest and he talks about the hispanic influence and heritage of the whole region and how this has affected the region and the culture, his redpilling history and how he deals being alt-right and having clashes with the amerikaners up north because he doesn´t fit neatly into the ideological prescriptions of his yankee overlords.Bon Appetit Goys.In the Taco Stand we have: Alex Tremo(Intern), Cavernario, Tercio and PaulSpecial Guest: Zev

  • Beyond the Wall Episode 5: Cavernario and Musonius Rufus

    02/01/2017 Duración: 03h05min

    Hello Goys, we are here back again with an interview with Mussonius Rufus, this was uploaded to Archive back in November, but due to probably absolute ridiculous Time Preference and Agency issues this wasn't uploaded on time. Our deep apologies to Mussonius, and to you our audience.Join us on this interview were Musonius and I, Cavernario, speak about the South, differences in Catholicism and Protentatism, the Masons and how they are a group that is conservative, somehow, and how institutions that are not local or work against tradition, even if they work for it elsewhere should be destroyed.Buen día mis amigos gentiles. Estamos devuelta en beyond the wall y esta vez tenemos el orgullo de presentarle4s una larga entrevista hecha a Mussonius Rufus de Rebel Yell. En la entrevista hablamos de diferencias entre Catolicismo y Protestantismo, instituciones que promueven conservar nuestras tradiciones, los masones, entre otros muchos temas. Espero sea de su agrado.Musonius Rufus is a Southern Nationalist. He is Chri

  • Beyond The Wall Episode 6: Interview To Lawrence Murray

    02/01/2017 Duración: 02h07min

    In this episode of Beyond the Wall we Interview our dear friend Lawrence Murray, the Atlantic Centurion, in which we talked, or rather shat on every nation, race and people on earth, except the Turks, when we originally set about talking of the eternal anglo as the main subject but it quickly became a multifaceted and very interesting examination of some of the most important nations and why they currently are in such a sorry state of general shittynest.For this episode we have in the taco stand: Cavernario, Tercio, Paul von Lettow, Fernando Cortez and special guest: Lawrence Murray(which for now on will be known as Lorenzo Murguía as an honorary Taco)Larry´s Blog:[The Atlantic Centurion]( Appetit Goys!* 00:00 Greetings* 01:00 the origins of Larry´s name* 02:00 Democracy the God that failed* 03:00 the negrification of the Hispaniola* 05:00 The Anglo Question/The Eternal Anglo* 07:30 The british elite, brexit and the eternal anglo* 08:00 Fernando Cortes enters the po

  • Beyond the Wall Interview with Greg Johnson

    06/11/2016 Duración: 02h09min

    Good Day. We've had technical issues but we are back with more High Energy than before. And what a comeback to this reactonary world, we have the honor to give you our interview with Greg Johnson. Join us for this podcast we hope you enjoy it and we have other great interviews on the way. Next week join us for an interview with Musonius Rufus.Greg Johnson, Ph.D., is the Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd. and North American New Right.You can find more about Greg Johnson at Día. Tuvimos muchas dificultades técnicas pero estamos de vuelta con mas energía que nunca, para empezar nuestro regreso a este mundo del autismo y el reaccionarismo, tenemos el gusto de presentarles la entrevista realizada a Greg Johnson por un servidor, Tercio y Beto. Esperemos les agrade y tenemos muchas mas entrevistas en camino, la semana que entra pueden esperar la entrevista hecha a Mussonius Rufus.El Doctor Greg Johnson, es el Editor en jefe de la Editora Counter-Currents, Ltd. Y

  • Beyond The Wall Episode 3: Fash The Wall/Beto the Narco

    18/07/2016 Duración: 01h37min

    In this episode of Beyond the Wall, we´re joined for a shitposting session with Agrippa and Dagon Greyjoy from Fash Course World History. The conversation went from Beto`s Narco life in the socialist paradise and fav country of Sen. Bernie Sanders, Venezuela to Esoteric shit that only the fash course history goys could deliver.In the taco stand we have: Beto, Cavernario and Paul, Special Guests: Agrippa and Dagon Greyjoy from FCWHBon Appetit Goys!Contents:-3:00 Venezuela, the socialist paradise that berny loves-6:00 north and south divide and white and mestizo populations-8:30 aztec esoteric shit-12:30 shitty Chinese condoms-14:00 Chinese democracy-16:00 If you see a nigger just kill him and don’t eat it-17:00 price controls in Venezuela and the black market-19:00 Dagon the slumlord-20:30 Beto pushing coke-21:30 Beto the narco-24:30 Cavernario the welfare queen-26:00 The consulate in Juarez is full of kebabs, Gringos are pozzing mexico with durka durkas-28:20 Ebola freakout-30:00 Ebolaids-32:00 Milo, the pati

  • Beyond The Wall Episode 2: Interview with Rebel Yell's Musonius Rufus

    30/06/2016 Duración: 02h15min

    In this episode, Paul von Lettow and Musonius Rufus have a laid back chat about the american south and the mexican north and some of the things that both of these regions share in common in their history.En este episodio, Paul von Lettow y Musonius Rufus tienen una charla amena acerca del sur americano y el norte de méxico y algunas de las cosas que ambas regiones comparten en su historia.

  • Beyond The Wall Episode 1: Unity through shitposting

    26/06/2016 Duración: 02h11min

    In this brand new podcast for the spic alt-right we are proud to introduce Beyond the Wall, a place for all goys to get together and interact and shitpost to our heart´s content.In the Taco Stand we are proud to have: Scrungo "The Degenerate Gringo", Greyshades "The Gringo Autist", LaVolpe "The Spic", Cavernario "The Beaner" and Paul "Your faithful Taco".-05:00 Juan Gabriel Shitposting-08:00 Mexican gays and Guadalajara-11:30 Scrungo´s trip to the waterpark in Houston and niggers-15:00 Mexican right wing death squads, anti-nigger mexican sentiments-24:00 african-european-27:30 new American-mexican war-32:00 Burritos vs Tacos, which is better?-35:00 Oy Vey! = Ay wey!-36:00 more food autism-41:00 Orlando alt-righ nightclub shooting-44:00 LaVolpe´s autistic date-46:40 LaVolpe´s muh dick moment-47:30 vidya autism-50:00 Scrungo´s circumcision-52:00 even more food autism-56:00 Scrungo takes a piss-01:12:00 Greyshades The autist segment about Anime-01:14:30 Scrungo fucks up-01:17:00 Scrungo hits the nitrus-01:18.00

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