Things Worth Considering

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 140:01:18
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This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someones servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.


  • Magic is Everywhere

    17/12/2020 Duración: 55min

    As the child grew older, its caretakers and teachers pointed and said, that is theirs and this is ours. The child only saw a wooden fence that separated theirs and ours, confused because it all looked the same. As time went on, the pointing now included, this is us and that is them. Again the child, confused, saw them were just like us! We all know this story, we have/are living this story, as more fences, more us and less of them, infiltrated our brain, filling with the fences implanted by the caretakers who themselves learned the same rules. Walk in a line, stay on the sidewalk, colour inside the lines, each rule disconnecting the child’s awe and curiosity from the magical relationship they had with the plants, trees and animals that nourished the child’s soul. As an adult, we struggle to reclaim the magic around us. Laughing at the many ‘you can’t’, to become I do. Ours is a journey of re-connection to the magic around us, are you ready to reclaim the magic in your life?

  • Knowing our Treatment Options

    10/12/2020 Duración: 54min

    Canada - The True North strong and free! We pride our self on the freedoms we have, definite bragging rights when compared with our southern neighbour . However, some things like Health care, we may not have the freedom you imagine. When you see your medical doctor, are all treatment possibilities presented? No, because anything not within the realm of medical surgery or standard pharmacology, is rarely accepted. If during your Dr.’s visit you said you wanted to incorporate Homeopathy, and not just prescribed drugs, you would be met with silence. In Europe, most doctors give you Homeopathy or Herbal products as a treatment choice. Our guest today Daniel Dereser, is President and CEO of Boiron, Canada, and will be talking about the world of Homeopathy and his passionate fight to have Homeopathy kept in the public's mind as a viable treatment option. You could say he is a freedom fighter, ensuring we have the right to choose our own approach to health care.

  • ALOHA - Spreading the LOVE

    03/12/2020 Duración: 55min

    ENCORE - If you have had the honour of being a visitor to Hawaii, you will know the word Aloha as a simple greeting on the Islands. But Aloha is much, much more than a greeting. It is a spiritual force of love that is the essence of our connection , that honours each other and the earth. Lei'ohu Ryder and her partner Maydeen ‘lao live by the Aloha Spirit , travelling throughout the world, reaching out to be of service to others. Their non-profit – Aloha in Action. centred on the island of Maui. has built schools in Kenya, provided scholarships in India and provide education funds in their home of Hawaii. As singer/songwriters they use music, dance, and ritual to reach out celebrating marriages, funeral ceremonies, and creating group healing events. As wisdom-keepers of the ancients they celebrate the indigenous soul of every person of every culture. Having just released their album ‘The Sacredness of all’ they will be singing for us this evening sharing the spirit of Aloha.

  • Red Sky Performance

    19/11/2020 Duración: 55min

    Red Sky is Canada's leading company of world Indigenous performance in dance, theatre and music. This multi-award-winning company was founded by tonight’s guest, Artistic Director Sandra Laronde in 2000. Internationally renowned for its artistry and innovation, Red Sky has garnered an international reputation for collaborating on landmark projects with some of the most prestigious artists and companies from around the globe. Since its inception, it has captured and ignited the imagination of people from nine countries on four continents. Red Sky highlights the promise and potential of what is possible within contemporary Indigenous performance. Tonight we meet the woman with an inspired vision that has manifested worldwide. A vision that intertwines the arts from dance, theatre to visual art, with culture-keepers and storytellers, in order to see the connections of First Nations, European arrivals, and newcomers.

  • Remembering

    12/11/2020 Duración: 55min

    Emotion, negative or positive, tends to embed events in our memory. November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada and the UK. It is Veterans’ Day in America. Initially remembering the men and women who fought, and died, in the First World War. An armistice was signed at the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month. For some people, the day is highly significant and for others, it serves to remind people of the freedoms we enjoy today. It has expanded to include all personnel of all wars. We draw upon memories in this act of Remembrance, of things we never experienced but we seem to know and understand. Memory is strange function of our brain and is heavily influenced by our emotions. Our memories are most vivid when a strong emotion is attached to an event. The rituals of Remembrance Day from the uniforms to the music combine for us to retrieve an emotional memory, even if we had no direct experience of war. Make them laugh or make them cry-if you want to make your mark.

  • Qi Gong - Creating Balance

    05/11/2020 Duración: 55min

    Qi-Gong is a millennia-old system of co-ordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial-arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, Qi-Gong is traditionally viewed by the Chinese and throughout Asia as a practice to cultivate and balance ‘qi energy’ - life force. While the Chinese government has restrictions on Chi Gong, it is embraced globally by millions of people for its life changing practises. Master Teresa’s new art of healing, the Pureland Qi Gong®, is a cutting edge Chi Gong practice. This method of healing is based on raising consciousness to expand awareness, as it accelerates healing through the integration of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual states. Chi Gong has been refined for well over 5000 years to stabilize mood, improve sleep, reduce fatigue, and re-energize the body thus promoting self-healing, disease prevention, increases alertness.

  • Non-violent Communication

    29/10/2020 Duración: 55min

    Disagreement, tension, stress, and conflict are part of all relationships and communities. There’s no magic pill to make it go away. But, we don’t have to suffer so much. There are ways to get through disagreement, dignity intact. It’s possible to respectfully hear each other across deep divides. The people around us may have all kinds of different beliefs, ideas, and cultural practices but, as primates, we share the same underlying needs. Non-Violent Communication (NVC) is a way to bridge the gaps through assertive honesty and compassionate listening. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of NVC, was inspired by Gandhi, influenced by Eric Fromm and worked with Carl Rogers, while developing break through communications around segregation and racism. NVC strengthens independence AND interdependence: it increases our ability to stand up for ourselves without hurting others, AND care for our interconnected world without harming ourselves.

  • Authentic Relating

    22/10/2020 Duración: 55min

    What if every time you communicated with others, both personally and professionally, it was coming from a place of authenticity. A place of connection to yourself and the other person. What if you could stay aware of what you are feeling, even if uncomfortable, and continue to stay with your connection to the other person. This is what is called Authentic Relating, but only a part of it. Knowing what you think of and how you may treat your inner child, at age 6, age 10, and the 14-year-old? Authentic Relating includes all of our parts even those we learned to hide or we don’t yet know about. It moves us to know who we are, the skills and talents that have laid unknown to our self and to others. Authenticity in relationships pave a pathway toward the richness of our private and work lives. It is the full welcoming of our own darkness — and that of others and of the world — that fosters the integration of darkness with light to help us become whole and fully actualized human beings.

  • Discovering Resilience - Dancers' Stories

    15/10/2020 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever had your world side-swiped by the consequence of doing something you believed would keep you at the top of your game? Our guests - award-winning international dance soloists, Mary Louise Albert and Rebecca Margolick. Starting her training as a young girl she rose to be a world-class soloist. M-L retired to become Artistic Executive Director of one of Vancouver’s top Theatres, and she is poised to return to the stage in 2021. Mary-Louise joins us to discuss issues facing women in the dance world. The exacting standards dancers are forced to adhere to and the devastating effects of disordered eating and body dysmorphia. With Dance Trainers, minimal public performance costumes and always the mirrors, a focus is constantly upon the body. An unforgiving public and dance elite who foster unnatural expectations on body size and shape. She shares her journey, wisdom, and Mother's instinct in guiding her own award-winning daughter Rebecca through Dance at N.Y.U., unscathed.

  • Gratitude With Attitude

    08/10/2020 Duración: 55min

    Thanksgiving. Hum, Are you feeling thankful? 2020 is requiring us to dig deep. Some people don’t feel very thankful or blessed or want to acknowledge Thanksgiving at all. I understand it. Covid-19 Pandemic, actually most pandemics, take the shine off the silverware. We stand to gain the most when we are challenged by the good around us. Throughout history the harvest has always been celebrated and thanks given to the universal powers that cause the sun to shine and rain to fall. We humans have sunny days and rainy weeks, but we pretend its not true. Well most of the time. Some strive to thrive by putting a little bounce into their step. They stand up, and see, smell, and hear the creation we are a part of. We can reach up to stand tall, walk with a rhythm in our step and call it, attitude. Gratitude with attitude can overcome any obstacle. Head held high, a smile to the sky and you have started to live Thanksgiving!. Gratitude moves through us and it can move the world.

  • The Secret Pandemic within the Covid-19 Panademic

    01/10/2020 Duración: 55min

    As Covid-19 continues wrecking havoc, another possibly lethal pandemic is silently growing, substance abuse. The Public Health protocols for controlling the Covid -19 virus from spreading also create conditions that unknowingly bolster substance abuse. Isolation, loneliness, stress, fear, boredom, job losses creating financial uncertainty, all contribute to addictive behaviours. Excessive drinking can be common during stressful times, but excessive can become abuse and then an addiction. Opioids were a problem before the Pandemic , overdoses have doubled over the last 7 months resulting in an increased mortality rate. Suicide, always a risk with substance abuse, has become another tragedy in our pandemic experience. Whether it is chemicals including alcohol, internet gambling or online shopping they all lead to adverse experiences. Gord and Alexia both have extensive addictions experience and will share ways to take care of yourself and others during this time.

  • Astrology- A Universe of Archetypes and Metaphors

    24/09/2020 Duración: 55min

    Do you believe in astrology? It is 1,000’s of years old and exists in most cultures worldwide. It is likely the oldest symbolic language we humans have. Astrology reflects the social realities of the times in which it is practiced. It morphs with culture. The language of archetypes and mythic reality which astrology is all about allows us to make meaning out of our experience, and this is done with a kind of grace. Astrology is not a tool for hard-line predictions but rather it is one to use for navigating whatever comes our way. In this particular year of pandemic and pandemonium, that 2020 has turned out to be, astrology has been most helpful. Astrology has never been more eloquent in allowing me to see the road we are on than it has been in 2020. Although I am horrified, the same as all of us, by things which are happening, on account of astrology I am not surprised. To be honest, I saw it coming. On account of that I have a sense of where it’s going which is helpful.

  • ENCORE - Coming Home To Your Body: The Embodied Present Process

    17/09/2020 Duración: 55min

    ENCORE BROADCAST. We live in our heads, distracted by its chattering and divided from our deepest intelligence. The source of our modern distress is that we have put a tiny, fragmented portion of our intelligence in charge of our lives – and that portion of our thinking obsesses all day long over problems it can never solve. We have placed the ability to reason on a pedestal without appreciating its severe limitations. Reason offers to control the world around you, but it never can. Nor can it bring into your life what most deeply blesses it. You cannot reason your way into a state of balance, or into a loving relationship. You cannot reason your way into being present. The body processes a billion times more information that we can be conscious of. Uniting with that intelligence is what enables you to be present. It's what enables you to remain in a state of flow and empowers you to land in the body and thrive in the present.

  • Let Me Introduce You to Your Body

    10/09/2020 Duración: 55min

    Do you experience muscle and joint pain? Perhaps loss of strength and body stiffness? Our guest may help shed light on what your body is experiencing and help you move past the discomfort your body is causing. Throughout our life we will experience various forms of trauma. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job or having an unexpected diagnosis given to us, all can be traumatizing for some. We may believe that the trauma and feelings we have experienced is held in our brain, in our emotional memory. What we now know is trauma is held in our bodies. When we experience that moment of trauma, a part of our energy locks or freezes in us. Over time the actual memory may fade but the trauma in our body doesn’t fade. It has taken up space that will continuously impact our body but with the use of movement, the body can release and re-balance itself. Getting to know your body can shift pain, loosen muscles, free you of fear all because you started moving. Worth Considering!

  • Pandemic Burnout - Learn the markers to avoid tripping into the same pit.

    03/09/2020 Duración: 55min

    On Sept. 3, 2020 we are LIVE and invite you to phone-in Toll-Free at 1-888-346-9141. Are you feeling burned out from living under the confines of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Would you know what burned-out might feel like for you? Our returning guest, stress-specialist and author of 'From Stress To Bliss' Martez Schembri-Diskey will be discussing the dangers of not knowing when burnout is zapping us of our energies, physically, emotionally and spiritually. She identifies a state of 'burnout auto-pilot'. Emerging studies of the effect of the pandemic are presenting issues very much associated with working from our homes. The blurring boundaries of work and home life, the blurred boundaries of managers assuming we are sitting here with laptops on the ready. One study showed that employees are working as much as 2 hours extra per day. Family demands only compound these stressors. Learn your markers, a first aid toolbox and mini-practices to continue riding out Covid-19.

  • What women want to know about men and what men want to know about men!

    27/08/2020 Duración: 54min

    This is a live show with the show's Host Gord Riddell being interviewed by Co-host Alexia Georgousis as Gord presents views about men. From the 'Fire in the Belly era of the 1980's through the return to Stoicism at the turn of the century to 2020 and the confusion many men above the age of 40, give or take 20 years, are encountering. The changing roles some males have made run head long into the staunchly held definitions of what a man is and what masculinity looks like. Men above the age of 50 are one of the highest at risk groups for suicide. Men not knowing what role they are to play as men, they hear the socialized messages of childhood play in their head telling them to 'man up' and 'real men don't cry.' Will the re-emerging women's movement take men on their journey to finally allow changes to all those who seek an equalization of the genders? Join us as we explore this very complex and often frustrating entity called men. Now everyone back to their man cave!

  • Can Ancestral Karma Influence our Many Relationships?

    20/08/2020 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever observed yourself repeating the same behaviours, thoughts or feelings in your relationships? What about similar issues or patterns? How about your parents, brothers and sisters, is your family prone to repeating similar patterns? Then you will definitely find our guest, Maria Galle, a source of fascinating information about how karma may influence our families throughout the generations. Whether it is in a romantic relationship or relationships with family, friends, or coworkers, we do repeat the same patterns. Consider what if we may have inherited these characteristics from our ancestors but do not realize how they continue to affect our lives today. Join us for this evening's discussion about ancestral karma and its possible effect on our current relationships, how to break ancestral patterns and to heal the karma.

  • ‘I Am All Ears' - The Underdeveloped Art of Listening

    13/08/2020 Duración: 55min

    All human relationships are built upon our ability to communicate, and good communication relies on 3 things. Our ability to hear, our ability to see and our ability to understand, all are crucial to our ability to communicate with others and almost everyone is terrible at it. We have two major senses, hearing and sight, ears and eyes, and then we have the sorter/ interpreter of incoming messages, our brain. As a prelude to Gord’s mini-workshop via Zoom on August 19th, this episode is about listening, listening with our ears, and listening with our eyes and listening with our hearts. We will discuss what it means to hold space. How to stop the critical voice that judges mercilessly. Discover what stops us from being able to listen. Join us tonight, call in your questions and you could discover a key to having better jobs, more friends and deeper love in your life. It all starts with Listening.


    06/08/2020 Duración: 55min

    We will be LIVE - call in at 888-346-9141. Free call. How often are you actually aware of your innermost thoughts? Are your thoughts really your thoughts? Can a preoccupation with your mind chatter create the Reality you are experiencing? We can learn to think beyond our brain’s survival mechanism in daily, as well as in challenging times. It is possible to become more aware of our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and our habits. By exploring our inner unknown with curiosity and an open mind, a whole world of possibilities emerge. Join our discussion with Deb Maybury as we look at breaking free of our limitations by knowing ourselves at a deeper and more profound level. Our interview is an intelligent warm-up for the 3 hour virtual training course Deb is offering on Wed. Aug.12th at 7 PM ET. Tickets: 416.484-0454 ext 23 or 25 or Listen in to Deb and you'll hear why you want to attend her training course. Create your thoughts - create your reality!


    30/07/2020 Duración: 53min

    We will be Live and your calls are welcome. Do you often feel bombarded by the amount of “information” that comes to you in social environments? What about work environments? Do you find it difficult to distinguish between your own experiences and those of others around you? A day in the life of an Empath can be quite… challenging! Empaths can experience mood swings, physical and mental symptoms as they absorb energies from others and from the environment they find themselves in. But you are not alone. Tonight's episode will look at some of the kinds of experiences typical for Empaths, and to assist you in better understanding your experiences. Sabastian Glass will offer practical tips and tools to help you manage your empathic experiences so that they will no longer be as overwhelming. Listen in because we have Things you might want to Consider.

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