Things Worth Considering

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 140:01:18
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This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someones servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.


  • Intuitive Development and Mediumship.

    23/07/2020 Duración: 49min

    We are live with our guests Karen J. Moore and Barbara Allin. Call us Toll-Free at 888-346-9141. Tonight we are talking about mediumship,and communicating with the Spirit World. Communication with spirit is sacred, as is providing the person receiving a reading that it is an intuitive soul-based reading. Both have great potential to help put us on the path to healing emotionally, increase our understanding of our soul’s needs or open our mind to new possibilities.Karen and Barbara are educators, assisting others to discover and cultivate their intuitive and mediumship abilities. On July 29 Karen and Barbara will be presenting an on-line workshop about developing our own communication skills with Spirit. You will learn to give a message in this class. To Register for their evening send a message to - fee $40. tax incl. or on-line Listen in! These 2 women have lots to teach us about our own connection to spirit.

  • Exploring the AfterLife with Linda Kuschnir

    16/07/2020 Duración: 55min

    We are live and interactive as of this broadcast. Having gone through near-death experiences, more and more credible individuals are revealing what they experienced. What are their experiences saying to us about the afterlife? This episode will explore some of the latest revelations and evidence for a world beyond death indicating some kind of continuity of consciousness. What are the possibilities? How do these near-death experiences relate to consciousness in this life? Is it possible to prepare for a transition to an ideal afterlife? How does our understanding of “the other side” lead to being able to live a more meaningful life now? One of life's biggest mysteries. death is not viewed as miraculous but as a sorrowful event unlike birth, equally as mysterious yet joyful. As we get more information of a life beyond our physical reality, could it be a catalyst for how we live with each other today? Remember call us!! Now!

  • I'm late, I'm late but how can I procrastinate.

    09/07/2020 Duración: 54min

    Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It is the intentional delay or even habitual delay of starting or finishing a task even though it might have negative consequences. We delay everyday chores, putting off important tasks such as going to a medical appointment, submitting a job report, a school project, or having a stressful conversation with our workers or our spouse. It has a negative effect on our productivity. It is associated with depression, low self-esteem, guilt and inadequacy. But, sometimes it is wise if knowing something will change and the activity doesn't have to be duplicated. The pleasure principle may be responsible for our delay; we avoid negative emotions by delaying stressful tasks. Some see it as a coping mechanism for anxiety. Now don't put off listening to this episode.

  • Keeping your Vital Force in Balance

    02/07/2020 Duración: 54min

    Are you curious about Natural Health and wellness modalities? What underlies the approach of Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies? This episode is informative and understandable in how the Law of Similars, micro-dosing and our innate ability to heal all come together to re-align our Vital Energy Force. Energetic medicine is subtle yet very powerful. Homeopathy and Bach flowers both are relational to the Earth and Consciousness/Spirituality- Holistic health. It is also inexpensive, gentle yet very effective medicine. Did you know the British Royal Family are adherents of homeopathy in their daily lives? Bach Flower remedies does not adhere to the Law of Similars but while highly diluted, can catalyze the resolution of deep emotional imbal­ances. As a prelude to her presentation on July 8 via, Co-host Alexia invites us to explore our own Vital Force and its realignment. To sign up for her 3 hour presentation send a request to cost $40 CDN.

  • Be Gentle With Yourself

    25/06/2020 Duración: 54min

    Life is tough right now for a lot of people. Some people are afraid for their health, others have lost jobs, finances are looking precarious for some. There are those who have kept their jobs but must work from home. That means home with the spouse, the children, maybe a couple of pets and you are working amongst the demands, noise and general chaos. The self-talk I am hearing is reflective of the outside, noise and criticism. I am not getting things done. Productivity is way down I sleep to much, I eat too much, You are not working out ad infinitum. The critical voices in our head are having a field beating us down. We have found ourselves in a global health crisis, a world economic set of unknowns, we cannot control our little world and we are beating ourselves up? Be Human, its okay to be scared, and angry, expect your self in these times to be human, and above all else please, be gentle with yourself.

  • When Anger becomes Toxic

    18/06/2020 Duración: 52min

    In the movie Network (1976) – actor Peter Finch's character bellows- ‘I’m mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore”. Anger is a very powerful experience - it affects every system in our body, to say nothing of the impact it has on our psyches. Anger is not considered a primary emotion. Ideally anger is a response to a threat, real or imagined. Problem is people have learned to live in an angry state.They are always ready to take on the world, any fight will do. Anger makes us feel powerful. It is a great mask that covers our weakest feelings all the while convincing others and our self how strong we are. The first thing it covers is our fear. In order to not feel or show fear, we display anger. Anger is very much about control. People who have felt small,or insignificant, will do big anger. When someone calls us names, shames or humiliates, it is now toxic. Learn not to accept toxic anger in your life. Toxic people rarely become non-toxic. time to move on!

  • Parenting in a Pandemic Part 2 - What To Do o

    11/06/2020 Duración: 51min

    In Part 2 of Parenting in a Pandemic, we look at things that are important ways of establishing connection with your children but also them connecting with you. Parenting is not easy but add a pandemic, unable to leave the house, work from home, in close contact with your spouse 24 hours a day, the children need your attention, and you are stressed to the max. What can you do with your children? This isn't about activities per se, it is about being given an extraordinary gift of time to spend with your children and discover who you both are. Creating a safe space for them, being authentic and real, holding space for your child, a space without judgment, or you should have or expectations. Give your child the chance to see who you are by your presence, your acceptance and openness. We have a gift from this Pandemic, one you will not have again in your lifetime, this gift of time because before we know it, they will be grown and off to start the cycle all over again with their kids

  • Parenting in a Pandemic Part 1

    04/06/2020 Duración: 52min

    There is no harder job, and the one with the least training and we the least experience. Being housed with our children during the pandemic poses lots of problems but also lots od chances to discover who your children are, what kind of people they will grow to become. This episode looks at how we parent, what we learned about parenting from our parents. What kind of parent are you? Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved or Authoritative - each of these 4 styles of parenting are uniquely different and create a different experience for children born into these styles. How do children learn to connect and interact with the world through the eyes of these parenting styles. In her book All Joy and No Fun Jennifer senior wrote: Children learn from the world through doing, touching and experiencing; adults on the other hand, tend to take in the world through their heads - reading books, watching TV swiping touch screens, Is there a place for parent and child to meet?

  • From Florence Nightingale to Today's Incredible Nurses

    28/05/2020 Duración: 54min

    It was 200 years ago this month, May 1820 that Florence Nightingale was born. She went on to be the pillar of today's modern medicine. She developed a style of nursing that would see schools in North America and Europe teaching the Nightingale nursing approach. But the biggest breakthrough came when she cleaned up the patients' environment as well as bathing them regularly. She observed that simple hygiene saw patients get better and the mortality rate dropped down, way down. She was the original - GO WASH YOUR HANDS! This one woman had an enormous impact on modern medicine. As this was international nurses day and we are in the middle of a pandemic, What better way to say Thank you! to all the nurses on the front line of this pandemic than to salute one of the most influential nurses who helped define modern medicine and modern patient care. With gratitude for your commitment, courage and compassion

  • The Hidden Cost of a Pandemic: Breaking the Silence

    21/05/2020 Duración: 53min

    Let me ask you, ‘How are you holding up during this pandemic?’ How do you think you might answer that question? A lot of people have very pat answers. How are you? I'm fine, or I'm holding up in view of everything; I'm OK. Seems there's a lot of feelings that have been incredibly repressed and that somehow or other we've determined that it's not OK to admit that we are bothered or are upset about what is going on. Now we've done this on another show about “ The unspoken message that seems to be emerging is, whether you have feelings or not about this pandemic. Specifically negative reactions. As long as we are ‘fine’ , hopeful and upbeat we are in line with status quo. After all we are in this together!!! The message, since we are all in this together, then we must fall in and give the “the party line” The message we are all in this together, takes away our right to our own feelings. When we emerge from the lock down a lot of feelings will surface., like anger, sadness. Ready?

  • Anger is a normal response, especially in these times.

    14/05/2020 Duración: 55min

    Are you noticing a lot of people are getting cranky and out right angry over a lot of minor things? Stress makes us cranky. People may say things attempting to hook us into their anger. Or they will do passive-aggressive – the silent treatment to people. the first thing we need to do is cut our self some slack and acknowledge we have every right to be angry? We were going along, things were on course, when this Covid-19 arrives and pulls the rug out from under us. Many have lost their jobs, mortgage payments or rent cheques are shaky, our finances are now uncertain. STRESS makes people irritable and cranky. Housebound with the family! Your spouse and children are getting under your skin. Anger can make us very self-centred. And re-enforces our being a victim. ‘Look what is happening to me.’ How do you think your spouse and your children are feeling? How do you think your spouse might feel with you always at home? Anger is normal but let's remember we are all in this together.

  • ,.and the wisdom to know the difference

    07/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    How are you doing with having so little control in your life? We spend most of our life trying to be in control, the illusion of control. We get people to believe that being in control is the most important thing there is. People will cajole, manipulate, scold and shame others in their bid for control. Some will even hurt others to keep things just as they are. Then along comes Covid-19, a little virus with a mission, it is taking over control. Our lives have changed, half the world is house bound, the economy shut down and the vast number of deaths, over half being our elders, pushing us to realize we have to accept and we have to change. Many still cling to the idea that we will wake up one day and go back to the way we were, they are going to have a difficult time. We will all be changed and move forward to a new way, that's what humans do. We hope we all have the wisdom to know the difference of what we can and cannot change and what has to change!

  • Who is driving the bus?

    30/04/2020 Duración: 53min

    Have you ever felt at times your feelings and thoughts are those of yourself when you were 10 or 12 years old? Encountering a scary situation you may feel like that awkward child who is uncertain on which way to go? Our private world holds a number of voices and feelings which move through our bodies and thoughts with each situation we encounter. Often it is our childhood feelings and voice that predominates our uncertainty and indecisiveness. Yet almost hidden away, is our adult voice, clear and willing to drive the bus, its soothing voice entices our child to get out of the drivers seat and allows the adult to take over. Fully relieved, as any child is, when they feel protected and taken care of. Our brain draws upon memory of similar feelings to know how to act. This pandemic, unknown, uncertain with no memory, recalls then times when we did feel this way and our child feelings of scared are felt by us. Explore with us the power of your adult voice and give the kid a break.

  • We Don't Need Another Stigma.

    23/04/2020 Duración: 55min

    A few decades ago when someone was diagnosed with cancer, people as they shared the news would lower their voice and whisper the word cancer. as though it was dirty and contagious. Fast forward a couple of decades and HIV/AIDS would become a widely stigmatized illness, forcing those with the disease into marginalized existences including, poverty, medical and housing crises. Paralleling but dating back centuries, Mental health has always had an attached stigma. Those with Mental illnesses or disorders face a lived in silence to avoid facing the stigma carried by society's attitudes. The massive uphill battle fought by HIV and Mental Health advocates and activists are making a difference in shifting our awareness to let go of our attitudes but it is not easy. Marginalization is still a reality for patients and all that it entails. Now with Covid-19 we face adding one more illness to our list of Their problem, not mine. This episode challenges that we are missing the point.

  • And the Earth Sighed

    16/04/2020 Duración: 54min

    Here was something that we didn't consider, a positive side-effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. While country after country was shut down, her citizens quarantined, a silence began to descend upon the earth, and the earth sighed in relief. Measurable by satellite, nitrrous dioxide, caused by cars, trucks, diesel trains, was decreasing, a seismograph was picking up surface earth movements that normally would not be read as the noise on the earth stopped the waves from travelling to the machines. Studies on Right Whales in the north Atlantic and Humpback Whales on their journey up to Alaska are showing marked decreases in stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenalin, which interfere with their ability to reproduce. Even the oceans are quieting down with the cruise and shipping vessels tied up in their home ports. While the earth is being given a break we humans may not be doing as well confined to our homes we are feeling restless and nervous, We look at the earth and the reactions we are having.

  • This Is Our New Normal?

    09/04/2020 Duración: 53min

    Lots of talk about the pandemic we are living in as the force that has changed how we live day to day. Each time we go through a life altering event we are forced at least temporarily, to establish a new way of living. Our life shifts for any number of reasons and we move into, easily or not, a new normal. We adapt, no matter how difficult it may be, to the new conditions we find our self in. Most humans are very resilient when forced to accommodate new experiences but always with an eye to wanting to get back to the old normal .If we keep heading back to the old normal, then what have we learned? Can the Covid - 19 pandemic teach us anything or is it just another bullet to escape from, metaphorically speaking? If we are going through something so extreme that no one alive has ever encountered, then we need to ask if the old normal is really something we want to rush back to. Listen in to this episode as Gord and Alexia grapple with the learning of Covid -19.

  • I don't know!

    02/04/2020 Duración: 55min

    Unknown, confusing, outcome is uncertain. These words are too familiar to us all. We have all been in positions, at times in our life, when we didn’t know our direction, or know the outcome of situations. This time as Covid-19 makes its way around the world, it isn’t just us, individually, this time it is a collective experience. We are all experiencing uncertainty and not knowing where this virus experience is leading. Adding to our discomfort, someone taught us that it is not okay to not know. We are expected to know the answer to questions about our self, our direction, and even know the outcomes to our endeavours, when we are far from completion. People do not want to know what we are feeling, certainly not in business or even most of our friends, they want to know what we think. Adding insult to injury, our situation is one we have never encountered, physically distant from each other, isolating and not knowing where this is going. Be gentle with yourself and kind to each other.

  • Lessons from Coronavirus - COVID - 19

    26/03/2020 Duración: 55min

    When we think of the Law of Attraction we think of physical items we attract like cars, houses, jobs, we may think of love and that perfect mate, but the Law of Attraction is much more complex. We attract where our energy goes. What if COVID -19 is the physical creation of we human's stress, anxiety, inner hormonal levels like cortisol and frustration. A human creation bubbling up from our collective shadows. Is the earth trying to let us know enough is enough, as we have pillaged her of beauty, starved and robbed her of resources. An increasing number of her plants, flowers, birds and possible medicines have become extinct, never to return. This is what we need to consider, the pandemic is like nothing most of us have ever encountered, ever. It is not random. If it is not random then what should we be learning. Listen in to this show, because one thing people are realizing is, if human's do not change, this pandemic is a small slap, and bigger is coming. Take care and be kind!

  • Spirituality and Health: Why It Matters

    19/03/2020 Duración: 57min

    This episode revolves around 2 major subjects that both Gord and Alexia are very passionate about., spirituality and health. We humans are multi-dimensional, we have our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and then there is our astral and etheric bodies. Understanding the interconnection of our many dimensions can help us to utilize all of our parts in our quest for health and wellness. Many think of health as an absence of disease therefore all is well. However our multi-dimensional elements need attention even when they are not causing pain. By including the spiritual (not religious) element into our daily lives we have the opportunity to experience such things as being fully present in the here and now, greater feelings of joy, curiosity, and our creativity springs into action. What we have to gain by discovering and connecting to our spirituality is almost beyond words. Spirituality is a felt-sense not a mental experience, hence we live it not talk about it. Join us!

  • Burnout - Running on Empty

    12/03/2020 Duración: 55min

    Today's demand on our lives can have serious consequences when we push past our bodies, minds and even spiritual resources. Often, without warning, or at least warnings we paid heed to, we become ill. Overshooting our natural reserves and depleting our emergency resources, our ability to go on with our daily lives can be next to impossible. Facing fatigue, depression, aches and pains, irritability and a lack of motivation, we soldier on, not wanting to admit to ourselves and certainly not to others, that we are becoming ill or burnt out. Martez Schembri, author of the book, From Stress to Bliss, returns to discuss with Gord, the dangers of burnout but importantly what we can do to help our self through such a period in our life. Despite today's demands, burnout does not have to be an option, it just requires us to be aware and to be honest with our self and others that saying 'enough' is not a failure. Join Gord and Martez for this informative and very current subject.

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