Saturday Morning Coaching



Thrive in Uncertain Times with Saturday Morning coaching on WTIC1080, Connecticut's #1 Newstalk radio station. Join Coach Davis and explore how you apply the 5-point model designed to get you into action. Someone is going to be very successful today...why not you? Get the model at and click the Starpower tab.


  • Power of Disposition

    27/06/2021 Duración: 04min

    Prickly or Pleasing. A person’s disposition…your disposition, is an important ingredient to your success. Bougainvillea is a pretty enough plant to cover a wall, but it is covered with thorns making it very difficult to shape and handle. I just met a person like the bougainvillea; competent to do their job, but prickly to work with. Do you think this type of behavior helps or hurts them? Today's Handout

  • Supercharge Your Thinking

    07/06/2021 Duración: 10min

    Welcome to Saturday Morning Coaching with Coach Davis.  This is Session number 5 in our series on Critical Thinking.  Want to be successful in life?  Then, critical thinking is an essential skill that you can learn.  Do you remember having a class in how to think when you were in school? I don’t.  Lots of people tell you what to think, but has anyone worked with you on how to think?  Let’s supercharge our thinking with standards of thinking excellence.  Saturday Morning Coaching begins now…

  • Traps of Critical Thinking

    29/05/2021 Duración: 05min

    The person who thinks critically can reason and evaluate to make informed decisions and successfully solve problems for a desired outcome.  Caution…within our thinking traps are hidden.  Welcome to Saturday Morning Coaching with Coach Davis.  Lots of people out there want to entertain you, Coach simply wants to help you be successful.  Session number 4 in our series on Critical Thinking, an essential skill that you can learn, begins now.

  • Make a Decision

    23/05/2021 Duración: 08min

    The hallmark for one who thinks critically is the ability to reason, assess, question, investigate, formulate, calculate, evaluate, and judge to make informed decisions and successfully solve problems for a desired outcome. You have power that controls what happens next…your  future…in your personal life, in your professional life. It is the power to make a decision.  Do you get up or stay in bed?  Do you make your bed or leave it messy?  Do you work or do you idle? Do you stay or do you go?  Small or large, decisions control what happens next.  We have been exploring Critical Thinking and today we focus on the Decision Making Process…a simple road map to guide your thinking.  Saturday Morning begins now.

  • Audit Your Thinking

    25/04/2021 Duración: 08min

    Your mind is truly yours.  It is an amazing gift.  It directs your life and gives you your results.  If you don’t like what is going on in your life…the decisions you are making…it is time to check your thinking.  Last week we started an exploration of Critical Thinking.  It is so foundational to our success, Coach is spending several sessions on it.  Today we focus on a Critical Thinking Audit…a simple guide for your thinking.  Saturday Morning Coaching begins now.

  • How critical is your thinking?

    18/04/2021 Duración: 06min

    Your mind is the Central Processing Unit of your life.  Everything you do is controlled by your mind.  You are constantly receiving stimuli, you run it through filters and select what comes into your mind.  Chris Argyrus, former Harvard Professor, called this the ladder of inference.  This is the starting point for how you captain your life.  Saturday Morning Coaching is here to help you have the most successful journey possible.  We begin now…

  • Claiming or Creating Value

    10/04/2021 Duración: 06min

    I just got out of a meeting with the CEO of a mid-size, precision manufacturing company.  His job is to fix the company.  We spent a lot of time discussing the people who report to him and if it is possible to create a team.  What a great question.  Coach is going to bring some insight to you today on the conversations that go on about you.  STARPOWER begins now.

  • STARPOWER Refresher

    03/04/2021 Duración: 11min

    Welcome back to Saturday Morning Coaching---with Coach Davis.  My goal is to inspire and help you succeed.  I firmly believe as Napoleon Hill would say that “thoughts are things.”  All our action, all our action starts with a thought somewhere in our mind.  Someone just said, what about an impulse…or is that manifested from a thought as well?  Let’s just work with “thoughts are things.”  That means they ultimately impact what we do.  Print off today’s handout of the STARPOWER model.  Saturday Morning Coaching begins, now.

  • Curse in Conflict

    27/03/2021 Duración: 10min

    Welcome to Saturday Morning Coaching with Coach Davis.  Did you know there are two types of conflict?  One is good to have in an organization the other is not.  One can make things better, the other can hurt you and your reputation.  Get ready for insight that can help you get into positive action.  STARPOWER begins now.

  • Let's Be Positive

    22/03/2021 Duración: 06min

    STARPOWER:  Exploring Appreciative Inquiry  Welcome to Saturday Morning Coaching, I’m your host Coach Davis.  Starting today, you will notice the format to be less structured and a little less formal and hopefully a bit more personal.  Welcome, all the faithful people in Columbus, OH.  What a nice turnout each week.  Appreciative Inquiry…heard of it?  STARPOWER starts now.