PoultryCast: Information for and about the poultry industry. Your Connection. At Your Convenience. (tm)
PoultryCast 0304, How Can I Win With Science When The Debate Is Based On Emotion?
11/06/2012PoultryCast 0304 Show Notes: From the recent Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholder's Summit, author and science advocate Shawn Otto outlines the challenges in talking science to an uninformed public. He also includes 'how to's' on arguing successfully for science. Link to 2012 Animal Ag Alliance Summit videos
PoultryCast 0303, Specialty Egg Marketing Responds To Consumer Interests
24/05/2012PoultryCast 0303 Show Notes: From the DSM Nutritional Products Technical Symposium at the Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference, Ms. Brandy Gamoning, Marketing Coordinator with Hidden Villa Ranch shares consumer perspective on specialty egg segments and where the market is headed.
PoultryCast 0302, The Welfare And Production Impact Of Various Housing Systems
24/05/2012PoultryCast 0302 Show Notes: At the recent Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference, Dr. Tony Pescatore, University of Kentucky extension specialist, presented on the "Impact of Housing on Poultry Well-being, Egg Quality and Safety." We discussed his presentation outside the meeting hall. His warning... Watch the opportunities for bias in research on 'best housing alternatives'.
PoultryCast 0301, National Grocers Association Weighs In On Retailer-Producer Relationship
14/05/2012PoultryCast 0301 Show Notes: In the case of consumer concerns and food safety issues, "We can't wait a day or two. We've got to respond in minutes!" National Grocers Association VP of Public Affairs offers this insight in today's social media world as he shares with the recent Stakeholders Summit of the Animal Agriculture Alliance meeting in Alexandria, VA.
PoultryCast 0300, Tracking The Elusive Farm Bill Negotiations
14/05/2012PoultryCast 0300 Show Notes: This breakdown of the current status of livestock provisions in the Farm Bill discussion is specially pertinent. Anne Hazlett, chief counsel to the Senate Ag Committee, and Pete Thomson, senior professional staffer with the House Ag Committee, provide the highlights. The Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholder Summit in Arlington, VA marked the organization's 25th year of raising awareness of the value of animal agriculture to legislators and media.
PoultryCast 0299 - How Will The Antimicrobial Regulation Revisions Affect Poultry?
27/04/2012PoultryCast 0299 Show Notes: The American Veterinary Medical Association is working to limit losses in the antimicrobial area of the animal health toolbox, as Dr. Christine Hoang notes in the brief segment from the recent National Institute for Animal Agriculture Annual Meeting. Dr. Hoang's presentation before the NIAA Antibiotic Council AVMA audio clip on antibiotic regulation changes featuring Dr. Hoang
PoultryCast 0298, I'm From The EPA... And I'm Here To Help... Not
12/04/2012PoultryCast 0298 Show Notes: Attorney and Illinois farmer Gary Baise once played a role in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. He tells the annual meeting of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture that the agency is now establishing regulations that will end modern agriculture.
PoultryCast 0297, Why Is Washington Gridlocked And How Will The Farm Bill Be Affected?
29/03/2012PoultryCast 0297 Show Notes: House Ag Committee Chair Congressman Frank Lucas recently spent some time walking through the current climate in Washington, D.C. and gave his thoughts on the next Farm Bill, where it stands and what might happen. Please pass this one to others in your organization.
PoultryCast 0296, Are Feed Prices Finally Settling Down?
16/03/2012PoultryCast 0296 Show Notes: The moment we've been waiting for may finally be approaching. Less pressure from ethanol demand, Catch up inventories with trend-line yields. Bottom line - prices moderating albeit at higher levels than we'd like. Purdue's Dr. Chris Hurt shares what's happening and why we should see a bit less volatility in the days to come.
PoultryCast 0295, Feeding Granulated Sulfur To Control Mites?
15/03/2012PoultryCast 0295 Show Notes: Auburn University's Dr. Wallace Berry shared research at the International Poultry Scientific Forum which shows potential to control mites through feeding granulated sulfur. However, in an even more promising outcome, the level of ammonia was also impacted.
PoultryCast 0294, Meat Demand - Feed Supplies - Drought Potential - The New Normal?
15/02/2012PoultryCast 0294 Show Notes: If you're hoping for lower volatility soon, economist Dr. Steve Meyer says it won't be evident in 2012. Noting he could see corn prices at $4, and just as easily see it at $8, the tight supply concern will likely continue. The potential for drought in the midwest only heightens the risk of supply interruption as Dr. Meyer noted in this abbreviated presentation for producers. read more
PoultryCast 0293, Do DDGs In Ration Raise Potential For Necrotic Enteritis?
13/02/2012PoultryCast 0293 Show Notes: Dr. Ken Macklin, Auburn University, provides an overview of his International Poultry Scientific Forum on the effect of DDGs on necrotic enteritis. Dr. Macklin seems to believe there is a relationship between the two.
PoultryCast 0292, Putting Your Poultry House On Wheels - Transport Air Quality
31/01/2012PoultryCast 0292 Show Notes: From the International Poultry Scientific Forum in Atlanta, we talked with Dr. Malcomb Mitchell of the Scottish Ag College about transportation configurations which ensure animal comfort and harvest quality. Tunnel ventilating your transport.
PoultryCast 0291, End of Year - Leadership Training To Start The New Year Right
30/12/2011PoultryCast 0291 Show Notes: Ian Davis, retired Senior Partner at McKinsey and Company, recently shared his top five leadership traits with Stanford's Graduate School of Business students. Ian has consulted with major international management leaders, seeing very good... and some not very good management teams. This half hour program is a great thought provoker for your management team and might be a good point of initiation for the 'up and comers' that are ready for advancement. Best wishes in the New Year! Link to Ian Davis program oveview and bio Link to YouTube presentation
PoultryCast 0290, Communicating Food Safety Difficult When No One Listens
15/12/2011PoultryCast 0290 Show Notes: Communicating with consumers is challenging on most topics. Same with food safety according to Tony Flood of the International Food Information Council. He says creativity is key.
PoultryCast 0289, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability - Key Considerations At Smithfield
15/12/2011PoultryCast 0289 Show Notes: Smithfield Foods, as a major player in the protein production industry, sees better consumer connections and corporate citizenship as keys to profitability.
PoultryCast 0288, Insuring Against Inclimate Weather At The Climate Corporation
15/12/2011PoultryCast 0288 Show Notes: The Climate Corporation provides insurance against weather. Based on conditions in and around the growing season, this risk management tool provides coverage against the biggest unknown in our industry.
PoultryCast 0287, Room At The Top - Farmland Going Higher?
30/11/2011PoultryCast 0287 Show Notes: A recent conversation with Terry Feldheim of the Farm Credit Service of America highlights the support underpinning land prices at these levels.
PoultryCast 0286, Do Consumers Care About Improved Technology?
22/11/2011PoultryCast 0286 Show Notes: Dr. Marty Strauss was a speaker and panelist at the recent Food Systems Summit where discussion focused on creatively communicating what today's agriculture provides; food safety, low cost, convenience, etc. I asked Dr Strauss how to better bridge that gap when today's consumer doesn't really understand what they're getting and why.
PoultryCast 0285, Feedgrains Outlook Sees Less Volatility And More Availability
22/11/2011PoultryCast 0285 Show Notes: Market Analyst Joe Kerns with the International Agribusiness Group had some soothing words for producers dealing with volatile feed costs. He speaks with AgToday's Eric Atkinson.