Logical Weight Loss Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 178:48:52
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A No nonsense approach to weight loss hosted by Dave Jackson a regular person like you trying to lose weight. He shares what is and isn't working for him, inspirational stories, and weight loss gadgets. Presented in a fun and entertaining style.


  • Discipline or Disappointment - Your Choice

    23/11/2014 Duración: 24min

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. -Budda Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. - Jim Rohn We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. - Jim Rohn Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that's the difference. Lou Holtz I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control. Tim Ferriss Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace. Mike Ditka It's Not an Age Thing 1) Helen Keller, at the age of 19 months, became deaf and blind. But that didn’t

  • Apple Health App and two others Reviewed

    12/10/2014 Duración: 26min

    Apple Health App Apple products are known for their ease of use. That was before the Health app from apple. I spent a lot of time just trying to input my age, sex, weight, etc. The other thing that seems really stupid is you input different ingrediants and minerals, etc individually. So have fun when you eat a salad figuring out how much of each mineral is in your food. This seems really stupid. You can only assume that there is more to his product that I am unaware of. This just seems so NOT an Apple product. Zombies Run Need some motivation? How about the sound of zombies coming up from behind? The sound on this is great. They really use stereo imaging to make it real. The only thing is there isn't much to do. I gained a bunch of objects, but I have no idea what to do with them .There was another thing missing. Zombies. Oh during the first few missions I was eaten by zombies, but I expected them to come out to play more often. I would often walk 5-10 minutes without a zombie approaching. I did later fin

  • Sodas Are the New Cigarettes

    05/10/2014 Duración: 37min

    Today I share some insights into the movie Fed Up from the people of an unconventional truth and has Katie Couric. It is a straight shooting video that points out that we are just being lied to through the media as the food industries continues to feed us information through the media that is just a bunch of lies. You find out that a calorie is not a calorie. There is a great example of 160 calories almonds and 160 calories from a soft drink. You see where the drink just gets burned through the liver and turned into fat. Where is The Sugar Information? When I look at a box of Raisin bran, I see the daily percentages for fiber, salt, etc, but not for sugar. That's weird. When I look at a 12 ounce can of Mountain Dew there are 46 grams of sugar. There is no clue what percentage of my daily intake it is. Well according to the World Health Organization, that's because that one can of Mountain Dew (or insert your own sot drink of choice) may have close to DOUBLE the amount of sugar you need PER DAY. That O

  • Change Your Brain Change Your Experience?

    29/09/2014 Duración: 24min

    A new episode

  • 7 Habits of Efective People

    14/09/2014 Duración: 24min

    Today I'm wrapping up some of my thoughts on the book IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery I really like a segment on the 7 habits of healthy people . These inlcude: Healthy people eat all the time (don't let yourself run on empty) Healthy people are prepared (and don't get food from drive-thru, and vending machines) Healthy people don't kill themselves at the gym (nothing crazy) Healthy people work exercise into their daily routine (park away from the front of the zone, take the stairs). Healthy people keep it simple (don't wait till you get the best gear) Healthy people don't avoid the doctor Healthy people grocery shop a lot

  • Television Challenge - Own Your Actions

    08/09/2014 Duración: 13min

    Today I talk about a challenge that if you are watching TV you need to be moving!. Also I talk about spoiled athletes who never have to own their actions. 

  • Times Up - Breakfast Stats

    01/09/2014 Duración: 22min

    A new episode

  • Focusing on What's Important

    25/08/2014 Duración: 19min

    I went to a conference and one of the keynote speakers mentioned that we should schedule our lives to be run at 40%. Why? Because life happens, and that gets moved up to 80%. The problem is we schedule ourselves to be run at 100% (I know I did the last few weeks and a 3 lb increase was the result). Look at anything that is mechanical (car, copy machine, hard drive) if they run 100% of the time they will eventually burn up and die.  So when we book ourselves solid, we are almost ensuring too much stress, too much pressure (because we have no wiggle room - we are sitting ducks if our life throws us a curve ball). Enter Steven Covey If you need help setting priorities, THE book you MUST read is called First Thing First by Steven Covery. It's a great book In it he point out some obvious stuff. We often jump on things that are urgent, but not important (we change our schedule so we can be home on time for "housewives"). The image below shows what to focus on: Important and urgent: The homework for you

  • Take Notice of TV Commercials

    11/08/2014 Duración: 15min

    Today its a  quick show but I noticed something. When I'm in the car I hear tons of advertisements for cars. Why? Because there are a ton of people who listen to the radio in their cars. Hence it makes sense for car dealers to advertise on the radio. It  is where their target market is. Makes sense? Then after my drive home (hearing car dealer after car dealer) and I turned on the 6 PM news. What did I see when they went to commercial? Drug ads. One after the other. Drug this, drug that to make you thin if you are fat. To make you happy if you are sad. To sharpen your mind, control your bladder, make the little solider salute, and more.  Then after they tell you the benefits, there is at least 30 seconds of after effects including: Death. Diarrhea Double vision Suicidal Tendencies Mood Swings Liver failure The list goes on and on.  Why are drug dealers spending so much time and money on Television Advertisements? Because its where (unhealthy people  - their target market) are congregating. Turn off the TV

  • What if You Were Healthy

    03/08/2014 Duración: 20min

    Today I'm out with my portable recorder and taking you along as I walk to find some food. I'm still reading the book Impossible and the last chapter he asked, "What would you do if you were healthy?" Maybe its something like: Sit in any chair, Shop in the "normal" section Smile standing in front of a mirror naked Not see a gut when you take off your shirt.  Not feel your back fat flopping when running Feel more energetic. Make a list of everything you would do. Then stop and close your eyes and try to FEEL what they would be like. Remember that feeling. You need this to help you push through when you're not having a good day.  Ben Franklin Was Right Think about it. If you say up at night what do you do?  Watch TV - Nothing else is open Eat Fast Food - nothing else is open See lots of food commercials - advertisers aren't dumb So start going to be earlier. There is a reason this slogan has been around so long (Early to be and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wi

  • Is Facebook Making You Fat

    20/07/2014 Duración: 27min

    Why Diet's Are Doomed I was at a Casting Crowns concert and Mark Hall the lead singer made a great point. You start a diet when you are full and feel awful. You are inspired by the way you feel. You jump into everything you see. You buy P90X, and schedule time to jog every day after you do the work out, you buy Shakeology and get on the monthly program. It's Sunday night. You're pumped up. While you are waiting for the new tools to arrive, something happens. You get hungry. You are strong and ready to take on the world because you're full.  When you are hungry you get weak. The problem is many times you are not hungry for food. You are hungry for love (ladies) and men you are hungry for respect. You are hungry for sleep, money, and many other things, but you try to fill that hole with food. Stay strong. Identify your weaknesses. Is Facebook Making you Fat? Instead of mirror  mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all, we are saying smart phone show me the facebook, tell me how my life sh

  • Both Sides of ONLY ONe

    13/07/2014 Duración: 11min

    A new episode

  • Dr. Oz Gets Spanked - Spree Fitness Headband

    22/06/2014 Duración: 31min

    A new episode

  • The Motivational Power of Tough Love

    14/06/2014 Duración: 27min

    Today I talk about some reviews we've received in iTunes. Sometimes its hard to hear negative things about you, but you need to stop and ask if there is any validity to comments. In some cases, there are. Here is the one that really got me. It was from Ellen.   by EllenHenderson from USA on February 8, 2014 I like the guy - he seems like a really good person. However, for the entire time I've been listening to his podcasts, he has puttered around with about a 10 lb. range - this over 2 years or so. He is addicted to Mountain Dew and the entire gist of his shows is to review some web based food and exercise tracking systems or fitness "aids" or iPhone apps. The bottom line is, I need somebody that motivates me by example. Dave seems to be doing this podcast just to listen to himself talk. If that is the purpose of the podcast, I think there are plenty of others that have moved past the "eat less exercise more" mentality. And the difference between them and Dave is, their approaches actu

  • Don't Settle For an Unhealthy Lifestyle

    08/06/2014 Duración: 19min

    If you want to lose weight you need to make your own food, and measure everything you eat. You eyes deceive you. One trick you can do is eat on smaller plates. It sounds silly, but you eyes think its a lot of food when its not as much. Why is it that we won't settle for some things, but we lay back and let people poison our food. We convince ourselves that we "deserve" a break and then accept food that tricks our brain into thinking we are not full (so we keep eating). Did you know that on a label, the ingredients are listed in the order the amount? See how often SUGAR is number 2 or 3 on the list. See how many of the ingredients you can't pronounce. Bob is my new friend on fitbit and says, "Dave you need to say no to family and friends" (and he's right).

  • What if a doctor told you to stop?

    01/06/2014 Duración: 22min

    Today I'm still sharing from the book IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery and I'm finding it amazing. He talks about forcefeeders, and on Memorial Day I was faced with quite a few. Now, let me stop right there. Nobody put a gun to my head. My response is my responsibility. But I didn't want to hurt anyone, and in doing so I hurt my chances of losing weight. It was a dumb move. My wife had some surgery not too long ago and was told not to eat. Now I'm not a fan of fasting, but it sounds very hard. She did it. We call can go deeper into our own strengths that we don't even know exist until we are tested. I'm sure we can all do more than we think we can. So today, pretend a doctor told you to stop. If we don't start doing that, eventually we won't be pretending.

  • 4 Steps to Lasting Weight Loss - No More Victim Mentality

    18/05/2014 Duración: 30min

    Today we again look at the book Impossible: How I lost 400 lbs. It's a great book and today is based on the chapter about taking steps for lasting weight loss. I think the part that jumped out at me is that we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to track what we put in out mouths, and we need to realize that our response is our responsibility. Life is 10% what happens to use and 90% of how we react. Some of our actions lead to positive results, and others send us in the wrong way. We have the power within us to stop, we may think we don't be we do. Believe in yourself, and take it small steps at a time. Don't try to be a super hero. Don't try to reverse years of abuse on our body in a few weeks. That is impossible. However, taking the right steps on a consistent basis will lead us in the right direction. I highly recommend this book. You can purchase it using the link below.

  • Are You Ready To Lose Weight?

    12/05/2014 Duración: 25min

    Today I share some insights I'm getting from a great book called IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery . We had the author Bryan Ganey on a few episodes ago, and I'm just now getting around to reading his book. WOW IS IT AWESOME. It's filled with tons of just "Yeah, that makes sense - why didn't I think of that" information. The one thing I love about this book is the information comes from Bryan. Not some academic study. I get the information from someone who does't study it, but instead someone who LIVES it.  I love the fact that it sounds like Bryan is sitting across the table from me giving me advice. So today (after only reading the first few chapters) I wanted to share the points that really jumped out at me. One of those points is that based on your current stress level, relationships, time constraints, and other items in your life - you might not be ready to lose weight. Really? Yes, in some cases we may be trying to do the impossible. That doesn't me

  • Putting Yourself First

    04/05/2014 Duración: 34min

    I am at a bit of a crossroads. I really need to start making progress, so today I take off for a walk and bring you along as we talk about putting yourself first, and by exercising first you can't take that away. I realize that you can eat away any exercising you've done, but I feel you are more likely NOT TO if you've actually done the work. 

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