Late Night Health



Award-winning host and producer Mark Alyn encourages people to take charge of their healthcare! Mark is a veteran host and healthcare consumer. New shows downloaded every weekend!


  • Health At All Cost Part 2

    12/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    Continuing the conversation of Health At All Cost with Dr. Ronald Fischbach.

  • Health At All Cost Part 1

    12/08/2017 Duración: 13min

    The state America’s health is sorely less than it should be. We live under a bifurcated health care delivery system that provides excellent care for those who can afford it, while leaving a huge portion of its citizens often having to choose between health care and putting food on the table. Health care spending in the U.S. towers over the that spent in Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, both per capita and as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). Even though so much of American’s family budget goes to health care we are far from the healthiest people on the planet. Americans are below average on most measures of health — from obesity to infant mortality — when compared with other wealthy nations. The U.S. ranks at 26th in life expectancy out of the top 34 nations in the world. Infant mortality is a major measure of health care in the world and the U.S. ranks near the bottom among the wealthiest of nations. There are

  • Healing Yourself With Love - A Chat With Swami S. Tirtha (The Orange Cowboy) Part 1

    10/08/2017 Duración: 13min

    Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them humanity cannot survive.— Dalai LamaToday I will share with you simple solutions how you can take control of your health by using energy healing and discuss research proving its efficacy.Feel Thyself/Heal ThyselfYou probably are familiar with some forms of energy healing. Reiki seem to be everywhere these days even in many hospitals, nurses use reiki to prepare a patient for surgery — calming them, and in post surgery to heal more quickly and painlessly.Another form of ‘quick’ healing is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or ‘tapping’, created by a medical doctor after studying the Chinese acupuncture system. There are studies on the government’s NIH PubMed website that found EFT calms students before exams, and also helps eliminate PTSD in veterans. How cool is that! No drugs, no prolonged sessions, and these are do-it yourself tools you can use anytime, anywhere. [see my free ‘How-to’ EFT video:]. These are great starts to

  • Healing With Love - A Chat With Swami S. Tirtha (The Orange Cowboy) Part 2

    10/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    control of your health by using energy healing and discuss research proving its efficacy.Feel Thyself/Heal ThyselfYou probably are familiar with some forms of energy healing. Reiki seem to be everywhere these days even in many hospitals, nurses use reiki to prepare a patient for surgery — calming them, and in post surgery to heal more quickly and painlessly.Another form of ‘quick’ healing is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or ‘tapping’, created by a medical doctor after studying the Chinese acupuncture system. There are studies on the government’s NIH PubMed website that found EFT calms students before exams, and also helps eliminate PTSD in veterans. How cool is that! No drugs, no prolonged sessions, and these are do-it yourself tools you can use anytime, anywhere. [see my free ‘How-to’ EFT video:]. These are great starts to self healing. Can energy healing clear our beliefs so we can life of our dreams (more health, wealth, energy, love, joy), etc? That’s an energetic yes! Compassio

  • The SlowBurn Revolution with Fredrick Hahn Part 1

    09/08/2017 Duración: 13min

    What would you say if someone told you that doing cardio or the latest fitness fad every day was a waste of time to be leaner, stronger and toned? All you need is SlowBurn strength training twice a week for 15 to 30 minutes at a time. The method is perfect for busy parents, boomers and even kids (ages 10 and up) who want to maximize health benefits in minimal time. Fredrick Hahn opened SlowBurn Personal Training because he could no longer accept the dangerous and useless exercise practices he was forced to deal with in the world of personal training and physical therapy. He wanted to give his clients the very best he could in an ideal exercise environment—by increasing the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of their exercise sessions.

  • The Slow Burn Revolution With Fredrick Hahn Part 2

    09/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    What would you say if someone told you that doing cardio or the latest fitness fad every day was a waste of time to be leaner, stronger and toned? All you need is SlowBurn strength training twice a week for 15 to 30 minutes at a time. The method is perfect for busy parents, boomers and even kids (ages 10 and up) who want to maximize health benefits in minimal time. Fredrick Hahn opened SlowBurn Personal Training because he could no longer accept the dangerous and useless exercise practices he was forced to deal with in the world of personal training and physical therapy. He wanted to give his clients the very best he could in an ideal exercise environment—by increasing the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of their exercise sessions.

  • LNH wk 269 seg 1 Could You Be Allergic To Yourself?

    28/07/2017 Duración: 13min

    FORGET POLLEN - YOU COULD BE ALLERGIC TO YOURSELF!Mast cells are white blood cells that are part of the immune system and are designed to fight foreign substances. When these mast cells see something that is foreign and think it is dangerous, it will try to kill whatever the foreign object is. It does that by releasing chemicals it contains inside. Those chemicals are meant to try to kill the bad thing it is seeing- which could be a food, pollen or a virus, and in doing that and releasing the chemicals and killing the foreign object, it backfires and effects our whole body. The chemicals are inflammatory and toxic. They are causing damage to our own body in the process of trying to fight off something else. In some people, the mast cells continue to react even when they don’t have something specific they are reacting to. It is an inappropriate response in the body to something it thinks is there, but may not be there. If the mast cells are primed to react to things, you can eat certain foods and make it worse

  • Are You Allergic To Yourself? Part 2

    28/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    Conversation continues with Tania Dempsey, MD about being allergic to yourself.

  • Help Your Kids Sleep Better

    28/07/2017 Duración: 16min
  • You Only Have One Day to Live

    27/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do and why? What are the five words you would want written on your headstone? This episode is continued from Seg 5.

  • If you Only Have One Day To Live..

    27/07/2017 Duración: 13min

    If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do and why? What are the five words you would want written on your headstone? All of us want to make the most of our time on the planet - to live a life that matters. These questions trigger an awareness of the fragility of life. In an instant life can change. We never know what each day will bring. In those moments when we are confronted by our mortality, we possess an opportunity. We focus on what is truly important in our lives. We all experience these moments when our world shaken or perhaps at joyous occasions – a birth or wedding, when we pause to take stock of our lives. The question for us is how do we lead our lives with this sense of purpose every day? Rabbi Daniel Cohen provides the roadmap. In his book, What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy, Rabbi Daniel Cohen challenges us to find meaning in every day and live our best lives now. His book is not about death but about harnessing our potential to live life with

  • US Based Medical Schools vs. International Medical Schools (Part 1) - Neal Simon 5/26/17

    21/07/2017 Duración: 13min

    Dr. Eddie Copelin II served in Iraq as part of the US Marine Corps Reserves. So when he returned from overseas and decided to pursue a degree in medicine at the American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine, he was disappointed to learn that an outdated U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) policy prohibited him from carrying out the clinical training of his medical school education at any of the many VA Hospitals in the United States.“It was disappointing,” said Dr. Copelin. “I’m a veteran and I was in a position to help other veterans and I couldn’t.”The VA operates the nation’s largest integrated health care system, with more than 1,700 medical facilities nationwide. While international medical school graduates are permitted to work as residents in VA hospitals, medical students are prohibited from training in clerkships at VA hospitals. Medical students spend the last two years of their medical education in clinical settings at hospitals.Neal Simon, the President of AUA says this should

  • US Based Medical Schools vs. International Medical Schools (Part 2) - Neal Simon 5/26/17

    21/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    Dr. Eddie Copelin II served in Iraq as part of the US Marine Corps Reserves. So when he returned from overseas and decided to pursue a degree in medicine at the American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine, he was disappointed to learn that an outdated U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) policy prohibited him from carrying out the clinical training of his medical school education at any of the many VA Hospitals in the United States.“It was disappointing,” said Dr. Copelin. “I’m a veteran and I was in a position to help other veterans and I couldn’t.”The VA operates the nation’s largest integrated health care system, with more than 1,700 medical facilities nationwide. While international medical school graduates are permitted to work as residents in VA hospitals, medical students are prohibited from training in clerkships at VA hospitals. Medical students spend the last two years of their medical education in clinical settings at hospitals.Neal Simon, the President of AUA says this should

  • Women's Vaginal Health After 40 (Part 1) - Chia Chia Sun 6/2/17

    21/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    Are you noticing that perfumes bother you more as you age? You’re not alone. A recent study of 17 high-end perfumes showed that on average, each contained 17 unidentified chemicals, including toxins such as hormone disruptors.For women, removing toxins from our environment and products becomes critical after age 40 because of one word: hormones.Starting at age 35, our ovaries begin to decline in function. By age 40, our adrenal glands are starting to take over the production of female sex hormones from the ovaries. Because our adrenal glands are working to pump out hormones, they become fatigued and we experience chemical sensitivity and increased allergies. It’s not just women, men with adrenal fatigue also experience this reaction to toxins but for women, our drop in hormones occurs more suddenly due to menopause.Women start entering peri-menopause in our early forties and are menopausal - with cessation of periods - by age 51. During peri-menopause, our bodies start acting differently because our ovaries a

  • Women's Vaginal Health After 40 (Part 2) - Chia Chia Sun 6/2/17

    19/06/2017 Duración: 06min

    Are you noticing that perfumes bother you more as you age? You’re not alone. A recent study of 17 high-end perfumes showed that on average, each contained 17 unidentified chemicals, including toxins such as hormone disruptors.For women, removing toxins from our environment and products becomes critical after age 40 because of one word: hormones.Starting at age 35, our ovaries begin to decline in function. By age 40, our adrenal glands are starting to take over the production of female sex hormones from the ovaries. Because our adrenal glands are working to pump out hormones, they become fatigued and we experience chemical sensitivity and increased allergies. It’s not just women, men with adrenal fatigue also experience this reaction to toxins but for women, our drop in hormones occurs more suddenly due to menopause.Women start entering peri-menopause in our early forties and are menopausal - with cessation of periods - by age 51. During peri-menopause, our bodies start acting differently because our ovaries a

  • Resolving Problems - Sheila Unique 5/26/17

    15/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    3 Powerful Points to Resolving Problems and Move Forward!Resolving Problems, how many times have you thought about your problems and still there is no resolution inside? Days go by and you find yourself constantly thinking about the problem. You have tried so many things and yet the problem won’t go away. What can you do to resolve problems and move forward in life? When it comes to your problems, what do you perceive is your problem?  Are you resolving the right problem?  Here are 3 powerful points to re-direct your thinking to actually move you forward in life: Be specific about the problem. People perceive their problems are bigger than they can handle. They say they are not good with finances.  There is no hope in relationships.  Their health will never turn around.  People talk about their problems using broad words such as finances, relationships and health.  How can you be more specific about the problem you are trying to resolve?For example, let’s say you are not good with your finances.  The word ‘fi

  • Light Therapy - Biophotonics (Part 1) - Yvonne Hedeker 5/5/17

    13/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    Biophotonics or light therapy is one of the most promising new technologies in health and wellness. It’s not surprising when you think about it. Light is the source of all life. Just like plants we need the right kinds of light for optimal health and well-being.You can have the best diet and latest supplements, the best water, the best exercise program, the best medical care, the best attitude and there is still something missing. Its light! The right frequencies of light are an essential nutrient. Our brains, our eyes, our bodies need it….and most of us are deficient. We live indoors, unnaturally, under fluorescent and other lights that are not good for us.Interestingly enough, this is what Einstein won the Nobel Prize for in 1921. His explanation of the photo-electric effect, or how subatomic particles of light, called photons interact with all matter, including living organisms. In Germany, Fritz Popp, a modern day biophysicist, explains that each second, some 100,000 chemical reactions occur in a gi

  • Light Therapy - Biophotonics (Part 2) - Yvonne Hedeker 5/5/17

    13/06/2017 Duración: 06min

    Biophotonics or light therapy is one of the most promising new technologies in health and wellness.  It’s not surprising when you think about it. Light is the source of all life.  Just like plants we need the right kinds of light for optimal health and well-being.You can have the best diet and latest supplements, the best water, the best exercise program, the best medical care, the best attitude and there is still something missing.  Its light!  The right frequencies of light are an essential nutrient. Our brains, our eyes, our bodies need it….and most of us are deficient. We live indoors, unnaturally, under fluorescent and other lights that are not good for us.Interestingly enough, this is what Einstein won the Nobel Prize for in 1921.  His explanation of the photo-electric effect, or how subatomic particles of light, called photons interact with all matter, including living organisms.  In Germany, Fritz Popp, a modern day biophysicist, explains that each second, some 100,000 chemical reactions occur in a gi

  • Who Are You Going To Be? (Part 1) -Tonya Hoffmann 5/12/17

    12/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    You have HUGE decisions in life. Who are you going to be? What kind of person are you going to be? And who and what kind of people are you going to surround yourself with to both enhance and support your time on this planet. Define your 2 to 3 main “rules” in life. Example for my rules is that you must be Nice and you can’t be Perfect. My core rules which are also my core values come out in the businesses I create, the clients I want to attract and the personal relationships I want to have to make me smile each day. What is your core value rules and are you solid in your stance you take with each person you interact with each day? Don’t settle long term with anything or anyone that doesn’t continue to support your rules and values. Surround yourself with amazing people that make you happy to see them, be with them and your health, wealth and prosperity will flourish along with the life lines on your face! At the end of the day, you should be thankful for the experiences and fill fulfilled. If not, w

  • Who Are You Going To Be? (Part 2) -Tonya Hoffmann 5/12/17

    12/06/2017 Duración: 06min

    You have HUGE decisions in life.  Who are you going to be?  What kind of person are you going to be?  And who and what kind of people are you going to surround yourself with to both enhance and support your time on this planet.  Define your 2 to 3 main “rules” in life.  Example for my rules is that you must be Nice and you can’t be Perfect.  My core rules which are also my core values come out in the businesses I create, the clients I want to attract and the personal relationships I want to have to make me smile each day.  What is your core value rules and are you solid in your stance you take with each person you interact with each day?  Don’t settle long term with anything or anyone that doesn’t continue to support your rules and values.  Surround yourself with amazing people that make you happy to see them, be with them and your health, wealth and prosperity will flourish along with the life lines on your face! At the end of the day, you should be thankful for the experiences and fill fulfilled.  If not, w

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