Late Night Health



Award-winning host and producer Mark Alyn encourages people to take charge of their healthcare! Mark is a veteran host and healthcare consumer. New shows downloaded every weekend!


  • Getting Past the Medical Gatekeeper (Part 1)- Eric T. Rosenthal 4/28/17

    04/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    Getting past The Medical Gatekeeper, I am Eric Rosenthal, I’m a medical journalist and this is my personal story about an access my to care issue. I was forced to receive treatment in an emergency room because a medical office wouldn’t return repeated calls for an appointment. Much of this has to do with accountability, with fingers often being pointed in various directions by various employees, but the ultimate responsibility for all office procedures resides with the physician-owners of the practice.I’ve been a lifelong runner and began having trouble breathing while exercising last fall. My internist diagnosed late-onset asthma, and prescribed a rescue inhaler.However a few weeks later I began having difficulty breathing at night and developed a very bad persistent cough. After three nights of no sleep my condition grew worse and the day after Christmas I ended up in the emergency room of a suburban-Philadelphia teaching hospital, where I was diagnosed with bronchitis, and prescribed a course of oral predn

  • Getting Past the Medical Gatekeeper (Part 2)- Eric T. Rosenthal 4/28/17

    04/06/2017 Duración: 06min

    Getting past The Medical Gatekeeper, I am Eric Rosenthal, I’m a medical journalist and this is my personal story about an access my to care issue. I was forced to receive treatment in an emergency room because a medical office wouldn’t return repeated calls for an appointment. Much of this has to do with accountability, with fingers often being pointed in various directions by various employees, but the ultimate responsibility for all office procedures resides with the physician-owners of the practice.I’ve been a lifelong runner and began having trouble breathing while exercising last fall. My internist diagnosed late-onset asthma, and prescribed a rescue inhaler.However a few weeks later I began having difficulty breathing at night and developed a very bad persistent cough. After three nights of no sleep my condition grew worse and the day after Christmas I ended up in the emergency room of a suburban-Philadelphia teaching hospital, where I was diagnosed with bronchitis, and prescribed a course of oral

  • Drop the Pain Pills (Part 1) - Sherry Fox 4/28/17

    30/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    Drop the Pain Pills: BioCare System is changing the pain relief game with LumiWave, its medical-grade pain relief deviceWhy should you drop the Pain Pills? According to the National Safety Council, 99 percent of physicians exceed the recommended three-day dosage limit and that 74 percent of doctors believe morphine and oxycodone are the most effective ways to treat pain.BioCare Systems is proving that pain can be managed without opioids – empowering people to take control of their health. Their product LumiWave delivers a specialized dose of near infrared light, which triggers the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been proven to dilate blood vessels, increase lymphatic drainage and modulate muscle repair. The uses of LumiWave are vast, from relieving pain from chronic pain (like arthritis, migraines or tendonitis) and acute injuries to promoting muscle recovery and stimulating stem cell proliferation and differentiation in stem cell treatments (PRP)LumiWave is a medical-grade pain relief technology fo

  • Drop the Pain Pills (Part 2) - Sherry Fox 4/28/17

    30/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Drop the Pain Pills: BioCare System is changing the pain relief game with LumiWave, its medical-grade pain relief deviceWhy should you drop the Pain Pills? According to the National Safety Council, 99 percent of physicians exceed the recommended three-day dosage limit and that 74 percent of doctors believe morphine and oxycodone are the most effective ways to treat pain.BioCare Systems is proving that pain can be managed without opioids – empowering people to take control of their health. Their product LumiWave delivers a specialized dose of near infrared light, which triggers the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been proven to dilate blood vessels, increase lymphatic drainage and modulate muscle repair. The uses of LumiWave are vast, from relieving pain from chronic pain (like arthritis, migraines or tendonitis) and acute injuries to promoting muscle recovery and stimulating stem cell proliferation and differentiation in stem cell treatments (PRP)LumiWave is a medical-grade pain relief technology fo

  • Stillness and Meditation (Part 1) - Christine Powers 1/20/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 16min

    We are all looking for a bit more stillness in our lives, or so we have been told we should be. But what does that mean? For most of us, we are going through our days so quickly, that “stillness” may mean falling asleep the moment we hit the sofa at night, or the smooth pull of a glass of wine at the end of a long day of work — with dinner, laundry, and kids still on the docket.For me, stillness is another word for a deep calm that emanates from within my body. Even if a stressful situation is unfolding around me at home, at work, or even on the news. Stillness is also a word that I like to use instead of meditation sometimes because the concept of “meditating” can feel overwhelming and complicated to those who have not done it.Here are tips on tapping into a calm and “centered” feeling when you are stressed or overwhelmed:Ask yourself, “Am I breathing?” and then focus on your breath…. simply going in and out. In and out. Do not alter it, just watch it. Feel it. This will naturally bring you to the present mo

  • Stillness and Meditation (Part 2) - Christine Powers 1/20/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    We are all looking for a bit more stillness in our lives, or so we have been told we should be. But what does that mean? For most of us, we are going through our days so quickly, that “stillness” may mean falling asleep the moment we hit the sofa at night, or the smooth pull of a glass of wine at the end of a long day of work — with dinner, laundry, and kids still on the docket.For me, stillness is another word for a deep calm that emanates from within my body. Even if a stressful situation is unfolding around me at home, at work, or even on the news. Stillness is also a word that I like to use instead of meditation sometimes because the concept of “meditating” can feel overwhelming and complicated to those who have not done it.Here are tips on tapping into a calm and “centered” feeling when you are stressed or overwhelmed:Ask yourself, “Am I breathing?” and then focus on your breath…. simply going in and out. In and out. Do not alter it, just watch it. Feel it. This will naturally bring you to the present mo

  • Business & Personal Relationships (Part 1) - Alan & Shelley Zovar 2/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    There are many problems inherent in combining a business and personal relationship. The problematic areas usually revolve around money, respective effort, communication, ability and division of labor. There are other possible problems, but these are a few of the key categories.In a combination business and personal relationship, it is helpful to reinforce each other in positive ways, such as verbal acknowledgement of each other’s effort, i.e. compliments. It’s important to reinforce each other on a regular basis. You cannot assume that your partner knows that they are appreciated in their efforts and hard work. It’s important that the compliments be voiced.We discuss who is responsible for specific activities relating to the business, and we apportion activities according to ability and time availability. In our relationship, one of us has a larger part in running the business with all that that entails. We often strategize together on how we want to move forward on various pieces of business.There are many o

  • Business & Personal Relationships (Part 2) - Alan & Shelley Zovar 2/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    There are many problems inherent in combining a business and personal relationship. The problematic areas usually revolve around money, respective effort, communication, ability and division of labor. There are other possible problems, but these are a few of the key categories.In a combination business and personal relationship, it is helpful to reinforce each other in positive ways, such as verbal acknowledgement of each other’s effort, i.e. compliments. It’s important to reinforce each other on a regular basis. You cannot assume that your partner knows that they are appreciated in their efforts and hard work. It’s important that the compliments be voiced.We discuss who is responsible for specific activities relating to the business, and we apportion activities according to ability and time availability. In our relationship, one of us has a larger part in running the business with all that that entails. We often strategize together on how we want to move forward on various pieces of business.There are

  • 4 Fatal Health Mistakes Women 40+ Make (Part 1) - Christine Horner 3/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 16min

    What are the mistakes women over the age of 40 make when it comes to their health? Our guest tonight on Late Night Health, Dr. Christine Horner, is here to talk about these common mistakes and what women can do to avoid them so they feel radiant, healthy and beautiful beyond age 40.Statistics show that women over the age of 40 are getting married for the first or second time, having children and are at the pinnacle of their careers. Clearly, women over 40 are not “over the hill,” however their busy lives can lead them to make mistakes that can negatively affect their health and longevity.Dr. Christine Horner is author of the book, “Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty,” and says there isn’t just one cause of aging, but rather many factors that simultaneously contribute to the overall aging process. But there is good news! She says there are many ways to reverse the aging process especially when it comes to health issues like heart health, menopause, weight gain and depression.Also, Dr. Christine Horner is no stran

  • 4 Fatal Health Mistakes Women 40+ Make (Part 2) - Christine Horner 3/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    What are the mistakes women over the age of 40 make when it comes to their health? Our guest tonight on Late Night Health, Dr. Christine Horner, is here to talk about these common mistakes and what women can do to avoid them so they feel radiant, healthy and beautiful beyond age 40.Statistics show that women over the age of 40 are getting married for the first or second time, having children and are at the pinnacle of their careers. Clearly, women over 40 are not “over the hill,” however their busy lives can lead them to make mistakes that can negatively affect their health and longevity.Dr. Christine Horner is author of the book, “Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty,” and says there isn’t just one cause of aging, but rather many factors that simultaneously contribute to the overall aging process. But there is good news! She says there are many ways to reverse the aging process especially when it comes to health issues like heart health, menopause, weight gain and depression.Also, Dr. Christine Horner is no stran

  • Health Care Under President Trump (Part 1) - Karen Howard 2/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    What will happen with the health care system under the new Trump Administration? Karen Howard, executive director and CEO of the Organic & Natural Health Association is our guest tonight on Late Night Health to talk about these important issues.Karen will talk to us about the current health care system and where she feels the Trump administration should focus their attention and how to regulate a path for a healthier America. Some of the questions we will be exploring:Why is our country that focuses so much on diagnostics for disease prevention fail miserably in financing benefits that alleviate the onset of chronic disease by promoting exercise, healthy diets and mental health? Obamacare may be here for now but is it about to explode? Can government really regulate us into a healthy society? Our guest, Karen Howard, says no and she says her organization, the Organic & Natural Health Association, is ready and positioned to oppose the efforts of the government when they fail the test.Join Late Nigh

  • Health Care Under President Trump (Part 2) - Karen Howard 2/17/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    What will happen with the health care system under the new Trump Administration? Karen Howard, executive director and CEO of the Organic & Natural Health Association is our guest tonight on Late Night Health to talk about these important issues.Karen will talk to us about the current health care system and where she feels the Trump administration should focus their attention and how to regulate a path for a healthier America. Some of the questions we will be exploring:Why is our country that focuses so much on diagnostics for disease prevention fail miserably in financing benefits that alleviate the onset of chronic disease by promoting exercise, healthy diets and mental health? Obamacare may be here for now but is it about to explode? Can government really regulate us into a healthy society? Our guest, Karen Howard, says no and she says her organization, the Organic & Natural Health Association, is ready and positioned to oppose the efforts of the government when they fail the test.Join Late Nigh

  • Alleviate Airline Flight Frustrations (Part 1) - Rod Rakic 3/10/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    The recent incident with United Airlines dragging their customer off a plane against his will has America in utter shock. When it comes to air travel is customer service even a term for travelers anymore or is this treatment just par for the course of increased air travel?Our guest tonight on Late Night Health tonight is Rod Rakic, a FAA commercial rated pilot, volunteer Civil Air Patrol officer, and co-founder of FlyOtto says the future of air travel is going to get better and passengers do have rights that they may not be aware of that they can use to their benefit. He says a huge factor to why air travel can be so stressful is because most travelers are just told what to do and where to go without much explanation. He says this can cause a lot of unnecessary aggravation that could be easily resolved if passengers had the tools and knowledge to navigate their trips more effectively.Rod Rakic says decoding arduous air travel mysteries can alleviate unnecessary flight frustrations this spring and summer. H

  • Alleviate Airline Flight Frustrations (Part 2) - Rod Rakic 3/10/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    The recent incident with United Airlines dragging their customer off a plane against his will has America in utter shock. When it comes to air travel is customer service even a term for travelers anymore or is this treatment just par for the course of increased air travel?Our guest tonight on Late Night Health tonight is Rod Rakic, a FAA commercial rated pilot, volunteer Civil Air Patrol officer, and co-founder of FlyOtto says the future of air travel is going to get better and passengers do have rights that they may not be aware of that they can use to their benefit. He says a huge factor to why air travel can be so stressful is because most travelers are just told what to do and where to go without much explanation. He says this can cause a lot of unnecessary aggravation that could be easily resolved if passengers had the tools and knowledge to navigate their trips more effectively.Rod Rakic says decoding arduous air travel mysteries can alleviate unnecessary flight frustrations this spring and summer. H

  • Autism and Dance Movement Therapy (Part 1) - Lori Baudino 4/7/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 16min

    Autism Spectrum is a disorder identified through such symptoms as repetitive behaviors/movements, lack of eye contact/facial affect changes, and associated changes in the body in regards to regulation and socialization, said Dr. Lori Baudino, licensed clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist.Dr. Baudino treats her autistic patients through Dance/Movement therapy (DMT). “DMT incorporates ways for the child to feel accepted on a body level, for parents to understand a child's nonverbal and verbal communication, and to join through the body to co-regulate and engage the child for daily living skills and socialization” she explained.DMT involves movement ranging from simple breathing to jumping, running, gross motor skills and even watching movement. Dance/Movement provides autistic children the opportunity to gain control and express their feelings.Dr. Baudino calls the outcome of this therapeutic modality “Having Body Knowledge”. “The Body Knowledge enables children to focus on thei

  • Autism and Dance Movement Therapy (Part 2) - Lori Baudino 4/7/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Autism Spectrum is a disorder identified through such symptoms as repetitive behaviors/movements, lack of eye contact/facial affect changes, and associated changes in the body in regards to regulation and socialization, said Dr. Lori Baudino, licensed clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist.Dr. Baudino treats her autistic patients through Dance/Movement therapy (DMT). “DMT incorporates ways for the child to feel accepted on a body level, for parents to understand a child's nonverbal and verbal communication, and to join through the body to co-regulate and engage the child for daily living skills and socialization” she explained.DMT involves movement ranging from simple breathing to jumping, running, gross motor skills and even watching movement. Dance/Movement provides autistic children the opportunity to gain control and express their feelings.Dr. Baudino calls the outcome of this therapeutic modality “Having Body Knowledge”. “The Body Knowledge enables children to focus on thei

  • Communication Skills (Part 1) - Anandhi Narasimhan 4/14/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    Communication is a very vital part of existence. There has been literature describing how emotional intelligence and communication skills can result in more promising career development, better relationships. People who interview well understand how to make an impression and communicate in a way that makes an employer want to hire them. Poor communication skills can divide people and result in polarization.If you are with a partner and you want them to lose weight because you are concerned about his or her health, expressing dissatisfaction with the way they look may only marginalize them and make them feel judged. If you instead focus on positivity such as engaging in actions to promote health, that may be more motivating. For example, you can request the other person to take a walk with you, which can have the added benefit of being a bonding experience.Amir Levine, MD, the author of “Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and how it can help you find-and keep-Love” describes the art of effective com

  • Communication Skills (Part 2) - Anandhi Narasimhan 4/14/17

    24/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Communication is a very vital part of existence. There has been literature describing how emotional intelligence and communication skills can result in more promising career development, better relationships. People who interview well understand how to make an impression and communicate in a way that makes an employer want to hire them. Poor communication skills can divide people and result in polarization.If you are with a partner and you want them to lose weight because you are concerned about his or her health, expressing dissatisfaction with the way they look may only marginalize them and make them feel judged. If you instead focus on positivity such as engaging in actions to promote health, that may be more motivating. For example, you can request the other person to take a walk with you, which can have the added benefit of being a bonding experience.Amir Levine, MD, the author of “Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and how it can help you find-and keep-Love” describes the art of effective com

  • Weightloss and Health in America (Part 1) - Maria Dorfner 3/24/17

    04/04/2017 Duración: 13min

    Maria Dorfner, an award-winning TV producer and founder of NewsMD Communications and Healthy Within Network joins Late Night Health to discuss the best ways to stay fit in a world where obesity continues to be on the rise. Maria is a lifelong health advocate and has professionally been specializing in health journalism for over three decades. We discuss nutrition and how important it is in daily life and to maintaining weight or losing it. We also discuss exercise, how much of it you need and why. We discuss why it's important to be an active participant in your own healthcare. Maria states, "The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says 90% of Americans SAY diet and exercise is important, but nearly HALF don't know or understand HOW to achieve a balanced diet. Bob Harper, fitness trainer for "The Biggest Loser" was recently on the Today Show on NBC and he says losing weight is 80% NUTRITION and only 20% fitness. That's huge. The TYPE of foods we eat is important, but the AMOUNT is even more critical. Calor

  • Weightloss and Health in America (Part 2) - Maria Dorfner 3/24/17

    04/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Maria Dorfner, an award-winning TV producer and founder of NewsMD Communications and Healthy Within Network joins Late Night Health to discuss the best ways to stay fit in a world where obesity continues to be on the rise. Maria is a lifelong health advocate and has professionally been specializing in health journalism for over three decades. We discuss nutrition and how important it is in daily life and to maintaining weight or losing it. We also discuss exercise, how much of it you need and why. We discuss why it's important to be an active participant in your own healthcare. Maria states, "The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says 90% of Americans SAY diet and exercise is important, but nearly HALF don't know or understand HOW to achieve a balanced diet. Bob Harper, fitness trainer for "The Biggest Loser" was recently on the Today Show on NBC and he says losing weight is 80% NUTRITION and only 20% fitness. That's huge. The TYPE of foods we eat is important, but the AMOUNT is even more critical. Calor

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