Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung



The Cracking Creativity Podcast shows you how creatives turn their ideas into action, create interesting projects, and build an engaged audience through shared passions.


  • 53: Catherine Orer on Multiple Paths to Success, the Importance of Gratitude, and Becoming Part of a Community

    14/06/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    Catherine Orer was an award winning communications and PR expert for multinational corporations for years, but that job never felt fulfilling to her. So, when the opportunity to study at Christies in Paris opened up, she jumped on it. While in Paris she gained hands on experience working in contemporary art galleries. After her studies, she brought this knowledge and experience back to Canada. While working at an art gallery in Montreal, many artists approached her for help. This began Catherine’s journey as The Artist Entrepreneur. In this episode, find out why gratitude is so important, why there isn’t just one path to success, and why artists should find support. Here are three things you can learn from Catherine: There’s more than one path to success Most people falsely believe there is only one path to success. They believe there’s a secret formula they can learn to become successful. They believe the people who’ve made it are all part of a secret club. Catherine’s path is neither traditional or conventi

  • 52: Jacob Sokol on Thoughts and Self-Awareness, Confidence from Action, and Figuring Things Out

    07/06/2016 Duración: 01h15min

    Jacob Sokol was climbing the corporate ladder at his job as a computer technician when he he realized there was a deep void in his life. His life was filled with the highest of highs, but also the lowest of lows. He didn’t trust his own happiness. He knew something had to change. So he took a 5 week trip to Europe. That is when he decided to embark on a quest to create his ideal life. In this episode, find out about Jacob’s beginnings, his quest to help people create their ideal lives, and also see what makes him tick. Here are three things you can learn from Jacob: You are not your thoughts We like to listen to the thoughts in our head. After all, they are all we know. The problem is, these thoughts often lead us astray. We let them control what we do, and how we think. One of the biggest lessons Jacob learned on his trip to Europe was, he was not his thoughts. Although we all inherently know this, there’s a difference between hearing it and experiencing it. Jacob’s trip showed him the difference between the

  • Miranda Aisling on the Importance of Experimentation, Curiosity's Role in Creativity, and the Importance of Art

    24/05/2016 Duración: 01h22min

    Miranda Aisling found her passion at a very young age. She went to college at the age of 14, and by her junior year of college, two things gave her a clear direction in life. The first was deciding to open up an art center. The second was a trip to El Salvador that changed her life. In this episode, learn about her work as an artist, community builder, and creator of Miranda’s Hearth, the first Community Art Hotel. Here are three things you can learn from Miranda: The beauty of experimentation One of the things artists need to embrace more is the idea of experimentation. When we look up at the paintings hanging in gallery walls, we ask ourselves how someone was able to create that. What many of us don’t see is all the effort it took to get there. Every artist goes through phases of exploration and experimentation. We start off trying to mimic our heroes. What we soon discover is, we can’t recreate a piece of art, no matter how hard we try. So we must experiment for ourselves. Miranda believes the artists who

  • 50: Kevin Chung on Art, Creativity, and Lessons Learned While Cracking Creativity

    17/05/2016 Duración: 01h20min

    This week is going to be a little different. Instead of interviewing another creative, I wanted to celebrate the fiftieth episode of Cracking Creativity by having someone else interview me. I had my friend and former podcast guest, Jacques Ho, interview me. He has been a huge part of my work on this site and this podcast. Each week we meet to discuss what we are working on while also keeping each other accountable to our goals. He has a lot of insights on my work, which I thought would be great to have for this episode. In it, I discuss the beginnings of my creative journey, why I started my blog Marketing Your Art the Right Way, my quote art collection and upcoming book, influences for my work, my podcast, and much more. By the time you finish this episode, I hope you have a better idea of why I started this site and why I want to help all of you on your creative and artistic journeys. Here are three things you can learn from me: Start each day by working for yourself Many of us start each day without making

  • 48: Thom Fox on Life Changing Moments, the Importance of Strong Relationships, and The Value of a Startup Mentality

    26/04/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Thom Fox is a strategy consultant who helps companies with complex problems. He has created economic empowerment programs that have reached over 3 million people and has conducted 1,200 seminars, workshops and keynotes. But his story wasn’t always one filled with success. Thom started off in a life of crime and with an addiction to angel dust. He broke into people’s homes and got arrested at the age of 14. It wasn’t until he was 19 years old that he realized he needed to make a change in his life. It was in that moment that clarity was brought into his life, and got him on the path towards success. Here are three things you can learn from Thom: You can change your life Many people believe once you hit a snag in life, you are doomed to failure. That simply isn’t the case. Thom started off his life as a criminal who was addicted to drugs. Yet, he still found a way to turn his life around. Once he made the decision to change his life, he took on various customer service jobs. But the real moment of change happen

  • 47: Angela Lussier on Being an Imposter, Living Life by Your Own Rules, and the Importance of Play

    19/04/2016 Duración: 01h14min

    Angela Lussier is a coach, public speaker, and author of three books. In this episode Angela talks about her journey towards creating her own business, how to overcome the imposter syndrome, why you need to live by your own rules, and the importance of play. Here are three things you can learn from Angela: Everyone feels like an imposter If you think you are the only one who feels like an imposter, you are dead wrong. We all feel like imposters in some way or another. Even those who look like they have it all together have their doubts to. Angela believes we are all students at something. “Even experts. Even gurus. Even millionaires. Everyone is a student and they may know a lot about what they’re doing in their business, but they still have a lot to learn somewhere else.” Don’t believe people who tell you they have all the answers. We are all learning together. The key is to have the right mindset. “As long as we have the right intentions of trying to help people and trying to do our best work, then that’s t

  • 46: Dr. Matt Westheimer on Mentorships, Relationships, and the Importance of a Process Based Mindset

    12/04/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Dr. Matt Westheimer is a chiropractor and the founder of Elite Blueprint.  In this episode Matt talks about his journey of selling everything he had to build a chiropractic practice in Singapore, the role mentors have played in his life, why you need support from the people around you, and the reason the process is more important than the result. Here are three things you can learn from Matt: The Power of Mentorship One constant throughout Matt's life has been the influence of mentors on his life. Early on, Matt made the mistake of only focusing on one aspect of what he considered success. When Matt read an article about Michael Phelps, he brought it to one of his mentors and said Phelps was the type of person that inspired him. The mentor showed Matt that Phelps had success in one area of life, but was he excelling in other areas of life like relationships, friendships, and personal growth. From that moment on, Matt decided he didn't just want success in one area of life, he wanted it in all areas of life. O

  • 45: Cynthia Morris on the Challenges of a Creative Life, Letting Your Creative Self Lead, and Creating Your Own Stories

    05/04/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    Cynthia Morris is an author, illustrator, and the creator Original Impulse. She has turned many of her ideas to reality from completing a novel to running creativity workshops in Paris. In this episode, Cynthia talks about the struggles of a creative life, listening to your inner artist, and the need to create our own stories. Here are three things you can learn from Cynthia: The Creative Life Isn’t Easy Even though Cynthia has achieved many things in her creative career, that doesn’t mean it’s been easy. Just because she enjoys creating doesn’t mean the creative life is easy. She believes putting things out into the world “involves an enormous perceived risk.” It has a very specific effect on our nervous systems and our psyches, and the only way to withstand that is to have a “commitment to your ultimate end goal.” There are so many important factors that go into your creative work. There are the time and money commitments. There’s the possibility that your work may amount to nothing. Everything is a crap sh

  • 44: Sarah Jackson on Making a Positive Impact on Immigrant Families, the Power of Small Steps, and Why You Need to Just Get Started

    29/03/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    Sarah Jackson is the founder of Casa de Paz, a hospitality home for families affected by immigrant detention. She is also the founder ofVolleyball Latino, a year-round indoor volleyball league that raises money for Casa de Paz. In this episode, Sarah talks about why she started Casa de Paz and Volleyball Latino, the importance of taking small steps, and why you need to take action if you want to achieve your goals. Here are three things you can learn from Sarah: One Moment Can Completely Change Your Life Sarah was working at a church when she received an email that would change her life. The email was an invitation to the pastors of her church to visit Mexico and learn about immigration. The pastors couldn’t attend, so she volunteered to go to represent the church. Before going, Sarah had never thought of immigration or its affect on people. She just thought it would nice to take a free trip to Mexico. Little did she know, the trip would radically affect her life. While there, she learned that there are famil

  • 41: Dustin Main on Being Present, Storytelling, and the Power of Vulnerability

    23/03/2016 Duración: 01h24min

    Dustin Main is one of the photographers behind Lightmoves Creative and the creator of Date an Adventurer. He is also an entrepreneur, adventure photographer, and documentary film maker. In this episode, Dustin talks about being present, using storytelling in his photography, and the power of vulnerability and being open. Here are three things you can learn from Dustin: Be Present Every decision we make can alter the course of our lives. We just need to be aware of them. Some days we will follow the same old path. We fall into the routine of daily life, and don’t recognize what’s going on around us. Dustin gives the example of our daily commutes. It’s easy to drive down the same street and not see the people who walk down it. If we just stop for a moment, we can “realize how awesome things are.” If Dustin wasn’t open to letting life show him the way, he would never have seen a camel race. Being open to the present moment opens opportunities around you. The first step is being aware that they are there. Use the

  • 43: Max Makewell on Creating Your Own Identity, Overcoming Everyday Obstacles, and the Importance of Building Relationships

    22/03/2016 Duración: 01h18min

    Max Makewell is a New York City based artist and muralist, but it wasn’t always this way. He grew up in a family of artists and started his career as an artist, but then transitioned into the startup world. It was only after spending a few years there that he came back to being an artist full-time. In this episode, Max talks about owning your identity, making your way through obstacles, and building relationships as the core of marketing your art. Here are three things you can learn from Max: You Determine Your Own Identity Although he didn’t realize it at the time, Max grew up as an artist. His grandfather and mother were both artists. He grew up thinking everyone had artistic upbringings, but only realized what being an artist meant later in life. He studied it for many years thinking he had to be an artist. It’s all he knew. Then, he changed his course and worked for a startup for a few years. It was only then that he realized he wasn’t just an artist. He wasn’t a search engine marketer. He was someone who

  • 42: Charlie Gilkey on Mindsets, Business for Creatives, and the Power of Art

    15/03/2016 Duración: 01h19min

    Charlie Gilkey is is the creator of Productive Flourishing and the host of the Creative Giants podcast. He describes himself as the result of mashing up an entrepreneur, Army officer, and philosopher. In this episode, Charlie talks about mindsets, business, and the power of art. Here are three things you can learn from Charlie: Drop the Artist Label Many artists have painted themselves into a corner by calling themselves an artist. They are afraid of the fraud police that tell them they’re not good enough to be an artist. There’s a story they tell themselves about what it mean to be an artist. While it can be empowering to call yourself an artist. That label also carries a lot of weight. If you feel the heaviness of the artist title, Charlie suggest dropping it. He advocates “focus on the craft” rather than “evaluation of the craft. The challenge of the artist label is, “It’s an invitation for people to evaluate your work.” It can be hard to been seen this way, even though that is one of the reasons we create

  • 40: Josh Rivedal on His One-Man Show, the Importance of Marketing, and Learning from Failure

    01/03/2016 Duración: 01h18min

    Josh Rivedal is the founder and director of the I'mPossible Project. He is also the author of two books and the star of his own one-man show. In this episode, Josh talks about overcoming his near suicide, the importance of marketing for artists, and the lessons we can learn from failure. Here are three things you can learn from Josh: The Power of Storytelling One thing Josh has learned from all his trials and tribulations is the power of story. Josh's career jump started through the help of his one-man show. It helped spark the idea for his second book and the formation of his I'mPossible non-profit organization. Stories are one of the most powerful things we have as humans. We are wired to tell stories. They are what allow us to connect with other people. Josh used the power of his own story to bring awareness to suicide prevention and social justice projects. They have become the foundation of his career. Artist Need to Embrace Business and Marketing Josh believes artists are against the idea of marketing b

  • 39: Juan Sepulveda on Creating vs. Marketing Your Art, the Power of the Right Mindset, and Diversifying Your Income Streams

    23/02/2016 Duración: 01h26min

    Juan Sepulveda is a painter and the creator of The Winding Stairs Podcastand The Gentleman’s Brotherhood. His art focuses around the lessons and symbols of free masonry. In this episode, Juan talks about marketing and creating art, why you must have the right mindset, and why you need to diversify your income streams. Here are three things you can learn from Juan: Marketing and Creating Art Require Different Ways of Thinking Artists are often opposed to the idea of marketing their work. People often criticized Juan for selling his art because they couldn’t sell theirs too. If you are having trouble selling your art, you need to separate your artistic creation from your business. It requires to completely separate parts of yourself to be able to sell your art. You need to be able to put on different hats depending on whether you are selling or creating your art. You can’t let selling get in the way of your creativity. Let your creative side work its magic on the art, but then, when you are done, you have to sw

  • 38: Rebel Advisors James Wightman & Kristen Cruz on Having the Right Conversations, Research and Self-Reflection, and Multiple Right Answers

    16/02/2016 Duración: 01h26min

    James Wightman and Kristen Cruz are the co-founders of Rebel Advisorsand the authors of The Rebel Way. They want to show students that college isn’t the only path towards success. Here are three things you can learn from James and Kristen: Conversations Can Help You Make Better Decisions The problem with most students who go to college and don’t finish is, they never stopped to think about what they wanted out of the college experience. They are told by their parents and counselors that college is the path they need to take. They are never given the chance to decide for themselves whether college really is the best path. That is why conversations with those who want to help you are so important. These conversations can help students identify the paths they can take, find something that makes them comfortable, and build the skills they need for what they are seeking. They can help you find the motivation necessary to find what lights you up inside. Finding the Right Path Requires Research and Self-Reflection I

  • 37: Tim Noxsinz on Enabling Others, Seeking What You Want, and Reaching Your Full Potential

    09/02/2016 Duración: 01h21min

    Tim Noxsinz aka Timitude is the creator of  and co-host of the Middle of Nowhere Show. In this episode,  Tim talks about enabling others, seeking what you want, and reaching your potential. Here are three things you can learn from Tim: How to Empower Others Although Tim is a writer and co-host of a podcast show, he believes his greatest strength is enabling others. Through his work on Timitude, Creative Mondays and the Middle of Nowhere Show, he is able to give people a platform to express themselves in an empowering way. Here are Tim's four keys to empowering others: connecting, creativity, catalysts, and challenging. Connecting creates value through the connections you have. Creativity happens through his Creative Mondays platform. He is a catalyst of change through the Middle of Nowhere Show, and he challenges others through consulting. Stop Waiting for Good Things to Happen Tim believes people spend too much time waiting for good things to happen to them instead of seeking them out. If

  • 36: Brandon Lee on Reinvention, Making an Impact, and Mentorship

    02/02/2016 Duración: 01h12min

    Brandon Lee is an an entrepreneur and writer. After spending three years an an international speaker for churches and nonprofits, he reinvented himself and became a real estate investor. In this episode, Brandon talks about reinventing himself, making an impact, and mentorship. Here are three things you can learn from Brandon: You Can Make an Impact While working as a speaker for non-profits, Brandon learned the impact he could have on people. He didn’t need to go to school or take a course to learn it. He discovered it intuitively. After giving speeches, people would approach him and tell him how much his talk meant to them. It was in this moment that Brandon realized that something that seems trivial to you can mean the world to someone else. This just goes to show that everything we do can have an impact on others, regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not. That is why it is so important to be aware of what we do and say around people. An insult can destroy a person’s day and a compliment can mak

  • 35: Alex Hanse on Pursuing Your Dreams, Having the Right Mindsets, and Never Giving Up

    26/01/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    Alex Hanse is the owner of Foolies Clothing and the host of Dream Without Limits Radio. In this episode, Alex talks about why many people don’t pursue their dreams, why you need to have the right mindset to succeed, and why you shouldn’t give up. Here are three things you can learn from Alex: Don’t Give Up Often times, what separates those who make it from those who don’t is giving up. We focus too much on trying to figure out exactly how to get it right. We want to find the instant path to success. Even when he hasn’t made a sale in a month, Alex never gives up. Every time he thinks about giving up, Alex reminds himself up Nick Vujicic. Nick has no arms or legs, but is still a motivational speaker. He has many disadvantages that most of us don’t, yet he still has the power to continue on. Don’t go down without a fight. Fight those negative thoughts away and continue on. The Power of a Good Mindset The problem many people have is adopting the wrong mindsets. Our minds are the most powerful tool we have. It de

  • 34: Jim Hopkinson on Embracing the New, the Importance of a Side Projects, and Tips on Negotiation

    19/01/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Jim Hopkinson is an author, speaker, teacher, and, entrepreneur. Jim has worked at startups, big corporations, and for himself at In this episode, Jim talks about the lessons he learned while working at ESPN and WIRED, why side projects are important, and the best ways to negotiate your salary. Embrace the New Jim has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies. He was a digital producer before that title even existed and he has always embraced new technology. While at ESPN he worked on the team that was creating the ESPN phone before cell phones became a part of every day life. He helped manage the Twitter and Facebook accounts at WIRED, and helped WIRED get into podcasting. All this isn't to tout his accomplishments. It just shows you that embracing change can put you ahead of the curve. Don't be stuck in your old ways. Be willing to pivot and try new things. Importance of Side Projects While Jim was working at WIRED he was also working on his own projects. He was

  • 33: Michael Zaytsev on Mindsets, Coaching, and Starting His Own Venture in High NY

    05/01/2016 Duración: 01h27min

    Michael Zaytsev is a life coach and founder of High NY. Before taking on his current roles, he was a financial analyst for J.P. Morgan and a sales rep for Google. In this episode, Michael talks about lessons he learned at J.P. Morgan and Google, why coaching is important, and why he took up the mantle at High NY. Here are three things you can learn from Michael: The Power of Mindsets Michael learned many lessons while working for J.P. Morgan and Google. One of the biggest lessons he learned was that of being of value. While many people go in to startups expecting to make money from them, Michael created his knowing he would not make a lot of money in the beginning. Instead, he focused on creating value. When you create value, you will be rewarded in the long run. Another thing he learned was analyzing risk and return. Many founders are only focused on the now. Instead of only looking at the present, Michael analyzes whether his actions are worth the risk. He also looks at the short and long term value of ever

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