Radio Free Sarawak

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 478:20:25
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Radio Free Sarawak is the independent radio station that brings you the news you want to hear, not what others want you to hear. No one controls us, except you, the listeners of Sarawak . So tune in and enjoy the news, interviews, reports and comment that you will never get to hear on any of the other government-controlled radio stations in Sarawak. There will be plenty of our best music too, all presented to you in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!


  • 21 May 2024

    21/05/2024 Duración: 01h11s

    On Today Show — Nicholas Mujah, Environmental Activist and Secretary General of SADIA – Sarawak’s Environmental Autonomy Must Meet Global Standards — Agnes Padan, a citizenship activist from Lawas – The Unfairness of Excluding Third-Generation Sarawak Natives from Aid — Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Accessibility vs. Permanence: Debating Sarawak’s Mobile Legal Aid Program Pada Rancangan Hari Ini — Nicholas Mujah, Aktivis Alam Sekitar dan Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Autonomi Alam Sekitar Sarawak Mesti Mematuhi Standard Global — Agnes Padan, aktivis kewarganegaraan dari Lawas – Ketidakadilan Mengecualikan Generasi Ketiga Anak Jati Sarawak daripada Bantuan — Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Aksesibiliti vs. Permanen: Perdebatan Program Bantuan Guaman Bergerak Sarawak ----------------------------- Nicholas Mujah, Environmental Activist and Secretary General of SADIA *Sarawak’s Environmental Autonomy Must Meet Global Standards* The return of full autonomous power regarding the environment to Sarawak is welcomed.

  • 20 May 2024

    20/05/2024 Duración: 01h16s

    On Today Show — Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan – The Uncertain Future of Carbon Trading: Concerns of Sarawak's Indigenous People — Paul Wan from Long Lama – Baram Residents Question Inaction on Flood-Prone Roads — Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer – SAM and Segari Network Defend Coastal Ecosystem from Industrial Threats Topik Pada Hari Ini — Baru Bian, ADUN Ba'kelalan – Masa Depan Yang Tidak Pasti Perdagangan Karbon: Kebimbangan Orang Asal Sarawak — Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Penduduk Baram Menyoal Tidak Tindakan Mengenai Jalan Yang Kerap Dilanda Banjir — Meor Razak, Pegawai Penyelidikan dan Lapangan SAM – SAM dan Rangkaian Segari Mempertahankan Ekosistem Pantai Daripada Ancaman Industri --------------------- Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan *The Uncertain Future of Carbon Trading: Concerns of Sarawak's Indigenous People* Recently, Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan representing the PDP party, officiated at the Asia Carbon Conference on March 15, 2023. During the event, the Premier of Sarawak p

  • 17 May 2024

    17/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    On Today Show — Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI – Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments — Peter Hee, Sarawak's Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief – Youth Voices in Sarawak's Political Future: Challenges and Opportunities — Geoffrey Tang, ROSE President – ROSE Campaigns for Transparency in Sarawak's Redelineation Topik Pada Hari Ini - Ong Kian Ming, Mantan Ahli Parlimen untuk Bangi & Mantan Timbalan Menteri MITI - Jawatankuasa Parlimen Mendorong Perlantikan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya - Peter Hee, Ketua Pemuda Parti Demokratik Tindakan Sosialis Sarawak (Dapsy) - Suara Belia dalam Masa Depan Politik Sarawak: Cabaran dan Peluang - Geoffrey Tang, Presiden ROSE - ROSE Berkempen untuk Kejelasan dalam Penyusunan Semula Pilihan Raya Sarawak --------------- Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI *Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments* The t

  • 16 May 2024

    16/05/2024 Duración: 56min

    On Today Show — John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Communities Condemns ADUN Allowance Increase as Disproportionate — Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram – Indigenous Presence Must Not Be Ignored in Sarawak's Carbon Forest Projects — Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama – Sarawak Needs to Prioritize the Poor, Not Raise Politicians' Allowances — Jugah Muyang, Former MP for Lubok Antu – ADUN Allowance Raise Supported, But People’s Welfare Should Come First Topik Pada Hari Ini — John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Komuniti Mengutuk Kenaikan Elaun ADUN sebagai Tidak Seimbang — Thomas Jalong, aktivis alam sekitar dari Ulu Baram – Kehadiran Orang Asli Tidak Boleh Diabaikan dalam Projek Hutan Karbon Sarawak — Encik Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Sarawak Perlu Mengutamakan Golongan Miskin, Bukan Menaikkan Elaun Ahli Politik — Jugah Muyang, Bekas MP untuk Lubok Antu – Kenaikan Elaun ADUN Disokong, Tetapi Kesejahteraan Rakyat Harus Diletakkan di Hadapan --------------------------------- Joh

  • 15 May 2024

    15/05/2024 Duración: 49min

    On Today Show — Gereng Jadum, Penan from the resettlement area of Metalun/Murum – The Struggles of Penan Communities in Metalun: Nine Years of Neglect — Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Three Years of Effort Culminate in Kuamut Rainforest Project Certification — Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram – Dayak Voices Against Online Bumiputra Status Application --------------- Gereng Jadum, Penan from the resettlement area of Metalun/Murum *The Struggles of Penan Communities in Metalun: Nine Years of Neglect* In the current session of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, the Sarawak State Assemblyman for the Murum area, Kennedy Chukpai Ugon, proposed to the Sarawak government to establish a special task force to address the issues faced by residents in the resettlement areas of Bakun and Murum. According to Chukpai, the problems faced by the resettled residents due to the construction of the dams need to be resolved immediately. Gereng Jadum, who lives in th

  • 14 May 2024

    14/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    On Today Show — Heng Kiah Chun, Regional Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Zero Deforestation is a Better Policy — Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan,Ulu Baram – Sarawak's Power Priorities: Export Plans Draw Criticism Amid Local Energy Shortages Topik Pada Hari Ini — Heng Kiah Chun, Pakar Strategi Kempen Serantau, Greenpeace Asia Tenggara – Polisi Tanpa Penebangan Hutan adalah Dasar yang Lebih Baik — Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Ulu Baram – Keutamaan Kuasa Sarawak: Rancangan Eksport Menarik Kritikan di Tengah-tengah Kekurangan Tenaga Tempatan ---------------------- Heng Kiah Chun, Regional Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Southeast Asia. *Zero Deforestation is a Better Policy* Last Wednesday, Malaysia's Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Johari Abdul Ghani, stated that Malaysia intends to introduce Orangutan Diplomacy (DOU), especially to major importing countries of Malaysian palm oil such as the European Union (EU), China, and India. Malaysia plans to gift a pair of adult oranguta

  • 13 May 2024

    13/05/2024 Duración: 59min

    On Today Show — Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak – The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence — Sailisah Poyun from Kampung Andab Bangau – Community Frustration: MP's Reversal on Sand Mining Issue — Mr. Robert, social activist from Sebauh Bintulu – Voice from community: No Special Award for Taib Mahmud Topik Pada Hari Ini - Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia, juga Pengerusi PKR Sarawak - Mahkamah Adat Sarawak perlu bebas daripada pengaruh Pejabat Ketua Menteri - Sailisah Poyun dari Kampung Andab Bangau - Frustrasi Komuniti: Pembalikan Ahli Parlimen dalam Isu Perlombongan Pasir - Encik Robert, aktivis sosial dari Sebauh Bintulu - Suara dari komuniti: Tiada Anugerah Khas untuk Taib Mahmud -------------------- Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak *The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence* Roland Engan, a human rights lawyer and the Chairman of Keadilan Sarawak, advocates f

  • 5 May 2024

    11/05/2024 Duración: 49min

    On Today Show — Randau by SR and MN — Special Randau by SR — Thomas Fan, Chairman of Engage – The Freedom Fund 2.0: Standing Up Against Defamation Lawsuits — Oscar Ling, DAP Member of Parliament Sibu – A Call for Action: Improving Rural Healthcare in Sarawak — Meneng Ibris, the Women's Chief of PKR in Opar – Community-Centered Advocacy: PKR Opar's Approach Topik Pada Hari Ini - Thomas Fan, Pengerusi Engage - Dana Kebebasan 2.0: Melawan Tuntutan Fitnah - Oscar Ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu - Seruan untuk Tindakan: Memperbaiki Penjagaan Kesihatan di Pedalaman Sarawak - Meneng Ibris, Ketua Wanita PKR Opar - Advokasi Berpusatkan Komuniti: Pendekatan PKR Opar -------------------- Thomas Fan, Chairman of Engage *The Freedom Fund 2.0: Standing Up Against Defamation Lawsuits* Yesterday, the Chairman of Engage, Thomas Fan, launched the "Freedom Fund 2.0" to collect donations from the public to help Clare RB, Gerakbudaya, and Vinlin Press pay a fine of RM300,000 and another RM120,000 for legal costs. Clare RB, Ger

  • 9 May 2024

    09/05/2024 Duración: 52min

    On Today Show — YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP) – Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud — Paul Nungang from Ulu Baram – The Dammed Reality: Uncovering the Truth in Baleh Dam Kapit — Raffly from Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah – Defending Ancestral Lands: The Struggle of Kampung Jambu Pitas Topik Pada Hari Ini - YB Violet Yong, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak - Padungan (DAP) - Mencabar Kebenaran: Pembangkang Menolak Untuk Mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Taib Mahmud - Paul Nungang dari Ulu Baram - Realiti Yang Tersumbat: Mendedahkan Kebenaran Mengenai Empangan Baleh Kapit - Raffly dari Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah - Mempertahankan Tanah Warisan: Perjuangan Kampung Jambu Pitas --------------- YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP) *Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud* YB Violet Yong, a Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly for Padungan (DAP), shared that du

  • 8 May 2024

    08/05/2024 Duración: 38min

    On Today Show — Ooi Kok Hin, Executive Director of BERSIH 2.0 – The Role of Parliamentary Committees in SPR Appointments — Apai Mek from Sungai Tangap Niah – The Multi-Billion Ringgit Internet Boost: Including the Interior? — S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – From Struggle to Success: Plantation Workers Secure Housing Rights Topik Pada Hari Ini — Ooi Kok Hin, Pengarah Eksekutif BERSIH 2.0 – Peranan Jawatankuasa Parlimen dalam Pelantikan SPR — Apai Mek dari Sungai Tangap Niah – Lonjakan Internet Bernilai Berbilion Ringgit: Termasuk Interior? — S Arutchelvan, naib pengerusi PSM – Dari Perjuangan ke Kejayaan: Pekerja Plantasi Memperoleh Hak Perumahan ---------- Ooi Kok Hin, Executive Director of BERSIH 2.0 *The Role of Parliamentary Committees in SPR Appointments* Today, in a press conference, Ooi Kok Hin stated that both the PH (Pakatan Harapan) and BN (Barisan Nasional) coalitions have twice reneged on their promises regarding the appointment of Election Commission (SPR) members. As mentioned in

  • 7 May 2024

    07/05/2024 Duración: 01h05min

    On Today Show — Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist – Penan Mobilize Against Samling's Logging Operations in Layun FMU — Jimmy from Miri – Sarawak's Indigenous Land Rights: A Forgotten Agenda? — Bryan Tan from Muda Sibu – Muda Sarawak's Advocacy: Ensuring Education Access for All Topik Pada Hari Ini — Nick Kelesau, Aktivis Penan – Penan Bergerak Menentang Operasi Pembalakan Samling di Layun FMU — Jimmy dari Miri – Hak Tanah Orang Asal Sarawak: Satu Agenda yang Terlupakan? — Bryan Tan dari Muda Sibu – Advokasi Muda Sarawak: Memastikan Akses Pendidikan untuk Semua ------------------- Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist *Penan Mobilize Against Samling's Logging Operations in Layun FMU* Field information - Samling Logging Company is set to enter the Layun FMU soon after receiving approval from MTCS in February 2024. However, according to Nick, the Penan will block their entry as long as Samling does not meet the conditions they require. Last week, Nick Kelesau and his colleagues visited Long Pakan, Long Sayan, Long Be

  • 6 May 2024

    06/05/2024 Duración: 01h07min

    On Today Show — Nicholas Bawin, a former Deputy Chairman of the Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (Mais) – The Hidden Issues Behind Sarawak's Hydrogen Export Plans — Romuald Siew from Tahabas – One Leader, One Village: Revisiting the Role and Function of Traditional Village Leaders — George from Uma Akeh – Communities Call for State Representatives to Prioritize Constituency Needs — Madhavi from the Marhaen group – Workers' Rally: Fighting for a Living Wage and Indigenous Rights Topik Pada Hari Ini — Nicholas Bawin, bekas Timbalan Pengerusi Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (Mais) – Isu-isu Tersembunyi di Sebalik Rancangan Eksport Hidrogen Sarawak — Romuald Siew dari Tahabas – Satu Pemimpin, Satu Kampung: Meneliti Semula Peranan dan Fungsi Pemimpin Kampung Tradisional — George dari Uma Akeh – Komuniti Meminta Wakil Negeri untuk Mengutamakan Kepentingan Kawasan Pemilih — Madhavi dari kumpulan Marhaen – Perhimpunan Pekerja: Berjuang untuk Gaji yang Membela dan Hak Asasi Orang Asli ----------------- Nicholas Baw

  • 3 May 2024

    03/05/2024 Duración: 58min

    On Today Show — Anthony Lerang Usang, Headman of Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga – The Uninvited Headman: Silenced Opposition to the Dam — Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), and Agnes (Lawas) – TYT's Sarawak Tour: People Urge Ground Experience, Not Helicopter — Simon Ayan from Kampung Long Belok – Waiting for Reconstruction: Kampung Long Belok's Unfinished Homes Topik Pada Hari Ini - Anthony Lerang Usang, Ketua Kampung Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga - Ketua Kampunng Tidak Dijemput: Penentangan Terdiam terhadap Empangan - Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), dan Agnes (Lawas) - Lawatan TYT Sarawak: Rakyat Desak Pengalaman Darat, Bukan Helikopter - Simon Ayan dari Kampung Long Belok - Menunggu Pembinaan Semula: Rumah Belum Selesai di Kampung Long Belok ------------------- Anthony Lerang Usang, Headman of Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga *The Uninvited Headman: Silenced Opposition to the Dam* Anthony Lerang Usang, the headman of Kenyah Badeng

  • 2 May 2024

    02/05/2024 Duración: 52min

    On Today Show — John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness — Dr Micheal Teo, PKR ex-MP of Miri – From Feedback to Action: The Impact of People's Voices in Governance — Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas – Citizenship for All Topik Pada Hari Ini: - John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram - Melawan Pencerobohan: Perjuangan Komuniti untuk Keadilan - Dr. Micheal Teo, Bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR Miri - Dari Maklum Balas ke Tindakan: Impak Suara Rakyat dalam Pentadbiran - Agnes Padan, aktivis dari Lawas - Kewarganegaraan untuk Semua -------------------- John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram *Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness* John Bara felt compelled to inspect his family's land leased to the quarry company Batu Holy Stone owned by Shin Yang since 1996 - about 28 years ago. In the original agreement, Shin Yang Holy Stone would mine stones on a 4.16-acre land and in return, they would rent the land on a monthly basis. However, what is surprisi

  • 30 April 2024

    30/04/2024 Duración: 48min

    On Today Show — Gereng Jadum, Penan in the Metalun-Murum Resettlement Area – Sarawak's Mega Dam Plans: Development or Displacement? — Ellen from Kampung Traditional Tukau Jaya – Injustice in Usahaya: communities Fight Against Parabena's Pressure — Thomas Jalong, activist from Ulu Baram – Elevating Sarawak's Status: A Call for Meaningful Change Beyond Just a Name Topik Pada Hari Ini - Gereng Jadum, Penan di Kawasan Penempatan semula Metalun-Murum - Pelan Empangan Mega Sarawak: Pembangunan atau Pemindahan?- Ellen dari Kampung Tradisi Tukau Jaya - Ketidakadilan di Usahaya: Komuniti Melawan Tekanan Parabena - Thomas Jalong, aktivis dari Ulu Baram - Menaikkan Status Sarawak: Seruan untuk Perubahan Bermakna Lebih Daripada Sekadar Nama ------------------------ Gereng Jadum, Penan in the Metalun-Murum Resettlement Area *Sarawak's Mega Dam Plans: Development or Displacement?* On April 28, Sarawak Premier Abang Johari spoke at the World Water Day celebration with the theme "water for peace." Johari reiterated tha

  • 29 April 2024

    29/04/2024 Duración: 53min

    On Today Show — Mutang Tuo, Spokesperson for Penan Long Iman – Penan Villagers Disagree with Shin Yang's Forest Restrictions and Carbon Wood Plantation Plans — Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Environmental and Community Impacts of Kibing Company's Sand Mining in Sabah — Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram – Challenging Abang Jo's Narrative: Community Skepticism Towards Dam Construction Plans Topik Pada Hari Ini — Mutang Tuo, Jurucakap untuk Penan Long Iman – Penduduk Penan Tidak Setuju dengan Halangan Hutan dan Pelan Perladangan Kayu Karbon oleh Shin Yang — Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung, aktivis alam sekitar – Impak Alam Sekitar dan Komuniti daripada Perlombongan Pasir Syarikat Kibing di Sabah — Paul Nunggang dari Ulu Baram – Menantang Naratif Abang Jo: Skeptisisme Komuniti Terhadap Pelan Pembinaan Empangan --------------- Mutang Tuo, Spokesperson for Penan Long Iman. *Penan Villagers Disagree with Shin Yang's Forest Restrictions and Carbon Wood Plantation Plans* Mutang Tuo

  • 26 April 2024

    26/04/2024 Duración: 01h07min

    On Today Show — Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Lack of Awareness or Action? Sabah Chief Minister Faces Backlash Over SFI Workers' Concerns — Paul Wan from Long Lama, Baram – Long Lama's Hospital Crisis: A Clear Need, No Question — Ann Teo, chairperson of Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE) – ROSE Defends DAP's Dual Role: State Opposition, Federal Coalition Topik Pada Hari Ini - Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI - Kekurangan Kesedaran atau Tiada Tindakan? Ketua Menteri Sabah Menghadapi Tentangan Berikutan Isu Pekerja SFI - Paul Wan dari Long Lama, Baram - Krisis Hospital Long Lama: Kehendak Yang Jelas, Tiada Soalan - Ann Teo, Pengerusi Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE) - ROSE Membela Peranan Dwibahasa DAP: Pembangkang Negeri, Pakatan Persekutuan -------------------- Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park *Lack of Awareness or Action? Sabah Chief Minister Faces Backlash Over SFI Workers' Concerns* Jeff expressed his disappointment with the response

  • 25 April 2024

    25/04/2024 Duración: 57min

    On Today Show — John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst – Sarawak's Call for Inclusive Policy Representation — Robert Muyang from Sebauh Bintulu – Urgent Call to Halt Illegal Logging in Ulu Sebau — Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of Muda Sarawak – Revitalizing Youth Interest in Politics: Strategies for Change Topik Pada Hari Ini — John Brian Anthony, Analis Politik Sarawak – Panggilan Sarawak untuk Representasi Dasar yang Inklusif — Robert Muyang dari Sebauh Bintulu – Panggilan Mendesak untuk Menghentikan Pembalakan Haram di Ulu Sebau — Jeffrey Ngui, pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Menghidupkan Semula Minat Belia dalam Politik: Strategi untuk Perubahan ------------- John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst *Sarawak's Call for Inclusive Policy Representation* John Brian was surprised by the statement from the Prime Minister's Department appointing 4 policy advisors to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. All of them are from Malaya, none from Sarawak. His question is - does PM Anwar truly understand the situation

  • 24 April 2024

    24/04/2024 Duración: 01h08min

    On Today Show — Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawak – Don't blame PMX, blame GPS and the Premier of Sarawak — Robert from Sebauh Bintulu – Timber Theft Alert: NCR Land in Sebauh Bintulu — Nicholas Mujah Ason, Member of the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) – Uniting for Land Rights: Nicholas Mujah Support The Campaign Against Section 5(7) — Vinothan from National Marhaen Farmers Association – Defending Tradition: Farmers' Stand Against Sime Darby's Eviction Topik Pada Hari Ini - Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik dari Sarawak - Jangan salahkan PMX, salahkan GPS dan Premier Sarawak - Robert dari Sebauh Bintulu - Amaran Pencurian Kayu: Tanah NCR di Sebauh Bintulu - Nicholas Mujah Ason, Ahli Majlis Yayasan Orang Asli (FSC) - Bersatu untuk Hak Tanah: Sokongan Nicholas Mujah Terhadap Kempen Menentang Seksyen 5(7) - Vinothan dari Gabungan Penternak Nasional Marhaen - Mempertahankan Tradisi: Penduduk Berdiri Menentang Pengusiran Sime Darby ---------------------- Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sar

  • 23 April 2024

    23/04/2024 Duración: 01h12min

    On Today Show — Pangai Anak Jimbai, Resident of the Longhouse Sungai Laung Bakong, Tinjar, Baram – Decades Later: Lawyer Roland Engan Brings Justice to Sungai Laung —(call-in) Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama – Interior communities want authorities respect villagers voting rights on village head — Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Bringing Punan Bah's Plight to Parliament: Senator Abun Sui's Assurance of Advocacy — Jeffrey Ngui, chairperson of Muda Sarawak – Rising Costs and Economic Pressures: The Call to Raise Sarawak's Minimum Wage Topik Pada Hari Ini — Pangai Anak Jimbai, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Sungai Laung Bakong, Tinjar, Baram – Dekad Kemudian: Peguam Roland Engan Membawa Keadilan kepada Sungai Laung —(panggilan masuk) Encik Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Komuniti di pedalaman mahu pihak berkuasa menghormati hak mengundi penduduk ke atas ketua kampung — Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Memperjuangkan Masalah Punan Bah di Parlimen: Jaminan Perjuangan Senator Abun Sui — Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak –

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