Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives



The Grace & Grit Podcast takes the health fairy tale you've heard all your life and turns it upside down and inside out, helping women rebuild their relationship with their body once and for all. Placing the focus on love and respect, rather than the aggressive demands and unrealistic expectations that have become the norm, Courtney Townley is determined to help women mend the fabric of what is driving the female health story.After nearly 2 decades working in the fitness industry as a trainer and health coach, Courtney shares her own insight and that of other professionals that she interviews on topics like movement, nutrition, mindset, recovery, and common obstacles women encounter in the pursuit of deep health and happiness.


  • Episode 022: Developing an Appetite for Healthy Foods

    04/06/2016 Duración: 42min

    If you are serious about optimizing your health and the health of your family, you must familiarize yourself with the very real and destructive power of chronic inflammation. In this week’s episode of the podcast, health coach Jenny Carr gives us the lowdown on chronic inflammation, as well as tips and strategies for helping to minimize inflammation that may be coming from our diet. Jenny also dishes out loads of advice for helping parents raise children with strong appetites for healthy foods. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 02:45: Hear more about Jenny’s journey, passion and mission. 14:00: Inflammation 101 18:40: The one thing Jenny recommends for FAST change. 22:30: Top five inflammatory foods. 28:40: How to help our kids develop an appetite fo

  • Episode 021: Meal Planning Made Easy

    28/05/2016 Duración: 27min

    Far too often, when I start coaching a client on improving their food choices, they will say to me, “Just tell me what to eat.” Let me be clear, I don’t ever tell clients exactly what they should eat on any given day. That is not what I do, that is what diets do. I don’t do diets and neither should you. The work I do teaches you how to nourish your best life and, of course, what you are fueling your life with has a profound effect on the “quality” of your life. So what do I do as a health coach? I educate you about food: what is in your food, how your body responds to food, and how to improve your food choices. What I don’t do is choose your food for you, ever. Why not? Because, ultimately, it disempowers you, and greatly reduces your chance of success in the long run. That being said, we all have days that we get bored with our food and we just wish someone would give us an idea or ten about how to shake things up. In light of this, I have some ideas for you to make tomorrow a little easier. Loving this

  • Episode 020: Socializing Healthfully

    21/05/2016 Duración: 28min

    Maintaining a social life, while trying to get healthier can certainly pose some challenges due to the fact that most social events are based on less than stellar food and lots of alcohol. If you are really committed to your health, you are going to have be ok with creating some parameters for yourself when you do go out for social occasions. In this episode, Courtney introduces tried and true strategies for navigating your social life while maintaining the standards you have set for your health. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 3:00: What toddler-like rationalization sounds like. 6:00: Defining your why. 8:00: Pre-deciding what success looks like in a social setting. 10:00: Eat before you go 11:55: Don’t show up empty handed. 13:50: How to avoid th

  • Episode 019: Common Injuries Among Women and How to Avoid Them

    14/05/2016 Duración: 40min

    In this episode, Doctor of Physical Therapy Kat Ingalls helps us to better understand some of the most common injuries women experience when working to up-level their health. We discuss the dangers of pushing your body too hard too fast and why a foundation of basic strength, combined with smart exercise progression, is so important. Kat also dishes out tips and tricks for quicker recovery when an injury does occur. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:53: Meet Kat Ingalls. 4:20: How the physical therapy industry is changing. 5:30: Top 3 physical challenges among women. 8:40: Understanding the “core”. 10:00: Simple ways to start engaging the “core”. 12:15: Relieving neck tension. 16:20: Understanding the functionality of the hips. 19:50: Understanding

  • Episode 018: Hormones, Adrenals and Thyroid Issues…oh my!

    30/04/2016 Duración: 34min

    The female hormonal system is complex, to say the least and it can make a woman a hot frustrated mess (literally) when it comes to improving health. In this episode, Dr. Jen Hawes helps us to better understand some of the most common hormonal, thyroid and adrenal issues women face and how we can best protect ourselves against hormonal warfare. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 4:15: Hormones and the endocrine system defined. 6:10: The three most common hormonal “categories” among women. 9:00: Testing hormones, adrenals and thyroid issues. 11:30: The scoop on adrenal fatigue. 14:25: The challenge of healing the adrenals glands. 16:45: Hormonal disruptions that may cause weight gain and make it really challenging to lose weight 20:15: Perimenopause and

  • Episode 017: The Power of Sleep and Tips for Improving It

    23/04/2016 Duración: 27min

    When it comes to optimizing your health, sleep is a really big deal. You can eat a clean diet and move your body daily, but if you are neglecting your recovery and dream time, your body will struggle to absorb and deliver the nutrition you are feeding it and your muscles will be unable to repair and rebuild. Your immune system will be compromised and your cognitive function will go out the window. And this is just a short list of negative consequences you will experience! Do you feel like you are doing everything you can to lead a happier, healthier and more fit life, but still don’t feel stellar? Sleep much? Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:25: The magic of health happens when we sleep. 4:40: A special note to mothers about sleep. 6:45: How lack

  • Episode 016: Moving Out of the (Exercise) Box

    16/04/2016 Duración: 26min

    The fitness industry has made exercise very, very complicated. So complicated, in fact, that many women I coach have fierce resistance to it, even though they understand the importance of it. What if the secret to feeling better fast physically, emotionally and mentally wasn’t about the latest and greatest exercise system that the fitness industry has conjured up but rather about moving your body more consistently throughout the day? Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:00: What children have to teach us about movement. 5:25: How we moved away from movement and into the exercise box. 7:30: Exercise is very small part of the movement landscape. 10:40: How the age of convenience is destroying our physicality. 12:00: Excerpt from Pedram Shojai’s, The Urb

  • Episode 015: Drink Your Way to Better Health

    09/04/2016 Duración: 21min

    It is always the little things we take for granted, eh? And yet, it seems to be practicing the little things consistently that lead to BIG gains. In the age of complex exercise systems and hard to understand dieting tactics, it is easy to lose sight of the easy stuff you can do to gain massive benefit when it comes to your health. One of the simplest…drink more water! Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:00: Water is a BIG player in the health story. 5:00: Body composition in terms of water. 6:30: Water and brainpower. 7:00: Asthma and allergies. 7:40: How water affects blood pressure. 8:15: How dehydration affects our ability to detoxify. 9:00: Water and digestive health. 11:30: Water and weight loss. 12:40: How to improve water intake. 19:00: A few

  • Episode 014: The Power of Decision Free Living

    02/04/2016 Duración: 23min

    You, and nearly every other human being on the planet, are on decision overload. No kidding…you are making around 35,000 decisions daily which means by lunch time you are probably already in a state of decision fatigue! You need to be sure you are making the best decisions for your health at a time when you are thinking clearly and have your VALUES governing your decisions NOT hunger, fatigue or someone else’s crisis. Improving your health should be based on a process and an effective process is NOT a spur of the moment decision or something that is slapped together at 11pm the night before. It is something you PLAN for in advance when your head is clear and your vision is strong. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:30: Decision free living defined.

  • Episode 013: How to Super Charge Your Health Journey

    26/03/2016 Duración: 25min

    The benefits of superfoods are being sold to us at every turn. And while I am all for eating the foods that super-charge health, there are some incredibly potent character traits that have the potential to nourish us just as deeply, if not more than, the foods we are hearing so much about. Absolutely, EAT superfoods, but don’t focus so much on what you are eating that you lose focus on how you are living (or should I say NOT living). Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 3:30: The character traits that will supercharge your health 8:20: How boundaries support integrity. 10:10: How discipline can be an act of self-love. 12:30: Why consistency matters and how to build more. 13.50: How staying curiosity can help you feel good about your health journey. 18:0

  • Episode 012: The Scoop on Detox with Sara Bradford

    12/03/2016 Duración: 37min

    Women are hearing a lot these days about the importance of detoxing and cleansing their bodies to optimize health. Unfortunately, many programs are selling aggressive tactics and pushing a lot unnecessary supplements to aid these natural processes. In this episode nutritionist Sara Bradford and I help women better understand your body’s natural detoxing ability and simple measures you can take today to help keep your detoxing systems running efficiently. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 1:20: Meet Sara Bradford: nutritionist, mother and badass online entrepreneur 3:00: What is cleansing? 5:30: Simple measures for helping your body detoxify more efficiently. 11:30: Weight loss and cleansing. 13:00: Sara’s Community Dump Program 19:30: Most damaging s

  • Episode 011: Why You Should Focus on Healing, Not Weight Loss, to Get Healthy

    05/03/2016 Duración: 24min

    Most women don’t consider that calorie cutting and exercise are forms of stress. They are great stressors in a system that can handle them, but to be honest, most women who are experiencing some form of physiological breakdown are not in the best position to be dealing with MORE stress, they need to unload their stress. In other words, women need to heal their systems BEFORE they add stressors like calorie cutting and cardio. Just as an athlete has to fortify their system to be able to handle the demands of competition, you need to heal your system to be able to handle the demands of things like calorie restriction and aggressive workouts. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 3:00: Addressing a few things that are broken in the diet & fitness cultur

  • Episode 010: Mending Your Relationship with the Scale

    27/02/2016 Duración: 23min

    The scale evokes intense emotion in most women and it isn’t even a living thing! It is a hunk of metal that is judged, blamed and booted all for giving women a number that simply reflects their relationship to gravity. Contrary to popular belief, the scale is not telling you about the state of your health, your abilities or your worthiness as a human being. Nope. The scale gives you a very small sliver of insight into your greater health story and, if you are anything like the millions of women who loathe the scale, you try to extract your entire health story (and your worthiness and your possibility) from that tiny bit of information. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:00: The scale is not the problem but your misinterpretation of the data it gives

  • Episode 009: How a Mindfulness Practice Can Radically Alter Your Health Story

    20/02/2016 Duración: 34min

    In today’s fast and furious world, staying mindful in the present moment is no small task. And, yet, awareness is the key ingredient to making choices that consistently serve the life you said you wanted to live. Mindlessness, on the other hand, truly is the quickest and most powerful way to unravel your health. Check out this podcast for more insight on what a mindfulness practice is and how to get started developing your own today. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:00: Meet Mary O’Malley 4:00: Mindfulness defined. 7:40: Dispelling myths about mindfulness. 9:30: How mindfulness is beneficial to health. 13:30: What a mindfulness practice looks like. 16:00: How Mary developed her own mindfulness practice. 22:00: How to meet challenges with passion.

  • Episode 008: How Habits Really Change.

    13/02/2016 Duración: 26min

    Habit change is no small task. They take a lot of GRIT and time to change. In this episode, Courtney gives you strategies for making REAL habit change. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 1:30: Why changing a habit in 21-days in unrealistic. 2:40: The consequence of short cuts. 6:00: How taking on too much too soon causes failure. 8:40: The power of taking on ONE THING at a time. 10:15: Get specific. 13:50: Make a plan for success. 14:40: Join habits. 17:20: Make it easy to change your habits. 19:15: Track your behavior. 20:45: Focus on WHY more than how you FEEL. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit

  • Episode 007: The One Thing You Cannot Ignore When Trying to Get Healthy.

    06/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    Your gut health has been referred to as the second brain! In this interview with holistic nutritionist, Laini Gray, we discuss how important gut health is, and how you can fortify yours. Notes: About Laini Gray: Laini Gray has been in the business of fitness, food and fun for over 20 years. She began her career with a focus on FUN and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in the field of recreation, where she whole heartedly adopted the concepts of play and recreation as vitally important to creating a happy and healthy life. With these ideals, she turned her attention to learning how to further improve the quality of life and health through fitness. Her passion for helping others achieve health and well-being continued to grow, as did her interest in learning all she could about FOOD, optimal nutrition, digestion, detoxification, immunity, hormone balance, disease prevention and stress management. This desire to continue her education inspired her to become a certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Functional Diagnosti

  • Episode 006: Metabolism 101

    30/01/2016 Duración: 22min

    Getting clear on what the metabolism even is and how you can train it to work for you rather than against you. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 1:40: Changing the conversation around the metabolism. 2:15: The metabolism defined. 3:00: What your cells actually do. 4:15: What happens when cellular health is subpar. 5:00: What affects cellular health? 7:00: The top five things you can do to increase your metabolic power. 11:00: How "undereating" kills your metabolic fire. 13:00: How dehydration negatively impacts your metabolism 16:15: "Exercise" isn’t the only movement that will impact your metabolism. 18:50: The impact sleep has on your metabolism. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit

  • Episode 005: The Power of Stress

    23/01/2016 Duración: 20min

    Stress plays a much bigger role in reclaiming health than most women realize. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 2:30: Why I suggest most women do the opposite of what the diet and fitness industry has told them to do in the initial stages of a health transformation. 4:00: Why health is a much bigger equation than calories in/calories out. 5:00: How hormonal chaos can disrupt everything! 6:20: Optimizing health really comes down to this. 7:00: Stress redefined. 8:00: How stress can be a really good thing! 9:40: When good stress goes bad. 13:00: What you MUST do before you ask your body to handle something like aggressive exercise or calorie cutting. 13:50: Tips for controlling your total stress load. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit GraceandGr

  • Episode 004: Making Room for Change

    16/01/2016 Duración: 18min

    You will have to "trim the fat" in your life to make room to practice healthy living regularly. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 1:20: Why change feels so hard. 1:55: Success boils down to these two things with ANY goal. 2:50: Why good intentions aren’t enough. 4:50: Why it doesn’t really matter about how you feel about doing the work. 7:00: The necessity of “trimming the fat” in your life. 8:20: Improving your health is a privilege, not a sacrifice. 13:00: How to make room for change more easily. 15:10: One of the best ways to carve out more time in your schedule. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit

  • Episode 003: Mindset

    14/01/2016 Duración: 18min

    The superpower most women are under utilizing when it comes to improving their health. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Writing a review will enter you in a drawing to win free access to the Grace & Grit 21-Day Challenge. Drawings will be held at the end of every month. Notes: 00:45: The linchpin to success with ANY goal. 1:45: The mistake women are making when they set out to improve their health. 4:00: Why we tend to think of people we admire as having traits we do not possess. 4:40: Carol Dweck’s theory on fixed and growth mindsets. 5:45: How a fixed mindset prevents you from getting healthier. 8:40: How a growth mindset can help set you free and achieve anything. 12:50: How to cultivate more of a growth mindset. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit

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