


Welcome to BlogTalkRadio-Dorothy Crothers The vision for this site is to provide a forum where Spirit lead teachings and insights may be brought forth. This is a place where Gods children will share what the Lord has laid upon their heart for the purpose of ministering to the body of Christ.We seek Him in spirit and truth. This site is a place where, in love, unity, and Truth, we can grow up into the full stature and image of our Lord Jesus Christ.Many giftings, one body, one faith one Lord.Father bless,Dorothy CrothersFeel free to contact us for prayer or questions. Dorothy: I am now on paypal for those who feel led to donate to help offset expenses -


  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (011618) Healing Prenatal Wounds

    17/01/2018 Duración: 46min

    What are prenatal wounds? Can they interfere with our lives?  How can we get these things healed?

  • David Murry Podcast 45 "Righteousness Judgements Verse Witchcraft"11218

    13/01/2018 Duración: 52min

    "Zeal For Your House… "   FRIDAY 7-8pm 1/12/18Eastern Time  There is a proper way to judge the things going on around us, in our lives, in our heart... and then there is witchcraft. Which are you engaegd in? Let's find out, and praise God, make the adjustments where needed. YOU ARE LOVED BY FATHER-GOD.  ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE)  

  • Heavenly Places (011118) A Heart Set Towards God

    12/01/2018 Duración: 55min

    Many believers this time of year spend time doing the Daniel Fast.  However, there are three important elements from the Daniel fast that goes beyond simply abstaining from foods.  The first element is "Setting your heart Towards God."

  • David Murry Podcast 44 "Gateway To A Transformed Life"with Charles Graves-122117

    23/12/2017 Duración: 59min

    "Zeal For Your House… " SPECIAL GUEST Charles Graves !!!! FRIDAY 7-8pm 12/22/17 Eastern Time  How does changing your thinking.. change your walk?? Correct thinking means greater intimacy. Remember- Join me as I interview Charles on this profound teaching.  ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE) Charles Graves has additional resources at  

  • On the Table (121417) Manifest Destiny by Jamere Spencer

    15/12/2017 Duración: 01h53min

    The girls interview Dr. Jamere Spencer about his book, Manifest Destiny. Yes, that term is used to describe America's founding, but did you know your heavenly Father also has a Manifest Destiny for the life of every believer? In his book, Jamere shares with us his walk towards understanding this incredible, and often overlooked truth, found in Father's Word.  Book Link: Website:

  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (120717) The Wonderful Name of Jesus

    06/12/2017 Duración: 58min

    Geri expounds on this wonderful name, and what it means to our walk.

  • David Murry Podcast 43 Radical Relationships & His Kingdom (120117)

    02/12/2017 Duración: 50min

    "Zeal For Your House… " with David Murry FRIDAY 7-8pm 12/01/17 Eastern Time PART 3 Relationships are meant to manifest the actual presence of God in our interactions. How do we walk in this?. Remember- He died for You while you were lost. Now... tell others... in love. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE) Read more:

  • Be The Gospel - Revealing Truths Series 11082017

    09/11/2017 Duración: 13min

    Revealing Truths is a new series on going back to what the bible says.  We will be going over scriptures and the context to identify what the Bible means.  Often times we listen to preachings and teachings without taking time verify if they are teaching truths.  This often leads to traditions of men or sacred cows.  Jesus said that traditions of men make the word of God of no effect.  It is important that we follow what scriptures say and not man-made traditions.  It isn't about the traditions you follow especially if they lead you away from Christ.  It should be about your walk with Him and if you have a tradition let it be of honor, respect, love, trust and expectation of Christ.

  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (110717) Mental Attitudes

    08/11/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Geri teaches on mental attitudes.  Can we change from unhealthy to healthy?

  • David Murry Podcast 42 "Do Godly Marriages Exist?" (110317)

    03/11/2017 Duración: 41min

    "Zeal For Your House… " with David Murry FRIDAY 7-8pm 13/03/17  Eastern Time  PART 3 Why don't our most intimate relationships look like Jesus? Let's find out and let Him heal and change us.  Remember- He died for You while you were lost. Now... tell others... in love. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE)

  • On the Table (102617) Renewing our Mind - Emotional Healing

    26/10/2017 Duración: 02h00s

    The girls will discuss the importance of emotional healing and renewing our minds to enhance our walk. Last week we were privileged to see this concept in action for a caller towards the end of the show with the Praying Medic, David Hayes. What is our perspective? As we go through life we filter new experiences through the previous ones. Unfortunately, some of these perspectives have lies attached to them, either provided by the enemy or an incomplete understanding.  1Co_13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child: but when I became a man, I did away with the things of a child.  In order for us to become most intimate with Father, we need to replace our distorted lenses with His lenses and replace the lies with His truth. We not only have to renew our conscious thought patterns, but also our subconscious ones since this is where most of the troublesome behavior and thought patterns reside. It is what we have trained the subconscious to believe abo

  • On the Table (101917) Operating in the Courts of Heaven

    19/10/2017 Duración: 02h18min

    David Hayes, the Praying Medic, and our own David Murry school us in operating in the courts of Heaven. Many Christians are surprised when they first hear that the courts of heaven are real. Many more have been shocked at how their lives have changed after appearing in court to face their adversary.  The courts are places where the legal proceedings of heaven are carried out. Cases are brought before a judge, witnesses testify and rulings are handed down. In an earthly court, when an accusation is brought against you and it goes unanswered, even if you're innocent, it can cause legal problems. Whenever your're accused, you must appear to answer the accusation. Otherwise the court must find you guilty. Many of us are being accused right now by an adversary and aren't aware of it. When the accusation goes unanswered, our adversary wins by default and is able to afflict or oppress us. David's Book:  Defeating Your Adversary in the Courts of Heaven

  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (101717) Understanding the Will of God

    17/10/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    Geri teaches us how to understand the will of God.

  • David Murry Podcast 41 "Scriptural Friendships & Acquaintances " (101317)

    13/10/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    "Zeal For Your House… " with David Murry FRIDAY 7-8pm 10/13/17  Eastern Time  PART 2 We will discuss the scriptural difference between Godly friendships and reflecting his image with acquaintances.   Remember- He died for You while you were lost. Now... tell others... in love. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE)

  • On the Table (101217) Halloween

    12/10/2017 Duración: 02h00s

    As we meander down the path to a deeper, more intimate walk with our Heavenly Father it behoves us to examine our belief systems and customs. Scripture tells us the traditions of men make void the Word of God. How does it do this? By filling our minds and hearts with falseness rather than the truth of His Word. In other words, it replaces His Word within us. This is not conducive to a close walk with Him.   The girls thought it would be a good idea to discuss the cultural holiday of Halloween and how it relates to us as followers of Christ.  Doc Marquis, who has done extensive research into this topic, has graciously agreed to assist us in this discussion.  Remember, although we do not focus on the enemy, we do address his shenanigans and nullify his game plan. Doc Marquis: Our email:

  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (100317) Ears to Hear

    03/10/2017 Duración: 01h35min

    Geri teaches on this intriguing topic.

  • David Murry Podcast 40 "Understanding Relationships" (092917)

    29/09/2017 Duración: 58min

    "Zeal For Your House… " with David Murry FRIDAY 7-8pm 9/29/17  Eastern Time   What is the purpose of relationships and how do we improve the godly health of them?.  Remember- He died for You while you were lost. Now... tell others... in love. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE)  

  • On the Table (092817) What Does Faith Mean to You

    28/09/2017 Duración: 01h22min

    This week we will attempt to discuss the finer points of faith - what is it; how do you get it; what does it do for you... Please come and join us with your input.

  • Overcoming Life's Obstacles (091917) Can a Christian Have a Demon

    19/09/2017 Duración: 01h21min

    Geri answers this question.

  • David Murry Podcast 39 You Are A New Creation ~with Anthony Tijerina (090817)

    08/09/2017 Duración: 52min

    "Zeal For Your House… " with David Murry   Welcome back special guest Anthony Tijerina. Anthony will share some deep insights into who we have become in Christ and how understanding that changes our life... forever. Anthony's website: FRIDAY 7-9pm 9/08/17  Eastern Time   He died for You while you were lost. Now... tell others... in love. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND TEACHINGS FOUND ON DWMURRY.COM (WEBSITE) New Book Release MIND OF CHRIST

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