Rock Your Retirement Show



Retirement isnt just about money. In our show we talk about the other things that will impact you such as: Social and Family Adventure and Travel Volunteer and Philanthropy Spiritual/soul Sex in retirement (I usually have therapists discuss this topic) Helping your parents/sandwich generation issues Baby Boomers are often helping both their children and their parents at the same time. Our goal is to help you have a great retirement, regardless of the amount of money youve saved. We want you to Rock Your Retirement!


  • How to Deal with Social Loneliness: Ep. 156

    10/12/2018 Duración: 26h35s

    How to Deal with Social Loneliness after Retirement Dealing with social loneliness after retirement is very difficult if you do not have people who cheer you up or support you or inspire you. Janelle Anderson is with us on this fourth episode of co-hosting the show and we will be talking about how to deal with social loneliness after retirement. This is also applicable pre-retirement! Janelle works with women as a Certified Professional Coach through her business, Emerging Life Coaching. She typically works with women who are transitioning into a new season in life, whether that is from the “busy mother raising children season” to an “empty nest” season or from “busy career life” to the season of retired life. Janelle helps them discover a new game to play and who they truly want to be in this “third act of life.” Her work with clients includes one-on-one private coaching sessions, as well as coaching groups, workshops, and personal development classes. Nourish your relationship People are building relationsh

  • Creating Life Balance After Retirement: Ep 155

    03/12/2018 Duración: 32h36min

    Creating Life Balance after Retirement What to do with all the time you have after retirement? Janelle Anderson co-hosts another episode and we'll be talking about Creating Life Balance after Retirement. Janelle Anderson has always had a deep desire to help people develop their true potential and live from their true selves. Her career began in education as an elementary and middle school teacher, but after teaching GED preparation classes, she discovered her true passion was to work with adults. Over the years, she realized that her greatest satisfaction came from working with women, especially those in their mid-life years. Janelle loves to help them emerge into the fullest glory of who they are – to grow into their true beauty and live fearlessly, confidently and authentically. A transition from working to retirement Most people especially those who worked in an office are used to having a schedule. They are working from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for how many years. Suddenly, it's time for retirement. You have al

  • The Cure for the What If: Episode 154

    26/11/2018 Duración: 36h42min

    The Cure for the What If Janelle Anderson co-hosts another podcast episode and today, we'll be talking about “The Cure for the What If”. Most of the time, we are thinking, “What could go wrong?”. By thinking about this all the time, we might pass a lot of great opportunities. In today's episode, Janelle and I will be talking about the cure for this. Fear of the Future Fear of the future is a problem, but remember that the future is not real because it hasn't happened yet. Any transition might be a fear for most of us because we might be thinking, “What could go wrong?”. It's like crossing a bridge. What might be on the other side of the bridge? What if there's an earthquake while you're crossing it? How will you retire if you're always thinking about what could go wrong? Instead of thinking about this, how about focusing on things that could make you happy when you retire? Nobody can anticipate all the unknown. Janelle thinks that we are afraid of the unknown because people

  • Living in the Present Moment: Episode 153

    19/11/2018 Duración: 33h15min

    Living in the Present Moment I wanted to try out something different on the show as I was getting bored of the usual pattern. So I will be co-hosting with Janelle Anderson and do a four-part series. Today, we are talking about living in the present. I read an article called “Living in the Moment” by Zorka Hereford which came out in We have been hearing about living in the present and mindfulness a lot, and it is something that I think we all should try. By being present in the moment, you can get in touch with your feelings and thoughts and become more connected with others. We can become more relaxed and peaceful and derive a higher sense of gratitude towards life. Living in the Present To be in the present mean to be conscious of all of your senses geared to perceive the moment. It is not an easy task especially if you are new at it. Our minds have a habit of wandering off! Janelle talks about a trip with her daughter where she went on a hike. Both of them were sitting o

  • How to Stay Youthful in Retirement? Episode 152

    12/11/2018 Duración: 34h20min

    How to Stay Youthful? What's the secret of looking younger and feeling better? How to stay youthful? Our guest for today's podcast is Judy Gaman. She's a successful radio show host. The name of her show is “The Staying Young Radio Show“. She's also the author of “Age to Perfection“, “Stay Young“, and “Love, Life, and Lucille“.   Staying Young Staying young is a great problem that we have in our society right now. A lot of our diet wreaks havoc in the bacterias living in our gut. Some examples are carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners. We need to balance our good and bad bacterias. Our gut microbiome is connected to other aspects of our body so we have to take care of it. Taking Care of our Digestive System You have to take Fiber-rich foods like apple, banana, orange, strawberry, raspberry, vegetables, etc. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down

  • Caring for our Sick Parents: Episode 151

    05/11/2018 Duración: 32h05min

    Caring for our Sick Parents Many of us have aging parents who need constant care and attention. People who have to contribute to caregiving for their sick parents can have a challenging time managing their own personal life. Some even have to move from their homes and jobs to move in with their parents. It's not unusual for someone to completely start over after their parents pass away and it may take many years to achieve stability in their own life once again. Our guest Ruth Ullmann shares a similar experience. She gave up her career in internal business consultation and devoted her time for elder care. She can be called an elder care coach and helps people care for their aging parents while driving a successful business. How it all began… Ruth has been helping companies, groups and individuals write success stories for 20 years. She has been featured on Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC News, and was busy with her career. But a call from her sister changed everything — her mom was in the hospital and thi

  • Living Healthy in Retirement: Episode 150

    29/10/2018 Duración: 26h33min

    Living Healthy in Retirement I am Kathe Kline and I am back with another episode of the Rock Your Retirement Show. Today’s episode is all about living healthy and our special guest is Georganne Schuch, often called as healthy habit master. After going through two extremely difficult pregnancies, which almost put her in a life and death situation, a cardiomyopathy scare, and several other health issues, Georgeanne decided to change her life and help others do the same. The health enthusiast has developed 12 healthy habits set to assist people to make their lives healthy without spending a lot of money. She also updates regularly on her website Georganne mentioned her 12 healthy habits. They include drinking more water to stay hydrated throughout the day, improving posture and consciously engaging in keeping the back straight. Did you know that watching TV might lead to spine problems? You might not notice but while watching television, we sit or lay down in an awkward position that can

  • Healthy Lifestyle Changes – Part 2: Episode 149

    22/10/2018 Duración: 29h49min

    Healthy Lifestyle Changes: A Conversation with Dr. Stephen Schimpff Part 2 We will pick up from where we left in the last show with our guest Dr. Steven Schimpff. He was talking about the seven aspects of living a healthy life, and we had just discussed three of the aspects. In this show, we will talk about the rest of the points so that you have a healthy life and greater longevity. The seven factors of staying healthy are discussed in Dr. Schimpff's book Longevity Decoded, and he has given e a copy which I'm almost done the reading. I'm also taking down notes and will gift the copy and my notes to a lucky listener of the show. You just have to leave a comment in today's show note, and I will be making the lucky draw on October 30 on the Rock your Retirement Facebook community at 9 am Pacific time. Now let's see what Dr. Schimpff has to tell us about healthy lifestyle changes. Get Adequate Sleep You need at least 8 hours of sleep to stay healthy. During our sleep, our brain cells shrink and create a free spa

  • Healthy Lifestyle Changes – Part 1: Episode 148

    15/10/2018 Duración: 30h01min

    Healthy Lifestyle Changes: A Conversation with Dr. Stephen Schimpff One thing I'm pretty sure of is every one of us want to live a longer and better life. That means having a healthy life free of illness and diseases. Today our guest is Dr. Steven Schimpff who is a senior health and longevity expert and has also written a book about it. Dr. Schimpff is going to tell us about the secrets to living a long and healthy life. He is 76 years old and moved to a retirement community with his wife. Healthy Lifestyle Changes at a Retirement Community Dr. Schimpff thinks that it is easier to have healthy lifestyle changes in retirement or senior community. His wife has been his lifetime coach and cooks healthy for both of them. The people in the community requested Dr. Schimpff to give a talk on living better and slowly he picked on the subject. He attended many seminars, lectures and carried out his own research all of which have been consolidated in his book. Living in a senior community has enabled them to adopt some

  • Trusted Housesitters Experience: Episode 147

    08/10/2018 Duración: 23h59min

    Our Trusted Housesitters Experience In this episode, Les is going to join me as a co-host as we talk about our experiences with Trusted Housesitters. Housesitters come in handy when you need them – and you can count on them to look after your pets. They stay in your home for the time you are gone and take care of everything. I have both served as a housesitter and used the service when we went on a trip. Today, we are going to talk about my experience of being a housesitter and how it felt to use the service. I really appreciate the service as it lets me travel to other places for free! I wanted to see how it felt like to be a housesitter and gain some experience on the platform. About my first Trusted Housesitters client My first client was a sweet couple who needed a housesitter on urgent basis. They lived in a 1,000 square foot house near the beach and had two large dogs weighing around 90 lbs. The first time I went to the house the dogs jumped on me as soon as the owner opened the door- that was the first

  • Retire with a Healthy Brain: Episode 146

    01/10/2018 Duración: 36h25min

    Have a Healthy Brain after Retirement! Our brains start to lose its capacity as we age and we can’t remember things as we used to before. As for me, I have seen that my memory has been suffering as I age because of not having a healthy brain. That is why I tend to write down stuff which helps me remember things. Today, I look forward to learning a few things from our guest Janet Rich Pittman who helps out old people with age-related difficulties. She was in a marketing job and helped her husband get elected to a public office. She moved into old age care on the advice of her mother, who told her that she was great at helping her grandmother with dementia at the hospital. Janet started her course and became a dementia healthcare administrator. She loved her work where she helped old people to have a healthy brain and fight the treacherous disorder of dementia and other ageing related issues. She continued her studies further and became a dementia practitioner to be able to help people with dementia. What our H

  • Natural Health and Wellness: Episode 145

    24/09/2018 Duración: 26h53min

    Natural Health and Wellness in Retirement Our guest today is Marian Carroll who is an expert in bio-individuality. It is a concept which means that a single diet does not fit all and the needs of an individual have to be considered. Marian had a career in finance and IT and reached her retirement age as a baby boomer. She wanted a reason to get up in the morning and have something to do. This zeal led her to train and become a holistic health counselor who deals with natural health and wellness. Her job involves advising people on natural health and wellness in all aspects of life. This is for them to achieve optimal health. She focuses on five key aspects which are crucial for an improved healthy diet, physical care and exercise, a purpose in life, emotional wellness and spiritual practice. Marian tells us that all the five aspects are connected and should be our focus if we want to stay healthy especially in our retirement age having natural health and wellness. Marian gives us helpful insights on how to co

  • Proactive Health in Retirement: Episode 144

    17/09/2018 Duración: 22h41min

    Living Healthy in Retirement I talked with Cassandra Hill, who is a gerontologist and a certified wellness coach. She started out working with seniors in long-term care and assisted living and enjoyed her time. The health of the seniors she worked with declined to a point that their quality of life was limited. This gave her the passion to work with seniors and give them a better quality of life. In this episode, Cassandra enlightens us on how to age properly and the things that we should do to live out our senior years in peace and confidence. Cassandra tells us that the baby boomers are in their retirement age and they need to be proactive about aging. She has served seniors living at home, in a skilled nursing, assisted living, and also in hospice. She ensures that their emotional health is also taken care of so that they are in a good mental state. Their wellbeing is not only important to them, but also for their loved ones and family members. Our body and mind are interwoven and often mental stress can l

  • Tips on a Great Retirement Experience: Ep. 143

    10/09/2018 Duración: 34h26min

    Randy Gardner's Retirement Experience In today’s episode, we have Randy Gardner who is going to tell us about his retirement experience. Randy just recently retired. In fact, as of our recording, he had only been retired 1 week. Randy serves as an inspiration for the many listeners of my show who want to retire early or planning to retire but are may have some reservations. Incidentally, Randy is also a big fan of the Rock Your Retirement Show and started to follow it a few years back. He had to travel for three hours between cities and grew the habit of listening to podcasts. That’s exactly when he discovered my show and started listening to it! Soon, he got the idea to retire himself but wasn’t sure of his financial situation. He also had his wife to convince who was an artist but also quite adept when it came to finances. How a financial advisor can help you decide if you are ready for retirement Randy sat with his financial advisor and went through his financial position. He tried to evaluate how his reti

  • Retire Early and Travel! Part 2 of 2: Ep. 142

    03/09/2018 Duración: 31h58min

    Retire Early and Travel! Part 2 of 2 In this episode, I continue my conversation with Keith and Tina Paul who are early retirees with a zeal to travel. We have been talking about how to retire so that you can travel overseas and maybe even live there! Our guests also tell us how you can have a tight budget and still travel like you have desired. As we shall see from them, it’s easy to retire early and travel! Keith and Tina tell us about their exciting appearance on HGTV’s International House Hunters. They sent an email to be on the show but didn’t get any reply for six months. They received an email asking them to be on the show just as they planned to move to Cuenca in Ecuador. After answering 25 pages of questions and making an 8-minute promo video, they got to be on the show. Keith and Tina wrote a whole article about the “staged reality” show on their blog detailing the back of the scene events. The couple became famous after their appearance on television and people started to recognize them even on the

  • Retire Early and Travel! Part 1 of 2: Ep. 141

    27/08/2018 Duración: 26h13min

    Retire Early and Travel! Many people have the dream to retire early and enjoy a peaceful and happy life. Some have special reasons to retire early and this episode is all about how to retire early and travel to your heart’s content. Our guests Keith and Tina Paul will enlighten us on how you can retire early and travel even if you have a tight budget. Both Tina and Keith are early retirees and live abroad in Cuenca, Ecuador. The retired just at the age of 55 to travel and see the world and Keith never wants to go to work for a single day in his life again! How they decided to retire early and travel Tina and Keith have known each other since they were 18 years old and got married at 24. They shared a strong love and passion for traveling and chanced upon the idea of living abroad when they were visiting Guatemala. They met a couple living there and found that they could live there for less money than in the USA. Their kids also worked and lived abroad, and Tina and Keith wanted a glimpse of their lifestyle. T

  • There’s Big Joy in Writing Memoirs: Episode140

    20/08/2018 Duración: 28h16min

    Writing memoirs for loved ones: Expectations vs. Reality Loved ones like our parents have a lot of stories to tell but don’t always get the opportunity to do so. In this episode, Nicola Davidson tells us how to write autobiographies and memoirs for your loved one or for yourself. Working as a journalist and editor for multiple newspapers in Australia and UK, Nicola has interviewed many people who had fascinating stories to tell. But the format of the newspaper didn’t allow such elaborate memoirs. This gave the idea to Nicola about writing autobiographies for your loved ones and she came up with the website Forever Young You can learn how to write a bio for yourself or a loved one’s memoir. I feel that I should have written down the stories of my father before dementia and Parkinson’s made it impossible. You may also want to write down and pass on the stories of your loved ones before it is too late. We don't need to be writers Nicola tells us that we don’t need to be writers or someone f

  • An Expert Interview about Family Rejection: Episode 139 Dealing with Family Rejection: Episode 139

    13/08/2018 Duración: 41h21min

    Do You Struggle with Family Rejection? Family rejection is a very common problem across the world. Many kids don’t talk to their parents and don’t even want to maintain any contact. Many of my listeners have the same problem and have estranged daughter or son living in other countries. In this episode, our guest Tina Gilbertson provides helpful insights on how to deal with family rejection. She is a Colorado-based psychotherapist who helps repair estranged relationships between parents and their children. Gilbertson found the problem so common among her clients that she wrote three books and a ton of articles on the subject. She will be giving out important tips on how to deal with family rejection and get talking with your estranged children. Every relationship has a chance Tina believes that every relationship has a potential to be repaired but for that, parents need to take both emotional and strategic steps. The first thing to do is to understand that your children may not be hurting you or avoiding you

  • Men and Women in Retirement: Episode 138

    06/08/2018 Duración: 33h14min

    Men and women when it comes to retirement Dr. Sara Yogev is a psychologist who helps people in marital and individual therapy, as well as career coaching. She was a professor at North Western University for 10 years and researched how people combine work life and family life. Her interest and expertise revolve around retirement. She decided to start working with marriages a long time ago. She believes the relationship with others is so important. In this episode, you will learn about * How to make your marriage work * Psychology of Retirement * Misconceptions about retirement * Psychological planning pre-retirement * Men and women in Retirement People spend a great amount of time preparing for the financial aspects of retirement but don’t plan for the psychological aspects of retirement. It is very important on a personal and couple level to prepare for this new phase of life. Two strong misconceptions revolved around retirement * People think they know how to do leisure. They don’t consider leisure that t

  • The Pros and Cons of Cruises: Episode 137

    30/07/2018 Duración: 39h37min

    Les and Kathe talk about the pros and cons of cruises In this episode, Les and I talk about our experience of going on a two-week long cruise abroad the Celebrity Millennium ship. The 18-year-old ship took us on a cruise to different Asian countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and mainland China. We decided to record an episode discussing what we liked about the cruise (and what we disliked). Both of us have been going on cruises for a long time and here are our thoughts on the pros and cons of cruises: The Pros of Cruising: We booked the tickets for the spa level class, which was the higher class on the cruise. Les and I got a top floor room, and it came with a nice balcony. We just loved the open skies and endless ocean on view! The upper-class service was as expected. Les and I got our food in a separate blue restaurant, which the cruise said had healthier food to offer. We were even given a personal waiter who ensured that he knew our preferences from before and set our menu accordingly. Wh

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